My Nightclub Landlady

Chapter 165: 165 His Own Little Interes

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Qin Feng affectionately grabbed Green Snake's hands, slowly pulling her up. "Come, try to sit. The outside is very warm, with green mountains and rivers. Sunbathing will be good for you."

"Carry me down."

Green Snake’s body leaned back, her chest very apparent. Lei Ming saw this scene and could not help but take a deep breath. Qin Feng bent over and grabbed Green Snake.

What’s going on? Lei Ming thought.

He did not know much about their relationship, but he often saw Green Dragon looking for Green Snake in the Special War compound. They often walked together, and he figured that they were a couple. However, it appeared that things were more ambiguous than he’d thought.

Qin Feng carried Green Snake to the hillside. Looking at the red maple leaves all over the mountains, Green Snake smiled happily. With one arm hooked around Qin Feng’s neck, she sighed and said, "if only it could be like this forever."

"Wouldn't that kill me?" Qin Feng curled his mouth into a devilish smile. "You’re so relaxed. Are you ready to stand? Or maybe sit on that big rock? Lei Ming is watching us. Aren't you shy?"

"I’m ashamed of nothing. It’s a rare opportunity to be held by you for a moment. After I’ve died and been reborn, this is a little gift from the gods. I should be allowed to enjoy it a little."

After speaking, Green Snake buried her head in Qin Feng’s arms, enjoying the feeling of his chest rising and falling as he breathed. She didn’t speak anymore, just tried to soak in the feeling of the moment and make it last in her memory. She might not have this opportunity again in the future.

Qin Feng didn’t say anything either. He looked at the distant sky, thinking about everything that had happened recently. He suddenly didn’t yearn for the future as much. Living was a gift, and people needed to grasp the limited life they had with both hands.

"What are you thinking about?" asked Green Snake.

"You have to go back to the capital to recover. Don't stay here in the Tianhe. It’s too complicated here and there are too many dangers,” Qin Feng said. “I’ll take care of things here and then go back. I’ll see you then.”

"I want to stay with you,” Green Snake said in response.

"No. After this war, Shark Kun will certainly continue to send his people to the Tianhe. Although this is China, and he will not send his mercenaries on a large scale, he’ll be watching me until the list is back. We are lucky to have survived the last disaster. We don't need another one. You'll be in trouble sooner or later if you stay here."

"Am I in trouble? What about Sister Flower? She's not a burden? I bet you just want to be with her, to protect her, and not stay with me for another minute, am I right?" Green Snake said disappointedly.

Although Green Snake knew that Qin Feng was joking, she still felt disappointment in her heart. She wriggled out of Qin Feng's arms, stood up obstinately, and walked towards Lei Ming.

"Slow down, you're not well yet. Be careful not to fall,” Qin Feng said exasperatedly.

There were branches and stones all over the ground, and it would be a problem if Green Snake were to trip now, but she kept walking quickly, nearly spraining her foot on a rock. As Lei Ming saw her start to fall, he rushed over and grabbed her.

"Be careful. So careless. You just came back from hell. Do you actually want to go there?" he asked.

"Take me away. Back to Beijing." Green Snake’s words were resolute, but there was some amount of quiet resentment and coldness on her face. She had decided that leaving the Tianhe might be the right choice. She had no hope of having more than a working relationship with Qin Feng. He was clearly obsessed with Sister Flower, and no other woman had a chance to enter his heart.

"Now?" Lei Ming asked uncertainly. He really needed to get back to handle his duties in addition to finding people he could track down Meng Zhaolin and his forces with. He looked over at Qin Feng and asked, “Are you going back?”

"I have work to do. You take Green Snake back and help me take care of her," Qin Feng said, patting Lei Ming on the shoulder several times. "Thank you. In the past, we didn't know each other and had a bad relationship. But now, I find that you’re not quite the same as I imagined. When I return to the capital, we must have a good drink together."

"All right. I'll wait for you." Receiving the approval of Qin Feng, Lei Ming was very happy, and he smiled from ear to ear. "Rest assured, just leave Green Snake with me."

