My Girlfriend Archive

Chapter 6: 6

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Lilian rolled the picture up and said nothing.

Luo Nan was very surprised by the reduce of the good feelings. He asked, “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing.” At a crossroads, Lilian stopped: “The seniors should know where the library is, I still have something to do. Goodbye.”

After that, Lily Anzai walked.


Luo Nan touched his chin and reloads the archives of the financial company’s bathroom.

I didn’t file it before I went to school, only once again.

Let the female colleague help with the leave, he took a taxi to New York University, the driver did not provide any more useful news.

During the period, Luo Nan called out the [Raiders Handbook], a total of two boxes.

On the left is Catherine, and on the right is Lilian.

Does this mean that, in the case of a goal, it is impossible to attack other heroines?

When he got out of the car, Ronan filed at the school gate and walked to the place where he met Lilian.

Seeing that the handsome guy was in front of him, Lilyan and Ronan’s eyes met.

She shyly turned away her face and did not dare to look at him.

“This classmate… that, can you help me?”

The excuse to go to the library can no longer be used. Luo nan opens the door and sees the subject.

He didn’t take it anyway, his physical movements were a bit stiff, but under the blessing of appearance, he was extraordinarily sincere.

“Good…” Lilyan lowered her voice and responded.

The two are in parallel, one 180centimeters height of Ronan and 160centimeters or so of Lilian, make the most cute height difference.

In this way, walking on the campus, from time to time caused them to get the attention of passers-by.

After a brief exchange of identity information, Luo Nan called out [Raiders Manual].

The good feelings have risen to 70.

He is prepared to brush up the sensibility, which makes it easier to get information.

“Where are you going?” Ronan didn’t mention the scrolls anymore, lest he should pick up his own feet.

“Library.” Lilian looked up and smiled.

Oh, woman.

Luo Nan had a belly full of butterfly and a charming smile on his face: ” good, me too.” The

two came to the library, and there were so many people here.

Like this high-end private university, there are very few students running around.

Most of them are learning tyrants, or they are becoming savvy.

The location in the library is already full, and many people rent out the books and sit on the stairs, because this is more impressive than going back to the classroom.

Lilian went in and rented two books to bring it out. Lou Nan also selected one in the art category.

Well, there are a lot of color illustrations, and the text is also systematically translated, which seems to be effortless.

As for why everyone speaks Chinese, shouldn’t this problem be awkward?

Since it is the protagonist of China, the world and even the universe must be unified into a good cut of Chinese.

The two came to the stairs, which were on the boundary of the library and could whisper.

Lilian took a look at the name of the book in the hand of Luo Nan, and was a little surprised: “I didn’t expect you to like this?”

Luo Nan smiled, and he said a few words: “It is not a bad thing to enjoy the art.”

Lilian smiled and sat. When I got down, she opened the book in front of me and pointed to some famous masterpieces. she lowered her voice and said to Lou Nan “This is the work of Piero della Francesco, and this is Nicholas Poussin. The famous work, he is the founder of French classical painting…”

For Lou Nan, who only listened to Leonardo da Vinci and Picasso, Lilian said that it was a heavenly book.

his face still have a handsome smile.

After talking for a while, Lilian seemed to have noticed something.

Her stunned eyes glanced back and forth on Luo nan’s face: “You shouldn’t just want to approach me, but deliberately say that you like painting?”

Seeing Lilian’s good feelings fell, Luo Nan quickly waved his hand: “No, you wait. Let me go.”

After that, he reload the file of the company’s bathroom.

Returning to the station, Luo Nan turned on the computer and searched the Internet for related matters.

“Nicholas Poussin, an important painter of the Baroque period, his masterpiece “The Sleeping of St. Mary”, and what kind of Piero…” It

took nearly half an hour for Ronan to mention Lilian. Several painter’s masterpieces and evaluations are recited.

Seeing that time has not reached five o’clock, he also searched the Eastern Kingdom on impulse.

On the whole body of the white page, it is written in bold: 404 Error.


You are reading story My Girlfriend Archive at

Ignoring it, and Lou Nan reload the file at the entrance of New York University.

