My Nightclub Landlady

Chapter 274: 274 Bloody Storm

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Suddenly, Qin Feng did not dodge, gazing at the girl around me, and he felt a lot of emotion in my heart. End of the world where no grass, why every flower?

Such a girl like Xiaowen was very good, and she seemed to have a good feeling for him.

Qin Feng was not stupid, and he could feel Xiaowen was actively approaching him. Although he did not know what Xiaowen was thinking. He was still a loser image in front of her in her impression, but she was such an excellent art student that she did not care about it. Completely regardless of the heart feelings of those rich second generation, the official second generation who pursue her, she ggt along with him for a day without hesitation.

However, Qin Feng was not a promiscuous person. He had his own standard in his heart. When treating Sister Hua, he should put her deep in his heart, but he couldn't forget that there was no contradiction between them. There was only an irreversible deviation in their professions. Sister Hua actually considered for Qin Feng. Even though she kept saying he would delay her looking for a man and pursuing happiness, Qin Feng knew in his heart that Sister Hua was not that kind of person. She should have a more macroscopic consideration.

But all this was only Qin Feng's guess, he objectively believed in Sister Hua's character.

But so what?

He could not change anything. What he could do now was to wait, and silently adhere to Tianhe, to observe her every move to protect her safety.

To be able to look at her from afar happy every day, in fact, was enough.

Qin Feng instinctively drew the hand held by Xiaowen, and uncomfortably moved sideways to the outside, "Xiaowen, that we look like this, is not a little bit...."

"A little, ambiguous?"

Xiaowen giggled, "Brother Qin, please don't be so old-fashioned. Isn't it just to have dinner and sing a song together?

You're unmarried, and I'm not married, what's going to happen?"

"That is true, too. I just feel, like, a little impulsive. After all, I am a man, and you should know. So, when necessary, you should keep a little distance from me."

Qin Feng pretended to be salacious, staring directly at Xiaowen's chest in an attempt to scare her away. As a result, this girl seemed to have taken Qin Feng for a joke and ran into him with a puff. Her full chest even hit Qin Feng's developed triceps.

Qin Feng had no choice but to let her wriggle beside her.

The lights were also very bright. When people enter, they would have the feeling of entering the palace. The ground was full of glass vacuum, there being a bit of suspended vertigo feeling. Those who drank alcohol to sing would be inexplicably excited.

If Xiaowen was not a VIP silver card member here, she was afraid that even the private room could not be booked. They chose a mini box and the two went to the west side of the hall in the small supermarket to buy drinks, fruit and nuts.

The waiter's service was great, carrying their shopping baskets, following them all the way to the booth, then kneeling on the floor and opening half of the beers, turning the nuts upside down, trying the microphone, making sure the guests had nothing else to ask for and then bowing and leaving the room.

The room's lights were dim, colorful lights flashing. Xiaowen was anxious to order the latest popular song "Chengdu", but she was not very good at singing it, so she asked Qin Feng to sing with her, but Qin Feng, a hillbilly of this kind, had not even heard of it.

Two people had to let the computer sing. Qin Feng listened very carefully, looked at the lyrics on the screen, feeling quite deep, "Xiaowen, the streets of Chengdu, have you ever been to?"

"I've been there once, but the place mentioned in the lyrics, I didn't pay much attention to it at the time, and I didn't seem to have been there."

Xiaowen approached Qin Feng, tilted her head naturally on his shoulder and said to herself, "Will you take me there? Walking hand in hand in that street, watching the crowds, going to the pub there, drinking down the alcohol of youth."

Qin Feng was in a trance, and he did not even know whether to refuse Jiang Xiaowen. This girl became more and more bold, which made Qin Feng act with confusion, too embarrassed.

"No, no, no. "

Qin Feng got up in a hurry and said, "I'll go to the bathroom."

"Oh, oh. Then I'll order a song. I forget about you, and I'll yell a few songs first."

Xiaowen's singing strength was not a bad thing. She was the art school student, and was basically all-around, or even those who could sing a little better could participate in talent shows.

"All right, all right."

Qin Feng got out of the private room and lit a cigarette. The toilet was at the next door, basically used by two rooms, but it was shared between men and women.

Interior decoration was still very luxurious, similar to the five-star hotel. Many young men and women who drank alcohol would gather there and locked the room, and then.......

