My Life After I Was Reborn In a Different World

Chapter 3: (2) The Demon Named Damon (1)

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A DARK MIST suddenly appeared out of nowhere and not long after a figure of a man appeared at the back of Rylie, which instantly alarmed me and I pulled my son towards me.

The mist slowly dissipated and what's left was surprisingly a handsome-looking man despite his ominous presence. His hair was raven black and his eyes as red as a ruby. His skin was so white it almost looked like he had no blood in his veins. He is no doubt a beautiful creature but his appearance almost reminded me of a supernatural being infamous back on Earth which was a vampire—except that he didn't seem like he had fangs and claws—and instead of a creepy vampire-like cape, the demon was wearing clothes that are similar to a butler's.

"Ahh, I finally got to meet the woman who birthed my master," the demon chirped and without warning, he was already a few inches so close to me. I was caught off guard and was about to step back but before I could do that, a bright light suddenly emanated before a man, and his warmth wrapped around me as he pushed the demon away.

"I already told you never to show your face in front of my master," Orpheus growled in a threatening manner as if he was a little kid who had his favorite toy taken from him and now he's taking it back.

"Well, I was asked to show myself. I only did what was ordered." The demon replied with leisure before his eyes once again focused on me. His lips form into a smile that sent shivers all other my body. It wasn't a good sign. He's oozing with a pure evil aura that I had to rely on my familiar and hide from the piercing jewel.

"Still. I told you I will do whatever I can to erase you from this world if you ever did something to her," Orpheus said and tightened his grip on me. I already know how much he's overprotective of me but the fact that he already knew this demon, sent me into a foul mood.

"Orpheus, was it you who let my son form a contract with a demon? A powerful demon at that?!" I asked, faking a smile as I pulled on his clothes to catch his attention. I sounded calm but I was far from calm at the moment. And as my one and only familiar, Orpheus instantly noticed my emotions and he hesitantly let me go looking all guilty.

"I-I can explain, Elaina..." he stuttered, playing with his hair where leaves and flowers were growing on some of the strands. As the spirit King of nature and one of the strongest spirits of this world enough to be considered as God in some regions of the continent, Orpheus looked handsome and majestic as always but I will not let that distract me at this moment as I glared at him putting both my hands on my sides to emphasize my displeasure.

"R-Rylie's power is too strong. He needed someone who can help him better control it while his body hasn't fully matured. Of all the dark creatures and demons out there, this one was the most suitable... Y-You know I'm allergic to darkness," Orpheus tried to explain but I still wasn't buying it because they hid this from me—Rylie's mother—for such a long time. They had so many chances to tell me but it took a month for me to know and to top it all the kids just slipped so they weren't planning to tell me at least for now. Furthermore, Orpheus is not allergic to darkness, he just doesn't like it but he could still handle it at some extent. Besides, he was the one who volunteered to teach the kids and he loved them so much since he's been there since day one.

"But you know how I felt about Rylie taking in a familiar. He's too young and a demon at that!? We don't know where this creature came from. The more human-like, the more powerful they are. You could have at least let me know. If the twins didn't slip, I would not have known this." I said and I pointed at the Demon who seemed to enjoy watching me scolding my familiar. As I remember correctly, Rylie called him Damon. This demon looked exactly like a human. If it weren't for the fact that he is Rylie's familiar, no one would think he's a demon. In any case, people would just think he's someone from a clan that is a descendant of demons since red ruby-like eyes are commonly a characteristic of demons. 

The more human-like a demon is, the more powerful they are because they had the ability to hide their true appearance and blend in among the humans, and even breed with them. To think that Rylie had someone like that as his familiar was unthink off—at least for me. How can I not worry about that?

"Don't worry, Elaina. I promise you that Rylie will not go insane if that's what you're afraid of. And we have Sibel helping him when things go out of hand. Everything is under control that's why I've let this happen." Orpheus continued to explain and that's what upset me more. He let this happen! Then what about my opinion as the mother of my children? But then again, even if I get angry here, there is nothing that we can do. A familiar contract will never disappear unless one of them dies. And deep inside, I trust Orpheus' judgment. I'm just upset that they've kept this from me.

"I'll leave this for now but I am still upset Orpheus. I may be young and you think I'm incapable but I am still the mother of my children. Please respect my decision next time." I said with a helpless sigh which immediately made Orpheus feel relieved as he nodded and began to near me and his warmth soon wrapped my body. This is just something he does whenever he's around. Back then we weren't that close to each other but slowly he had become attached to me to the point that he wouldn't leave unless I told him to. To him, I was like a rare animal who gave birth to twins who had different fathers, both children had strong magical power of darkness and light and on top of that, I had the same power as him even though it wasn't as strong.

