My Groom Ran Away

Chapter 61: 21.3

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Even though Cheng Yuelin thought it was unnecessary, Ruan Zhiyin still insisted he go to the hospital.

The Bentley slowly entered the hospital parking lot.

The surroundings were filled with green trees and vegetation. The environment was very good and there were patients who would come outside to walk in the sun.

Ruan Zhiyin picked up the receipt for visit and accompanied Cheng Yuelin in the elevator to the third floor.

After waiting and sitting outside the outpatient clinic for a while, the man looked down the hallway for a bit before he walked into the outpatient clinic alone.

After waiting a while, Ruan Zhiyin was a bit bored. She started to think about Kang Yu’s first day at work. She was about to give a few instructions to Xiang Bin to ask her to help familiarize Kang Yu with her daily work.

As she rifled through her bag, she noticed that she had left her phone in the car. She shook her head and got up to go to the elevator.

After going to the parking lot and picking up her phone, Ruan Zhiyin entered the lobby of the hospital again.

Just as she was walking towards the elevator a familiar man’s voice rang out from behind. It appeared to carry some surprise and unexpected joy —


Ruan Zhiyin turned around, she saw Qin Xiang in a set of youthful casual clothes supporting Qin Jue and standing a few steps away with a complicated expression was Jiang Anzheng.

Qin Jue was wearing a hospital gown. He had lost a lot of weight and his face had become very pale. His short scattered hair had grown quite a lot and his face had gotten a lot more haggard.

The joy in the man’s eyes stopped when he saw the receipt in her hand —

He immediately put his expression into ordered and frowned before asking: “Are you sick?”

Ruan Zhiyin did not answer, nor did she look at him.

Qin Xiang saw the impatience in her eyes and said with a slight smile: “Sister Zhiyin, if you have something to do, you can go first.”

Ruan Zhiyin had just sent her that WeChat message yesterday. She most likely did not want to see her brother and would definitely not want to talk to her brother.

Just as Qin Xiang’s voice fell, from not far away, a tall figure walked out of the elevator.

The man walked leisurely to Ruan Zhiyin’s side and held her hand. His voice was warm as he complained: “It’s just a minor allergic reaction, why did you have to make me go to the hospital?”

Qin Xiang who was helping support Qin Jue, noticed her brother’s body tensed the moment the other person appeared.

On the other hand, Ruan ZhiYin$B!G(Bs gaze fell onto her hand being clasped by Cheng Yuelin’s hand. She had already started to get used to it.

She nodded towards Qin Xiang and explained: “He was allergic to something he ate last night. We will head out first.”

From beginning to end, she did not give Qin Jue, who was wearing a sullen expression, a single look.

The two figures gradually moved away and Qin Xiang faintly heard Ruan Zhiyin talking naturally with the man beside her.

“What did the doctor say?”

“It’s nothing. Just take some medicine for a few days.”

As the weight on her arm grew heavier, Qin Xiang brought her attention back. She looked at Qin Jue: “Brother, are you okay?”

“I’m fine.”

Qin Jue stared at the backs of the two people walking away. His voice was dull and hoarse.

This was already the third time that she had given him such a merciless back image.

Qin Xiang looked at his expression and frowned. She could roughly understand Qin Jue’s current mood.

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He had been seriously injured and had stayed in the hospital for over half a month. He had even deliberately chosen a hospital near Ruan Zhiyin’s company to recuperate in, but Sister Zhiyin did not even come to visit him once.

Other than her, everyone who was friends with Qin Jue had been blacklisted by Ruan Zhiyin. She could not be reached and he could not go to the Ruan Company to fine her, without making the situation worse.

If they were to say that he was waiting for Sister Zhiyin to come home… the other person was already living with her husband.

Each of these things caused a deep new wound to her brother.

Qin Xiang knew that her brother was in a state of denial. Sister Zhiyin was too busy, so she did not come visit. But the other person was free enough on a monday to accompany Cheng Yuelin for a minor allergic reaction.

Sigh, comparing the two of them just made it even more heartbreaking.

“Brother, honestly, Sister Zhiyin is quite happy now.

Thinking of the figures of the two people just now, Qin Xiang could not help but try to persuade her brother. Sister Zhiyin had already broken up with her brother so decisively, it is unlikely for things to go back to before.

Qin Jue’s jaw tightened and he said solemnly. But Cheng Yuelin is just interested in the BeiCheng Project.””

Qin Xiang saw that he would not change his mind and bit her lips before lightly saying: “Brother, you are deceiving yourself. You used to treat Lin Jingfei so well, are you regretting it now?”

During this time, her brother’s attitude to Lin Jingfei had gotten a lot colder.

Even though Lin Jingfei had said that it was a mistake and an accident that she had dragged Sister Zhiyin in to the mess, her brother had become very disappointed in Lin Jingfei.

He had not only released a statement to clear his relationship with Lin Jingfei, but he had also explicitly told Jiang Anzheng that he would no longer be getting involved in Lin Jingfei’s work in the future.

Even with his original promise to Grandma Ruan, he no longer wanted to give favors to Lin Jingfei.

Hearing his little sister’s words, Qin Jue looked at Qin Xiang. Her face was expressionless and her eyes were not hiding any emotions.

Did he regret it? Naturally.

But if you said he was deceiving himself…

How could Qin Jue not see through Cheng Yuelin’s hidden expression. The other person had used the billboard of the “BeiCheng Project” to sneak his way into this marriage.

No matter how well they acted, that person and Ruan Zhiyin were not like a couple at all. No one would know better than him, how bad Ruan Zhiyin was at opening up to people.

Even for him, he always felt that Ruan Zhiyin was always hiding a few layers.

Since Cheng Yuelin would have some misgivings and not be able to speak bluntly, it would not be easy for her to be moved by Cheng Yuelin.

No matter what the price would be, he would beg for her forgiveness. He could not accept losing her at all.

Thinking of this, Qin Jue gave a bitter smile and breathed a deep sigh and said: “Let’s go back.”

Jiang Anzheng noticed his falling spirits and said: “Ah Jue, how about, I go beg Ruan Zhiyin and apologize.”

“Heh, you think an apology is enough for them to forgive you? You men all have shit for brains.” Qin Xiang raised her eyebrows slightly and said with a smile: “Brother Zheng, you can’t really be encouraging my brother to become a mistress, right?”

“How can Ah Jue be a mistress?” Jiang Anzheng refuted in a deep voice.

They are a legally married husband and wife. If my brother is to stick his head in now, what else could he be but a mistress?”

Jiang Anzheng: “…”

“Brother Zheng, if you have this much time on your hands, why not worry about your own engagement banquet?”

As far as she knows, in that engagement, Miss Jiang did not want to marry at all.

As for that engagement banquet… when it is time, she will have to let Sister Zhiyin know about it so she could watch a good show.

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