My Mind Is Not Yours


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Merch March Plaza

September 8th X288


Out of all the bounties, CIA, MI6, and militias I have hunted down, I’ve never seen anything like this.

The stalker answered his phone. “I’m afraid Wit Law can’t take your call right now. Please leave a message after I hang up.”

“Knock it off, Travis. What’s taking so long?”

“Gahaha, hey, Juke. How’s it going?”

“You were supposed to be back an hour ago.”

“There has been a minor setback. I should be back in about forty minutes.”

“This isn’t like you. Don’t tell me the police—”

“Don’t worry. It’s got nothing to do with the police.”

“Then what’s the holdup?”

“One kid.”


“You said one kid, not three.”

“Really? That’s what’s holding you up.”

“I only got two arms! If I grab two of them, the third kid will just run away and yell for help.”

“We just need the one in the photo.”

“I know, but this teenager is sharp. I have no idea how she does it, but it’s like she has x-ray vision or someth—”

“A teenager with x-ray vision is giving you trouble? Is that supposed to be another one of your jokes? Just grab the target; we are running out of time.”

“Oh, shit.” The stalker hid from Florian’s sight. “This girl is insane. I can’t take a single step without her noticing.”

“Don’t tell me you need backup? For a teenage girl? If you mess this up, I won’t bail you out this time.”

“When have I ever failed to catch a bounty?”

“That time at the archipelago, the casino, and who could forget the international wa—”

“You keep bringing those up. Those were team slip-ups; they don’t count. When working on my own, I always get the job done.”

“Just hurry up.”

Travis Wit Law hung up. He concealed his face with his hood, a hygiene mask, and a pair of sunglasses. His target was the blonde brat, Blythe.

This chick with the glasses wasn’t in any of our intel. Why is she guarding this Blythe kid?

When Florian’s group entered the crowd of people, Travis whipped out a pack of cigarettes. He leaned back into the alleyway, pulled off his mask, and lit one.

That intense stare she throws around is scary. She’s not pretending she didn’t notice me, and that’s proof she’s just an amateur. But through a freaking wall? Is she baiting me somehow? Nah, not likely. She moved my mark to a more public area too. That’s her definitely saying, “go ahead and try something in this crowd, coward.” Unfortunately for you, kid, you’re gambling with the star of this show.

Travis Wit Law covered his face and merged with the crowd.




Florian couldn’t tell who the owner of the drooling lizard spirit was in the crowd. All she knew was that the lizard continued its pursuit as if it were hunting prey.

She directed her group to a busy family restaurant, Party Pancakes. She chose a booth that faced the only entrance. The restaurant had portrait windows on three sides, allowing Florian to monitor the outside. If the drooling lizard spirit entered the establishment with a human being, that would identify the stalker.




Unfortunately, the windows also allowed the stalker, Travis Wit Law, to observe them from the outside.

She keeps glancing at her phone. She must be ready to call the authorities if she sees anything suspicious. Is she starting to panic? Whatever this chick is planning, this is checkmate. I can easily get all of them out of there. It’s a double-edged sword but very efficient.

Travis counted all the security cameras. He found his escape route and his scapegoats.

Too bad, kid. I have no idea who you are, but I have a job to finish. It was fun, but now I have to get serious.

Travis swiped two boxes of small fireworks from a store nearby and approached his scapegoats. He placed one package on a bench in the plaza.




Florian’s group ordered food.

“Hope, if anything happens, I want you and Blythe to stick together no matter what,” Florian signed to Hope.

Hope nodded with a determined look. Her seashell dove darted its head back and forth on high alert.




“Now for the final piece.”

Travis blocked the employee exit and tossed a few lit fireworks in the back window of the restaurant.

Avoiding all the security cameras in the vicinity, Travis found a seat to watch the show. This is an all-time classic “smoke em out.”

The restaurant’s fire alarm rang and started a panic.

Now they have no other option but to exit the restaurant.

Travis had to act quickly. It would take fifteen minutes for firefighters and police to show up. Among the chaos, he planned to grab Blythe and disappear through the escape route he’d secured.

About twenty people stormed out of the restaurant. Cooks, waiters, and customers all ran to safety. The restaurant filled with smoke.

Where are they?

There was no sign of Florian’s group.

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Don’t tell me those girls are still inside the building. You’re kidding me?

He waited another minute.




Inside the smokey restaurant, Blythe was crying under a table. Her bubble dog spirit was curled up beside her, whimpering.

Florian tried pulling Blythe out, but she resisted. “Come on, Blythe, we have to get out of here.”

Hope bravely pulled Blythe’s arm trying to help her. Her seashell dove flapped its tiny wings in a frenzy, terrified.




Travis ran through the crowd and rushed toward the entrance. He entered the smoke-filled building. “Is there anyone else here? I’m here to help!” Travis called out.