I don't know why this was happening to me and I wondered if this was because I'm reincarnated from Earth but I sighed in frustration ignoring my familiar because he's always been like this and I'm pretty much used to him already. I've noticed he had become even more obsessed with me ever since I've started giving him the pudding and ice cream I made—saying it was something he had never had or seen before.

But enough with Orpheus, I need to focus on the demon named Damon.

"You! What is your motive!? What do you plan to do with my Rylie!?" I pointed at the demon with my eyes glaring at him. I truly believe he has motive because, despite his gorgeous features, one look at him tells me it's not good to trust him.

"Motive?? Do I need a motive to form a familiar contract?" The demon replied with his soft eerie voice.

"Yes. A demon as powerful as you could be the Demon King himself but you took a familiar contract with a child." I said still frowning.

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"Hmmm, well you are right. But I don't really have a motive. Right now, I am just fascinated at how much power my master has within his small body." Damon replied and all of a sudden he was behind Rylie and patting his head in amusement.

"L-let go of him! My son is not your plaything." I yelled as my glare intensified.

"Elaina...this demon will not be able to hurt Rylie. Because once Rylie is hurt, this demon will receive the pain ten times. Of course, in case of death, this demon's soul will not be able to be reborn. That's the kind of control I made them take so rest assured that this demon will take care of Rylie." Orpheus interrupted as his chin rested on top of my head continuing to wrap his arms around me like a stubborn octopus.

But as I heard Orpheus, I quickly pulled away from his grasp and looked at him confused. The familiar contract I have with Orpheus was the ordinary one where if one of us dies, the other can move on. While the one Orpheus mentioned was more like a slave contract. Even for a demon, that's just too cruel.

"B-but why would a demon as strong as this one want that?" I asked in disbelief, to which Orpheus replied with a slight shrug before he slithered again to wrap his warmth around me.

"As I said, I was fascinated. A human like my master, having this much power in him. I simply cannot let him go. I want to see how far he can go. I was bored you see," Damon mentioned and continued to pat Rylie's head to which the little kid seemed to didn't mind.

"Forget destruction, I simply want this kid to be the most powerful in this world." He added as his eyes glistened with so much fascination and excitement as he looked at my son. I was speechless for a second before I massaged my temples and pulled away from my familiar once again.

"This is all giving me a headache," I admitted and found myself a chair to sit on.

"But one more thing I'm interested in..." Damon once again chirped before his voice vanished and all of a sudden he was in front of me caressing my hair. "I am also interested in the woman who gave birth to such a powerful being," he said as he kissed my hair. I was dumbfounded but everything happened so quickly and in just a moment he disappeared again evading Orpheus' attack.

"I told you, get your hands off of my Elaina," Orpheus yelled and did his best to protect me from the mischievous demon, which Damon only replied with a smirk getting back behind Rylie. Suddenly, this new addition to our small family felt like it's going to give me more headaches in the future since from now on, we have no choice but to stay together for a long time.

"Fine! I get it. Since you can't hurt my baby. I will let you stay so you two should get along," I said, making sure Orpheus would understand. I don't want fights within my circle so Damon and Orpheus will need to get along.

"But Elaina, do I really need to?? His presence makes my leaves turn limp... I don't like him and I feel like he's going to take you away from me. If it wasn't because he had a strong affinity with Rylie, I would have sent him to where he came from." Orpheus whined caressing the leaves on his hair as if he was a child but I just rolled my eyes.

"My decision is final!" I said with a frown, making Orpheus pout but in the end, he nodded his head in defeat. If I wasn't used to his personality already I wouldn't have believed that he was the spirit of nature—one of the strongest spirits in this world—that if it wasn't for him, this world would have turned into a desert with no life to support every living thing.

Meanwhile, I look at Damon waiting for his answer as he continued to smile keeping his eyes on me. I didn't know if he agreed or not but he wants to be in this family, he will have to follow my rules.

"I understand," Damon said, responding to my look but it seemed like he had more to say but in the end, decided not to seeing Orpheus keeping his hands on me. I slightly raised one of my eyebrows in inquiry but he just continued to smile which I found very creepy.

"Ahh! Mommy! The bird woke up!" I was just about to dismiss the conversation when my daughter suddenly exclaimed and both she and her twin brother rushed to where the bird was. I didn't know that I would once again open up the topic of a familiar contract but this time, involving my eldest child—Sibel.

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To be Continued...

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