My Nightclub Landlady

Chapter 276: 276 It's unacceptable

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Qin Feng said calmly.

Zhu Fei and Jiang Xiaowen were really helpless. They were fidgeting in the room and let Qin Feng wantonly roar. Zhu Fei even looked at the door from time to time. Basically, there would be several waiters staring at the entrance of the corridor, but they were afraid to come near. She did not dare to clean up the mess on this side of the floor, but she watched the other box's guests leave in a hurry, as if it were a harbinger of something serious going on here.

Zhu Fei was getting more and more nervous when she was watching, like ants on the hot pot, pacing back and forth, but when he saw Qin Feng's intoxicated appearance, who was singing, very engaged, she did not dare to interrupt him.

Jiang Xiaowen simply sat in a corner of the sofa and looked at her male god to vent to his heart's content. Whether she sang well or not was of secondary importance. What was important was that Qin Feng showed his true self in front of her, which was of paramount importance to Xiaowen, because through the state of Qin Feng's singing, she found the shadow of the first time they met many years ago. That year, Qin Feng was young and upright, and after many years of seeing him again, he smelled of a bit of a mature man. Although he was blindly belittling himself, saying that he was only a wage earner at night, and saying that he had nothing good, Xiaowen knew that Qin Feng definitely had great abilities. He just didn't show it, but Xiaowen had no place to suspect exactly what it was. She only through her sixth sense, could feel Qin Feng could keep his mind in disorder, and had the style of facing danger fearlessly, like the generals. This was the height that by no means a wage earner can reach.

To tell the truth, Xiaowen understood Qin Feng better. After all, she happened to meet Qin Feng once and coupled with these years of constant imagination, miss, in her mind she had long outlined the appearance of Qin Feng. Although it was slightly different, the difference was not very large.

Finally, after the sixth song "Camel bell" was sung, Qin Feng finally stopped singing.

He sat back on the couch, drank up a 330ml bottle of beer and stuck a cantaloupe with a toothpick. "Well, the fruit is good. Come on, taste it."

Zhu Fei had had this enough and she sat on the marble coffee table, picked up a bottle of beer, took a few gulps, and forced herself to drink it up.

Jiang Xiaowen saw the situation, and she was also not willing to show weakness. Her heart said how can she drink so much.

She leaned over, lifted up her head and the bottom of a bottle of beer showed up. In terms of the speed of drinking, the amount of alcohol, and the momentum, she beat Zhu Fei.

Of course, Zhu Fei was not in the mood to compete with her. She was concerned about Qin Feng now.

Zhu Fei asked seriously.

She was a bit mad, and especially wanted to grasp Qin Feng's head to shake hard to let him sober.

Helplessly, Zhu Fei grabbed her hair and stirred it a few times, her long hair swinging disorderly. She put her hair to the back of her head. A feeling of enchanting filled Qin Feng's eyes. He muttered and swallowed a thick saliva, damn it, when did this Zhu Fei become so sexy.

"Qin Feng, if you think clearly, and you don't run now, you won't be able to run away completely. I think Zhao Zhenzhong has sent out the order that he is looking for you."

Said Zhu Fei.

"Why are you so familiar with a man? You haven't been here long from Su City. You know him well? Who does he think he is?

Wanted? The leader of the martial arts league?"

Qin Feng disdainfully humphed and said.

"Because Li Jianbin knows him very well, and he had a lot of business contacts between them. There's nothing good to do between them. He has been to Su City several times, every time he went to my home, he had a sneaky look at my mother."

Said Zhu Fei.

"So you've known Zhao Chuan for a long time? Knowing that neither of them was a good thing, why did you still come here to sing?"

This was also a reminder to Qin Feng. When he first fought, he seemed to see that He Yuan, some best friend of Zhu Fei's. She was a crazy woman who was vain and could sell out her friends for profit. But after the fight, he could no longer see her. She might be afraid of getting into trouble, so she snuck away.

After Jia Dapeng's event last time, Qin Feng remembered that Zhu Fei had said in front of him that she would never find He Yuan again, but this time how could she find her again......

And Zhu Fei had long known Zhao Chuan's virtue, but she also drank so much alcohol. Wasn't she for others to leave an opportunity?

So Qin Feng had doubts about Zhu Fei.

"I....... I just.... I just happened to be here."

