My Fiancee Is a Stunning CEO

Chapter 867: 868

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Lu Guan and Song Rong were forced to step back.

Hua Ziling's Sword Pierced Song Rong's hairpin.

Seeing huaziling stab with a sword, Song Rong covered her hair and dodged back, exclaiming: "don't kill me, I surrender!"

"Fuck, Song Rong, you bitch, how dare you betray me?" On one side, Lu Guan was furious and scolded.

Song Rong's face is very gloomy. She wants to die by herself. I don't want to die with you.

She didn't know Shen Lang, but she was knocked out of her hand by others. Now her life is still in danger. She was shot while lying down.

"Please Please let me live Song Rong suppressed the humiliation in her heart and said in a low voice.

"You stand by and wait until we get rid of this guy." Shen Lang yelled at random, continued to wave the Dragon sparrow knife, and slashed toward the landing view.

Lu Guan's face was as black as the bottom of a pot, so he had to fight back.

Huaziling also set up a long sword and attacked the landing view.

Two against one, Lu Guan's forehead was sweating and soon couldn't resist.

With a "puff" sound, Shen Lang grasped a flaw, and the Dragon sparrow stabbed Lu Guan an inch into his chest.

Lu Guan was frightened and turned pale. He stepped back wildly and dodged the waves.

However, Lu Guan's flesh and blood on his chest had been twisted into powder by the knife Qi. The blood was so violent that he was seriously injured that he knelt down on one knee.

In addition, Lu Guan was wounded by Zimu Longya dart before, and he was at the end of his life. He leaned down and gasped for breath.

Shen Lang and Hua Ziling stepped forward, and the sword was on Lu Guan's neck.

"No! Don't kill me, you can't kill me! " Lu Guan's eyes are wide open. He may feel the breath of death. He finally knows what fear is.

"Not to kill you? Why can't I kill you? " Shen Lang's eyes twinkled with a fierce breath.

"I I belong to Lu Rulong's younger brother. You can't kill me! " Lu Guan roared in horror.

Shen Lang frowned. No wonder his surname is Lu. It turns out that this guy is Lu Rulong's younger brother, the master of the blissful palace.

Hua Ziling's face is not very good-looking. She thinks that Shen Lang has pulled her into the water again!

Now it's not only Shen Lang who gets into trouble with the palace, she also gets into trouble with it.

Seeing Shen Lang's hesitation, Lu Guan thought that he was afraid. He was secretly pleased and added something to the story: "Rao Give me a break! If you want to kill me, the blissful palace will not let you go! "

"Hum, no need. The blissful Palace won't let me go. So You'd better die! "

Shen Lang's face was expressionless and he cut it down.


Like the sound of cutting watermelon, Lu Guan's head was cut down by the waves, and a blood arrow shot out, two meters high.

Lu Guan's bloody head fell to one side, and Song Rong took a cold breath!

The arrogant Lord of peach blossom valley was beheaded. It's a pity that there are no onlookers nearby, otherwise their faces will be wonderful.

Seeing that Shen Lang killed Lu Rulong so decisively, Hua Ziling was secretly surprised. This man is really cruel sometimes.

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After killing Lu Guan, Shen Lang glances at Song Rong.

Song Rong was startled and begged for mercy again and again: "young Xia, please spare your life!"

Without saying a word, Shen Lang slashed up.

Song Rong's own momentum is weak. She didn't expect that Shen Lang cut down without saying anything. For a moment, she didn't prepare for defense, so she was killed by Shen Lang's random knives and blood splashed on the spot.

Seeing that Shen Lang didn't play according to the routine and directly killed Song Rong, Hua Ziling couldn't help saying, "you asked this old woman to stand aside before. I thought you were kind-hearted?"

Shen Lang said with a smile, "if you think too much, isn't it easier for Lu Guan to die without a helper? I just want to kill people more conveniently. "

Hua Ziling was a little speechless. He looked at the dense corpses around the hall and said, "I didn't see it before. You are so cruel and cruel. You are really a devil."

Shen Lang shrugged and didn't retort. He was used to killing people for a long time. It's better to be a devil than a turtle!

The peach blossom Valley is silent. Maybe the Dragon tooth dart of the son and mother released by the waves is too terrible. All the disciples in the valley can't avoid it and run away. No one dares to come to this place.

Looking at the scene, there are lots of blood clots everywhere. The scene is shocking.

Shen Lang felt that he had gone too far. It was the first time that he had killed so many people, and his mood was a little beyond words. But he didn't regret it.

Yi blowing snow and cloud falling snow have never seen such a bloody scene. They are shocked and have a strong sense of guilt.

In order to save them, Shen Lang can go into the peach blossom Valley alone. It's hard to imagine how much courage it takes?

Yi blows snow and cloud falls snow two female strong resist the disgust in the heart, step over numerous corpses, walked to Shen Lang and Hua Ziling side."I'm sorry, Mr. Shen. It's all me You're in trouble. " Yi blows snow to kneel down directly, eye socket a burst of red.

The cloud falls snow to also kneel down, low head silent.

Shen Lang immediately helped the two girls up, scratched their heads and said, "don't do that! It should be that I'm not well protected. It's just that you're OK. "

"Yes, anyway, this man has been in trouble with the blissful palace for a long time. It doesn't matter if he does it again. I think the master of the blissful palace wants to skin him. " Flower purple Ling said lightly.

Shen Lang's face turns black. How can Hua Ziling's words be not pleasant to listen to?

"I'm sorry Mr. Shen, we really don't know how to thank you for your help. " Yi blows snow to bite shell tooth, the mood appears a little excited.

Shen Lang slapped Yi's shoulder and said with a smile, "you and I are brothers and sisters of a family. We should brush each other. There's no need to say thank you any more. Besides, I'm just a rude man. Don't call me childe in the future, just call me shenlang. "

Yi blows snow pretty face a red, low voice way: "good. Mr. Shen, oh no, Shen Lang, you don't have to call me miss. Just call my sister by her name. "

"Oh, then I'll call you sister blowing snow. Is that ok?" Shen Lang asked. Yi chuxue Fang is 20 years old, a little younger than him.

"Well." Yi blow snow face more red, always feel this call a little too intimate.

"OK, sister blowing snow." Shen Lang grinned.

Flower purple Ling pretty face flashed a trace of disdain, this smelly man tease sister level is really not low, her heart inexplicable some uncomfortable.

The cloud falls snow very simply called: "elder brother Shen."

Shen Lang said with a smile, "yes, sister Luoxue."

Yun Luoxue's face was slightly embarrassed.

"Come on, don't tease girls here. Let's see how to deal with these things." With a straight face, Hua Ziling throws the storage rings on Lu Guan's and Song Rong's hands to Shen Lang. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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