My New Life After I was Reborn in a Different World

Chapter 3: Familiar (2)

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The bird fluttered its wings before its golden-yellow eyes fixed on us. The beautiful bird that resembled the flame somehow felt majestic. The way it stared at us felt like this bird wasn't just a simple wild bird and instead something more.

"Careful little birdy. I just healed you but you still need more rest." Sibel smiled, holding the bird carefully and as if it understood her, the bird blinked its eyes and looked at my daughter. I was a little worried so I quickly neared Sibel and urged her to put the bird down for now because it might lash at her all of a sudden, which Sibel quickly did and put the bird on the tiny bed I made as it shook its wings as if testing it out again.

"Ohh~ what's this? Where did you get one? That's a rare species of phoenix since it is born with flame abilities that can either burn or heal," Orpheus said in surprise, obviously just noticing the bird now.

"Rylie and I picked it up since it was hurt and healed it," Sibel replied proudly, making Orpheus smile. 

"I'm very proud of you but this is quite dangerous, Sweetheart. Where did you find it injured?" Orpheus asked, making me frown. What does he mean by dangerous? I absolutely hate that word since I don't want anything dangerous near my children. I've lived a carefree life since I was reborn in this world but despite that, I know how dangerous it is. I've read the novel.

"What do you mean dangerous? It is an aggressive type of animal?" I asked worriedly, slightly pulling both Sibel and Rylie near me. It's a big bird and although its beak is small, it could still attack and eat a small child-like Sibel and Rylie. Back on Earth, there are birds like that too, although they don't attack and eat humans or maybe I just didn't know. There were a lot of things I didn’t know because I stayed at the hospital my whole life and didn’t receive proper education aside from knowing how to read, write, and count. More than that, I just learned it from reading books and watching TV.

"Well, that too but I'm more concerned as to where they've found it. As I said, it's a rare species of a phoenix, some tribes in the continent worship it calling it a God while others, especially nobles, might want to capture and make it their familiar. It's still an animal but it has magic so it can be bound by a magic contract. This might be the reason why it's injured in the first place," Orpheus said while subconsciously slithering his way to me and wrapping his arms as always. Meanwhile, listening to his explanation, I frowned and thought.

That's right, the bird has healing abilities but it wasn't able to heal itself. This could mean that it barely escaped from its perpetrators and that perpetrators might be anywhere near our area. Quickly bending my knees to level it with Sibel and Rylie, I brushed both their cheeks and smiled helplessly, not showing the fact that I'm currently restless at my current thought. Even if I know that there’s no one looking for me, it’s still safer to make sure since Sibel in particular has silver hair and golden eyes. If it was people in small villages, they wouldn’t have known what that means but if a knight or someone with noble blood saw her, it would be dangerous.

"Sibel, Rylie, where did you find the bird?" 

"Uhmm, a-at the clearing..." The two reluctantly replied and as soon as I heard them, my heart almost sank. The clearing is the border of Orpheus' barrier. If someone saw the two, they could follow them here or worst, abduct them and sold to the slave traders. If this was just a novel that I get to read, it wouldn't have mattered to me but this world is now my reality and in this reality, I have two children that I have to take care of and protect. I simply don’t want anything bad to happen to them because I have zero combat ability. I have no way of saving them if ever something like that happens. 

"I will forgive you just this one time but I hope this doesn't happen again, understand?" I firmly said with a frown, making them teary knowing that I am not just upset but also disappointed at their disobedience.

"I'm sorry," the two said in unison before I patted their heads. As long as they know that what they did was wrong then I am fine. Besides, when they grow older I would never stop them from doing what they want as long as they could protect themselves not just from bad people but also from beasts and monsters lurking around this world. By then, I will be fine with anything, but for now, they need to listen to me and let me protect them with all I got.

"I'm sensing a group of 11 soldiers entering the forests, they might be the people looking for that bird," Damon suddenly mentioned, smiling leisurely as if what he just said wasn't a big deal.

"Orpheus..." I called in a hurry to confirm if what Damon said was true and from the looks of it, it seemed like the Demon was right.

"I'll be right back, Elaina... And you, don't you dare get near her," Orpheus said in a hurry before he looked at Damon and warned, which the demon only shrugged off. 

Orpheus soon disappeared in thin air leaving some of his leaves and flowers but I was wondering why he had to personally go there, people would get lost in the forest anyway if they wandered inside the barrier but before I could ask, he was already gone.

‘I hope everything’s fine,’ I thought looking at the space where Orpheus disappeared but I soon removed my eyes from there when a loud scream reverberated in the small space we’re currently in.

"Mommy, Ahhhh!" 

My eyes widened watching the bird suddenly fly, seemingly attacking my daughter. I watched in horror as I couldn't react fast enough and just watched everything happen in a second. When she fell on the floor with her butt first, I called in a panic running towards her but to my surprise, she didn't seem to be hurt and for some reason, the bird disappeared.

"Oh my goodness, are you okay?" I asked in distress, and just to make sure I inspected her body and to my relief, I’m glad that she was truly safe and sound. Rylie also hurriedly neared his twin as he too was in shock witnessing what just happened.

"Hmmm, b-but my chest burns," my little baby said and I quickly lifted her clothes only to see a small circular mark with a symbol that I'm unfamiliar with. The mark was reddish as if it was burnt but there was no wound whatsoever.

"Hmmm, the red phoenix had chosen the young lady to be its master but it seemed terrified that it forcefully merged its body with the young lad," Damon suddenly mentioned, intrigued. 

