My Little Sister Can’t be My Girlfriend (WN)

Chapter 2: 2

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My Little Sister Doesn’t Want to be Confessed


The Sakuraba family is a family of four.

They live in a house modestly that the father boldly bought fifteen years ago.

The head of the Sakuraba family which is the father is an ordinary salaryman, the mother returned to work as an office lady since their children enter middle school.

The older brother Haruta is currently in the first grade of high school, whereas the little sister is in the third grade of middle school.

The little sister’s name has a meaning of ‘snow of the winter’, she is called ‘Fuyu’.

It is quite a romantic name.

In spite of it, the parents of the parents of Sakuraba family have given a very simple name to their first child, but the person himself, Haruta doesn’t seem really care about it.

Fuyu—Haruta thinks it is the perfect name for his little sister, her skin is as white and pure as snow.

Haruta thinks his little sister has a really good name.

That alone is enough for Haruta.

The two siblings who are a year apart, get along really well, and there is no awkwardness that tends to occur during adolescence.

They have a really good relationship that the atmosphere at home feels really bright.

“Okay, I did it by myself! I’m not going to let you back me up on this.”

“As expected of you Onii-chan. I’ll push the frontline.”

One evening—

The siblings are playing games in their room.

The Sakuraba family have a house with three bedrooms.

The first floor has a living room, dining room, kitchen, the couple’s bedroom plus a toilet.

There are two western-style rooms in the second floor, but the siblings only use one room.

The Sakuraba family have an extra bedroom.

Their parents thought that the siblings will have their own room once they got into middle school.

When the older brother got into middle school, they planned to sleep in separate rooms.

No, they had actually separated rooms when Haruta entered middle school.

Their parents moved their desks, shelves, split the bunk beds into two and moved them in their own separate rooms—

But Fuyu protested silently.

She acted as if she didn’t have her own room and she was in her brother’s room all the time.

Fuyu played in her brother’s room, did her homework in her brother’s room and even sleep at his brother’s room.

It was really cramped for the two of them to sleep together in a single bunk bed, so Haruta had to sleep on the floor.

The parents chuckled as they put their bunk bed back together and placed their study desks back into their old room.

Therefore, this spring when Haruta entered high school, the siblings still sleep and wake up in the same room.

They also play games together in the same room.

Of course, their console is also shared.

“Onii-chan, I got a kill too! The enemy has planted a landmine. I’ve destroyed it, but they might plant it again, please be careful.”

“Seriously, it’s so easy to miss landmines on this map.”

They just got home from school and sit side by side in front of the TV in their room, still in their uniforms, tapping away at the controller.

They are playing an FPS (First Person Shooter) game which players shoot guns at each other from a subjective point of view.

While battle royale is a popular genre in FPS and TPS (Third Person Shooter) games these days, the siblings are playing ‘CS 64’ (Call Sign 64) a simple six versus six team game.

Initially, Fuyu was the first one to get into it, but not long after, Haruta seemed interested in the game. It didn’t take a long time for Haruta to be hooked at the game.

Haruta and Fuyu have always had the same taste in games.

It’s nice to be able to play the same game with siblings, they can split the cost of the game for fifty-fifty.

“Whoa, a sentry gun! Kyaa, it hurts! I’m being shot, I’m being shot!”

Fuyu is desperately running to escape the sentry gun range while leaning her body back and forth.

Fuyu’s head and b*****s bumps into Haruta’s hand that Haruta got shot in the game.

“Hey, don’t panic and just shoot back from the shadows! I can’t back you up right now… hey, don’t bump into me!”


“It’s fine, just calm down and shoot.”

The little sister’s hair smells good, and her b*****s is repeatedly bumped into Haruta’s body.

Fuyu is the type of person who is physically active when playing a game.

On top of it, when Fuyu is attacked, she often unintentionally screams ‘Kyaaa!’ or ‘Aghnn!”

Fuyu is actually embarrassed of her habit, but she can’t seem to do anything because she does it unintentionally.

“Nice, the sentry gun has been destroyed! Ouch, that hurts! Kyaa!”

“Nice job Fuyu, I’ll be joining you soon!”

“Copy that! Ah, Onii-chan there’s a sniper at north east direction, He’s on the second floor window of the warehouse! Be careful of random shots, I’ll flank him!”

“Roger that! Don’t force your way in, throw a grenade!”

“Copy that, Onii-chan! I’m throwing a grenade… ah! He managed to escape! I think I managed to hit him and broke his armor! He’s probably dying!”

“OK! You idiot, you’re not getting away with this! I got him! Don’t think you can escape after sniping people from afar!”

“Suck on that!”

They take one hand off the controller for a moment to high five.

It is a coordinated move that only siblings can do.

“Ugh, Onii-chan, the front! One of our guys is down in the garage!”

“Okay, let’s go back at once. Fuyu you’re running out of bullets. Pick up a weapon or something.”

“Ah, that’s right. As expected of my Onii-chan, you even know much bullets I have left.”

CS64 is basically a team game, although you can play it solo, it’s much more fun to play in parties.

The siblings sometimes play against each other on separate teams, but Haruta enjoys to be in the same team as Fuyu like this more.

When your team works together and successfully defeat the enemy team, you can feel the excitement hormone flowing into your brain.

“Yeah, we won! Ah, I’m the top scorer.”

“I came in third, I didn’t get much kills.”

“I came in first because I got a lot of score by destroying the sentry gun. Ah, I got promoted to rank S…”

CS64 is ranked based on the number of wins, kill/death ratio, and score—in short, it is ranked by your overall play.

The top rank is SS, followed by S, A, B, C, and D.

The siblings’ teammates are ranked from S to A, they are a little better than the average.

“Whew, I need a break.”

