My Gene System

Chapter 103: King Of The Rattin Kingdom

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To explain what happened with the conversation between Vole and Xelin. He believed that the king of the Rattin Kingdom could predict the future by just seeing the images that appeared in his dream.

A prophet? Maybe? But the people called him like that.

"If that's the case, Xel. We should eliminate that man no matter what." Vole responded in a deep tone while seriously rubbing his chin. "How we can recognize that man? We had no idea who is he and even his appearance."

"That's the big problem. But the King tells some of the descriptions about this man. He said he had black hair and a different appearance." Xelin paused for a second as he looked at the clear blue sky. "I know it's hard to find someone if we have no clues who he really is. So I suggest if we wiped all of them."

He frowned his brows, then looked at him maliciously. "I guess you're right,"


On the other side, two days had easily and the fifty-plus craftsmen had to work for twenty hours in order to enlarge their productivity for the landmine's vessel.

The same as Riku, he was working for twenty-four hours since he was the only one who know about the mixture. His eyes were deep, seeing the veins on it sign of lack of sleep.

"Two had passed I didn't expect that we can make hundreds of landmines in a short time." He said while looking at the metallic thing located in the enclosed where you could see the guarding that room.

To put it simply, to avoid the worst-case scenario and sudden explosion they were needed guards to protect it.

He went back to his room, then took something out the closest. It was a small metallic thing, and by simply looking at him, he could say what was the capability of this weapon. Next to it was the silver bullet that came from the metal he obtained when he was having an expedition in Mystical Cave.

"I thought I can make two or three guns, but it ended up I just made a Glock 19 9mm. It's too complicated than I thought." He said long with a deep sigh as he really wanted to rest for a whole day.

But what he could? He spent too much time making the landmines, so he was expecting that their opponents would approach the Arzotoc village in no time. Furthermore, the sun goes up and it was the day that they were needed to plant the landmines in the location where the Rattin Kingdom surely took that path.

Well, there was no problem with that since they already sent a scout that would their movements. Or to be exact, the Rattin Kingdom was taking the west and north section which was a good thing. Why? The reason the people who had no ability to fight, children, etc were already evacuated in the Easter Section, that means no one could experience the bloody war that would transpire in three days.


And all of a sudden, the blue widescreen occurred right before his eyes. It was unusual since the system was not showing to him in the past few days, so he had a bad feeling about it that the system would give him a stupid request.

"What now?" He asked himself in a weak tone while hearing the solid sound of the hammer.

[Taking the domain would arise in 2 days and 17 hours! You should win against the war and take one of their domain! Remember, the incomplete quest has always a twin punishment.]

It was the warning that came from the system, it seemed he was now forced to complete the quest or else something bad might happened to him in this broken world.

Of course, he was shocked seeing the notification came from the system, at the same, can't be helped to get curious about what was the punishment he'll receive once he didn't complete the request.

"A punishment? What the heck is that? You didn't see I'm busy for a couple of weeks and now you saying to me that I will a punishment? What do you think that I'm strong enough to invade a powerful kingdom alone? You are making me laugh."

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Yes, he was upset by the notifications that unexpectedly came into his life. In his mind, when he was not completing the quest in the XR online, he was just losing the reward. However, if you take look at it, this was real life so it literally bothered him, and can't stop himself from thinking a such thing.

"Punishment you ass... But tell me what are my punishments if I failed to complete the Domain Quest?" He asked the system, hoping it will give him an answer just like what the system did when he was brought into this world.

[You will not receive the rewards!]

The system responded to him in an instant. Well, he can breathe freely now as he cleared his mind that no one will happen to him. Nevertheless, that expression easily faded away, knowing the system was generating an answer for more results.

He gulped while looking at the screen along with his eyes. When the moment it showed the result, he experienced a mixed emotion as he didn't know if he would be glad or miserable after receiving the notification.

[The worst-case scenario: Fail to complete the quest would change the course, and it would stop the host to come back into the world where he was coming from.]

At this point, he knelt to the ground and dumbfounded the screen. On top of that, he realised what he should do to come back to the Earth, and now had an idea of what was the reason behind these words CHANGING COURSE.

In his mind, if he just knew that the key to getting back into this world was to complete the quest-given system, this was the thing he would do in the first place. But what he could do? He can't turn back the time, aside from that, he must not regret all the occurrences that happened to his life. Why? First of all, he learned different kinds of things which made him have good genes in his body, aside from that, he was enjoying the time when he was with Arisu and Emma.

Furthermore, he must be glad that he had already an idea that there was a way to get back on the Earth and sees the people waiting for him a long time ago which was Akio, Yui, and Haru.

He looked at the wooden ceiling along with a broad smile on his face, the yellow-orange light shone in his eyes that showed he must continue all the things he started here. "If taking the domain is the only way to get back in the Earth, I should do it at all cost."

Knock! Knock! Knock!

After he spits these words someone knocked on the door which made him stop wondering. He looked at the origin and the sound, after that, he heard the guard's voice that seemed to be Pan Sik.

"Sir Riku! Lady Arisu is here! She wants your update about the landmines as she thought it was the day when they are going to plant it." He approached him politely, knowing the difference between their current status in this village.

First thing first, he hid the gun behind his green robe, he then took some bullets inside his pocket just in case he could protect himself while they were planting the landmines outside of the village's wall. Remember, the only thing they knew about him was his [Fire claw] so he thought it was way better if he concealed some of his skill for a good reason.

"Coming, Pan, just wait for me outside I coming for a second." He replied, then took all the things he needed.

After a few were moments. He went outside and Arisu was standing around the guards. She waved her hand at him along with a beautiful smile on her face, he did the same thing to show respect, at the same time, that beautiful smile softened his entire body as he felt his exhaustion was fading away after seeing this woman.

"What's the matter to me? I should not feel this." He murmured to himself, then quickly went towards Arisu.

Moreover, the landmines that were already finished were carefully carried by hundreds of villagers who volunteered to help him. Why they do not use the horse carriage to carry all the mines? It had a simple answer, Riku was afraid of the shaking effect given by the horse while traveling, he just simply eliminated the possibility that it will suddenly explode. Also, if that happens, the other landmines would explode and could be the main reason to ruin their perfect plan towards the Rattin Kingdom.

"Good day, Riku! Do you look didn't take enough sleep, huh? It's okay with you to keep going?" Arisu said with her sweet voice.

"Don't worry about me, lady Arisu. Also, this is will be the end.." He energetically responded.

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