My Genes Can Evolve Limitlessly

Chapter 95: Chatper 95

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When Lu Yuan heard the words, his pupils shrank, and the doubts in his heart were immediately resolved.

Extraordinary Gene, Extraordinary Gene...

Since the gene is burned, it means that this gene may be inherited?

That is, the offspring may inherit the previous gene?

Ye Ye's ancestor was a powerful warrior, and his extraordinary genes would naturally not be bad. With such extraordinary genes, how could Ye Ye be weak?

However, Lu Yuan still had some doubts:

"But I've seen other genetic warriors. It seems that no one inherits the genes of their ancestors like Lord Ye Ye."

Ye Ye explained:

"The stronger the warrior, the higher the probability of passing the extraordinary gene to his offspring. The probability of inheritance of the warrior below the general war emperor is almost zero. And not every offspring can inherit it."

When Lu Yuan heard the words, he was stunned.

I see.

According to this, I am afraid that Ye Ye is the so-called genius?

Think about it, if the ancestor is a war emperor, a war saint, or even a warrior god, then the younger generation inherits the genes of the predecessors, maybe the first gene is the lord level or even the king level.

How strong is this?

Lu Yuan originally thought that his current strength was already very strong.

Thinking about it this way, there are probably many peers who are stronger than him.

He was a little smug at first, but now he suddenly woke up.

Just have to keep trying.

After eating the last piece of barbecue, Ye Ye put down the plate and knife and fork, and stood up.

"I'm going for a rest."

Lu Yuan watched Ye Ye open the door of the traveler's hut, coughed dryly, and said expectantly:

"Cough, Lord Ye Ye, where do I sleep at night?"

Hearing the words every night, he glanced at Lu Yuan:


Lu Yuan: "...Oh."

Seeing Ye Ye closing the door, Lu Yuan twitched the corner of his mouth. After packing his things, he silently took out the tent and set it up beside the traveler's hut.

Looking at his small tent and the traveler's hut on the side, Lu Yuan felt uncomfortable.

When I get rich, I want to buy a house like this!

Come on, Luyuan, you can do it!


In the next few days, Lu Yuan and Ye Ye continued to go deep into the foggy forest.

As he went deeper into the foggy forest, the strength of the beasts he encountered gradually became stronger.

From the very beginning, the beasts he encountered were easily killed by Ye Ye, and then he gradually encountered second-order beasts.

Low-level second-order ordinary beasts are not very strong, and they can still be killed.

But when encountering a second-order elite-level beast, even Ye Ye had to avoid the edge for a while.

Fortunately, Ye Ye's perception ability is extremely powerful, and he can perceive the location of powerful beasts in advance.

As for beasts, humans are no different from cats and other beasts, so they won't chase after them.

As long as they bypass their territory, it is good to not conflict.

The deeper you go into the foggy forest, the more detours will be made on the edge of the land and Ye Ye.

Lu Yuan felt a little fortunate in his heart.

Fortunately, he hugged Ye Ye's thigh and ran with her.

Otherwise, given the level of danger here, he felt that he would probably have to die a few times to get to this position.

This is still taking him around the long road every night, running from the outer circle of the foggy forest, according to the words of the night:

"There are third-order peak beast lords in the inner circle of the foggy forest. It is too dangerous to pass through the inner circle. Although it is a little troublesome to go around the road from the outside, it is very safe."

Lu Yuan felt that Ye Ye's definition of safety was a bit outrageous.

Even if it is to go to the outer circle, the general gene warrior has to lie down all the way.

You must know that Lu Yuan's strength is not as good as Ye Ye, but he is much stronger than ordinary gene warriors.

Even he thinks it is too dangerous, as can be imagined by ordinary gene warriors.

Unless they run from the outermost circle, the distance is too far, and it will take a long time to reach the destination.

Of course, there are benefits.

Along the way, Lu Yuan followed Ye Ye and picked up a lot of materials for beasts.

His battle pattern space at the moment is more than ten meters in radius, and even so, it is more than half filled with materials.

It is conceivable how much has been harvested these days.

The two were moving in the forest, and at this moment, Ye Ye suddenly stopped.

Lu Yuan looked around vigilantly: "Is there another powerful beast?"

Ye Ye shook his head: "My time is up, I will leave the place of origin immediately."

Lu Yuan was startled, he was a little stupid.

If Ye Ye is not around, he is very dangerous.

He glanced at his light gate, and there was still about a day or so left.

He suddenly said solemnly: "Then I will stop here too, wait for me after Lord Ye Ye comes up, and let's continue walking together? I want to continue to barbecue for Lord Ye Ye!"

