My Little Sister Can’t be My Girlfriend (WN)

Chapter 10: 10

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My Little Sister is not Ready to Grow Up Yet


Haruta never thought he would be back here again.

Haruta is walking down the hallway while chucking wryly at himself.

He’s wearing an alma mater from the middle school which he just recently graduated.

He doesn’t feel nostalgic at all.

The school is very quiet, as the classes are in session.

Today’s the beginning of May, in the middle of the Golden Week.

Haruta’s school, Yurinkan High School, is closed during the Golden Week.

However, public junior high schools’ holidays are determined by the calendar, because Golden Week isn’t an official holiday in the calendar and today is a weekday, there are classes as usual.

“That’s right, I heard Sakuraba didn’t join any club activities?”

“Ah yes, that’s right. I’m sorry.”

“Hahaha, no need to apologize.”

Walking next to Haruta is his ninth-grade homeroom teacher.

At the same time, he was also the advisor of the basketball team to which Haruta joined in his first year.

Haruta only joined the basketball team because he went along with Matsukaze, he quits soon after his sophomore year.

Needless to say, the reason Haruta’s here is Fuyu. He wants to make sure that his little sister is safe from molesters.

Fuyu doesn’t have any morning practice or after school activities. Fuyu is one of the members of the ‘going straight home’ club.

“You are tall and I think you have a good sense of style. Well, neither ours nor Yurinkan’s club activities are compulsory.”

“I’m more interested in playing around than joining a club.”

As Haruta said, he wants to play with his little sister more.

“I see. Alumni do visit time to time, but it’s quite rare to see one arrive so early.”

“I’m just Matsukaze’s bonus.”

That’s right, Haruta came to his middle school today with Matsukaze who isn’t a part of the basketball team anymore.

Matsukaze was asked by a junior to come and watch the basketball team practice.

It seems like Matsukaze often accepts his juniors’ requests even though the isn’t a part of the basketball team anymore.

“I think Matsukaze isn’t here yet. You came a bit too early, you know?”

“I seem to have come at the wrong time.”

That is a big lie.

The truth is Haruta came a little early because he wanted to see his little sister in class.

Haruta knows it sounds gross, but when he was in middle school, he only got to see Fuyu around school, he never saw Fuyu in class.

This is not surprising because Haruta was also in class while Fuyu was in class.

Haruta also intends to be Fuyu’s guardian on behalf of their busy parents.

It’s like a class visit.

When Haruta asks his former homeroom teacher for permission, he easily granted it and he even give a tour to Haruta.

“You’re really popular of your love to your sister, you know? Hahaha, I’m just kidding.”

“You can tease me, I don’t mind.”

As expected of Haruta’s former homeroom teacher, he seems to be aware of Haruta’s intentions.

“Ah, we’re here. Go ahead, take a look around.”

“Okay then.”

Arriving at the third-grade classroom, Haruta peeks inside through the back door window.

There are around thirty middle school students studying inside the classroom.

Among them—there is a girl who stands out by the window.

She has brown, smooth, straight long hair, two bulges pushing up her white blouse, slender waist, and long white legs extending from her miniskirt.

Even the way she casually brushes her hair back is really s**y.

Even in the classroom, Fuyu really stands out.

“Well, I can understand why Sakuraba is worried. Sakuraba’s little sister—is a prominent student after all, she really stands out inside and outside class. She is just too beautiful, Oh, that was off the record. A teacher shouldn’t say such things.”

“…I knew it, she really stands out, doesn’t she?”

Haruta takes a peek inside the classroom while whispering to his former homeroom teacher.

“Yeah, she does. It’s not uncommon for students to have brown hair, but your little sister seems really mature.”

“She doesn’t have to rush into adulthood…”

Fuyu is still like a child mentally, but her physical growth sets her apart from the rest of her classmates.

Even though Haruta is proud of her as an older brother, Haruta feels a strange feeling at the sight of his little sister rapidly approaching adulthood. Haruta feels like he wants his little sister to be a little girl forever.

Fuyu doesn’t mind changing clothes or taking baths together with his brother because she is still very innocent and pure.

At least in front of Haruta, she is still a little girl.

But as Haruta expected, his little sister doesn’t act like a child at school.

She doesn’t change her clothes in front of the boys, and even when her friends invite her to the hot springs, she doesn’t like to be seen naked by her girl friends.