Florian saw the drooling lizard spirit. It accompanied a man covered in a hood, a medical mask, and shades.

She immediately knew that was their stalker.

Florian grabbed Hope, covered Blythe’s mouth, and hid under the table.

“Make a sound if you can hear me?”

Blythe struggled to break free.

“Quiet, Blythe. We can’t trust him,” Florian whispered.

Blythe continued to struggle, kicking and squirming, as her bubble dog spirit growled at Florian.

Travis searched thoroughly, kicking over tables and chairs. His drooling lizard scurried on top of the tables, eyes open, sniffing the air.

The deafening alarm and smoke helped hide Florian’s group, but not for long.

“There you are!” Travis and his spirit rushed to Florian’s group. “Come on! The fire will spread quickly. We gotta move!”

The drooling lizard beside him stood straight and stared at the group. It snarled as saliva spewed from its mouth.

“Stay away!” Florian yelled.

Travis lifted the table and tossed it aside.

Florian stood up and took a stance. “Hope. Take Blythe and run!”

Florian thrust her fist toward the stalker in self-defense. He was taller than Florian, about five-foot-eight. So she targeted his stomach.

The drooling lizard spirit wrapped around Florian’s fist as Travis effortlessly blocked her arm with one hand.

Florian pulled back her fist and continued with a strike toward his legs.

In self-defense, Florian had learned, opponents taller than you have a longer arms’ reach than yours. When fighting someone taller, the best option was to use your legs and aim for the opponent’s legs. Limit their mobility by injuring or at least bruising their limbs.

Florian targeted the attacker’s right shin with a low kick.

The drooling lizard spirit hopped up into the air. That must have meant the man was also going to leap and dodge the low kick.

In mid swing, Florian adjusted her kick slightly higher. Travis did leap slightly, and Florian followed through with her kick, landing a solid blow.

“No freaking way. You know martial arts too? Girl. That’s awesome!” Travis said.

“Leave now, and nobody gets hurt,” Florian said.

“If you were dealing with anyone else, I’m sure that would work. Unfortunately for you, I’m not one of those nobodies.”

Travis was unharmed. He tucked in his body and lunged toward Florian, throwing punch after punch.

Florian could see his moves before he made them; his spirit shot its tail in the path of his punches. It sprang toward Florian like an accordion. She weaved and avoided each one of his jabs. It was still difficult for her; she could not counter his volley.

Under his mask, Travis had a smile on his face the entire time. Blow per blow, he laughed. “Nice footwork. It must have taken you years to master, but you are still too green to dodge this one!”

Travis readied himself. His spirit’s cheeks inflated.

Florian knew something was coming. Whatever it was, she stepped inward toward Travis to close the gap.

The drooling lizard’s eyes grew wide as it shuffled backward. It then clawed the floor with a confused glare.

Did I catch him off guard? Or is this what he wants?

Travis reached behind his back, making Florian stop in place. “Who are you, kid? You’re all over the place. I can’t tell if you’re a pro or a novice. You’re making moves that don’t make any sense,” Travis said.

Hope grabbed Blythe’s hand and made a beeline for the door.

“I didn’t forget about you.”

Travis’s spirit shot its long tongue toward Blythe. His arm shot toward Blythe, picking her up with one hand. Hope did not let go of Blythe’s hand and silently hit Travis with her tiny fist.

“Let her go!” Florian said.

She grabbed a knife off one of the tables and lunged toward Travis. He effortlessly grabbed her arm and twisted it with his free hand, making Florian cringe in pain.

Travis tossed Blythe over his left shoulder and pinned Florian’s arm with his right hand.

“Let go of me!” Blythe squirmed. “Do you know who my dad is? He is the strongest man in the world, and he will not forgive you if you don’t put me down.”

Blythe’s bubble dog spirit barked endlessly and dispersed countless bubbles toward Travis.

“Haha, your father? Yeah right. He would never do something like that.”

“Then my uncle will pulverize you! He is a police officer, and he will lock you awa—”

Blythe’s bubble dog continued to shoot bubbles at Travis with no effect.

Hope’s spirit chirped as Hope dangled from Blythe’s hand, not letting go.

Florian grabbed a plate with her free arm and swung it wildly. Blythe kicked and screamed. Hope trembled as she clung to Blythe’s hand. Travis kept Florian’s arm locked in position, limiting her movements.

“Nice try, kid, but it will take more than that to beat me,” Travis said.

“I would let them go if I were you.”

Travis turned around to a six-foot-tall muscular man. He grabbed Blythe and Hope and knocked Travis across the room.

“You all right, Little Liter?”

It was Sergeant Honest Nowell. Behind him stood his tall slender spike spirit, exhaling, with its fists clenched tight.

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