Damn it, if Ye Ye wasn't there, it would be difficult for him to walk next.

Ye Ye thought for a while, then nodded: "Okay."

After speaking, Ye Ye's body turned into white light and disappeared.

Lu Yuan breathed a sigh of relief.

Since Ye Ye agreed, he should be waiting for him, right?

Hide for now and talk about it later.

Lu Yuan looked around and found a hidden canopy to hide.

Fortunately, the weather was calm and there were no accidents.

When the door of light was restored, Lu Yuan left the place of origin.


Celestial Pluto.

The Palace of Heaven and Underworld.

In a huge ornate bedroom, the light flickered, and Ye Ye's body emerged.

The two beautiful cat maids who were already waiting by the side bowed and saluted.

"Your Highness, you are out."


"Your Majesty, please come over."

Ye Ye was not surprised, nodded: "Okay."

The two cat maids opened the door, bowed to welcome Ye Ye out, and then closed the door behind her.

The corridor outside the door is very spacious, about ten meters or so, and there are catmen guards wearing jet-black armor at intervals on both sides.

The breath of these catmen guards is strong, and they are all genetic warriors.

After seeing Ye Ye, the cat guards bowed and saluted.

"Your Highness!"

There was a look of respect in their eyes.

From birth, His Highness Ye Ye was destined to be a peerless powerhouse standing at the top of the empire.

Ye Ye nodded slightly. Walking through the complicated corridor, I came to the door of a huge room.

She knocked on the door: "Father, it's Ye Ye."

The door opened, and a gray-haired cat man old man wearing a cat man court uniform opened the door.

His dark gray eyes looked at Ye Ye, with a hint of gentleness in his eyes, and bowed slightly: "Your Highness, you are here."

Ye Ye nodded lightly: "General Manager Gray."

"Your Majesty is already waiting for you."

Walk into the room every night.

There are several rows of bookshelves on both sides of the room, and facing the door is a huge floor-to-ceiling window.

In front of the window is a black wooden desk with various documents on it.

At this moment, a black-haired cat man was standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling window, looking out the window.

When Ye Ye walked to the desk, the black-haired cat man turned around, revealing a very handsome face that was somewhat similar to Ye Ye.

He looked at Ye Ye, and a gentle smile appeared on his face: "Ye Ye, listen to the report, you have left Sandstone City?"

Ye Ye nodded: "Well, on the way to Nether City."

"Is it safe on the road?"

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"Hahaha! Also, with my daughter's strength, the foggy forest is really not dangerous."

The cat man's face was full of smiles at the moment, and if others saw it, they would be shocked.

As a rare and powerful emperor in the history of the Tianming Empire, Emperor Yemu's majesty and domineering are deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, but his warm side is almost unknown.

Only the gray manager standing by the side looked like he was used to it.

"You broke through a little faster than I expected. What reward do you want?"

Ye Ye thought for a while: "I want a chef who is proficient in human cooking."

The Great Emperor Ye Mu and Director Hui were both stunned.

Although Emperor Yemu knew Ye Ye's hobbies, he couldn't help but twitched the corners of his mouth:

"Why do you suddenly want to eat human food?"

"I met a human who made me barbecue. The taste was a little different from ours. It was numb and had an indescribable taste."

"Oh? Humans? Made you a barbecue?"

Emperor Yemu narrowed his eyes slightly, and a stern look flashed in his eyes.

"What kind of human? Do you know your identity?"

After thinking about it every night, he said:

"An interesting human being who doesn't know who I am."


"Well, when I met him for the first time, he was very weak, but he hunted down the leader of a beast by himself."

Saying that, Ye Ye added: "He also invited me to eat grilled fish, which is delicious."

Emperor Yemu relaxed a little when he heard the words.

For the trivial matter of hunting and killing the leader of the beast, Emperor Ye Mu naturally would not take it to heart.

As long as no one is deliberately approaching Ye Ye.

He smiled and said, "If that's the case, then I'll find you a chef who is good at human cooking."

Ye Ye's eyes lit up: "Thank you, Father Huang."

Emperor Yemu smiled slightly:

"After a while, the El mechanical ruins will be opened. This time, you will lead the team and cultivate well."

Ye Ye nodded: "Yes."


Daqixing, Xili City, Red Maple Empire.

Lu Yuan left the place of origin and returned to the room at four o'clock in the afternoon.

Lu Yuan stretched and walked out of the room.

In the hall, Jeff was cleaning, and when he saw Lu Yuan, his gentlemanly voice sounded:

"Master, are you out? Do you need me to prepare food for you?"

Lu Yuan thought for a while, nodded and said, "Prepare dinner. I'll go out."