Qin Feng first knocked on the door to ensure no one was in and then went in. Although it was only a urine, after all girls could come in, so Qin Feng intended to lock the door.

But just then, a rush of footsteps came, "Don't close it."

The girl seemed to drink too much, shouted very anxiously. Qin Feng worriedly staggered to let her come in.

But he did not expect, the girl straight to the toilet to vomit unexpectedly was Zhu Fei.

Qin Feng looked confused, how could it be her?

Zhu Fei's hands was holding on the edge of the toilet, spitting. Qin Feng shook his head, afraid that he saw the wrong person. He asked tentatively, "Zhu Fei? Is that you."

Zhu Fei was unable to lift her head. Qin Feng came to her and patted her on the back. "It's really you. Why are you drinking so much"

At that moment, a man walked into the toilet again, looking like a tall man in his twenties, wearing a pricey Patek Philippe on his wrist and a very white complexion in Philo. Both eyes stared straight at Zhu Fei's bent buttock.

But he didn't expect Qin Feng was here.

He snorted, "What do you do? Go out."

Qin Feng handed Zhu Fei a wet towel. "Here, wipe it."

Zhu Fei only then reacted that he unexpectedly was Qin Feng. She shook the head vigorously, and excitedly said, "Qin Feng, it's really you. Am I right?"

The man was a little angry and shouted, "Shit, I'm talking to you. Can't you hear me?"

Qin Feng was holding Zhu Fei, glanced at that domineering boy, and whispered to ask Zhu Fei, "Do you know him?"

"He Yuan's friend. I met him for the first time. It can be said that we don't know each other."

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Zhu Fei knew what he was thinking. When she entered into the compartment and he sat next to her and drank with her. He just wanted to get her drunk, and then have sex with her. Zhu Fei was in a bad mood tonight, and she was open to all drinks.

And she drank foreign alcohol and beer together. How could she not vomit drinking in this way?

When she thought of this, she even feared. If it were not Qin Feng, just now he would definitely lock the bathroom door, and this bathroom sound insulation was so good, he would.......

"Go to do what you should do. Don't bluff like that."

Qin Feng coldly looked at that boy, knowing what his mind was. He looked at him that lascivious squinting eyes, and knew he was not a good man.

The boy also drank a lot, dizzy, staggering toward Qin Feing.

Although toilet space was not small, three people were squeezed together, and it was still a bit cramped.

Qin Feng knew that he would never stop there, and that this kind of person would never give up until he had been taught a lesson.

Seeing that he wanted to cause trouble, Zhu Fei shouted anxiously, "Zhao Chuan, what do you want?"

After vomiting, Zhu Fei felt much better. Although still drunk, at least her brain was conscious. Compared with Qin Feng, a friend of this kind was not worth mentioning, even if he was the young master of some big group. Zhu Fei was not afraid at all.

Zhao Chuan snorted disdainfully, "Zhu Fei, what do you mean? After drinking so much with me, what are you pretending to be?"

Zhao Chuan thought that Zhu Fei and He Yuan were friends, and they were the people who could be controlled by money. And since Zhu Fei entered the private room, she had been acting like that. She was open to all alcohol and would drink up the alcohol after clinking the glass. He Yuan kept winking at Zhao Chuan to tell him to act well tonight. It looked like it's gonna be a show tonight.

Looking at the opportunity for Zhu Fei to spit alcohol in the bathroom, Zhao Chuan came out. He had thought that the great feat was about to be accomplished, but unexpectedly, another man appeared, and he seemed quite familiar with Zhu Fei.

This made Zhao Chuan, who is already ready to ungirdle his pants, very unhappy.

Qin Feng had been impatient. He pulled Zhu Fei behind, straightened up and faced him.

Zhao Chuan had been usually overbearing in Tianhe. Today, he even ran into a person who wasn't afraid of big things. Looking at Qin Feng, he knew this posture was meant to start to fight. He laughed with the corners of his mouth curling up, "You're looking for death? Shit! Do you know who I am?"

When he spoke at the same time, he pushed Qin Feng's chest. He was also a young master who always went to the gym and his strength was not small. The bathroom floor was a little wet. If ordinary people were pushed so fiercely by him, most people absolutely had to reel back or even fall directly to the ground.

