My New Life After I was Reborn in a Different World

Chapter 1: Had Twins with the Male leads

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A couple of warnings: (1)I am not a native English speaker so my writing may sound weird sometimes so please bear with me. (2)Additionally, this book has been uploaded before but I am uploading it again so if you're wondering why it seemed familiar, you probably have read this when I first uploaded this book here. (3)Lastly, my grammar is not flawless so if you're sensitive to that, it's better not to read this book. (4)You probably have to prepare yourself before deciding to read this even if you're not sensitive to grammar. Thank you.

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My name is Elaina. It has been 10 years since I found out that this world where I was reborn was actually a world of the R18 novel I used to read back when I was on Earth. A lot of things have happened since then that led me to my life now but one thing was for sure, this world wasn’t exactly the novel I used to read. Yes, the main characters are there but as of right now, even after the whole event in the novel had finished, none of the male and female leads had been following the plotline. None of them had ended up together. The main and second female lead married another man and are currently living a peaceful life. While the Male leads inherited their rightful titles just like at the end of the novel but instead of the destined female leads, they currently have their own different fiancés as well.

Of course, not that it concerned me in the slightest since I’m only a nameless character who shamelessly had a threesome with the Male leads in the first chapter of the novel. I believe I’ve followed my role perfectly and even left silently. But now that I think about it, that day even though I followed my role, we didn’t particularly follow the plotline either. Both male leads were supposed to throw me away in the morning after a heated night but instead, we ended up having sex until noon and left in goodwill. They were both so nice and very good looking so I couldn’t resist their charm. Even though it was my first time, I did my best to satisfy my role in the novel.

It was truly a great experience but since my character never once again appeared in the novel after the first chapter, I left with no ill will even though I felt like I could be friends with them. But as someone who knows the novel very well, I knew that night should be the first and last because I didn’t want to ruin the plot. 

I was a big fan of the novel and I liked the female leads. I never plan to ruin the plot and seduce the male leads because I was just really more ecstatic to know that I can finally run around, eat whatever I want, and do whatever it is that I wished to do unlike in my previous life where all I did was lying in bed bedridden due to my illness. 

Most importantly, I was hoping I could marry someone nice and I can be comfortable. Someone with who I can have a happy married life, and of course with our children. I’ve read a lot of romance books and watched a lot of movies my whole life but marrying was something I’ve never thought about having when I was back on Earth since I knew I was never going to live long.

So I thought this time I could finally do it, but as you can see, none of that had happened here as well. Back when I was reading the novel, I never really cared what happened to the nameless woman in the first chapter. However, now that this nameless woman has become me, I know why she never appeared. And it’s a matter of life and death for my whole clan.

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“Mommy! Mommy! Look! Look!” A little girl and a boy ran towards me. One of them carried an injured wild bird while the other followed. One look at them, no one would think they are twins. Well, it figures since they are what you call superfecundation twins. It means they’re twins but have different fathers. 

These two adorable kids are the fruits of me playing with the male leads thinking I could just have a little taste while following the plot. As a result of that, now at the age of 23, I have two children that are already 5-year-olds and are also sometimes even smarter than me. I don’t know if that’s because this is a magical world but yeah, they’re much more mature than their age.

And not to mention, just like their fathers, both of them inherited their unique features and ability. I couldn’t even deny their identity because my daughter inherited her father's unique silver hair and golden eyes which was a sign of true royalty. No one in the whole empire possessed such features except those who had royal lineage. Furthermore, she also has the Holy Saint's holy power that was thought long gone among the royal descendants. 

On the other hand, my son, aside from looking exactly like a small version of his father with his dark hair and deep-blue ocean eyes. He also inherited the secret ability passed down in the ducal family for many generations which was the power and guidance of the dark spirit king. It is the power that rivals the Imperial power and the reason why his father is now being called the Empire’s one and only hero. It is said that his power could match the Demon Lord himself which I don’t doubt because he truly is the most powerful in the novel since he was the Main Male Lead.

Six years have passed since that fateful encounter with the main characters and it had been very difficult because on top of raising two babies alone, simply me bearing the child of the current Emperor and the Duke and Hero of the Empire could lead to treason, I had no choice but to give up my supposed carefree life as the count’s only beloved daughter and go into hiding to protect myself, my children, and my family.

“Where did you get it? It could be dangerous,” I asked and examined the trembling wild bird. I knew it was a wild animal because of its unique reddish feathers and massive size for a bird since a normal one wouldn’t grow as big as this. Although there are indeed large species of birds, they usually don’t live where we’re living so this was quite alarming.

