My Girlfriend’s Mother is Seducing Me

Chapter 1: 1

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Chapter 1 – Gal Girlfriend and Neat Mama

I was timid and dull, and I thought I would never have a girlfriend in high school.

“Nao-kun, let’s go home together~”

A cheerful gal came to me and said, peacefully. Her tied blonde hair swinging.

“Hu~, Eri’s in love~”

“Shut up.”

As she brushed aside the teasing of her gal pals, she smiled at me.


In my haste to hurry, I hit my knee on the desk.


“Come now, Nao-kun. You’re so funny~”

She laughed and patted my knee.

“Do you want to grab my shoulder?”

“No, that’s…”

“So, do you want to grab onto my t**s?”

So she said, raising her plump b*****s.

I looked away immediately.

“I-I’m fine.”

“Oh, God, he’s so shy.”

I stumbled around with the pain in my knee, trying to get out of the classroom as quickly as possible.

I left the school building with her.

“Hey, Nao-kun.”


“Can I go to Nao-kun’s house now?”

“Eh? W-Well, okay, but… What do you want to do?”

When I asked her in a reserved way, she smiled at me.

My room, which is usually so boringly quiet, is filled with a sweltering heat.

“Hah~, hah~… It’s really amazing.”

Slumped on the bed, she exhaled roughly.

“Did you feel good too, Nao-kun?”

“Y-Yeah… But…”


“Well… I wanted to finish while looking at Eri-chan’s face.”

When I said that shyly, she grinned.

“Nao-kun, you’re so pure and perverted♡”

“Ugh… That’s embarrassing.”

“Ehehe, you’re so cute♡”

Yes, this lovely little gal, Fujino Eri, is my girlfriend.

We have been in the same class since the first grade and happened to talk to each other…

Before I knew it, we had this relationship.

“Nao-kun, you have a small temper, but~… You have a big vessel and this thing is huge, I love it♡”


“At this rate, Eri’s going to be broken by the time she graduates♡”

“Well, that’s…”

“Or I might get pregnant♡”

“Of course no. We can’t let that happen.”

“Don’t worry, let’s work together.”

“No, that’s… I’ll be the one working.”

When I shyly said this again, Eri-chan got up and hugged me.

The feeling of a rich chest. It is wrapped in a plump brown body.

She’s blonde and she’s a gal, but she’s kind and pretty… I love her.

“Eri-chan, let’s go home before it gets dark.”


I’ll take you home.”

“Eh? Yay~”

While smiling at the pretty girl, we put our uniforms back on and left the house.

Walking hand in hand along the road at dusk.

It’s really embarrassing, but Eri-chan wants it.

“Oh, it’s almost time for mama to come home from her part time job.”

“Ah, I see.”

“But we have papa’s legacy and all that, so she doesn’t have to work too hard, though~”


“Maybe there’s a nice guy at her part time job?”


“Nah, no way, all the supermarkets in the neighborhood are full of old ladies… Ahahaha.”


While we were talking about such trivial matters, we came to Eri-chan’s house.

“Well then, this is my stop.”

“Eh~, you’ve come all this way, you should come up for a bit!”

“No, but…”

At that time…


I was drawn to the soft, clear voice.

There was a beautiful woman who looked graceful in the backlight.

Her chestnut hair, loosely wavy, was decorated with a soft shade of orange.

She also has a pale body, the opposite of her daughter’s.

However, one point is common…or rather, hers is superior…

“Good evening, Naoyuki-kun.”

“G-Good evening… Mother.”

I bowed and she smiled at me.

Ah, they have the same smile.

“Yo, mama. Thank you for your hardwork♪”

“Fufu, thank you.”

Then, surrounded by two beautiful women, I was forced to intrude…


“Sniff sniff… Geez, I smell sweaty.”

Eri-chan frowned as soon as she came into the living room.

“Sorry, Nao-kun! Can I go take a shower for a bit?”


“Seriously, Eri… Naoyuki-kun even went all the way up here…”

“It’s fine, it’s a maiden’s thing to do. Besides, this sweat is from my healthy exercise with Nao-kun♡”

When Eri-chan said it proudly, her mother’s cheeks flushed slightly and she squealed.

“Well then, I’m off to the bath~!”

The door closed with a bang.

For a moment there was silence.

“…I-I’m sorry, she’s a restless girl.”

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“No, no, it’s nothing like that…”

With a clattering noise, her mother came over.