But Qin Feng stood in his place, motionless. Even Zhao Chuan himself felt as if he pushed a wall. His body staggered, and almost fell out.


Zhao Chuan could feel the energy of the guy in front of him, but after drinking so much alcohol and he thought it was caused by alcohol, and he still refused to accept it and shouted, "Shit. You want to fix this, don't you? Wait a minute."

When the words fell, he turned to go out and prepare to go to the private room to call someone. In the big private room he had set, he brought five or six brothers with him today. All of them were daily playmates, and each of them was also a master fighter. Among them, Daliang and Chuozi were all former soldiers. Moreover, they were all internal guards of the armed police, serving as industrious soldiers to their chiefs. Their combat effectiveness is absolutely first-class, and seven or eight ordinary people are unable to get close to them when they fought.

But as soon as Zhao Chuan turned, he felt a gust of wind behind him. Then, with a flick of his body, he glided over the ground for more than ten meters, and his head hit the door of their compartment which was syncline directly against them.

Qin Feng strode out, disdainfully clasping chest with his arms, humphing, "I give you a ride. You want to call someone? Waiting for you."

Zhu Fei also chased out, and was a little scared to pull Qin Feng's sleeve, "You go quickly. This guy is tough. I'll bring up the rear up for you."

"Oh, last time Jia Dapeng pestered you, you also said he was not easy to offend. What's this guy now? Was he some master?"

Qin Feng shrugged and humphed, "You first go to my private room to sing with my friend. I'll handle this. I'll see you in five minutes. By the way, let Jiang Xiaowen order a song for me, "rolling the Yangtze River east fleeting water". "

Zhu Fei was speechless for a while. She glanced at the private room he called. She couldn't help asking, "Who is Jiang Xiaowen? You two here?"

"Yes, a friend. Student. Ha."

Qin Feng smiled.

"How can you still laugh?"

At that moment, the door of the big compartment opened with an uproar, and seven or eight people came out of the room. Five or six of them was that they were fighters and was holding a bottle in the hand. Zhao Chuan walked in front of them and shouted excitedly, "That's him."

He Yuan also followed behind. When she saw Qin Feng, she froze first and immediately beckoned to Zhu Fei and shouted, "Fei Fei, come here. It's dangerous."

As soon as the voice fell, Chuozi near Zhao Chuan smashed the bottle on the ground with a bang. The slag of the bottle flew everywhere. Qin Feng was standing two or three meters away from them, and Chuozi rushed towards him.

When Jiang Xiaowen heard the noise, she also ran out. Seeing something wrong, she shouted aloud, "Qin Feng, run away!"

At this time, the corridor foreman and waiters also gathered around. Zhao Chuan was already prepared, and shouted to them, "I am Zhao Zhenzhong's son. You do not want to cause trouble and all fuck off!"

There were other room guests who also exposed their heads to see what happened, but Zhao Chuan directly threw the bottle over, "Shit, damn you."

With a bang, the bottle hit the wall of the hallway, spilling slag all over the place.

Fortunately, the guests hid quickly. Otherwise they would have been hit in their heads.

The speed of Chuozi was very fast, but even so, in Qin Feng's view, it was still slow-motion existence.

He pushed Zhu Fei over to Xiaowen. "You two go into the private room."

As soon as the voice fell, a very fierce side whip leg came and took a gust of wind. Qin Feng's center of gravity retreated. His horse stance was very solid. He blocked with one arm, and casually resisted this seemingly powerful blow. Immediately after that, Qin Feng chased after him with a heavy punch, directly hitting Chuozi his right leg hanging from the socket in midair. With a sound of stifling, Chuozi screamed. The whole person was directly beaten away for several meters and collapsed in the dregs of a bottle on the ground. His right leg turned out in a strange position, like a twisted hemp. His right foot was out at 90 degrees, and it looked terrible.

The gang of the other side, who had just been in high spirits, were all shocked to see this.

And He Yuan was scared to retreat into the compartment, and was ready to take her bag to go away. She had heard of Qin Feng's name. Before she introduced Jia Dapeng to pursue Zhu Fei and he did such a thing. This time, it was also Qin Feng, and she had some fear.

But the venue had been set down. Even if Qin Feng was very powerful, Zhao Chuan and they were many people, and could not be frightened.

"Go, Daliang!"

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