My Nightclub Landlady

Chapter 290: 290 Burst into anger

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"Sister Hua, it's settled. When you need to use the money, just say. We will respond to it right away."

Liu Qichen and Wang Shaobo said generously.

"Well, that's all right with your words, thank you."

Sister Hua seriously said, "I don't have any ambitions. I just want to create a place of entertainment and culture that really belongs to me in Tianhe, and not only let young people experience passion and charm, but let them feel a positive energy atmosphere of youth, purity, and upward when they were high at the same time. In fact, we are also leaders of young people. We can't just think about making money. In the past, I always insisted on not entering poison powder and setting up escort service in the bar. Over the years, I also lay down my own brand for the Free Man Bar. At first, everyone laughed at me, and said if nightclubs do not provide these two services, they couldn't make money. It's impossible. I seem to have become a joke in the Tianhe nightclub industry, but over the years, instead of losing money, I have proved to be more profitable than most nightclubs, and I can guarantee that my venue will be open for 12 months and 360 days, while some bars have to be closed for at least two months twice a year, and the owners of those services are careful to manage the relationship, why bother? Why do nightclubs have to make such a mess? We operate in a clean and clear manner and rely on our core competitiveness to attract customers. The next step is not only to do this, but also to refine the pattern. We will get some meaningful, forward-looking projects, including nightly programs. They can no longer be singing, dancing, playing games. They can appropriately add a bit of fun, elegant activities, such as the kind of television programs, or such as the Chinese string up puzzle, poetry conference, boxes opened with surprises and so on. Specific programs can be slowly developed, mainly to guide people to establish sound, positive values, in addition to entertainment, more or less to give them a little enlightenment and inspiration. I do not want to be the big man of the education. I just want them to be a little bit grateful to the society after they leave us, that's all."


Sister Hua's words, very plain, not having a bit pompous meaning, are some from the heart of the truth, but enough to let Ruru, Liu Qichen, Wang Shaobo praise.

Wang Shaobo said.

"Sister Hua, I really admire you for being able to imagine a nightclub from this angle. I'm really inspired. If it weren't for the shadow of Brother Jun, I would certainly follow you and be your younger sister."

Ruru said seriously.

Sister Hua heard this, and was quite moved. In recent years, she had been living in the shadow of Ruru and Pei Xiang. These two seemed to have been "hurting" Sister Hua, but Pei Xiang was bad to the bone while Ruru was simply jealous. With Pei Xiang's words in the side, Ruru appeared bad in the surface.

Sister Hua saw through and understood Ruru's behavior. She took Ruru by the hand and seriously said, "If we want to achieve things, first, we should know how to behave well as a human being. We will not be too unlucky as long as we stand up to our conscience, no matter what we do, no matter who we do it for.

I do not have any special ability, but based on this, step by step I reached this day. Although still nothing, I believe, at least I have a clear conscience, and there will always be someone to remember my good. That's enough. A man's success lies not in how much power and money he has, but in how many people he can help and how many people have a better life because of him."


Liu Qichen didn't say anything, but just put up a thumb, and humphed, "This is the only thing I want to say to you."

Wang Shaobo smiled and said, "Sister Hua, if you're not perfect, what about us? In my opinion, you are the queen of the Tianhe night clubs, and you are the leading ambassador of the future direction of the Tianhe night clubs. No problem."

"Yes, yes. I totally agree. There's nothing wrong with it. If I have to pick up a bit, I can only say that you are too modest. Modesty makes me feel ashamed of myself."

Ruru smiled.

In this way, everyone drank happily and talked happily. Sister Hua drank a lot. She hadn't drunk like this for a long time. She drank almost all the alcohol she brought. She looked at her watch and saw that it was almost 10 o'clock. After a while, Qin Feng's birthday was over.


When women drink too much, they always think of their favorite people and will be moved by what they saw. No matter how much control of women, that was the case, because they were naturally made of water, tenderness and sensitiveness.

Nobody knew how Ruru thought. She got close to the side of Sister Hua, hugged her and said, "You need a man now, ah. In fact, that Qin Feng is not bad. I feel......"

"Ruru, have you drunk too much?"

Sister Hua shouted and stopped, looking at the two young masters at the other side. They were almost drunk, with arms on the table, required every ounce of my willpower, breathing in their mouths, "Let's go? That's all for tonight. We'll get together some other time."

"Yes, yes."

After Liu Qichen stood up, he just walked two steps, and felt vomiting, and was busy turning and rushed to the bathroom in the private room.

Wang Shaobo looked OK, and he cursed, "Waste."

"Shaobo, you are in charge of sending Liu Qichen home, ha, he drank too much, but don't do anything wrong."

Xiao Jinhua said, "I'll send Ruru back."

"Yes, don't worry."

After listening to Shaobo's words, Ruru was not happy. "No, I want to stay with them. They are my donors. I must accompany them well. I Ruru is a professional person. Although I drink too much, I know what I should do."

As she spoke, Ruru was about to undress, "Come, Brother Shaobo. Let's go take a shower in the bathroom, and then you'll just lie down in bed and see what I can do."


Ruru, this is too much to drink. She regarded the restaurant as a guest room.

Sister Hua was speechless for a while, helped her put on a jacket and shouted, "Ruru, you're crazy. This is the restaurant. I'll take you home!"

Shaobo was also confused, and his heart said, this girl's head was silly? That was very professional.

