My Hero Academia: Benimaru Shinmon

Chapter 7: Summer Camp

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Today was the day that the summer camp begins, currently the whole class is waiting in one of UA's car parks. As soon as the buses turned up Aizawa and Vlad King - class 1-B's homeroom teacher went on their respective buses to make sure everything was in order.

When the transport arrived the other first year class walked out from the school intent on getting on their bus, but as they passed us, that crazy guy Monoma from the sports festival started acting all strange.

"I heard some of class A are taking extra courses. Does that mean they actually failed the final exam!" after letting loose a sarcastic gasp aimed at us, he continued "That would be so embarrassing. Especially since your supposed to be so much better than my class. All of you must be wallowing in shame-"

Cutting his rant short was a typical chop to the neck from class 1-B's representative Kendo. Grabbing an unconscious Monoma by the scruff of his neck the orange haired girl drags him onto the bus but not before apologising from her classmates antics. While this happened the rest of class B just stood there and watched, clearly numb from the scene due to the amount of times it's happened.

Getting a small wave from Yui who I've not seen in a while, the class gets on the bus after getting instructions from Kendo. Just after, our own class rep gives orders for boarding the bus, with his specs shinning from the sunlight Ida shouts "Attention class A our bus is here! Everyone line up in seating order!" while waving his hand around manically.

Quickly boarding the bus, the driver set off in the direction of the summer camp... hopefully at least, I've no clue where it's supposed to be. UA were super strict about keeping the place a secret, I guess they're not wanting a repeat of what happened at the USJ, but that still leaves the question as to why the students that were going weren't allowed to know the camps location.

Putting that dangerous line of thought to the back of my mind, me and Todoroki tried listening into Aizawa, "Here's the deal, we'll be on this bus for about an hour before our first stop. Make sure you stay focused"

Although we caught what the teacher was saying, I don't think anyone else did. They were already busy messing around, so when Aizawa realised basically no one was paying attention, he just gave in and fell asleep after giving an exasperated sigh.

Turning to my heterochromatic friend I pull out a deck of cards which catches his attention, as I was about to get my gamble on with Todoroki, a floating set of clothes popped up from the seat in front of me.

"You guys are playing cards? Can we join in?" She asked, as Mina span around to face me as well.

Happily dealing them in we spent the next hour or so play different card games, while I sat and wiped the cold sweat of my forehead, glad that we weren't playing for money.

Once the bus pulled over next to a cliff face, we were ushered off the bus by Aizawa. Unlike the rest area we were promised, there was genuinely nothing here apart from another car with blacked out windows a lousy wooden fence and shit ton of dirt.

The view was pretty nice though, far away from and large cities, the wilderness here radiated a serene and peaceful aura. It almost healed my shattered gambling confidence, I guess winning the one bet used up all my luck.

While everyone was confused as to why we stopped in the middle of nowhere, Aizawa brought the class's attention to himself by saying "You don't really think we stopped here just so you could stretch your legs, do you"

Suddenly the doors of the black car swung open as the person inside, who was clearly a woman said "Heya Eraser" in an upbeat fashion.

"Long time no see" Our teacher replies giving a short bow to the two women who jumped from the car.

Standing in front of us were a pair of attractive women, wearing cat themed costumes, one in blue, and one in red. The costumes consist of a sleeveless, collared top decorated with three straps and a bell, a large ruffled skirt, a tail, an orange belt with pockets, a silver buckle resembling a cat paw with blue pads, large white cat gloves with retractable claws, boots with vertical stripes lined with white fur and communication devices designed to resemble cat ears.

The lady in red had brown eyes and dark wine coloured hair that was cut relatively short, and styled into three bangs that fell across her face. While the lady in blue had cerulean eyes that matched with her costumes as well as light blonde hair that - not counting the single long bang - fell to the middle of her back.

"Your feline fantasy's are here! Say meow" Said the one in red, spinning into action.

"Purr-fectly cute and cat like girls" the other bubbled.

"You can call us, the Wild, Wild Pussycats!" They chirped in union, finishing their intro with a pose.

While the student blanked out after that performance, Aizawa stepped back in to say "These are the pro heroes you're going to be working with at the summer training camp".

Once everyone came back to their senses, Midoriya slid in with his usual hero fanaticism and introduced the heroes with an excited blush marring his cheeks, "They're a four person hero team that specialised in mountain rescues! The pussy cats were founded when we were kids, like forever ago!" His last comments caught the attention of the heroes, and not in a good way. Even I know not to comment on a girls age, well unless they're old grannies but it usually still doesn't end well.

