My Gene System

Chapter 117: Revelation

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Riku didn't care even he cast multiple skills in this fight since the between him and Xelin was getting fired up.

[Metallic armor!]

[Spider Senses!]

Yes! It was the skills he obtained after he manifest the Gigantic Spider he fought inside the Mystic Forest. Furthermore, he had no idea how the [Spider Senses] exactly works. To be exact, even though this skill could increase his senses in an instant, still, he wanted to know how he was going to implement this kind of skill in actual battle.

To begin with, black and red gleaming light was coating throughout his body. With this, his opponent which was Xelin could easily figure out that he was plotting for something.

In Xelin's opinion, although he can't sense high magical power in his skill. However, he could feel a tremendous danger that would appear once Riku finished preparing his skill. So in his mind right now, he wanted to stop this guy at all cost.


As soon as Xelin dashed towards the man who easily made a gap of seventy meters. The red and black gleaming light was getting stronger and stronger as he was attaining closer distance. He immediately pushed forward his green magical spear in order to stab him directly on his chest.


He managed to land direct contact, however, it created a sound of metal which made him realize that this man did something to block his attack. Moreover, his masculine arms were sent into the mid-air as it seemed the strong force he released was bounced back to him for no good reason.

"What the-?! What's going on here?!" He asked himself in a high tone and still could not see the new transformation of his opponent.

Well, Xelin was way confused to discover that the strength he released was coming back at him. Why? It was because a lot of things happened to him in the invasion, he could say if Riku had hidden tricks under his sleeve. On top of that, this man was avoiding to showcase so it was hard to tell.

In his mind, he just wanted to take back his fighting composure and put stop to this man to finalize his transformation skill.

"Stop! I'm ordering you right now! Or else, I'm going to kill you!" Xelin said in a worried tone. To put it simply, even though he was eager to know more about this man's ability. Still, he can't afford to gamble his life here, at the same time, this was a duel so he should finish this fight as soon as possible.

Swish! Swish! Swish!

He hurriedly swung his two different weapons just to try which one could inflict higher damage to him. However, it ended up with the same result all of his attacks were just deflected by the unknown metal that this man had right now.

Clang! Clang! Clang!

Every time he was adding more strength into his attack. It was the time when he could not control the back damage and sent him meters away from Riku.

He was sent to the mid-air for no good reason, after that, he was rolling several times on the bloody surface and stopped when he hit one of the corpses. His presentable suit earlier was now filled by the res blood of the attackers, and even the logo on his white cape couldn't be seen.

Thud! Thud! Thud!

The moment he recovered his balance and now kneeling on the surface. He angrily smashed the surface, then the blood splashed all over the place while the wet ground was starting to have small cracks because of his massive power.

"Damn it! Damn it! Damn it! Someone tell me what is exactly going on right now!" Yes! Xelin was really frustrated. Why? Since every time he was going to finish the fight or think of a new plan to solve the current problem. Still, his opponent was always doing something new that could help him turn the favor of this fight to his side.

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From afar, Emma had a broad smile on her smile after seeing Riku casting the same skill he used back in the Assima Forest. Nevertheless, she discovered Riku was also casting a new skill but she can't tell what was it.

In her eyes, she can see transparent silk releasing on Riku's back. So she paused for a second to analyze the situation until she recognized that was a web, the same as the Gigantic Spider was using back then.

"Uh! Uh! Uh! T-That was a spider, isn't it?!" She was extremely excited to stomp her legs on the ground. To be exact, she can now start to understand how Riku's ability exactly works out. "I can't be wrong here, although the thickness and length are different. Still, I'm really sure about this!" Since Riku's back was facing Emma, that means she can perfectly see the new occurrence was going on in his body.

"Hmm... Emma already figured it out." He murmured to himself before adding. "Well, I never think that I could hide my ability from her for a long time as she had strong instincts."



On the other hand, the man who had an eye patch on his eye suddenly fell to the ground. It was Vole who was shocked after seeing the skill as he seemed to have an idea of what it was.

"No! No! No! D-Don't tell me, this is the man who's King talking about and the main reason why we attack this village." Vole stuttered as he could not this was the mentioned by their King.

Few attackers were looking at him as they saw their navigator was acting strange. At first, they thought he was not still recovered from the injury he received earlier. So they were tried to walk closer to him to give him some assistance.

"Are you hurt, navigator Vole? Do you want me to heal you?" One of the attackers asked him politely as he noticed Vole was weakened since he had weakened legs.

Nevertheless, he gradually shook his head while looking at the attack along with his deep eyes. "No, I don't need any medical attention right now. The only thing I want for us is to leave this place one by one that guy can't notice us leaving." He said in a worried tone.

Yet, the attacker just took a glance at the fighting area, could not tell the main reason why their navigator suddenly wanted to withdraw in this invasion. "What are you saying, navigator Vole? Sir Xelin has already had the advantage of this fight, there's no need for us to waste this chance."

Seemingly the attacker can't understand the current situation they were facing right now as he was confident that they could still win the match. On top of that, he was well savvied that a navigator like him should not make this kind of critical decision. Or easy to say, the attackers would never listen to him as long as the main order doesn't come from Xelin.

At this point, the only thing he could do was to enlighten Xelin with their bad situation. So that, he can order the attackers to safely leave the village while they were buying a bit of time for them.

He pushed himself into a stood up position and asked the attacker next to him to help attain a closer distance that was enough for reaching him out.

"Hey, could you ask me to walk to Sir Xelin? I have some important information he should know right now." Vole said in a weak tone as his legs could not back to their original state.

The attacker was way more shocked after hearing this request. In his mind, if they tried to intervene in their duel, Xelin would surely kill him without any hesitation. "Sorry if I offend you with this, navigator Vole. But you could hear what are you saying right now? The duel is sacred no one should interfere in it even you have a high position in this invasion." The attackers explained although it was not needed as Vole was well aware of it.

Vole understood why this attacker was acting like this. But this information was urgent since Xelin could die here. "Just help me! We are not going to intervene in their fight, I would like to say something to him." He said in a high tone so that he can force the attacker to listen with him.

At this juncture, the attacker could not do anything as he knew the navigator also could kill him if he was continuously refuse. When the moment he reached the area, Vole saw Xelin having to shiver his arms as his spear wasn't stopped from moving.

In his mind, Xelin appeared to realize who was the person he was fighting right now. "Xel! We have to retreat! That man was possessed by the [Transformation magic! No matter how we tried to win in this battle, we have no match for him!" He warned in a serious tone, hoping Xelin would listen to him.

"I-I know it-"

[Web stretch]

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