My Fiancee Is a Stunning CEO

Chapter 743: 744

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Otherwise, Shen Lang really wants to experience this ancient sentiment.

Cough It's better to get down to business.

Shen Lang's purpose is to find Yi Lian, but the boundary of Kunlun Mountain is so big that he doesn't know where to start.

It's not easy to take Yi Lian's photos and ask people one by one?

So Shen Lang's idea is to directly catch a senior disciple of the Yin Yang sect and ask if the Yin Yang sect has caught Yi Lian recently.

If you can make sure that Yi Lian is not caught by the people of yin and Yang, it proves that Yi Lian should be safe.

At that time, Shen Lang can find Yi Lian's whereabouts again.

Now Shen Lang wants to find a way to catch a senior disciple of the Yin Yang sect.

The best way, of course, is to go directly to jileshan, where the Yin and Yang gate is located, so that you can catch the disciples of the Yin and Yang gate.

But Shen Lang didn't want to take the risk. If his whereabouts were exposed, Yang Tongtian would not let him go.

After pondering for a while, Shen Lang had no idea, so he decided to study the map first.

Passing by a restaurant, the smell of wine and meat diffused in the restaurant. Shen Lang was just a little hungry and strode into the restaurant.

This restaurant named "moon Pavilion" is the largest restaurant in Sirius mountain. It has the style of ancient attic and is decorated very luxurious.

It's noon and the shop is almost full.

Shen Lang found a vacant seat and sat down.

"Oh, sir, what can I do for you?" The shopkeeper came to say hello enthusiastically.

Shen Lang raised his eyes and glanced at the skinny shopkeeper. The other person's accomplishments were probably in the period of Tongqiao. Although not everyone practices Kunlun Mountain border, most of the people who go in and out of big places are martial arts practitioners. Even the shop boy has some accomplishments.

"What do you have here?" Shen Lang asked.

The shopkeeper said with a smile, "ha ha, are you coming to Sirius mountain for the first time? Why don't you try some of our special dishes here, such as the three snakes, dragons and tigers club and crispy wild boar. They are all made of fierce animals' fresh meat, which can strengthen the body and nourish yin and Yang. "

"OK, give me some of your best specials." Shen Lang said casually.

"All right." The shopkeeper answered and immediately backed down.

Shen Lang picked up the map from the storage bag, put it on the table and looked at it.

Jile mountain is located in the west of Kunlun Mountain, stretching for hundreds of miles.

It's about two thousand miles away from Sirius mountain. It's not too far. We should be able to get there in a day or two.

Soon, the food and wine were on the table.

The dishes are delicious and smell delicious.

The wine here is also different from the common world, with a peculiar fruit flavor, smooth entrance and excellent taste.

Shen Lang picked up the chopsticks and moved his index finger. It was delicious.

Just as Shen Lang was eating and drinking, the two martial arts practitioners at the next table were talking to him.

"Brother Zhang, have you heard? The gate of yin and Yang governs the heaven. I'm going to take concubines again A middle-aged man in qingpao tut said.

"What's so strange? Hasn't Yang Tongtian already taken n concubines?" Yelled another middle-aged man in yellow.

"Ah, it's different this time. It's said that Yang Tongtian's concubine is the beauty of Ruyi gate."

"Damn, no! Isn't Ruyi gate a famous and decent school? How is it related to Yin Yang gate? " Green robe middle-aged exclaimed.

"Shh, keep it down. Now there is a rumor that Ding Xiaotian, the leader of Ruyi sect, has passed away, but the news has not been released. Ruyi sect used to be hostile to Yin and Yang sect. Now there is no master of Huajing in the sect, so it is in danger. This time, it is to show weakness to Yin and Yang sect by marriage to seek peace and self-protection. "

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"No wonder I said that Ruyi gate has been keeping a low profile recently. It turns out that something like this happened. The beauty of Ruyi gate should be of good quality. Yang Tong is so innocent that he takes concubines every day and becomes a bridegroom every night... "

The conversation between the two martial arts practitioners came to Shen Lang's ears. Shen Lang was a little curious and couldn't help listening in.

"Recently, Yang Tongtian has become more and more high-profile, and the disciples of yin and Yang sect are also rampant. When I passed wanlongling yesterday, I saw three disciples of yin and Yang sect raping girls everywhere and searching for money. It is estimated that Wan Longling's Ruan family has suffered."

"Tut Tut, it's miserable..."

"Yes, it's arrogant!"

"Brother Wang, let's keep a low profile. We are not the ones who discuss Yin and Yang in public. If we are heard by the disciples of yin and Yang, we are the ones who are unlucky." Huang Yi middle-aged whispered.

Shen Lang immediately stood up and walked towards the table.

"You two, I want to know something." Shen Lang hugged the two Wu Xiu he was talking to just now and said with a smile.

The two men were just martial arts practitioners in the middle of the period. When they found that Shen Lang asked about his accomplishments, they immediately stood up nervously.

"Before Master, please tell me The middle-aged man in qingpao hugged Shen Lang carefully."Just now I heard that there were three disciples of Yin Yang sect in wanlongling. Is that true?" Shen Lang asked.

Qingpao middle-aged was a little nervous and said: "yes, late When I passed by Wan Longling yesterday, I saw three Yin Yang disciples. I don't know if they are still there. "

"Thank you for telling me." Shen Lang Baoquan do.

He had just browsed the map and came out of Sirius mountain. Fifty miles to the West was the boundary of Wan Longling.

We don't have to be there in half an hour.

After paying the bill, Shen Lang left the restaurant.

A meal costs eight spirit stones. Although it costs a little, ordinary martial arts practitioners can't afford it. Shen Lang is a local tyrant, so he has no feeling.

After learning the trace of Wuxiu in the Yin Yang gate, Shen Lang didn't wander any more. He ran all the way out of Sirius mountain and headed for WAN Longling.


Yunquan mountain, Ruyi gate.

In the main hall, Zhao Qing, the elder of Ruyi gate, sat on the Golden Dragon chair with a black face like the bottom of a pot.

Below, the six Ruyi elders all looked like earth, showing the same expression as their dead father.

Because they just learned a very sad news, the elder Zhao Qing's advanced transformation failed.

This news, like a thunderbolt, directly knocked their Ruyi gate to the bottom. Ding Xiaotian has also been in the incarnation of meteorite, Ruyi gate has no incarnation master, completely cut off hope.

Generally speaking, Wu Xiu, who is at the top of Wen Jing, has already touched the edge of Hua Jing. He has more than half the chance to advance to Hua Jing.

However, Zhao Qing's luck was extremely bad, and his promotion failed.

After the failure of the promotion, Zhao Qing was extremely irritable and gloomy.

Because if he fails in his first breakthrough, he will have very little hope of becoming an advanced man. His future cultivation will mostly stop at the top of the world and never make any further progress.

"This is the end of the matter. We can only please the Yin and Yang gate. Don't you have any opinions?" Zhao Qing asked with a gloomy face.

Several elders, please look at me and I'll look at you. I think you've all failed to advance. What else can we say?

"How is Feng Luan's marriage going?" Zhao Qing asked.

"Elder Huida, you are ready. Three days later, the gate keeper of yin and Yang will officially hold the concubine ceremony." Said an elder.

"Good." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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