“Can I heal him, Mommy?” My little girl asked, flashing her cute golden eyes at me, and of course, I couldn’t resist it. I normally don’t allow my daughter to use her holy powers because it’s too dangerous but I guess it should be fine if just the three of us. As long as Orpheus is around protecting our place, then it should be fine. I looked at my son and daughter’s puppy eyes and who am I to refuse my precious babies?

“Okay, fine. Let’s go inside and make a bed of its own.” I said in defeat, putting my garden tools down and dismissing the cute little fairies that have been helping me tend my garden until now. Since my unique ability was nature, I could control plants specifically in any way I want. Because of this, Orpheus, who normally hated humans, especially nobles, took an interest and decided to sign a familiar contract with me as his master. I was still very pregnant back then but because of him, helping me and lending me his elemental fairies, living in the forest protected by the spirits had been easy.

“I think this little leaf should be enough,” I whispered before I caressed the tiny leaf growing on the floor. Because our house is a live tree that I only manipulated to become a house, leaves would sprout here and there so I need to cut them off before it grows into a big branch. Today, however, this little leaf will serve as the bird’s bed, just until it’s healed enough to go back where it came from.

“Wooow! Mommy’s amazing!” The two exclaimed in awe, making me roll my eyes because they always see me using my ability and they still end up getting amazed by it. Honestly, compared to both of them, their magic is far greater. Blessed by both the Spirit King of Light that specialized in healing and purifying, and the Spirit King of Darkness that controls the shadow and dark creatures. Compared to that, my non-elemental ability falls behind.

Don’t get me wrong, I love my ability. Mom, Dad, and my two brothers even told me that my power was special and that it shouldn’t be revealed to other people because many would see the value in it and might cause me and the people I love harm but honestly, it’s only useful in growing vegetable gardens and fruit trees. I could provide nutritious food for my children and a sturdy house we can live in, but that’s about it. Thankfully, because of Orpheus who lent me his fairies, I also get to use different elemental magic by borrowing the fairies in exchange for making their sweet desserts. It’s something I’ve started learning out of boredom ever since I started living on my own with my children.

“Both of you are exaggerating again.” I giggled and soon lifted my baby girl. Her name is Sibel and since we are now living as commoners, it’s common that we don’t have surnames. I have long abandoned my noble surname, since the day the spirit living in my garden back at home told me that I was carrying both the child of light and darkness in my stomach, I ran away from home not telling anyone.

I deeply regretted what I did with the main leads. I could have avoided them but I still followed the novel’s plot and did it with them. I was terrified and ashamed. I haven’t even turned 18 yet. Even in my previous life, I was only 25 years old before I died. I was afraid that my family who loved and doted on me would suddenly shun me especially if they found out that I slept with two men at the same time. And not just any men, at that time they were still the future Emperor and the heir to the only Ducal family of the Empire.

If I didn’t leave and just told my parents and brothers, what could they have done? My father is only a Count with a small territory while my mother was a common noble lady, they held no power against the two Male leads. And if by any chance both men accepted my children, they would be treated as bastards with their mother unknown. By the time I give birth, me and my whole family might even be executed. Or even perhaps they wouldn’t wait until I give birth. The male leads are to battle for the Female lead’s heart, they could not afford a nameless woman suddenly bearing their offspring. It would ruin the novel’s plot, that’s why I left.

Besides, I would have definitely been killed if I didn’t leave because before I ran away, I knew someone was looking for me. If I only knew this world was from a world of a novel, I would have done everything I can to avoid the male leads, it was already too late when one of them approached me and lured me into a room. I was so naive and was easily deceived because they were handsome.

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I was nothing but a mere child, who would think kids that age would do something like that? I was caught off guard but at the same time let it happen. Well, I would have run away if it was only that but since I had gotten pregnant, I got scared and ran away. Nevertheless, I would still send letters to my brothers and parents from time to time but I never told them where I was. I’m sure one day I will be able to tell them the truth behind my sudden disappearance but the right time hasn't come yet. For now, I will silently live in this forest protected by my familiar until the twins grow up and learn how to defend themselves.

“You can try and heal it now, Sibel,” I said with a gentle smile. Although I didn’t permit both of them to use their powers, they are still learning from Orpheus after I asked him to teach the twins to better control their magic so they can hide it without a problem. I didn’t mean for them to become strong or to learn how to fight, but if that would help them protect themselves, then I don’t mind.

“Okay,” Sibel exclaimed excitedly and she extended her hand towards the wild bird but not enough to touch it. She then began to close her eyes as a bright light from a magic circle formed beneath her palm. Not long after the bright light disappeared and the once injured bird was now fully healed. It’s as if its broken and bloody legs and wings never existed.

