My Little Sister Does Not Need Protection, As I Expected

Chapter 2: Chapter 02: Chaotic Morning

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Looking at the mirror, my reflection greeted me back. Black hair and violet eyes, typical Sitri looks. I am just the older genderbent version of my beloved little sister.

*Knock* *Knock* *Knock*

“Savion-sama, Sir and Madam are waiting in the dining room,” the maid from the outside reminded me.

“Tell them I’ll be there in a while,” putting on the coat, I replied.

For the past five years, I’ve trained nonstop with the help of Nee-sama and Father. He taught me Water Magic while the Maou Shoujo taught me Ice Magic, which is more complex to learn than Water Magic.

Water Magic… it is our family’s speciality. And let me tell you. Devil Magic is bullshit. The guys from ToQgers are going to have a field day if they were given this type of magic system.

Demonic Power… It allows Devils like us to use magic with the power of imagination, the power to create and good sense. Of course, we have to have a good amount of Demonic Power to shape the magic as we want.

Being the High-Class Devil, I was born with a massive pool of Demonic Power. More so than my peers after training my arse off. Most High-Class Devils don’t train much because of their pride.

I don’t know if it was real because I haven’t met someone my age. But it was what Nee-sama said, and I chose to believe her.

Putting on the coat, I look at myself again in the mirror. As the heir of the Sitri family, I should look presentable.

Wearing a long grey coat over a grey suit, I stare at myself. I look hugely different from my Nee-sama, who always wears pink or blue magical girl outfits.

Nodding in satisfaction, I turned and walked toward the door. Tomorrow is my 10th birthday, and there will be a huge party for my public debut. But today, I will be having my own Evil Pieces.

I did not lie when I said I haven’t met a devil my age from a High-Class family. According to my research, Riser is 6 years older than me. He already got his peerage members and had already started his rating game debut at the age of 15.

As for Sairaorg, he is only a year younger than me. That also means there are some possibilities that I will have to participate in that Youth Devil Rating Game Tournament and fight against them to find out who is the strongest youth devil… Troublesome.

But… fighting against Sairaorg can help me think of ways to fight against Touki users. The problem is I am a pure mage. Aside from running in the morning, I haven’t done any exercise at all. So, how can a mage defeat a brute like Sairaorg? Something to think about in the future.

The good thing is I won’t be fighting Sona. The Satans only gathered the heirs, so I will be going in her stead. I very much want to see Rias vs Sona in real life, but… oh well.

After a long walk, I arrived in front of the dining room. As my danger sense had warned me, I stepped back and moved to the side.

And lo and behold! The door slammed open, and a pink rocket shot out. The missile missed me and slammed into the wall with her face.

“Sa-chan, you meanie!” My Nee-sama shouted, touching her bruised nose.

“Nee-sama, get a hold of yourself. We are in front of Father and Mother,” I replied, staring down at her like a bad child.

Nee-sama, ever since I turned 7 years old, started having breakfast at our home. And yes, she is still sleeping in my bed. No matter how I run, hide or even set up traps, she is always beside me every morning when I wake up. I stopped trying on my 8th birthday.

There is no use running from a huge brocon. I’m just glad that she didn’t steal my virginity in my sleep.

Pulling my Nee-sama up from the ground, I tried walking to the dining table. Tried because Nee-sama is holding me like how Rafiki shows Simba the kingdom.

“Nee-sama, put me down,” I hissed.

“Not until you say ‘I love you, Serafall Nee-sama.’,” she replied. Seriously, she is over 500 years old yet why is she still acting like a child?

“I love you, Serafall Nee-sama,” I whispered loud enough for her to hear.

I am not lying. I genuinely love my dependable Nee-sama. Well, not as much as Sona, but I love her nonetheless.

“Aw, I love Sa-chan too,” She gave me one last squeeze before gently dropping me onto the ground.

I walked toward the dining table. I glared harshly at my parents for not helping me get away from my Nee-sama.

My Mother looked at me with a smirk while my Father face-palmed and shook his head. A sigh escaped from his mouth.

“Good morning Father,” I nodded at him. “And Mother,” I turned my head toward her and nodded.

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“Good morning to you too, Savion,” my Mother replied. “How was your morning?”

“Aside from sexually assulted by Nee-sama, which had became a morning routine? Yes, I am doing fine, Mother,” I replied.

“Sa-chan is being a Tsundere again,” Nee-sama sat beside me. “Don’t worry, Sa-chan! Your purity, only your beloved Nee-sama can take it,” she added.

“Well, at least I can save my first kiss for the future,” I sighed.

Nee-sama’s body went stiff after hearing that sentence. That can’t be… “Nee-sama… you can’t be serious,” I looked at her in disbelief. The look on her face said it all.

“My first kiss! I didn’t even know how it tasted!” I slammed my head on the table. Manners can go screw themselves.

“Don’t be so sad, Sa-chan. Come, let Nee-sama give you a kiss. Think of that as your first kiss,” Nee-sama’s face is slowly approaching me as she keeps laughing like a perverted old man.

“No! Bad Nee-sama!” A young female voice chimed in and pushed away Nee-sama’s face with her tiny hands.

“So-tan!” Nee-sama picked up my saviour and put her on her lap.

“No!!! Nii-sama, help me! Big meanie is trying to kidnap me!” My beloved little sister is crying for help, and it is my duty to save her.

“Nee-sama, if you give her to me, I will agree to your previous request.” It is a small price to pay for my little sister.

“Deal!” And Nee-sama agreed immediately, placing Sona on my lap. Patting her head, I smiled at the sight of Sona’s beaming face.

Sona is truly a miracle child. We Devils have low birth rates. But she was born five years after my birth, which is a miracle itself. So, all of us love her dearly. But of course, we also do not spoil her too much.

“Father, Mother, are you two seriously allowing this to happen?” I deadpanned at my parents.

“Well, incest is a thing in Devil society,” My Mother nodded like a sage. “We, the 72 pillars, came from the same parents after all,” she added.

“But it was many years ago! Father, would you please?” I tried to ask for help from my Father but…

“Sorry, Savion. I cannot help you with this,” he shed a few tears. Oh, come on! He is clearly faking his tears!

“Nii-sama, what is incest?” My pure little sister asked me, staring at me with her round eyes full of curiosity.

“That… ah,” I was lost for words. I don’t know how to reply to my little sister.

“Incest means you can marry your Nii-sama,” My Mother answered the question for me.

“Really?! Incest is great! I want to marry Nii-sama when I get older!” She shouted with full vigour.

I felt as if an invisible arrow shot me through my heart. What is she? So precious! And Nee-sama, why are you holding a video recorder?! Where did you even get that?! Father! Why are you crying even harder?!

The breakfast was… chaotic. I can at least say that. But I am starting to get used to this kind of morning routine. It is… not bad. I can feel the warmth I have never felt in my previous life.

Standing at the gate, I am waiting for Nee-sama to go to Satan’s territory. Taking out the fourth volume of Spice and Wolf from my System’s [Inventory], I continued reading the book.

Yes, this System of mine can save me from the horrible fate of Drag So-Ball by giving me the Light Novel and Mangas from my previous life. That was the first time I was glad to have the System.

“What?” A dumb voice escaped from my mouth.


“What?” That was the only thing I could say. I was about to get killed fifty times, and I didn’t have a single clue about it? And these perks… What should I choose?


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