“I’m going to have another game. I almost have enough credits to buy an attachment for the weapon I want.”

Fuyu leans back and stares at the screen.

The younger sister isn’t convinced that she is as good as her brother, even though she got into it first.

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It is heart warming to see she is trying to get better than her brother.

“Ah, what are you doing teammate!? The building over there isn’t safe! A single grenade would wipe us all—ah, see!? We’ve been hit!”

“Ohh, you got a triple kill. You must’ve accumulated a lot of SP points now. There’s a grenade incoming.”

“Woah, we’re losing… It is tough to play with random players after all. It’s useless without Onii-chan.”

“Well, I can’t always play with you either. You won’t be able to maintain your rank when you’re promoted to S rank if you can’t play solo.”

“Didn’t Onii-chan just got promoted to S rank just now? You still don’t know if you can maintain it—Aghnn! I got hit again! The enemy team is pressuring us… we’re totally losing this game.”

Even though Fuyu looks graceful, but she’s actually quite competitive.

Fuyu is desperately struggling alone. In CS64, once the team breaks apart, it’ll be difficult to recover.

“Ahh… I finally got the attachment I want, but I can’t stop now… I don’t want to stop playing after I lost a game…”

“Well, consider it as a lesson.”

Haruta comforts his little sister by patting her on the head.

“I’m played so badly today. I couldn’t get top score, my aim was just too bad.”

“Hmm, come to think of it, that’s true. What’s going on?”

“Listen Onii-chan!”

Fuyu’s eyes widened bigger than usual.

“W-What is it? I’m just asking, calm down.”

Haruta leans against the fence of the bunk bed while soothing his sister.

Fuyu puts down the controller, sits back down next to Haruta, and rests her head on her brother’s shoulder.

“Today, a boy called out to me at lunchtime and told me he likes me.”

“Again? You got quite a lot confession since you got into third grade.”

Haruta recalls that Fuyu has been confessed three times since she got into third grade.

Well, Fuyu is a beautiful girl with light brown hair, attractive face, and charming eyes.

On top of that, as Haruta saw this morning, her b*****s are huge for a ninth grader.

Fuyu is 165 centimeters tall and weighs around 49 kilograms.

She is tall for a third grade girl, and she has just the ideal weight.

With such a gorgeous appearance, it would be difficult not to be popular.

In fact, until last year, Haruta also went into the same middle school as Fuyu, and Haruta is aware that Fuyu was very popular among his male classmates.

“He’s Yamashita-kun from the basketball club.”

“Oh, I know that guy. Isn’t he the ace of the basketball team right now?”

Haruta had a friend on the basketball team, he had heard about him while he was in middle school, and seen him on school before.

Yamashita-kun is tall and quite handsome.

“Yeah, that’s right, but I rejected him. I don’t know him very well.”

“As expected, you’re not easy to get, princess.”

“Please don’t call me a princess. But, Yamashita-kun… in short, he’s only after my body, right?”

“What are you talking about!?”

Every once in a while, his little sister says outrageous things that makes Haruta startled.

“Because me and Yamashika-kun have hardly ever talked to each other, and he certainly doesn’t know my personality, think about it.”


“I have bad grades and I’m hopeless at sports. I can’t even reach the board when I attempt to throw in the basketball.”

“You shouldn’t say those things proudly.”

It is a fact that Fuyu is very bad at studying and sports.

Her test scores are rarely above average, and in sports, she is a burden to the team.

Many people seem to find this surprising, since she looks like the perfect beautiful girl.

“To be honest, I don’t have much to offer other than my looks.”

“So because of that, you’re saying he’s only after your body?”

Certainly, Yamashita and the others must have liked Fuyu just by her looks, since they don’t know her personality and she isn’t really great at studying or sports.

“I don’t care about the people who are after my body. It’s more fun to play games with Onii-chan.”

“You’re really childish Fuyu.”

“That’s right, I’m just a child that doesn’t understand anything about love. How dare they confess to an innocent little child. Protect me Onii-chan~”

“Ugh, a middle school full of pedophiles, it must be the end of the world, but Fuyu…”


“I don’t think it’s a bad thing to reject them. It’s their own choice to make a one sided claim, and Fuyu has a choice to refuse.”

“…Onii-chan, please don’t read my mind.”

Fuyu lifts her head from Haruta’s shoulder and glares at him while puffing out her cheeks.

Her expression is angry, but her eyes are smiling.

Fuyu can sometimes say outrageous things, but she is pure inside.

Fuyu thinks about the person she rejected, she thinks that he might feel really sad and depressed.

She must’ve been really concerned about it that she couldn’t concentrate on the game.

Haruta has always known that his sister is really kind, but he didn’t think his sister is this kind.

“…ah, I got a message on line.”

“Is it from a girl!?”

“No, no, no. What are you talking about?”

This time, not only her face but also her eyes seem to be angry.

Haruta reads the message he received while restraining his sister from looking into his phone.

“Well, I guess it’s a girl after all. It’s from mom. She said they’re going to be late tonight, so go ahead and have dinner.”

“Ah, again?”

Fuyu tilts her head cutely.

“Mom and dad have been home late recently.”

“Isn’t it nice to have busy parents? If they’re busy that means they make more money on overtime pay, our lives will be better off.”

“That isn’t exactly a good way of thinking Onii-chan.”

Haruta was only half joking about it, but Fuyu seems to be taken it seriously.

It’s true that their parents are busy, for the past year or so they both have been coming home late.

“Hmm, mom and dad won’t be back in a while… Alright, Fuyu.”


“Take it off.”


The times shows a little past 6PM.

Since she went through the trouble of texting him on line, Haruta guesses his mother will be home late at night.

Until then, he is alone with his sister, who is extremely cute—there’s no way for Haruta not to enjoy this time.

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