“Good job. You’re getting really good at your healing powers. Mommy is so proud of you.” I praised making her giggle proudly as I put her back down but of course, I didn’t fail to notice her pouting twin brother.

“What’s the matter, Rylie?” I asked and this time I carried him in my arms.

“It’s unfair that Sibel is really good at healing.” The little boy pouted and hid against my neck as he whined. Unlike other kids, both Sibel and Rylie are very lively and competitive. They excel in just about anything you teach them and get really frustrated when they can't. They are also very hardworking and independent but from time to time, they still act their age especially when they’re around me.

‘Ahh! Really these kids. They are so cute.’ Up until now I still couldn’t believe I gave birth to them. If I didn’t struggle giving birth to them, I would have thought they were my little brother and sister. They’re just so cute I can’t help but spoil them rotten.

I’ve always liked kids even in my previous life, I grew up in the hospital with lots of kids who are suffering from illnesses just like me. While others left and got healed, I remained at the hospital until the day I died never to experience what it was like to be outside. Aside from reading, helping with chores and taking care of patients younger than me was also my source of joy back then so taking care of Rylie and Sibel wasn’t bad.

“Well, I’m sure if you work hard, you can learn it too. Sibel is good at it because her power is light. Yours is darkness. Since you regenerate faster than anyone, healing isn’t your best subject but that doesn’t mean you can’t learn it,” I consoled caressing his back. Aside from magic affinity, there are common spells that everyone could learn, and depending on your element the effectiveness could defer. As for me, I was always bad at studying magic so I only really got to learn my own affinity and not others. That's why my familiar would lend me the elemental fairies to help me with my daily activities.

“Well, I think Rylie’s power is better. I’m only good at healing while Rylie is friends with the shadows. He even has Damon as his familiar. I don’t have a familiar yet,” Sibel pouted as well, crossing both her arms. This is a constant matter between the two. Sometimes it’s cute but I always strive to make them understand that each of their powers is unique. Yes, I do compare my ability to theirs sometimes but I always show them that I'm proud to have my own. 

But anyway, what?? No one mentioned to me that my little boy has now grown enough to form a familiar contract.

“Wait, what!? Rylie, do you have a familiar already?? Why didn’t you tell Mommy?” I asked and slightly pulled the little boy away so I could see his face. 

“Ahh, Opps!” Sibel whispered covering her mouth while Rylie avoided my eyes in guilt.

“Since when was this? Didn’t I tell you to tell mommy first?? You know what a familiar does right?” I asked worriedly while putting my little boy down so he could stand side by side with his twin sister.

The reason why I’m reacting like this is because even though familiars are spirits that provide great support to their masters. Not all of them are a good influence, especially for Rylie who has dark magic. The spirits that are attracted to him are mostly demons and dark creatures. They will feed off of Rylie's life force and slowly brainwash him until insanity. That’s what happened to almost all the evil forces in this world. I can’t let that happen. I can’t let Rylie befall into the wrong path!

Orpheus said that Rylie possessed great dark magical power so spirits who are attracted to him are also of high level. How can I defend him from that?

“A m-month ago. I didn’t tell Mommy because you’ll get mad… b-but I promise Mr. Damon is a good demon, he helped control my magic when it almost burst out when I was practicing,” My little boy replied hesitantly and I almost fainted in shock. Are there even such nice demons? From my knowledge on Earth, demons are called demons because they’re evil and corrupt. They’re sinister beings that would eat your soul for fun.

“Baby, you kept this from Mommy for one whole month? And Sibel, you’re the Older sibling, why did you let this happen? I explained it to both of you properly, right?” I said, feeling heartbroken. When the two heard me, they both looked down in guilt as their eyes started to water.

“W-we’re sorry, Mommy,” The two chanted sincerely before running into my arms. “We promise w-we won’t do it again,” They added and this time finally cried, making me sigh in defeat. I truly can’t get angry with them but still, they need to know that promises need to be kept or else there’s no sense in it anymore.

“First of all, you must know that I am very disappointed in both of you,” I started and the two sobbed, even more, hugging me tightly. “But… I forgive you. We’ll talk about the punishment later… Rylie, Baby?” I added before gently pulling the two from our hug. The both of them were still crying huge droplets of tears so I quickly wiped them down using my sleeves before slowly lifting my son’s chin.

“Can you call out your familiar for me?” I asked gently. Rylie was still sobbing but he later nodded following my request. But of course, I let the two of them calm down first so I brought them both a cup of water and let them sit on the chair. When the two finally calmed and only their occasional sniffles resonated in the room, I waited for Rylie to call upon this demon called Damon.

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To be continued…

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