My Husband Is Always A Villain…!

Chapter 3: The Plot

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In just 4 hours, Bai Li changed Wen Huan's life. Right now, Wen Huan's uncle was sitting inside a prison cell. His aunt was cursing him, and his cousins were helplessly looking at their mad mother. As the city's chief police officer, Bai Li's work efficiency was second to none.

Bai Li completed all the documentation about this case and looked up. Her son was beside Wen Huan, who silently sat on the chair. If not for Xue Rong, who teased him from time to time, it was as if he didn't exist in the same time and place as them.

From Wen Huan's behavior, Bai Li was sure that he had suffered a lot in his uncle's home. Now, there was a big question ahead. What to do about Wen Huan? Besides this family, Wen Huan had no immediate relatives.

The last remaining option was to send him to an orphanage. But looking at Wen Huan, she doubted that it was a good choice.

Children like Wen Huan are a little special. They need more attention and care; if not, they can become emotionally unstable. Bai Li had seen such various cases.

"Wen Huan, I know you are too little to understand this, and it's too much to ask your opinion on it, but I still want to ask. Where do you want to live from now on? Should we look for an orphanage or a foster family for you? We don't know how much time it would take before adoption."

Bai Li carefully asked for his opinion. Adults often think that children's opinions don't matter, But Bai Li never agrees with this view. In her opinion, people must decide for themselves. The way our life is headed must be determined by us.

That's why the way she treats her son is also like he is an adult. Of course, if she discovers he is doing something wrong, she will point it out and help him to correct his ways. But she'll never prevent him from living the life way he wants.

Wen Huan glanced at her. It is pretty rare to find such a person. In this world, where powerful people don't give a damm about the opinions of adults, she is even willing to hear the thoughts of a child. Well, it's good for him.

Wen Huan thought for a second. Foster care, no. Adoption means again losing control over his life, no. Living in an orphanage was also not a good option but, after weighing his all choices, it was the least unfavorable one.

So, Wen Huan decided and calmly responded.

"I think orphanage is..."

"How about we took you under 'family care'? This way, you will not lose your right to inheritance, and with my mother as your backer, no one will dare to bully you again."

Xue Rong suddenly asked while looking into his eyes. There was no way he would let him go like this. Wen Huan is a reborn person, and due to his past life, he is apprehensive about people.

If he suffers for the second time, then maybe even god can't stop him from destroying Xiao MingProtagonist of this world.

Both Bai Li and Wen Huan were stunned as they looked at him.

Wen Huan thought this kid may be excessively loved by his family. Is he a puppy or something that his mother would agree to take him home? Even though this lady is kind, taking a child home is a totally different matter!

After the initial shock, Bai Li calmed down. She didn't rush to speak and seriously considered Xue Rong's suggestion.

Bai Li is used to Xue Rong's personality. She knew that although he looks carefree and sometimes abruptly sets forward his opinions, in reality, he speaks after careful consideration. His care and worry for Wen Huan were not missed by her experienced eyes.

"Xue Rong, I hope you know this matter is pretty serious. If Wen Huan is not against it, I don't mind raising one more child. But you have to take responsibility for him. I won't be there for him all the time and your father is too busy too. Wen Huan has already suffered enough, so I don't want him to feel lonely again. So, it'll be your responsibility to take care of him."

Although Bai Li didn't say it bluntly, Xue Rong understood that she was worried about Wen Huan's mental health. Today's incident of Wen Huan using the knife is still fresh in her mind.

Wen Huan needed attention and care. If not, there is a high possibility that he will have phycological problems.

"I know, mom. I'll be responsible for him. If he decides to stay, I'll take care of him as my little brother."

"Okay. So, Wen Huan, what is your decision?"

Wen Huan was too shocked to answer. Is this still the same world? How can they just casually decide this? Do they seriously see him as a puppy?

In the end, Wen Huan agreed. It was not him losing anything here.

'Family Care' was really a good option for him. Although this world is similar to earth by almost 90%, there are still some differences, like 'Family care.' It is an alternative system for adoption.

By choosing it, that child would live under the care of a family until 21. Then for 10 years, he has to provide for them. But unlike adoption, this family would have no other rights over that child.

Bai Li returned home with Xue Rong and Wen Huan and gave him a room next to Xue Rong. It took just an hour to arrange his luggage. There were very few things under his possessions, after all.

They had dinner and returned to their respective rooms. Now, Xue Rong finally got the time to ask the system for the second half of the plot.

(Host, first tell me, just why did you run without knowing the plot? Now the big villain is next door. How are you going to stop him?)

The system spoke out her all grievances the moment she got the chance.

"It was according to our contract. I'll save the protagonist; and in return, I'll meet my lover."

Xue Rong explained calmly. Actually, it was not very accurate to call Wen Huan his lover. Because in their previous life, they never got the chance to confirm their feelings. Wen Huan died suddenly, and Xue Rong was left alone helplessly. Luckily, he encountered this system and got a second chance to meet him.

(Is it really him? But the condition to recognize him is by touching! You ran the moment you saw him!)

System roared in Xue Rong's head.

"I know, I know! Don't shout like this, my mother! I can't take your attacks so often. About recognizing him, I didn't know he was 'Him' before touching him, but I just instinctively felt that I must save him. Also, he was not really planning to use that knife. He was just scaring those bullies."

The system rolled her eyes. Just scaring...haha. He surely can scare anyone to death!

"Really! When I caught his hand, there was not much force behind the knife. At most, he would've cut his clothes."

The system decided to stay silent.