Qin Feng looked at Green Snake and felt a bit shameful. "I'm sorry I can't stay with you," he said.

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"Come on, you have a better choice. Of course you won't think about me." Although Green Snake was not exactly angry, she still expressed her disappointment. She understood the situation and where Qin Feng’s priorities needed to lie right now. This sense of character was what had attracted Green Snake in the first place.

"What nonsense are you saying?" Qin Feng helplessly asked. “When you go back to the capital, you can find Green Dragon. Even if you’re not lovers, you can still be the closest comrades, just like before.”

"I don’t need your advice. Just worry about yourself," Green Snake said, rolling her eyes. “Your own life’s a mess, but you’ll still dole out advice to others.”

Lei Ming was a little confused and asked, "What is this, a love triangle?"

"No!" Qin Feng and Green Snake shouted in unison.

"Well, pretend I said nothing. Your team is so strong. Strange to see you discussing feelings."

Lei Ming had long gotten over the games between men and women. He’d been with at least a hundred in his lifetime. In the past, he’d been excited about the prospect of finding new women and everything that came along with that. However, by now he was bored of the chase. He wanted to find a true love.

He used to think that it would be simple to find a more serious love once he set his mind to it. However, he did not have the patience needed to build anything serious or to accept the shortcomings of any women he might have loved.

In the past, his interactions with women were all about superficial passion. They’d have sex and then part ways. He’d never gotten to know a woman in-depth. But now he wanted something more than that, and he was sad to find that he had no idea how to get it.

Soon, the helicopter set off with Lei Ming and Green Snake inside.

Qin Feng drove alone to the city. On the way, he called Sister Flower, but she didn’t answer. He guessed that she was still angry and planned to drive straight to her house to explain the situation.

After half an hour, Qin Feng arrived at her house to find it empty. The house was still in disarray from the fight between Green Snake and the One-Eyed Dragon. It was obvious that Sister Flower hadn’t come by here yet.

Where is she? Qin Feng thought with a bit of nervousness. He called Sister Flower again, but the call went to voicemail. What’s going on? Has there been an accident?

Qin Feng decided to go to Zhao Jun’s to look for her.

While Sister Flower was away from the Tianhe, she had obviously been thinking about the past a lot. She likely would have bought many things for Zhao Jun since she still felt sorry for him.

Qin Feng arrived at the Youpeng Tea House, and when they saw him, the receptionists at the entrance raced into the store. Qin Feng took this as an indication that something was happening, and he rushed directly up to the third floor.

When he arrived, he saw Sister Flower sitting in Zhao Jun’s office. Zhao Jun sat at the table brewing tea in a purple pot. Ru Ru and Pei Xiang sat on either side of him while Sister Flower sat across the table.

A decorative jade scepter sat on the side of the tea table. It was clearly very valuable. Qin Feng knew that Sister Flower must have brought this from Yunnan. She must have spent a lot of money to purchase it.

Qin Feng’s appearance made Zhao Jun nervous. He unconsciously rubbed the gauze on his hand. He’d taken his fingers with him to the hospital and fortunately, the surgeon had been able to reattach them, but he had to wait at least three months before seeing the result. As long as he was careful during recovery, his fingers were likely to regain at least 90% of their flexibility.

"Chief Zhao," Qin Feng said as he approached Sister Flower’s side. He smiled and asked, “How’s the injury recovering?”

"Well, I won’t die.” Zhao Jun was very nervous, but in front of Ru Ru and Pei Xiang, he needed to sound tough. “Why have you come to my little temple when you’re such a big man?”

"Well, if it wasn't for Sister Flower, I wouldn't bother to come here.” Qin Feng looked at the jade scepter and humphed, saying, “Such a good thing should be in an equally good hand. People who don’t know how to take care of good things just turn them into garbage.”

"Qin Feng, don't speak such nonsense.”

Sister Flower frowned, then looked at Zhao Jun and said, "Brother Jun, I hope you don't blame him. We really may need your assistance in the future.”

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