He took the initiative to talk to Lilian, and he was skilled.

The two came to the library and prepared to rent books.

The evaluation of Luo Nan information is to install a ratio in front of the sister, no other books, and once again pick this art album.

Good feeling, still 70 points.

Seeing her beginning to introduce the famous masterpieces on the album, Luo Nan’s face remained smiling.

In a short while, Lily Ann found out it her eyes glanced back and forth on Lou Nan face “You deliberately approach me and say that you like painting right?”

“No” Luo Nan stared at Lilian’s face, showing a confident smile: “Sangpu’s works are mostly based on myths, history and religious stories. In addition to this “Santa Maria’s Sleep”, I also like his masterpiece “judgment of Solomon”, he works conceived serious and philosophical nature, with stable serene and sublime artistic features. his paintings include cold and affectionate, you can peek into thinking painter calm …… “

Seeing Lou nan entertaining appearance on Lilian eyes, there is a small star, and her affection for him soared.

A layman who can’t talk about painting is not going to know about it, and it won’t be so smooth and natural.

“You…” Lilian suddenly felt embarrassed when she thought about the other party. she lowered her voice and asked: “Since you know this, why do you still not say it?”

“Because you are very cute.” Luo Nan said in a serious way: “I really can’t bear to interrupt you.”

“You… what did you say?” Lilian spoke like a mosquito, and look away, her face is so red.

When Luo Nan saw that she had responded well, she called out the Raiders Handbook and saw that the degree of goodwill has reached 76.

The progress is very fast.

The two read at the library for a while and soon its 6:00pm.

This is the meal time and many students are leaving the library.

Luo Nan was also hungry and asked: “Let’s go to the cafeteria to eat something.”

“Okay.” Lilian smiled and closed the book and stood up.

The two returned the books and walked out of the library.

Due to the unfamiliarity of the school’s road conditions, in order to avoid exposure, Luo Nan deliberately fell behind on Lilian.

they came to the cafeteria, and some places were different from the university canteens that Lou Nan had eaten before.

Not the kind of big pot of rice, what do you want to eat?

The food for each person here is a single dish, fixed in size.

Several school girls wanted to contact Lou Nan, but when they saw Lilian,they didn’t come.

After eating, Luo Nan proposed to go out to watch a movie, Lilian did not refuse.

Under the intentional or unintentional touch, the hands of the two of them naturally hold each other

Calling out the Raiders Handbook, Luo Nan feel a bit strange.

Lilian and her own good feelings after 79 points, there is no sign of growth.

Did it still need something to trigger?

they arrived at the nearest shopping mall at about 6:30, and chose a two-hour movie. It was almost nine o’clock after watching it.

Going out of the cinema, seeing the good feelings or staying at 79, Luo nan has some helplessness.

Looking back, he saw Lilian standing in the same place, and didn’t move at all.

Luo Nan’s eyes lit up and tentatively asked: “It’s still early, is it better to watch another one?”

Lilian did not hesitate and nodded: “Okay.”

The two chose a love movie and waited until ten in the theater. Admission is only allowed.

When the film appeared in the drama of the hero, Lou Nan felt that Lilian had come over and left a hickey on his face.

The two tongues mixed together.

There is a saying how people who are not handsome, never know how active girls are.(TLN: FY!! T.T)

so its true.

After the movie ended, he also looked at it for a while, and the good feeling finally broke through to 81.

I used to date my sister. I used to watch the movie after dinner. Then the girl said that it was too late to open the door and make it the same as the ticket for the meal.

It’s rare to see such a step in place.

I felt a little warm in the eyelids, and Lou Nan gently rubbed it.

This must be a chicken, oh no, excited tears.

“Yeah, it’s eleven o’clock. The dormitory is closed, I can’t go back.”

Lilian’s acting is a bit poor, it seems that she don’t usually use this trick.

Of course, Luo nan will not be transformed into a steel straight man, forcibly knocking on the door of the female dormitory and sending her back.

He stared at Lilian’s eyelashes and licked her lips.

The two tacitly walked toward the hotel…

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