According to the contract, Xue Rong would get 3 chances to identify his lover through skin-to-skin contact. The limit is one chance per day. If he touched his lover for the second time in a single day, he would not feel any connection.

(Okay, Okay. Now, listen to the plot according to the protagonist's point of view.)

The system started to calmly summarize the plot.

The plot that Xue Rong received from Xiao Ming is about this timeline. But in this plotline, Wen Huan was not reborn like Wang Li. Actually, Wen Huan's rebirth is the cause of the destruction of the Xiao Ming and ultimately, this world.

According to the plot, Wang Li met Xiao Ming during the opening ceremony of her drama, 'The tale of forgotten love.' After some series and turns, they fell in love.

After around 6 months, Wang Li complained that Wen Huan was trying to force her into a relationship, and that's how the fight between Xiao Ming and Wen Huan started.

Xiao Ming barely managed to keep his company but ultimately, Wen Huan lost because of his illness.

After Wen Huan's death, one more person tried to harass Wang Li and ended up losing most of his fortune. His name is Wei Cheng. He was the president of Wei Group and was known for ruthless means to gain benefits.

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Although Xiao Ming never knew about Wang Li's rebirth, Xue Rong guessed that because she helped Xiao Ming more than 4 times to avoid losses in the share market and also, and she purchased lands that went up 40% high in just 3 years.

So, in this novel, it was not the protagonist, but his lover was a reborn flower. She knew the future, and with the help of this golden finger, she lived an envious life. Along the way, she also benefited the protagonist.

"System, I can understand why she went against Wen Huan. He basically donated his wealth to her, so she again took the same route. But why would she wants to harm Wei Cheng?"

The system thought for a second.

"Maybe she took the revenge for something he did in her past life?"

Xue Rong nodded. He also thought the same.

"There is one more thing. Why did she cause the dispute between Wen Huan and Xiao Ming in her first life? It can't be that she knew from the beginning that Wen Huan would give his property to her? If she really did love Xiao Ming in her first life, then why would she risk Xiao Ming going bankrupt for just toying with Wen Huan?"

Xue Rong couldn't understand the motive behind it.

System blurted without thinking.

"Maybe she wanted the bankruptcy of both! Haha..!"

Xue Rong felt he grasped the crucial point!

"You're really a smart system! That's right! Do you remember Wei Cheng, who was also targeted by Xiao Ming? What if Wang Li was working for him in her first life. She wanted to cause a dispute between Wen Huan and Xiao Ming. Who would profit from this? Of course, it's Wei Cheng!"

The system realized that she accidentally guessed right! Without blinking her eye, she took the credit for it.

"Yes, host! But after Wen Huan's death, Xiao Ming must've learned the fact that both of them were played by Wang Li. So, when he turned against Wang Li, Wei Cheng would've ignored her. That's why she turned against him in her second life, it's to take revenge!"

Xue Rong agreed with her. In her second life, Wang Li stayed faithfully with Xiao Ming because she knew he was the only person she could rely on. Wen Huan was also faithful, but he'll die soon. Wei Cheng already stabbed her in back, so he was her revenge material.

So, Xiao Ming became her only choice, and there was nothing she was unsatisfied with him. He was handsome, rich, and faithful.

"It's really a unique story of a white lotus and faithful (Dog) lover."

System signed with emotion.

"Hmm. But because of Wen Huan's rebirth, the plot changed. According to memories of his past life, he has no idea that Xiao Ming was also innocent and the real culprit is Wei Cheng."

The system felt like her brain is about to explode! She really doesn't like this kind of messed-up plot!

"Alright, alright. Let's stop thinking about it! You don't have to worry about anything. I'll stop Wen Huan from harming Xiao Ming. He is innocent too."

Xue Rong comforted his system.

"Thank you, host! I'll also help whenever I can!"

Now she was feeling a little bit guilty. It was her job to deliver the plot, but she messed it up in the first world!

"It's no big deal. But don't you think we should at least know each other's names? What's your name?"

When he first met the system, it was the time when Wen Huan just died. So, Xue Rong wasted no time following the system to this world. Then, his past memories were sealed until today, so it's the first time he is talking with his system.

"Umm, I don't really have a name. My past hosts never asked me that either."

Xue Rong understood. No one really cared who she is or whether even she have a name.

"I can't always call you 'System', you know. You're my partner. Apart from Wen Huan, you'll be the only one who'll accompany me through many unknown worlds. So at least I should know who you really are."

It was the first time her host saw her as a partner. She had many hosts before, to be exact, 100. It took such a long time. This host is her last chance. If he failed, he will fall into the reincarnation cycle again. But she'll simply seize to exist.

"I really don't have a name. But you can give me one."

The system finally decided to have a name.

Xue Rong was a little surprised. Asking him to give a name! He was really not good at it!

"It's fine. You can call me whatever you like."

The system was not afraid. Apart from her host, no one would ever know her existence.

"Then I'll call you 'Xiao Bai'. 'Xiao' means little, and 'Bai' is white. When I first met you, you looked like a white spark of light. You were the only hope left for me in the whole world. So, Xiao Bai, do you like this name?"

Xue Rong asked her with a smile.

A white ball of light suddenly jumped in front of him and danced in a circle.

"Yes, host! I really like this name!"

Xue Rong signed with relief.

"I also have a name, you know!"

He doesn't want to hear 'host'. It felt like he was talking with some kind of parasite where he is its 'Host'!

System laughed until her stomach ached and replied.

"Okay, then I'll call you brother."



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