Stammered Zhu Fei.

"By chance? Was it a coincidence that you were drunk? You know who Zhao Chuan is. Isn't this about creating opportunities for him? You can not blame him moving the heart. You are clearly seducing him!"

Qin Feng said unabashedly.

He was also concerned about Zhu Fei to say so, but Jiang Xiaowen, who was beside him, couldn't help but sneer, "Oh, I said that. Flies don't bite seamless eggs. You're making it clear that you're seducing him on your own initiative. What? You know him so well. You like his money, don't you?"

When words fell, she looked at Qin Feng, "You are really... You should not help her tonight. You are making trouble to her good and you get yourself into a lot of trouble. You're such a fool."


Qin Feng's mouth opened a few times. In the face of Jiang Xiaowen's query, he was speechless.

How to put it, in a way, that's it, indeed.

But Qin Feng would never believe that Zhu Fei would do such a thing. If she were that kind of person, when Jia Dapeng pursued her, she would have agreed him.

To put it another way, if she were a vain woman in pursuit of wealth, she would never abandon the luxurious life of Su City and come to Tianhe to find her poor biological father and suffer here.

When Zhu Fei heard Jiang Xiaowen say this about her, the repressed anger in her heart came up. She darted over and pushed away Jiang Xiaowen. She was defenseless, and she staggered backwards. If Qin Feng had not been quick with his eyes and given her a hand, Xiaowen's head would be likely to hit on the sharp marble table corner.

Angrily, Jiang Xiaowen picked up the bottle on the table to prepare to fight. In art school in the past two years, she didn't rarely see fighting. Although she had not done much, since she saw a lot of posture, she would also follow up.

Qin Feng saw the situation, anxious to pull the bottle over, and shouted, "Have you finished? If you continue to argue, I will be really angry."

Perhaps they were all afraid of Qin Feng's anger, the temper of both of them eliminate.

They each sat on the right and left side of Qin Feng, with a straight face and said nothing.

But the atmosphere of the room was suddenly cold. Qin Feng was sandwiched in the middle, and was speechless for a period of time.

Women were really complicated animals. They could quarrel for everything. If they were not stopped, perhaps they would get into trouble of some kind.

"You remember Zhou Liang, don't you?"

Silent for a while, in order to avoid Qin Feng's misunderstanding, Zhu Fei took the initiative to say, "Because of him, I am not in a good mood, so I came here."

Off and on in this period of time, she, dad and Zhou Liang was mentioned, as well as the sudden emergence of Zhou Husha.

Qin Feng heard, could not help laughing, "That is to say, this should be regarded as jealous, ha. Do you fall in love with Zhou Liang?"

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When Zhu Fei heard this, her cheeks turned red and she shouted anxiously, "No. Who would like that treacherous fellow? I was just angry that he was wasting everyone's feelings.

In particular, in front of my father, he pretended to be a good person every day, to make him play as a bee. For a long time, his woman was about to give birth to a son outside."

Qin Feng said, "Don't you all say that Zhou Liang explained that he had the child before he went on a blind date with you? They had been separated, but the girl stealthily kept the child herself.

What? You don't believe Zhou Liang's explanation?"

"I just don't believe it, and I feel angry. It's too sudden to be acceptable."

Said Zhu Fei.

"Well, so is it."

Qin Feng sighed and said, "You, too, are quite well. So many good men were around you, ha-ha. Don't be dissatisfied. I think Zhou Liang is a good guy. When the storm is over, you can talk to him."

"Oh, of course not. I'm not going to give him another chance.

A man would make the same mistake twice, and to forgive him is to be cruel to myself."

Said Zhu Fei.

Qin Feng looked around Jiang Xiaowen, humphing, "You look at her and then look at you. Do not just always play. When you see the right good guy, you just have a try. Perhaps you can find a new world of life. Happiness will come soon, soon."

Jiang Xiaowen gave Qin Feng a white look and said, "Let's go."

It's late. I'm sleepy. Go to sleep."


When Zhu Fei heard this, she stood up. She hadn't asked Qin Feng what the relationship between Qin Feng and this contrived smelly girl was. Although she was really beautiful, she did not seem to have much temperament or refinement. Even if she had a good face, and she had a good figure, if her heart is not beautiful and impure, she was still not excellent.

She believed Qin Feng with such good vision would certainly not love her.

