My Gene System

Chapter 105: Clueless

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Within the three days that had passed, Emma, Riku, Pan Sik, and Solomon were lucky didn't face any type of monsters while they were staying outside of the village.

Well, this kind of circumstance bothered him as he knew the monsters would become more aggressive once they felt there was a human being standing up in their territories.

He narrowly tilted his head towards the sexy woman standing not too far away from him. "Emma, could come closer with me?" He said politely, watching how this woman was sexy walking closer to him.

She frowned her brows as she curious about this. Nevertheless, she smiled at him and waved her hand. "What is it, Riku? There's something bothering you?" She said these words since Riku was thinking deeply in a couple of minutes that had passed.

For the first time, he nodded his head at him, agreeing with the words that came out of her mouth. "Yes, can I ask you a few questions?" He replied, then invited her under the tall tree also in the place where the sunlight could not reach them.

When they reached the area, he leaned his back on the tree, feeling the mild heat coming from the sunlight. "Do you know what is the main reason why the monsters aren't showing up to us?"

Both of them were watching Solomon and Pan Sin scouting the area, in order to lure the monsters in the other way once they approached them.

She gradually shook her head while her blue long hair was glistening. "I bothered that I don't know the answer since it was the first in my life that I went out of the forest and none of the monsters tried to attack me." She explained herself along with her voice, eventually, she also leaned her back against the tree to attain closer distance against him.

Her response caught his attention as he noticed Emma was starting to act cute woman in front of him. Anyway, he shrugged his shoulders along with a sigh of relief as it was way better if their situation continued like this.

"I hope this peacefulness continues." He said in a serious, feeling inside his chest that he could not tell what it was.

"That's right, you should now stop thinking about all the things that can bother your mind. Aside, we are in the good condition since the Arzotoc Village is well prepared for the upcoming invasion, thanks to you." She complimented him, aware of all the hard work made by Riku for this village.

In her opinion, Riku doing all the things he can do in order to help the village. But the pressing question here was, why he was doing it without getting any benefits to his life? She understood that it was the first time village accepted an outsider and Arisu helped him a big thing. However, they brutally tortured him when he came to this place, so in her mind, what was the main reason why he was continuing to do a favor for this village?

But what she could do? She was not in the right position to intervene in Riku's decision. Or to put it simply, the only thing she could do was to support her after this man saved her from the brick of death and gave her a valuable thing which was the Elemental Core that can help her to enhance her magical ability.

She took a deep breath, looking at the good scenery given by the clear skies and cool breeze touching their bodies. "Riku, did you say that you would come to my Kingdom, isn't it?" Out of the blue, Emma asked that question to him.

He took a glance at her, didn't anticipate Emma could remember the exact words he said to her. Well, he was going to their Kingdom just to learn some of the magical power that this strange world has. Or to be exact, once he succeeded to get back on the Earth and continued his career which becomes a mutant, that would surely have a big impact on him. Furthermore, because he already had an idea what was the possible way to get back to his world, he thought it would take his time if he tag along with this woman. Unless Emma would join him with his domain in the Rattin Kingdom.

He looked at her with his straight face, aside from that, aware that he might disappoint this woman. Yet, he can't afford to lose his chance. "Sorry, Emma, but I don't think I can still come with your village."

And all of a sudden, she smiled at him to show that she didn't bother by the words that came out of Riku's mouth. But deep inside, she really wanted to bring this man to her Kingdom and showed that he didn't see before.

"That's fine, Riku, I know you are a very busy person." She said cheerfully, after that, she went in the direction where Riku could not see her expression. "I think I'm the only one who will come back to my Kingdom." She added.

"Don't be sad, Emma, aside, I would like to invite you to come with me because I have a big plan as of now." He said to enlighten him, knowing a lot of things would happen to him once this invasion ended.

Her eyes were softened after hearing these words. In her mind, if Riku invites her with his new plan, it means she had a chance to be with him for too long. "What is it, Riku? I'll come with you wherever the place you will go?" She said with an excited tone, at the same time, eager to know where was this man planning to go.

"I'll tell you more about it once we finished the Arzotoc's dilemma. But I would like to inform you that we are going to face a hard problem, so you should prepare yourself, okay?" He said, then pushed himself to the same level as Emma, after that, he patted her head to show how much he appreciated all the help bestowed by Emma.

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But the scenery easily faded away after Riku heard numerous solid footsteps from afar. The same as Emma because of her sharp senses, she was able to hear that sound, but Pan Sik and Solomon were still clueless about the situation.

To begin with. To determine the origin of the sound it was around one twenty or one fifty meters coming from the Northern and Western Section.

Thud! Thud! Thud!

The sound was getting louder and louder as their opponents were coming closer to their current location. Also, the sound was enough to determine how large their numbers were.

At this point, the best thing to do was to come back to the village and informed all the guards that the Rattin Kindom's invaders arrived.

"Hey, Pan! Ring the bell to inform all the villagers that our opponent was already here!" He said in a high tone, knowing the attackers would reach their location in no time.

Pan was looking at him with his clueless eyes as he was certainly confused about the situation. On top of that, he didn't realize that he was dumbfounded for a couple of seconds, and he just awakened his senses after Riku repeat himself.

"Hey, Pan! Why are you just standing there?! You didn't hear me?" He said these words to bring back his senses.

He narrowly flinched but he immediately nodded his head at him as he agreed to obey his order. "Yes, Sir Riku! I'm going to do it."

On the other hand, Riku invited Emma and Solomon to come back inside the village just to would not draw the opponents' attention, aside from that, to avoid the continuous explosion that would happen shortly.

"Come back right now, we don't need to fight them. We are just letting the landmines deal with them." He said along with a broad smile, optimistic that his plan would work out.

Ding! Ding! Ding!

The huge bell suddenly rang and enveloped the entire village in just the blink of an eye. At this point, all the villagers and Arisu were well informed that their opponents has arrived.

Moreover, as soon as the Rattin Kingdom's invaders reached the place. The handsome man who had a white cape and blond hair asked his members to stop as he noticed something wrong about this place. It was Xelin the person assigned to lead the invasion.




His words easily spread throughout all the members that tag along in this expedition. Vole came closer to him, to find out the reason why Xelin ordered them to stop.

"What's the matter, Xel? There's any problem?" Vole asked him politely, then looked in front of him and saw there was no one around here that would try to protect their village. So at this juncture, even Xelin would not answer his question he already knew it.

"I think you already understand the situation right now, those people set some traps for us. What's a stupid idea!"

[Mana sensing]

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