My Husband, Warm The Bed

Chapter 604: C608

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Jianran leads Xiaoran to stand up, but suddenly it's dark in front of her eyes, and she's dizzy. Her steps are slippery again, and her center of gravity is unstable and she rushes forward.

Ah - instinctively, Jane screamed with fright.

Mother small ran also regardless of whether they can grasp the mother, just out of instinct to protect her mother, tightly grabbed the corner of her mother's dress.

Fortunately, Xiaoran grasped Jianran in time and gave her a focus so that she could stabilize her body steadily.

The body is stable, but the simple soul is scared away.

Her face was pale with fright, and for a long time her heart was still pounding, unable to return to her chest.

Just now, if she fell to the ground, Jane dared not think about the consequences. She stroked her abdomen with lingering fear, and was glad that she was OK. Baby, it's OK. Don't be afraid that Jane stroked her abdomen, and comfort the baby who might be scared just like her.

Mother, however, is not afraid of the small Ran Ran thought her mother is talking to her, because there is only one baby here.

Well, don't be afraid of mom's two babies. Jane rubs Xiaoran's head, kisses her on her forehead, and leads Xiaoran to the house.

When she got to the door, she looked back.

The snowmelt floor, with ice and melted snow water, is easy to slip.

It seems that she will have to be more careful in the future. Whether it's xiaoranan or her baby, it's so important for her. She can't let xiaoranan and her baby be OK.

Qin Yue just rushed out of the study and saw Jian ran standing there well. His heart slowly fell.

The worry in the eyes was also covered up by him. His expression was cold again. Only the two hands hanging on his side were tightly clenched into fists, revealing his real feelings.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, at the same time as yesterday, lingfeiyu came to Jianran's home to pick up Xiaoran, so he went to see the cartoon.

Jane understands that Lingfei language is an excuse to watch cartoons. It's true to see Qinyue.

Just today, let xiaoranan go to see Qinyue. Will Qinyue return xiaoranan to her?

Jane is not sure, but she still hasn't broken them down, and hasn't stopped Xiao Ranan, just a little reluctant.

However, Baby Jane puts on her hat, holds her face and lets her look at her. No matter when she comes back, don't forget that mom will be waiting for you all the time.

No matter how long she waits, days, months, years, or her whole life, she will be here waiting for her daughter.

She believes that one day Xiao ran will think of her and come back to see her. It may be many years later, but it doesn't matter, as long as Xiao ran comes back.

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Jane thought so in her heart, but she didn't understand. She had been in a hurry to see her father.

She broke away from Jane's arms, took the initiative to give her little hand to Ling Feiyu's palm, and waved to Jane: Mom, but play with aunt Feiyu, and she will come back soon.

Big Ran Ran Ran, I took her to go first, you busy you, later I send her back. Seeing that Jane is reluctant, Lingfei's words are pulled away by Xiao ran, and he still hasn't forgotten to talk back to Jane.

Well, Jane didn't say anything more, just nodded softly.

She shouldn't always think badly. She should think about everything in a good way. Maybe Qinyue just let xiaoranan get together and didn't want to go back.

If Qin Yue really wanted to get Xiaoran back, he would not have given her the right of custody. Now that he has given xiaoranan's custody to her, Jianran suspects that Qin Yue will not go back easily.

After all, he is the leader of Tangtang Shengtian group, and his words are also very trustworthy and will not change day by day.

In such a way, Jane's heart is much better.

It's no use thinking about anything now. She still needs to work hard and make money well. Only when she has money can she support her children.

It's clear that she doesn't want to be confused, but the drawing in Jianran's hand gradually turns into a small round face.

When Jane was back to her mind, half of the original design was made a mess by her, which turned into a useless piece of waste paper.

What the hell do I want to do? Jane was so angry that she threw out all the paintings she always cherished.

Well, now we just need to focus on the design work, make money and support our family. Don't think about anything else.

as like as two peas in the mirror, she took a look at the mirror and looked at her mirror, and looked at her in the mirror. Jane, did you want to be a woman worthy of Qin Yue? Then look at your present situation. Where are you worthy of him?

Now, it looks thin and bloodless. It looks like a paper doll as others say. As long as someone pokes her with their fingers, they can prick her.

When we look at Qin Yue, no matter when he is dressed clean and tidy, he is noble and elegant, and always stands at the top of the pyramid.

Such son of Jane ran, what qualification does she have to stand in that kind of Qinyue side? Why does she keep her in his mind?

Jianran sips her mouth, biting herself hard: Jianran, now you have no reward except trying to make yourself better and better? Small Ran Ran blinked the big eyes of water spirit and looked at her father expectantly to see what reward he would give her.

But today I can stay with my father for half an hour. That is to say, the reward for xiaoranran is better than that for Qinyue.

Mingming lives beside their mother and daughter, but Qin Yue can't hold them together, so they only have a lot to accompany their baby daughter.

That's how they spent the next week. /p

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