My Gene System

Chapter 107: Skilled Man

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After the tremendous continuous explosion, it followed up with keen sounds that came from the metallic nails scattered all over the place. To explain it, Riku used the nails to enlarge the effectiveness of the land mines since using that thing could injure their opponents or killed them.

Swish! Swish! Swish!

Red blood was splashing all over the place and the green grasses earlier were seemed now a bloody lake. To describe the actual thing that happened in this area, you could see the arms, legs, and heads that were lying on the surface. By just simply looking at it, a certain person could say that they face a brutal fate.

Some of the invaders were pierced by nails on their eyes and other parts of their bodies. But that thing here, no matter how much they tried to stop the explosion, still, no one had an idea what was exactly going on in this place.

Ahhh! Please, somebody, help me!

What the hell! How we are supposed to stop this explosion? This endless!

Beneath! Beneath!

Those words were coming from the invaders who had received severe pain and injuries all over their bodies. At the same time, they had no idea that their numbers were already decreased by fifty percent. Too fast? Of course, the position of the invaders was too close to each other, aside from that, they took the path where the land mines were precisely located.

Click! Click! Click!

Moreover, the clicking noise still came to their ears as they were kept activating the land mines. Bodies were scattered into pieces and you could see so much behind each time you have a scream.

On the other, Arisu, Emma, and the guards were celebrating after noticing the effectiveness of the land mines in the actual combat. On top of that, everyone was so happy since they easily reduced their numbers, at the same time, avoid the numerous guards fighting.


That's the invention we are talking about!

Sir Riku is unstoppable!

We should praise sir Riku after this invention. Also, we must apologize for all the bad things he experienced when he was staying in our village!

These were the side comments of guards, finally recognizing the true power behind that body even they were sensing a weak mana pool coming from him.

Nevertheless, Riku didn't let himself be carried away by these words, knowing that he must not lower guard for the possible counter-attack of their opponents. Remember, hundreds of invaders were still on the battlefield that even he has no idea what their abilities were. Or to be exact, he just simply wanted to secure their win against them so that he can proceed to his quest which was taking the [Domain].

On the high platform. Between Emma and Arisu was the man who had silky long black hair and a white blanket that wrapped his body.

"You look serious, Riku? Are you not happy with the outcome of this battle? Look, it's too obvious that we are going to win this war without doing anything." Emma said in a deep tone, didn't have a hard time looking at the people who were seeing the afterlife.

Well, that was their choice since their kingdom was the first one to declare this bloody war. Aside from that, she was aware of the bad things that kept happening to their kingdom which was making a slave, abusing women, to put it simply all the bad things that you expect would not happen.

Arisu looked at him and saw his serious expression. However, she was different from Emma since she had an idea why this man was still cautious. 'Riku, keep analyzing the situation as I can see to his eyes that he doesn't to commit any kind of mistake here.' She uttered to her mind, didn't bother to approach this man, knowing there was a lot of stuff rumbling on this man's mind right now.

"I'll explain it to you later, but from now on, we should anticipate the chances that some of the invaders could reach the gate since numerous landmines are already exploded." He informed, looking side to side just to make sure no one could pass to his eyes.

She nodded her head as she thought this was a problem troubling him. But the truth was, Riku was felt uncomfortable with the men who were standing in front of their members' corpses.

"Leave that kind of job to me, Riku. I'll make sure everyone would die before they can make to enter in this village." She responded in a cheerful tone as her confidence was boosted by the outcome of the invasion.

A scent of iron was brought by the air slowly perceiving their nose. It appeared it was the sign the amount of blood in the area was dramatically increased.

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In his opinion, if an ordinary person could see this kind of scene, probably they would throw up and faint.


Almost ten minutes had passed, the invaders' ears were felt there was something rupturing their eardrums. But for some reason, the four hundred remaining invaders suddenly took a pause just like what exactly Xelin ordered them.

"Stoping moving! Are you stupid? Or all of you just had empty heads! You didn't even notice that the explosion would trigger every time you start moving?!" Xelin warned the invaders ahead of him and helped them to realize what kind of circumstance they were facing.

Sir Xelin was right!

That's true! However, what is the reason why we can't the origin of the explosion even we were using our [Mana sensing]

Yes! There is no sign of any magical traps? Aside from that, none of the weapons in this world could make such an explosion!

At this juncture, the invaders were now understand the situation. However, they hadn't had the ability to determine the exact location of the bomb. In their minds, if they could not find it right it was impossible for them to reach the Arzotoc village.

On the other hand, a man wearing a robe trying to figure out if Xelin was actually right. To confirm that, he tried to move his right legs, at first, it was safe but the moment he heard a clicking sound. The sweat on his temples was rapidly dripping towards his cheeks, knowing it was the exact sound they were heard before the explosion transpired.

At first, he calmed down his mind, knowing if he would make one move the explosion probably triggered. Yet, his expression still said that he was afraid that he might die in no time.

"H-Hey, you! I stepped on something." He stuttered as he felt his body was suddenly stopped from moving.

The middle-aged man had narrow eyes looked at him. "What is it? What did you step?" He asked him hurriedly as he was afraid to involve in the upcoming explosion.

He mildly shook his body, avoiding creating unnecessary movements that could be the main reason why he will die in this place. "I don't know, but help me to check it out because I feel if I make any movement something will happen." He explained along with a worried expression on his face.

The middle-aged man didn't make any second thought to help this man. In his mind, they should find was the main reason for these explosions, on top of that, it can help him to increase his rank for this village if he was the one who solve this problem.

"Stay still, I'm going to check what is beneath your feet." The middle-aged man said in a deep tone, after that, he lowered himself enough to use his hands to dig the surface.

He used a knife to easily rid the soil, at the same time, he saw the item where the other man stepping in right now. "Hey! I'm found something here! I think this is a weapon they were using to kill us!"

Because of his loud words, the man piqued the attention of Xelin and Riku.

"What is that, huh? Describe it to me?!" Xelin asked him in a high tone eager to know what was the equipment that almost killed all of his men.

"It's a rounded thing, Sir Xelin. That's the only thing I know to describe it, but I feel there is something inside of it." The middle-aged man responded while thinking the trick of Arzotoc village was already ended.

"Damn it! Try to remove it and found the others so we can safely walk to this village." He ordered him annoyingly.

On the other hand, Riku was just nonchalantly watching them as he seemed to didn't worry even the opposing kingdom already knew about his invention.

"It's a lot faster than I expected." He muttered to himself and saw Arisu was walking closer to him to consult the situation.

"Riku, they already found out your invention. I think we should make a move to stop them from reaching our village." She suggested in a worried tone, well savvied even they luckily decreased their members, still, they had the ability to kill thousands of creatures here.

"Don't bother yourself, lady Arisu, even they found out the landmines that aren't enough to denote it."


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