He looked at the hall again and found that Li Qinghe was not there. He glanced at the closed door of Li Qinghe's room.

Is Sister Qinghe still sleeping in?

He didn't care and left the room.

The new home is very close to the Crazy Wolf Material Store. In more than ten minutes, Lu Yuan came to the Crazy Wolf Materials Store.

As soon as he entered the door, Lu Yuan saw Xue Wang sitting on a chair and playing games.

Lu Yuan greeted with a smile:

"Old Xue, come to pick up the guest."

Xue Wang was startled, looked up at Lu Yuan, and showed a smile:

"Yo? Lao Lu? Why haven't you come these days?"

Lu Yuan smiled: "I'm busy cultivating, I didn't hunt down beasts."

"Even a monster like you is busy practicing?"

Lu Yuan smiled without explaining.

"This time the harvest is not bad, you count it."

Lu Yuan waved his hand, and a lot of materials appeared in the open space of the hall.

Xue Wang walked over with a look of disapproval:

"When did you have a bad harvest?"

He walked over, picked up a piece of black fur and looked at it.

Then the disapproving expression on his face froze.

He was stunned, looked at the black fur in his hand carefully, and then looked at Lu Yuan like a monster:

"First-order misty cheetah fur?! I... Lu Yuan, have you broken through to first-order?!"

Lu Yuan smiled modestly:

"Didn't you say you're busy cultivating? I got a lot of spirit crystals some time ago, and after a while in the gravity room, I managed to break through."

Xue Wang: "..."

He stared blankly at Lu Yuan, then looked at the pile of materials on the ground, opened his mouth to say something, but in the end he couldn't say anything.

He lowered his head and continued counting.

"The skin of the misty poisonous python, the first-order ordinary quality, is very well preserved. For such a large piece, it is 4,500 for you."

"A pair of fangs, 3000."

"This is... the trough?! The fur of the first-order elite fog wolf?! Lao Lu, you can actually hunt down the first-order elite beasts???"

Xue Wang looked at the fur in his hand, he was numb, and he started to swear.

Lu Yuan smiled slightly: "It's just a fluke."

Xue Wang opened his mouth and was speechless:

"'re a monster."

Xue Wang continued to check. When he saw a single horn that was nearly one meter long, Xue Wang was stunned, and then looked at Lu Yuan in shock:

"The unicorn of the second-order misty tiger?! Don't tell me you are already second-order?!"

Lu Yuan glanced at Unicorn and smiled:

"Why are you nervous? I didn't kill this."

Xue Wang was stunned:

"Who killed that? Haven't you always been a loner?"

Lu Yuan smiled:

"After all, this time, I have to go through the foggy forest and go to another city. I was lucky. I met a big guy and she was willing to take me for a ride."

"Just out of Sandstone City, can you hunt down Tier 2 beasts?? Are there any more powerful monsters than you??"

Xue Wang looked in disbelief.

In his opinion, Lu Yuan's performance is already a monster, and he can hunt down first-order elite-level beasts as soon as he breaks through. Isn't this a monster?

As a result, Lu Yuan said that there is someone stronger than him?

Seeing Xue Wang's disbelief, Lu Yuan sighed and smiled:

"There are people outside people, there are days outside the sky, that guy is indeed much stronger than me."

Lu Yuan silently added a sentence in his heart, just now.

In the future, when Lu Yuan continues to evolve his extraordinary genes, he will definitely be stronger than Ye Ye.

Even if Ye Ye's current extraordinary genes are inherited from her ancestors and are extremely powerful, they cannot evolve after all.

As long as Lu Yuan continues to evolve his extraordinary genes, it is only a matter of time before he surpasses Ye Ye.

"...A person who even you think is stronger, wouldn't that be the direct line of some big family?"

Lu Yuan smiled: "Who knows?"

Xue Wang didn't ask any further, just shook his head and continued to count.

With what Lu Yuan said before, when he saw the second-order material, he had calmed down a lot.

After he counted all the materials, he looked at Lu Yuan with a strange expression:

"The inventory is over, a total of 51.39 million."

Lu Yuan's eyes lit up: "So many?"

This is almost ten times as much as Lu Yuan's previous harvest.

Even if it is converted into spirit crystals at a high rate, there are more than 200,000 zero-order spirit crystals.

Almost comparable to material previously auctioned on the continental margin.

Although he had prepared in his heart before, he still did not expect that there would be such a big harvest.

This is because the first-order and second-order spiritual crystals dropped by those beasts were taken away by Ye Ye, otherwise, he would only gain more.

"Should I transfer money to you now?"

"it is good."

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