My Fiancee Is a Stunning CEO

Chapter 861: 862

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After walking out of the sunset forest, there is a gorge and mountain in front of us.

The mountains stretch for hundreds of miles, and several peaks are connected. It is desolate and uninhabited, with fierce animals everywhere.

However, most of the ferocious beasts in the mountains can only threaten Wenjing Wuxiu, but they have no threat to Huajing Wuxiu.

Shen Lang and Hua Ziling make their way in front of him, while Yi Chui Xue and Yun Luoxue follow him closely.

Occasionally meet a few fierce beast, two people hand easy to solve, no pressure.

In this way, through the three mountains, the sun also set, until the evening, four people finally arrived at the harbor town.

It turns out that this sunset island is the southernmost island in the forest sea.

However, in the forest Tianshan boundary, the name of this island is not sunset Island, but barren island.

In fact, for Linhai Tianshan, the boundary of Kunlun Mountain is at most equivalent to a large island in the southernmost part of Linhai. It's just isolated from the sunset forest, so it's hard for outsiders to come in.

There are thousands of islands, large and small, in Linhai.

The southernmost is the deserted island where Shen Lang and the other four are now. There is only one town by the sea on the island, which is very desolate.

The whole town didn't ask about Kungfu cultivation, because the cultivation was a little higher, and they wouldn't stay in this kind of place where the birds don't shit and the air is clear and thin.

When they entered the town, Shen Lang asked, "Miss Yi, how long is it from here to Yi's house?"

Yi chuxue replied, "Yi's family is on Xumi island in Linhai. It's not far from here. It takes about five days to get to Xumi island by boat."

"Let's go now." Shen Lang can't wait to say.

One of the reasons is that he wants to see his father soon. The other is that he is worried that the blissful palace will send tracking eagles to kill him.

After all, Zi Mu's Dragon tooth dart is in her own hands. Shen Lang is really not at ease. It's better to go back to Yi's home early.

"Well." Yi blows snow and cloud falls snow two people also nodded.

The town was small, and the four soon reached the port.

On the shore of the sea, several wave boats are berthing.

Seeing that Shen Lang and others came, the boatman immediately came up and said respectfully, "this Master, where do you want to go? "

"I'm going to Sumi island." Said Shen Lang.

"Xumi island? I can't go there! " The boatman frowned and shook his head like a rattle.

Cloud falls snow to frown to ask a way: "why can't go?"

"Don't you know? A few days ago, there was a tsunami in the northwest of Linhai, which led to some fierce animals in the sea. There is often a kind of silver fish attacking ships in the sea, which is not stable. " The boatman explained.

"And that kind of thing?" Huaziling is very curious.

"Master Hua, we do occasionally have cases of fierce animals injuring people in the Linhai sea area, but the probability is relatively small." Cloud snow explained.

"Tsunamis rarely happen. It seems that we are not very lucky." Yi blows snow and willow eyebrows frown.

"What's the way to get to Xumi island?" Shen Lang asked.

"Ha ha, it's simple. A few seniors can take the wave boat here to Tianhong island in the west, and then take the wave boat from Tianhong island to Xumi island. The wave boats there are much stronger than ours. It must be no problem to pass through the tsunami area. " Said the boatman.

In short, it's a transfer.

Yi blows snow to sigh a way: "can only like this. Boatman, take us to Tianhong island in the West

"Good! Let's get on board. " The boatman laughed.

Shen Lang paid for the boat, and four of them got on the boat.

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The purpose is Tianhong island.

Tianhong island is one of the most famous big islands in Linhai. It is as big as half the border of Kunlun mountain. Naturally, there are many families. There are several big schools and families in the top 100 of Linhai Tianshan.

The four sat on the boat to meditate and rest. They were a little tired after a week's journey.

Shen Lang and Hua Ziling are OK. Yi Chui Xue and Yun Luoxue's face is worse. They can just have a rest.

Two days later, boating arrived at Tianhong island.

Hundreds of wave boats have gathered along the coast. Shen Lang and Hua Ziling have seen the world for a while. Tianhong island is not comparable to the small desert island before.

It's a complete island country in the secular world. Is Tianshan an an island in the forest? It seems that people in Wuxiu world have very different definitions of mainland.

Shen Lang originally planned to go to Xumi island by boating here. When he asked, he knew that boating here could not go to Xumi island.

The main reason is that the specifications of the wave boat are not enough. When driving into the tsunami area, it is easy to be attacked and sank by the haunting silver fish.

Now if you want to go to Xumi Island, you must go to the north coast and take a high-grade boating.

On the north coast, there are several super sized and hard wave boats, which can safely enter and leave the sea area.

This is just the south side, which means that if they want to go to the north coast, they need to cross the whole Tianhong island.It's really speechless, but there's no other way to do it.

Tianhong island is worthy of being a big island in the forest sea. In a small area on the coast alone, Shen Lang found no less than 20 frontier Wuxiu.

It's really a world full of experts. In Kunlun Mountain, there are few Wuxiu in a town.

Of course, in the forest Tianshan, the virtual realm master is only a rare existence. Among the small and medium-sized islands in the forest sea, the Huajing master is already the lever level.

Shen Lang bought a map of Yunjing island in the coastal town and studied it with three beauties for a while.

It takes a long time to make a detour. The fastest way is to cross the middle of Tianhong island. Although it takes many mountains, it takes the shortest time.

After making up their mind, Shen Lang and others set out.

In order to avoid unnecessary trouble, Shen Lang and others deliberately avoided some family sects.

Three days and three nights in a row.

It was not until the morning of the fourth day that the four of them took a rest by a brook in a canyon.

Yi blow snow and cloud fall snow two girls tired, carry dry food has already finished.

Shen Lang went to the stream not far ahead and filled some water with a jade kettle.

"Drink some water first." Shen Lang handed the kettle to Yi chuxue.

"Thank you." Yi blows snow and blushes. Took the kettle, gently drank a sip, the action is very elegant.

After drinking, he handed it to Yun Luoxue.

Seeing that the two girls didn't look very well, Shen Lang said, "you should be hungry, right? Just a moment. I'll get something to eat. "

With that, Shen Lang stood up.

"I'll go too." Huaziling also stood up. She couldn't bear to eat the food given by shenlang.

See flower purple Ling with come over, Shen Lang don't care so much, self-care toward the front of the jungle.

This place is in the wilderness. It's far away from the town. You can only find some hares and pheasants in the jungle and barbecue them to satisfy your hunger.

Who knows, as soon as Shen Lang and Hua Ziling left, something happened. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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