"This marks their twelfth year working as-" Cutting him off was the pawed first of the blue costumed hero, putting an end to his rambling.

Once Deku was let go, we were formally introduced to the two by Aizawa. After catching both their names Mandalay - the one in red - gestured out to the forest below and explained "We own the whole stretch of lad out here, everything you can see. The summer camp you're staying at is here are the base of the mountain.

Nervously Uraraka asks "If it's over there, why did we stop here?" as the sweat on her forehead started to glisten.

Answering her question Tsuyu says sadly "I'm afraid we both know the answer to that"

As Tsuyu finished her sentence, a huge wave earth barrelled towards us, courtesy of Pixie-Bob. The attack engulfed the members of class 1-A, but before it could reach me I dived of the edge of the cliff to avoid being covered in earth. Once close to the bottom, my descent was slowed thanks to a little bit of thrust coming from the soles of my feet.

While I landed perfectly, the same couldn't be said for my classmate, who were scattered around the bottom of the cliff.

From the top of the cliff we could hear Aizawa's menacing laugh. It was at this moment everyone realised, that the summer had already begun.

While everyone was getting back to their feet, Mandalay shouted instructions from the top of the cliff, "Since this is private land, you can use your quirks as much as you want to. You've got three full hours, you should be able to make it to the facility in that time... Well that is, if you can make it through the beast forest".

Just when I was tempted to fly over the forest, a voice sounded directly in my mind. This caused me freak out a little, at least until Mandalay explained what was going on "Relax it's just my quirk telepathy. Anyway your teacher said that you've make your way through the forest on the ground with everyone else, extra emphasis on the ground part. Eraser says if you don't you can forget about resting with the others tonight"

Clicking my tongue at the information, I quickly scrapped the flying idea since I didn't want to have Eraser on my case. He was already miffed at the way me and Todoroki won our match in the final exam, don't want to make it worse by screwing another one of his exercises up.

Patting the dust off his uniform, Kirishima said "I guess there's no use complaining, might as well get going" after hearing some of the other students complain about Aizawa's tricks.

As the class began to step into the shady forest, heavy footsteps were heard stomping towards us. The ominous sounds caused tension to generate within the students, as their bodies began to stiffen up in fear. No more than a few seconds later we caught sight of the culprit.

What we saw was a monstrous creature made of dirt, stone and roots. The quadruped beast had large maw filled with jagged brown teeth, apart from its strong looking body this was it's the only trait that stood out. Well if you ignore what it's made out of at least.

The golem-like monster somehow managed to roar at us, as its clawed feet pawed against the ground. While it looked to be preparing for a charge, the class's resident block-headed animal man tried to control the beast with his quirk.

"Please calm yourself my giant friend! You don't want to hurt us!" he yelled while running towards earth beast. Completely ignoring the boys pleas, the creature stomped his feet one last time before charging towards us.

I was utterly gobsmacked, not becuase Koda's quirk had no effect like most of my other classmates, but because I actually heard words come from that boys mouth. Seriously I'd never even seen Koda speak quietly before this, never mind shout. Had to do a double take and everything just to make sure I was hallucinating.

While I was rubbing my eyes in shock, Midoriya, Bakugo, Ida and Todoroki made quirk work of the earth beast. Managing to destroy it's body before it got near our classmates, once Midoriya was finished he quickly told everyone that the beasts were just a product of Pixie-Bob's earth manipulation quirk.

To which Bakugo snidely retorted "Idiot why you telling me If I already knew what they were! Now quit your yapping and left me murder some dirt monsters!" as he began sprinting towards a newly formed monster.

Bakugo's statement got everyone going as they began working in small teams to take down the beasts, all the while heading in the direction of the camp. So forming a couple fire balls I got to work.

{Aizawa POV}

A few hours have passed since the kids started their journey, but finally they're almost here and I can get back to sleep. Too much has happened today, I've hardly had the chance to get a nap in and with the sun setting, it's making me even more tired.

Standing in the shade of the building, Mandalay was next to me, while Pixie-Bob was excitedly waiting on my students arrival.

"The litter is almost here!" Pixie-Bob chirped as the striped tail attached to her costume began to wave left to right. How that happens, I've no clue, but over the years I've learned not to question things like that when it concerns the Pussycats.