“It’s tea, is it okay?”

“T-Thank you very much.”

“The sugar is here.”


I lifted my teacup with reserve.

Mother too did the same.

We were both slurping…

Somehow, it’s awkward…

“…Naoyuki-kun, can I ask you a question?”

“Ah, yes.”

“Well, um… Do you and Eri…do that…kind of thing?”

“Heh? Ah, um…”

“Sorry, I’m sorry, I know it’s out of the blue… But this is important and I just wanted to make sure.”

“W-Well, yes… Um… But we use…proper contraception.”

“I-I see… That’s good to hear.”

“W-Well, sometimes Eri-chan, who has gone out of control, wants to do it as it is.”

And I wonder if I’m an idiot for accidentally slipping up.

Mother’s eyes widened.

“I-I’m sorry…”

I turned my face away.

I can’t look directly at Eri-chan’s mother…

“…Naoyuki-kun, do you have a lot of experience?”


“Because that selfish girl is infatuated with you… Surely, y-you must be magnificent… I-I’m sorry.”

“No, no, well… I’m the first person Eri-chan’s been with…surprisingly, Eri-chan is also the first person I’ve ever been with…”

“That’s right.. That girl is surprisingly serious.”

“Y-Yes…like her mother.”

I said with a small smile, and this time, mother turned her face down.

D-Did I say something wrong…?



“Hey, can you do me a favor…? Can you call me by my name? Just once.”


“My name is Miyuki.”

“Y-Yes, I know.”

She stared at me with slightly moist eyes.

I gulped.


When I called her that, we blushed furiously at each other.

While turning her face down, she glanced at me and then turned her head down again.

“N-Naoyuki-kun… I…”

When Miyuki-san was about to say something…

“I’m back~♪”

With a bang, the door opened and Eri-chan came in, wrapped in a bath towel.

“H-Hey, Eri. You startled me out of the blue! Besides, it’s not right to dress like that!”

“Oh, Mama, you’re so old-fashioned☆”

“Uhu~… I-I’m an…old lady, after all.”

Miyuki-san said, a little sulkily.

She’s always been so mature and graceful, and seeing the unusual expression on her face…

“T-That’s not true.”


“Miyu… Mother is…a wonderful person.”

I was embarrassed, even so, I said it.

Then, after a moment of pouting, she turned red.

“Nao-kun, you cheater!”

“N-No, I…”

“Ufufu, I’m just kidding. Well, the worst that could happen is that mama would take you.”

“W-What are you talking about…? Eri…”

“Because, from a daughter’s point of view, you’re beautiful and you have big t**s.”

“Hey, Eri…”

I’m glad I didn’t have to say that I agree with that.

But I couldn’t help but glance at Miyuki-san’s overly large b*****s.

Eri-chan is also big for a high school girl, but Miyuki-san is…amazing.

“Better yet, why don’t we just do the ‘don’ now?”

“’Don’ you say… Ah, you mean the kabedon♪”

“No, oyakodon.” (T/N: For those who don’t understand. Oyakodon means s*x with both mom and daughter.)

“WHA… Y-You perverted girl!”

“That’s how I am, I’m your daughter☆”

“Uhu~… Hah~, so embarrassing.”

Once again, Miyuki-san sank.

Is it always like this at home?

I can’t stop worrying…

“Hey, Nao-kun. Since you’re here, why don’t we have dinner together?”


“It’s okay, right, Mama?”

“Hmm? Eh, yeah, of course.”

“No, it’s fine… I’ll be a nuisance.”

“No, you won’t.”

Miyuki-san smiled.

Enchanted by her smile, I…

“T-Then, I’ll take your word for it…”

“Yay! Mama, what’s for dinner tonight?”

“Fried chicken, with a layer of cabbage.”

“Oh, it’s the menu that made our b***s grow so much!”

“C-Come on, stop with the breast talk!”

“By the way, mama. Since a while ago, every time you move, no, every time you speak, they’re shaking~?”

“Uhu… D-Don’t look.”

Miyuki-san glanced at me, covering her b*****s with her arms.

Shocked, I averted my gaze immediately.

“By the way, do you think fried chicken and cabbage can help boys’ p***s growth? If so, it’s a win-win situation, right?”

“Eri-chan, enough of that… Mother is troubled.”

“Sorry, sorry~♪”

She laughed merrily to no end.

Her mother, on the other hand…had red cheeks.

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