"M-Mommy... it burns..." 

"W-What do I do? She's in pain," I asked, already with teary eyes seeing my daughter in pain. 

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"She could either form a contract with the bird or I could kill it," Damon suggested.

"M-Mommy... I-I don't want to kill birdy... P-Please don't let Mr. Damon k-kill birdy," Sibel heard Damon's suggestion and said between her heavy breathing. In an instant, her temperature increased as if she was a burning flame. My heart took a faster pace knowing the urgency of the situation but I don't want my daughter to have a familiar yet and at the same time I also don't want to kill an innocent animal.

"Mr. Damon, please help Sibel," Rylie asked as he cried, pulling on the hems of the demon's clothes. Rylie is just five so seeing his twin becoming like this for the first time might cause him trauma.

"Of course, young master..." Damon replied with a smile before he shifted his attention to me.

"My Lady, as per my master's request I'd like to suggest that it's better to—"

"NO! We can't kill the bird. Is that all of you demons think of? I'd rather let my daughter have it as her familiar," I yelled, not letting the demon finish his words because I knew he was going to say that he should kill it. I glared at Damon, my tears threatening to fall but I quickly wiped them off determined. However, to my surprise, the demon just chuckled.

"My lady, I was about to say the same thing. This bird is fairly young so I think it would be a good match for the young Lady if it was to become her familiar," Damon said with his eerie voice before he chuckled again.

"I guess you've already painted my character as such, my Lady, and it really saddens me... To tell you the truth, I'll be the nicest demon you'll ever get..." Damon said and I was taken aback. Damon neared Sibel and later touched her forehead as he closed his eyes. In an instant, she looked like she was at ease. She was no longer groaning and panting in pain despite the fact that she was still extremely hot. I watched Damon continue what he was doing and moments later he finally pulled away, opening his eyes revealing their deep red color.

"The Young Lady is safe now. I just put the spirit into sleep so it would calm down but the Young Lady will need to sleep. From here on, it will be up to her to talk to the spirit and officially form a contract. She should be fine once he wakes up whether the ritual is successful or not," Damon said with a smile. I looked at him feeling guilty before I nodded in understanding. However, I have no time to talk to him yet because right now my priority is Sibel. I quickly lifted my little girl in my arms before I led her to her bedroom but before I took a step inside, I halted my walk and said "Thank you," I also heard Rylie sniffle as he thanked his familiar and I truly felt ashamed. I judged him right away without even knowing him.

"Mommy, Sibel will be fine now, right? Mr. Damon said so," Rylie asked as I laid Sibel in her bed. His eyes were still slightly red and I just smiled at him. I guess it's not so bad to have Damon watch over Rylie. He seemed like a good man despite his appearance. Since Rylie trust him and Orpheus assured that my child wouldn’t get hurt, I decide to trust him as well.

"Yes, of course. Thank you for asking him to help your sister," I said and kissed him on his forehead. 

"I'm really proud of you and Sibel but right now your sister will take her rest. Do you want to rest with her?"

"Yeah, I'll stay by Sibel's side, I want to be there when she's awake," Rylie said with a smile and quickly climbed on the bed next to his twin. After I tucked the two in, I left their room with a huge sigh of relief because earlier I thought I would lose Sibel, thankfully she looked like she'll be fine now so I thought I'll make some dessert to cheer her up later. I bet she'll think I'm still upset with her so I'm thinking of letting her know that I'm no longer upset as long as she and Rylie are fine.

"Have they taken their rest?" Suddenly getting near my face, Damon asked, earning a surprise jump from me. His face was so close that I had to take a step back a little. I know he's a good demon now but he still gives me the creep. However, I should apologize again for judging him so quickly. I'm not the nicest person out there but I also don't want to be rude and just treat it like it didn't happen. I must have hurt his feelings.

“Uhmmn, I-Im really sorry about earlier. I have misjudged you but now I believe that you're a good guy Mr. Damon and I also know that you will take good care of Rylie from now on so I hope that we can get along well as family in the future," I said flashing a bright smile towards him. 

"Damon... just call me Damon..."

"But I was really hurt, my Lady... There's only one way for me to accept your apology," He said with a smile, surprising me. Well, it figures, I would get upset too if someone just misjudged me without getting to know me first.

"Then what do you want? I don’t have much and I can only control plants but I’ll do anything for you to forgive me. It’s the least I can do for saving my daughter,” I said desperately. Damon showed a stunned expression at my words before he once again smiled.

“You’re very interesting my lady but you really shouldn’t say something like that to a demon like me… Although I told you that I’ll be the nicest demon you’ll ever get, I’m still a demon,” he said and this time neared me again. His face was so close and suddenly I felt nervous. I said it already but he’s really such a handsome demon. In fact, with a face like that, I wouldn’t doubt it if someone told me he was the male lead.

“This… is what I want…” He said and softly touched my hand, making me shiver. I was confused at what he just said but as soon as I looked into his eyes, memories of something I shouldn’t remember again flashed… the memories of me with the two men in bed, the fathers of my children. As if everything had returned to me including the pleasure I had experienced at that moment, my knees began to feel weak.

“I’ve always been jealous of them… and dreamed that one day I would be able to touch you as they did, the woman who bore my master,” He said, and then it hit me. He wanted me to give my body to him as I did to the male leads.

“You could say, this was my motive,” he added and before I knew it, his cold lips touched mine. I tried hard to resist but I was simply helpless.

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To be Continued…

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