"That took a lot longer than I expected it to" Mandalay said as we both watched the haggard students emerge from the woods.

Pulling my scarf down slightly so she could hear me better I reply "That's because you're forgetting that they're still students. First years at that. Give them sometime before you hold them to a professional standard" I told the cat-like woman.

With a teasing smile forming on her face, Mandalay replied "Wow Eraser, never knew you liked your new class this much. That's the closest thing to a complement I've ever heard you say".

Ignoring the delusional woman's opinion, I take a closer look at each of the students forms. Each and everyone of them were showing tell-tale signs of overusing their quirk, even Shinmon was looking worse for wear, nothing as bad as the rest, but by the way he was breathing heavier than normal, it must have something to do wit his quirks weakness.

From the looks of things, it doesn't seem like overheating. I've seen Endeavour when he's overheating and there's no correlation between the two, but if I were to guess... I'd say Shinmon was suffering from signs of breathlessness - oxygen deprivation possibly?. Still I've no idea if that's the cause since it could just be tiredness from the overall journey and not his quirk, therefore I'm still in the dark.

After taking some mental notes on each of my student I left for the building to take a power nap just as soon as Pixie-Bob began circling some of the male members of my class.

When we finally broke free from the forest, we were met with the trio consisting of Aizawa, Mandalay and Pixie-Bob. Heaving a sigh of relief, I continued to take deep breaths in attempt to bring my oxygen supplies back up to normal levels.

Well normal for me at least.

After fighting earth beasts for the best part of a couple hours, the entire class was beat, slowly 1-A limps their way over to the teachers. Each student was worse than the other, injuries ranged from just overall tiredness from quirk over exertion, too Ida's mufflers literally breaking down and refusing to work. As we close in on the facility, a continuous plume of black smoke trails behind the class rep, accompanied by a strong burning smell that prompted those nearby to fan out due to the stench.

And lets just not talk about Kaminari, at this point I'm worried that he'll stay in his idiot form permanently.

As we got within talking distance, Sero was the first to voice a complaint about Aizawa's sporadic exercise "You said it would only be like, three hours" he weakly complained while rubbing his painful looking elbows.

Not taking as of the students feelings into consideration Mandalay replies "I guess we timed it on how long it'd take us, sorry"

While most of the class were to tired to care, Sato one of the ones that listened in replied sadly "Now your bragging about how much better you are, that's so mean" the Sugarman said while on the ground looking defeated.

Voicing the thoughts of most of the class Kirishima, who was currently flat out on his back rubbing his stomach, strongly groaned "I'm starving this is hell!". His words resonated with the rest of the class, including me, as everyone's stomaching began to protest about the lack of food they're getting.

Getting the attention of the class by letting loose a series of meows, Pixie-Bob enthusiastically said "I thought it would take you kids even longer! But you done much better against my dirt monsters than I thought you would" putting on a more predatory look she continues "You guys were seriously great, especially... the five of you! It seems like you've had quite the bit of experience."

Looking in the direction where Pixie-Bob's pawed hands were pointing, everyone's eyes were led to Bakugo, Todoroki, Midoriya and myself, as well as Ida standing slightly further off fanning his calves. Licking her full pink lips, the pussycat pounces at us, at the same time she states "I call dibs on these kittens, I'll groom them myself!"

Other that Bakugo who seems to always have enough energy to shout, the others were to tired to put up and defence against the pro hero, allowing her to run circles around us while unabashedly inspecting our forms. While I had the energy to resist I never, while she seems a bit on the weird end of the spectrum, that doesn't change the fact that she's pretty fucking hot and that costumes just accentuating it. Prime MILF material if I do say so myself.

As a wise man once said, don't stick your dick in crazy, but if they're not, then it's fair game.

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While Aizawa and Mandalay where talking about Pixie-Bob's age, suddenly Midoriya nervously squeaked "Speaking of peoples ages-" but before he could finish the sentence a pawed glove grasped his face in a manner similar to when he talked about the Pussycat's age before.

"Choose your words carefully boy" She growled in a threatening tone, which cause Midoriya to quickly ask his question in a bout of nervousness.

"I-I've just been wondering since we've got here earlier. Who's that kid?" Deku questioned in a muffed voice while pointing at a scowling little kid with a red cap.

Answering his query Mandalay replies "Oh this little guy? He's actually my cousins son... he just lives with us now. Don't be shy Kota, say hi to everyone. You're gonna be around them for the next week" as she urged the kid to introduce himself.