But she should go to sleep with Qin Feng, this was really disgusting.

Seeing Zhu Fei's tiny universe about to erupt, Qin Feng anxiously pulled her, "What are you doing? Sit tightly."

Then he turned and looked at Jiang Xiaowen on the other side. "First of all, I want to correct a mistake in grammar you just made. If you're sleepy, it's okay to sleep, but you tell me to go to sleep with you, which was really misleading. Besides, tonight, it's all about Zhu Fei. I have to keep her safe. I'm going to sleep at her house tonight. You....... Why don't I take you back to school?"


Qin Feng was very considerate, but he did not know, the two girls were competing, so the balance of the original which was still fairly balanced completely tilted.

After Jiang Xiaowen listened to this, she felt particularly humiliated, and her heart was cold with a bang. She had originally felt that she had gained the upper hand in front of Zhu Fei. However, Qin Feng's remarks gave her a thorough understanding of her position in Qin Feng's heart. In the crucial moment, he still wanted Zhu Fei. He wanted to stay at her house tonight to protect her, and herself......

Jiang Xiaowen's heart was very uncomfortable, especially aggrieved. She was in her place, and the corner of her eyes was moist several times, but she did not let her tears flow down, afraid to let Zhu Fei see her cowardly side, which was to lose face.

Qin Feng also saw clues, anxious to say, "How about I booking a hotel room for you. It's really not convenient to go back to school at this time. All the students in your dorm room should have fallen asleep."

Jiang Xiaowen was so angry that she really wanted to punch Qin Feng. Was that what she wanted? This elm bumps, big fool!

She picked up the bag on the sofa and walked out. Qin Feng looked embarrassed, and Zhu Fei smiled proudly. "Hey, why do you go?! You just open a room for yourself. For college students like you, you should be familiar with the booking."

Jiang Xiaowen quickly left the room. At the moment the door closed, aggrieved tears fell.

After all, she cried.

She vaguely heard the footsteps of Qin Feng chasing out. In order not to let him see her embarrassment, she was anxious to speed up the pace, quickly running to the corner of the corridor.

After Qin Feng chased out, he yelled, "Xiaowen. You wait. Wait for me."

Qin Feng insisted on catching up, but Zhu Fei grabbed him. "She's so grown up. Why do you chase her? Will she be lost or something else? Tonight this matter has nothing to do with her, and Zhao Zhenzhong's people will not find her. What are afraid of?"

"But I see she seems very sad. Is this a little too much for me to do so?"

Qin Feng really had no experience in love. Although he had high EQ and IQ, he really lacked a lot of emotion. He didn't know how to explore the changes in a girl's heart. He always felt that they should understand themselves. Therefore, they should handle some things according to their own wills and try their best to be fair and reasonable, but this was not a battlefield command tactic, nor was it a work scheduling arrangement, and this was a feeling that two people have to manage and feel with their heart, and had nothing to do with anything else. Even when they had nothing, they could still love and be happy.

But people shouldn't arbitrarily think about each other. Qin Feng was too simple in thinking, ignoring Jiang Xiaowen's feelings. Most of all, he never got a clear idea of Xiaowen's feelings for him.

"Not too much. She just wants to stick to you. I have seen many of this kind of girls. They certainly have ulterior motives, and you had better beware."

Said Zhu Fei.

"No way. Xiaowen is very good. We have known each other since Free Man."

Qin Feng said.

"Let's go. Let's go home. My dad was depressed at home. He called me a lot, but I didn't dare to answer it. I guess Zhou Liang has already called him. Alas."

Zhu Fei said with a smile on her face, "But if he saw you, he'd be happy. He told me about you the other day. He asked me where you were developing and how you are doing in your career."

Qin Feng smiled and said, "What did you say?"

"I say you do big business in the capital."

Zhu Fei smiled and said, "It's a good thing I met you tonight, otherwise it would have been a real trouble."

The two of them left the second floor with a relaxed face and laughed. When they came to the front desk to pay the bill, the waiter only charged for only more than a hundred yuan. "I broke a lot of things tonight, so let's figure it out together. You make me an offer, and I'll make it up to you."

Qin Feng said seriously, threw a credit card to him.

"No, sir. This is the cost of your mini box. As for the other damage, the boss said, you do not pay for it. You may go now."

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