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‘I’m proud of my body in front of Onii-chan, but when I’m with my friends, I’m embarrassed…’

On the day Fuyu turned down her friends’ invitation to the spa, she mumbled so while soaking in bath with Haruta.

Her b*****s were large for a ninth grader.

Her nipples were cute and pink coloured.

Her hips were really delicate and slender.

‘Ah, what about my butt? I can’t see much myself.’

Fuyu suddenly stood up from the bathtub, turned around and showed her buttocks to Haruta.

As expected, it was embarrassing even for Haruta to see his little sister’s buttocks right in front of him.

Anyway, Fuyu’s buttocks were small, but they’re soft and plump.

They were pure white, smooth as a silk, without a single flaw.

‘Ahh, you definitely don’t want any pervert to touch your butt.’

‘That’s a strange way to describe them Onii-chan. This is getting embarrassing even with Onii-chan…’

Fuyu quickly sat down in the bathtub and turned around in embarrassment.

As a brother, Haruta felt relieved that his sister still has some of shame.

Haruta thinks it’s okay if she’s embarrassed by it, but from now on she will—


—Haruta reminisced what Fuyu did not long ago.

Normally, they are at the age where it’s natural for them to be shy about changing clothes in front of each other, let alone showing their butts.

And now he sees this beautiful mature girl in the classroom—

As long as Fuyu is Haruta’s sister, the distance between them will surely grow little by little.

Haruta can’t help but to feel lonely as he looks at Fuyu in the classroom.

Then Haruta decides not to think about it any longer.

Haruta wonders what is he doing peeking at his little sister in the classroom like this.

“…I mean she’s taking the class surprisingly seriously.”

“Surprisingly? No, Sakuraba-kun’s attitude in class is good. I’ve never heard her doze off, and from what I’ve seen, she takes good notes.”

“Then how come she got bad grades…?”

“Hmm, well I can say that such student’s aren’t uncommon.”

Fuyu doesn’t study much at home, but she should be able to get some good grades if she takes her class this seriously.

“I look like a pervert now, I’ve been looking at her for a long time. Thank you—”

Just as Haruta about to move away from the door while looking at Fuyu, his sister suddenly turns around.

Then their eyes meet perfectly.

“Ehh!? Isn’t that Onii-chan!? What’s wrong!? Why are you here!?”

Fuyu stands up and said so in a loud voice.

No one in the classroom had noticed Haruta, but Fuyu had a hunch that someone is looking at her.

Fuyu quickly walks towards Haruta and opens the backdoor.

“Eh? Eh? You said you’re off today to go with Matsukaze-san… what’s wrong?”

“I’m sorry I surprised you, but please let go of me for the time being.”

When Fuyu opened the door, she hugs Haruta as if it was a matter of course.

Fuyu’s ample b*****s are pressed against Haruta.

Although Haruta has never hidden his close relationship with Fuyu. He is indeed embarrassed to show his juniors that he is hugging his sister.

“What’s wrong with a sister hugging her brother…?”

Haruta can hear voices of lustful boys from inside the classroom saying ‘Is she a brocon?’, ‘Damn, I’m too envious of Sakuraba-senpai.’, ‘I want to call Sakuraba-senpai my brother.’, ‘I’d rather have Sakuraba-san as my sister.’, and so on.

“Oh, you smell really good Fuyu… and soft…”

Even some of the girls are envious.

It seems that they aren’t envious of Fuyu hugging Haruta, but they are envious of Haruta being hugged by Fuyu.

Apparently Haruta is also really popular among the girls in Fuyu’s class.

“I came to watch the basketball team practice with Matsukaze. I don’t have anything to do anyway.”

“If you’re not busy, why don’t you visit our class? Is that okay, sir?”

“No, that’s not okay.”

The teacher at the front of the class immediately answers Fuyu’s innocent question.

Of course, even though Haruta is an alumnus, he can’t just go inside a class that’s studying.

Haruta’s former homeroom teacher who accompanies Haruta suddenly goes inside the classroom

“Please excuse us Yamashita-sensei. Let’s go Sakuraba.”

“Ah, yes. Sorry for the trouble. See you Fuyu. Study hard, okay?”


Fuyu seems unhappy seeing her brother leave.

The childish Fuyu is really cute when she pouts her cheeks as her brother leaves the classroom.

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