Being who he was, Midoriya quickly broke free from Pixie-Bob and went to speak to Kota, "Hey there, my names Midoriya, I'm from the UA high school hero course. It's nice to meet you" once finished he held out his hand for Kota to shake.

Not having none of it, Kota performed a cross straight to the balls. Knocking the wind right out of Deku and possibly impairing his ability to have children for the foreseeable future. Gasping in pain Midoriya in brought to his knees, as Kota storms off in silence and Mandalay watches on in horror.

While I stifled my laughter at the borderline idiotic scene, Bakugo just looked on proudly with a cheeky smirk before Todoroki says something that ticks him off and he begins shouting again.

This was when Aizawa speaks up, "Enough playing around, get your stuff off the bus. Once your bags are in your rooms we'll have dinner in the cafeteria. After that you can bathe and sleep. Tomorrow your training starts in earnest, you better get a move on".

With Aizawa's promise of dinner and a bathe, everyone's vigour was temporarily restored, breaking free from Pixie-Bobs grasp I went for my bag. Trudging over to the bus, the class quickly shifts their things into each respective room and make a break for the food.

Just as the sun was lowering itself beneath the horizon, class 1-A were face to face with one of the greatest sight's known to a hungry person. A bona fide feast, the elongated tables within the facility were covered top to bottom with all different types of food, so even for the picky eaters there was lots of choice.

After the initial shock was over, it became a scramble for the nearest seats. Using whatever energy they had left, everyone sprinted to the cuisine covered table top. Landing a seat next to the masked man Shoji, I munched down on food while waiting to see if he'd take his mask off to eat his dinner.

What I didn't expect, but probably should've was Shoji turning one of his tentacle arms into a mouth, and then feeding himself through that appendage. While it made for quite a strange and remotely comical view, I wasn't one to stop someone from eating how they want... at least that's what I thought.

Sitting directly across from us were Kaminari and Kirishima, who were both shovelling rice down their throat like there's no tomorrow, causing a fair bit off mess and rapidly depleting the rice supply at this end of the table since that was all they were eating.

Suddenly the smell of beef hit our side of the table, instantly causing the two gluttons to freeze up and robotically place their bowls back on to the table with gobsmacked expressions on their face.

Sharply gasping in realisation Kaminari intensely states "I smell beef" as his head span in the direction of the bowl of freshly cooked meat that Pixie-Bob was bringing in.

Following his example Kirishima does the same thing before shouting "Hey wait you got meat over there?!" he said with surprise.

Resisting the urge to facepalm at the two's stupidity, I listen in as Pixie-Bob exasperatedly responded "Yea, geez it's like you guys haven't eaten in a week or something" while shaking her head from side to side.

"Anyway, today's the only time we'll be doing this for you, so make sure you guys enjoy it" she informs us with a light smile, before placing the meat on the table and leaving for the kitchen.

While Kirishima and Kaminari made a break from the beef, I asked Shoji "Do you ever take that mask off?" as I began refilling my plate with another serving of food.

Turing to look at me he replies "I take it off in my house sometimes, but other than that I've always got in on" all the while he shoves heaps of food into his secondary mouth.

"Why?" I curiously ask, wanting to know the reason why he always keeps his face covered.

Seemingly no minding the query, Shoji explains "Well, it's becuase in the past, I ended up scaring a kid on the streets because of my face. After that I decided to start wearing a mask to prevent it from happening again."

So that's why, still, I don't think his face could be that bad. It was probably just becuase that kid had never seen a similar type of quirk before, or just had some sort of underlying fear towards those types of appearances.

If he took off his mask now, I don't think it would bother anyone, especially since we're at UA where there's no shortage of weird and wonderful quirks. I mean just look at our class, we've got Tokoyami who's some sort of human-bird hybrid with a talking shadow, and Koda who has a rock for a head, and that's just our class, while walking around I see a guy who looked like a human beetle. So all in all I think he's fine to take it off.

"Now you've got me curious about what's underneath it." I said to Shoji who was using one of his limbs to refill his cup.

"If you want to see my face I can show you, just not here. I don't want everyone freaking out over it" he answered while looking at everyone else, with them so hyper focused on their meals, no one even noticed the conversation we had.

With the Pussycats in charge of the dinner, everything went smoothly and everyone got their fill by the time the food ran out. Even that little kid Kota who sucker punched Midoriya helped out, all be it grudgingly. Seems like he's got something against everyone sitting here, if that scowl he's always wearing is anything to go by.

