My Gene System

Chapter 110: Face-off

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In order to lessen the casualties that might happen within the Arzotoc's villagers. Riku decided to leave in this place with Emma to deal with the remaining attackers.

If you take a look at it, it was possible for both of them to win in this fight. Why? They thought Riku has no right amount of magical power that could stand against a single attacker. To be exact, each attacker already surpassed that Riku had.

However, he had a plan to win against them. "Emma, are you ready? We'll drop to the surface, Okay?" He asked her nonchalantly you could not see that he was bothered with the current number of attackers.

To determine the exact numbers of the attackers, it was around one hundred fifty or higher than that. Well, with that number, the attackers were still able to wipe the seventy percent of the villagers.

She nodded her head at him along with her serious eyes. In her mind, she always believed in this man, and every time she was doing that, she never go to the disadvantaged point. On top of that, Riku had the skill that could shock everyone.

Yes! It was the metallic black red shimmering armor that she saw back to the Assima forest. With its thickness and for the first time they could see it, there was a high chance those attackers would retreat.

"Just stay at my back, Emma? Once you see there's someone pursuing to enter the village that's the time you should make the move. But in the time being, let me do my job here." He murmured to her so he can eliminate the threat that the opposing Kingdom could hear their conversation.

"I understand, Riku. But can you tell me what exactly your plan is right now? So that I can avoid creating a mistake." She said in a sweet voice while looking directly into his eyes.

"Well, I plan to scare them with my ability. But if they resist we have to fight all of them." He replied looked like he already expecting that it would happen.

Yet, she noticed that Riku was getting something inside his villager's green robe. It was a metallic thing but that was only a description she could since Riku didn't reveal it.

She just shrugged her shoulders, believing that this man has some plan to win against the Rattin Kingdom. "If that's the case, Riku. We should go down right now before we are late and let the attackers easily reach the entrance." She suggested as she was seeing the attackers were needed to charge one hundred or one hundred ten meters before they reached the area.

The two of them agreed with her suggestion. So they were hurriedly jumped to the brown surface that was badly destroyed after Xelin launched his magical skill.

In his mind, if that skill directly hits his body. He can easily his body would surely be separated into two pieces.



The two of them safely landed on the surface. At the same time, the sound of multiple footsteps was getting louder and louder as the attackers in front of them attained closer distance.

Of course, the attackers were blinking their eyes in confusion as they were never expected that just two of them were the people who were going to stop them.

Somehow, each one of them was felt insulted. Why? In their minds, they had still large numbers and the Arzotoc's village head commander was just sending two people to stop them.

Who do you think you are?!

Stop messing with us!!

Send all your guards here to see who are the people you are underestimating right now!

Those words were coming from the attackers who didn't accept within the ten thousand creatures in this village. Just two people they were going to face.


And all of a sudden, the attackers who were angrily charging towards them paused after they heard the voice of the man behind them. Of course, it was Xelin since he was the only one who could order them at once.

At this juncture, all of them were looking at their behind, waiting for what would be the next order will be given by their superior.

"Stop whenever you are!" Xelin yelled at them along with his furious eyes. At the same time, the navigator next to him had a worried expression on his face for some reason.

Even though the attackers were eager to attack the man wearing a white blanket wrapped his entire body. But what they could do? Disobeying their superior would mean death.

To begin with, the attackers knelt to the surface, giving way to Xelin to easily reach the man and confront him.

'That man... He's the main threat in this invasion.' He uttered to his mind, also well savvied, even though he immediately pull the trigger of his guns and injured him. Still, he doesn't think that the remaining attackers would force him to retreat.

To put it simply, the people born to partake in the war don't care even there was someone lost to them.

In just a blink of an eye, Xelin reached thirty meters closer distance against Riku. No one would like to move as they wondering what their superior to do about this foolish man.

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"Who do you think you are?" Xelin asked Riku in an angry tone. "I compliment the courage that you have to face."

However, Riku had no intention to have a small conversation with him, knowing that man would use that chance to lower his guard and create a sneak attack.

Xelin waited for a couple of seconds for him to respond. Unluckily, he doesn't receive any words coming from the man wrapped by the blanket.

"Are you deaf? Or you are just pretending that you couldn't hear anything." Xelin said in an annoyed tone as he would like to ask this man who was the person behind that explosion.

In his mind, if they managed to bring that person into their Kingdom, there was a high tendency that their kingdom would be the most dangerous in this world.

Nevertheless, Xelin received the same result which made him lose his temper a bit. Or to be exact, he was starting to cast his green magical power in his bare hands as he was going to force this man to speak up.

"If you don't want to talk, let my magic pierce you-"


In just a blink of an eye, Riku took something out of his pocket, then directly fired at this man.


Blood was splashing after the bullet penetrated on Xelin's shoulder. Of course, no one had any idea where that instant attack came from and how the loud banging sound occurred.

What the heck?!

How that man easily injures Sir Xelin?!

Don't tell me this man knows how to use advanced magic?

Aside from the attackers, the people who were noticed Riku fired something were Emma, Xelin, and Vole. His hand was enough to didn't see what he saw with the ordinary eyes.

To begin with. Xelin slightly bent his body as the bullet immediately weakened him. "Are you okay, Xel?" Vole asked him in a worried tone while looking at Riku and gritting his teeth.

"It's hot..."

Well, that was the feeling you could experience after hitting by the bullet. Also, it followed up with the numb experience and weakening because of too much loss of blood.



Vole wanted to use his magical ability to cure the rounded wound on Xelin's shoulder. However, Riku used again his gun and aimed at his thigh to lower his knees.


His knees were easily touched to the surface, could not express the extreme pain he was feeling right now. Moreover, one thing he was sure that guy was not using any magical kind of magical power to deal with them.

"The next bullet will hit your head, so it's way better if you retreat right now before I wiped all of you are here." He said in a deep tone, at the same time, thinking that their situation would turn down once the attackers pursue to attack them.

Why? He was just simply aware that the bullet he had as of now was not enough to kill all the remaining attackers cluelessly standing in front of him.

"Riku, what's that? It's so cool..." Emma asked him in astonishment, admitting she would like to have that kind of weapon, knowing that would have a big benefit in her expedition. Or easy to say, the gun could be the replacement once she runs out of mana.

"I'll tell you what it is once we manage to survive here." He replied in a weak tone, then used one of his bullets after he saw someone would like to charge.


At this point, the attackers wielding swords, wooden shields, and spears were taken aback as they had no idea what would happen next to them.

On top of that, Riku showed that no armor or shield in this world could block his bullet. "What would say? I'll give you a chance to retreat or fight me with since I can do it all day?"

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