Ruru tossed around for a while, and was dragged out of the Kaodongli Restaurant by Sister Hua. The Didi drive she called had been waiting downstairs. Seeing Shaobo and Liu Qichen's drivers were in, Sister Hua also did not have much care. When she sent Ruru home, it was 11:30 in the middle of the night.

Sitting in the back row of the Herdsman, Sister Hua felt a little headache. The figure of Qin Feng was in her mind. She was lost in spirit when thinking that. In a trance, she almost fell asleep.

The Herdsman paused slowly. The driver turned his eyes to his sleeping client behind and said, "Hello, we've arrived at our destination."

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Sister Hua suddenly woke up, and there was a hazy in front of her, "Qin Feng."

"What?" The driver was a little surprised. What happened to the client? Drunk?

Sister Hua rubbed her eyes hard, then woke up, apologized and paid the bill, and then she wobbled up the stairs.

When she got home, she took a hot bath and drank a large glass of hot water, which made her feel better.

Look at the phone. It was just 12:00.

Finally she got over the day. Qin Feng's birthday had passed, ad she wouldn't too deliberately think of him. Yes, tomorrow, it must be a new time.

She picked up her phone, opened the memo and wrote, "Qin Feng, I have a lot to say to you, but I can only say it here. Today is your birthday, I would like to wish you a happy birthday, want to see your face, your smile, your white teeth, tall and straight body, but no, I told myself. I can not let you read my mind.

Tomorrow I will have a fake love. No matter how, I will take good care of myself, and you, your sister hope you can always be happy, to find your own happiness. Promise me, okay?"
Lonely night, the crescent moon outside the window shed out a trace of melancholy light, hit in Sister Hua's face. She turned off her cell phone, and went to sleep deeply.


Qin Feng and Green Snake had already drunk too much beer in the hotel, and the floor was filled with beer cans, which was the fourth case. Although Snow Beer was a little less strong, they could not hold the rhythm of one person with two cases.

Qin Feng chatted a lot to Green Snake. About his heart-to-heart words, he wanted to talked first.

Green Snake also spoke bluntly, again saying that she liked Qin Feng, which made Qin Feng very embarrassed. But now, there was no hope for him to pursue Sister Hua. He really needed to think about his future, and it was not a way to think about it every day. After all, there was only one male in the Qin family, and he needed to carry on the family lineage. It was unrealistic to take things too hard because of Sister Hua. Even if he can persuade himself about this, it was still impossible for his father to agree.

"Qin Feng, I have said, I can wait for you. You do not have pressure, do not easily come to a conclusion. I hope you can live happily. If not happy, even with me, I will not be happy."

Green Snake said seriously, "I appreciate you taking care of me for so many years, but this is not the reason why I love you. Help is help, and it can not hold my heart. I like you, after careful consideration."

"Green Snake, you know, before I met Sister Flower, I was an emotional idiot. I never even thought about that kind of thing.

I guess I never told you about my first love, did I? It was a failure. Since she left me, I have been so sensitive to love that I dare not touch it easily. Because of my guilt for Xiao H, I violated the regulations of my superiors and came to Tianhe to protect Sister Hua. At first, I thought that this was just the most common waiting. She was only Xiao He's sister, so what? She will not have any deep feelings with me, but I did not expect that we soon burst out of a spark. Of course, it was only my unilateral lovesickness. She kept very clear, but also in the meeting with Kang Mingyang, after taking Xiao He's relics away, she broke up completely with me. She said, I delayed her to find a date, and said that I should like a soldier to guard more places that needs guarding, rather than living in a mere Tianhe. She is ashamed of what I have done."

Qin Feng was a face of frustration. He couldn't understand. Why could it be so.

Seeing him like this who kept talking about this conversation over and over again all night, it didn't need to say how uncomfortable Green Snake was. Jealousy was still secondary. The key thing was in her heart, Qin Feng had always been a man who could see things positively, and he stood tall and upright.

Nothing could trap him, or bind him, but just for a woman, a nightclub woman, he could behave this way!

Had it not been for respect for Xiao He, Green Snake would have torn down Xiao Jinhua's nightclub.

This was simply in the destruction of Qin Feng. He was such a good super soldier. Before he knew Xiao Jinhua, Qin Feng's all the performance was top in China, but he now? His whole person was about to waste. Every day he knew only drinking, thinking about the triffle like a woman rambling on.

Qin Feng of the past couldn't look like this.

Hey, it was really dangerous beauty, destroying people tirelessly.

"Qin Feng, you stupid, cheer up for me."

Green Snake exclaimed, "I don't believe a woman can make you behave like this."

"What do you know? No matter how hard I try to like you, I can't do it. No matter how hard I try to forget her, I can't do it.

That feeling, you know? You don't understand."

Qin Feng still told the truth. Although he spent the night trying to restrain himself, saying good things about her in front of Green Snake and cherishing the feelings of their comrades in arms and that it was not easy to walk along the way, but when the feelings reached the depths of his heart, he could not control his own mouth.


Hearing this response, Green Snake froze for a long time.

She did not expect, Qin Feng would tell the truth finally.

Yes, Green Snake is cheap, cheap to the bone. No matter how har she did, it was impossible to make Qin Feng like her.

But Xiao Jinhua, that nightclub woman, no matter how hard she abandoned Qin Feng, he would still engtangle her like the dog skin plaster.

This was the difference.

The difference between the sky and the earth.

"Well, Qin Feng. It's 12:20 in the morning. I have spent my birthday with you. I wish you a happy birthday for the last time.

You're fucking having fun."

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