Once everyone recovered from their food comas, we were permitted to use the hot springs to wash off before heading back to our rooms.

The baths were top quality, easily comparable to the ones in Asakusa, they has the real rocks, the little tree and some shrubbery to decorate the place, and the water was nice a hot.

Slipping myself into the water, I released a sigh of comfort as I quickly submerged myself up to the neck. All the boys were spread out across the onsen, relaxing and talking away.

Not far from me was Shoji who was still wearing in mask even when in the water.

Thinking this was as good a time as ever, I said to Shoji "Why don't you whip that thing off just now. I don't think any of the boys would mind."

In return he quickly glanced around the pool at each of the boys and asked "Are you guys alright with me taking my mask off?"

At his words Kaminari sharply replied "Dude! You're taking your mask off. Hell yea let's see"

As well as Sero saying "Sure man it's your mask"

"I also am curious to find out what's under the mask" Tokoyami seriously added.

With everyone encouraging him, Shoji slowly began to slip the mask covering the lower half of his face. Once he completely removed the item, he placed it on the side of the pool and awaited everyone's reactions.

With the mask off everyone was privy to Shojis uncovered face. What we saw was a wide, lip-less mouth that stretched from one side of his face to the other, just above this was his slightly pointed nose that seemed to connect with the upper part of his mouth where his lip should've been.

Although his appearance wasn't the most pleasing to the eye, it wasn't that bad either, especially compared to other mutant quirks. After everyone had a good look and the initial exclamation of surprise, they started asking Shoji why he even covered it in the first place, since no one here was bothered about it.

Following this was Shoji recounting the story he told me at dinner.

{Toru POV}

After stuffing ourselves with that delicious food make by the Pussycats, the girls moved into the hot springs.

Stepping into the water Mina declared "This feels amazing, as her naked body slumped into the war water.

Responding to her friend Jiro says from her position in the pool "I know right. I'm so glad they got hot springs here" as she released a warm sigh of comfort.

"You got that right, ribbit" Tsu said as she swam around the shallow pond.

While we relaxed and gossiped about random things, we hear a bunch of shouts comings from the boys side of the onsen.

"I completely forgot that the boys were bathing at the same time as us" Momo said as she looked at the large wooden wall separating the two sides.

"Same here, at least there's no perverts in the class so I doubt that there will be any trouble" Jiro calmly pointed out.

Being the closest one to the wall I took a good moment to look at it before the heat began rushing to my face. Just the thought of being seen naked filled me with a sense of embarrassment, but thinking about Benimaru sneaking a peek made me feel more giddy that anything else.

None of the girls really noticed my embarrassment since I'm, you know, invisible. This caused me to slump lower into the water as I realised that even If Benimaru peeked at me, he still wouldn't be able to see me.

The swirls of way emotion caused the light around me to distort slightly, making me able to see at angles I never thought was possible.

As I noticed this I swiftly calmed myself down, realising that I could maybe control the phenomenon, I spent the remainder of our time in the onsen in relative silence, which the girls seemed to notice.

Trying to use my newfound powers, I managed to get a birds eye view, even though my direct line of sight was looking the water. Although the bird's eye view was very unstable and cut out a lot, it gave me a new sense of familiarity with my quirk. Showing my ways it can be used, which I previously never thought was possible.

My excitement quickly stopped however, when I notice something in my field of view. The boys side of the onsen, this quickly sobered me up from my high, but before I got rid of the bird's eye view, I caught sight of Benimaru, at the edge of the water, topless, and with nothing but a small towel covering him.

Unable to resist I tried zooming in, the closer I got the more unstable the image was, but it was enough to get my heart pounding and my breathing slightly haggard. By the time I was getting a close up, large hand patted my should.

Shrieking at the unexpected contact, I jumped away from the hand an my blushing face turning and even deeper shade of red.

Watching me in surprise Tsu asks "You okay Toru, you were super quiet there, we thought something was wrong"

"N-nothing wrong, just thinking about thing" I replied with a bout of nervous laughter.

With a plain expression on her face Tsu tells me, "Alright then, well we're all getting out now, you coming?"

"S-sure" I promptly responded, speedily leaving the pool I tried my best to get these images out my head but to no avail.

{Benimaru POV}

Why does it feel like someone's watching me, glancing around the onsen I searched for anything suspicious but found nothing.

Pixie-Bob maybe?

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