My Nightclub Landlady

Chapter 306: 306 No one can touch i

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After arranging for everyone to take their seats, Qin Feng began to open the alcohol.

Zhang Hui and Zhang Dali naturally knew each other. One was a gangster, and the other was a special police captain. They would have inevitably dealt with some cases, but the status of Zhang Hui was very difficult to climb on the Zhang Dali level, so he could only be barely known.

Zhou Liang did not know them at all. When he called him, Qin Feng specifically asked the woman who had lost her baby. Zhou Liang said that she had been taken care of, and that he had spent another 300,000 yuan to avoid disaster. Qin Feng's heart said, for Zhou Liang, what could be solved with money was not a big deal, as long as it could be dealt with clearly.

After some introduction, everybody was quite humble. Nobody wanted to sit on the middle main seat in the sofa. They snatched and sat sides of the tea table. Qin Feng saw this and smiled said, "Look at you. Our men all sit on the stool, and let the ladies sit on the sofa. Is this all right?"

"Yes, yes. This is good."

Zhou Liang laughed and said, "Zhu Fei sits on it, that just looks like a queen."

"Go. Don't make fun of me."

Zhu Fei gave white eyes to Zhou Liang and looked to Qin Feng, "This is all your craft? It looks good."

When the door was knocked again, Zhang Hui asked anxiously, "Who else is there?"

In fact, Zhang Hui was most afraid of a person, Meng Zhaolin.

He knew that brother Meng was taken away by Qin Feng, but this period of time, Zhang Hui had long given up looking for him. Whether brother Meng was dead or alive was unknown, and he was cuddling two women every day. As the younger brother, he felt embarrassed.

Qin Feng opened the door. "Hello, is that your takeaway?"

He took the packets and dropped them to the tea table. Three or four kinds of women's favorite dishes. In this way, the entire tea table was full and there was no places to put the alcohol glasses.

Zhu Fei ate the crispy fried shrimps in front of her, "Well, the taste is really good."

"Qin Feng, with all due respect, your arrangements for today's dinner are a bit of a mess. I still don't see a theme."

Zhang Dali liked to contact with Qin Feng. He felt like they were all heroes, but they didn't have a chance to play together. Today Qin Feng called him, originally, he has been arranged for a few things, but all were evaded, and he came to Qin Feng's home.

He thought that Li Faxian at most would come. At least he was a member of the same system, but unexpectedly, they were a gangster and an individual boss who didn't know each other.

"Don't worry. Since you can come to me, everyone is to save my face, and the meal you eat tonight was the virgin dinner of the house, how about that? It's a pleasure, isn't it? Ha-ha."

Qin Feng picked up the wine glass and said, "It's not very good alcohol, just half a year's Maotai, the Chinese zodiac version, and now it's only thirty or forty thousand yuan a bottle. However, alcohol was not important. What was important was the feelings of our brothers. Let's drink a glass together first! Thank you for coming, hope you put forward more valuable suggestions about the food, the structure of the house, or the decoration."

When the word fell, he bumped the glass into each other's, drank a little, and then began to eat peanut. Zhang Hui laughed and said, "Elder brother Qin, this chicken you stew looks average, but it tastes really good. It's spicy. It's good."

"I don't have much experience, so I don't know whether it's delicious or not."

Qin Feng modestly said, "We just eat it. Do not constrain yourselves. Ha. If you are not full, I will invite you to go out to the second meal."

Zhou Liang said with a smile, "I can't really eat spicy food. I don't think I have any good luck."

"Well, cut the gossip."

Qin Feng put the chopsticks away, looked at Zhang Dali and said, "Just now you asked a good question. No theme, feeling very confused, right? In fact, I have not thought of any theme. I just want to return to life and make real friends with you. The reality of the normal state of things, ordinary people, is to contact a variety of industries. This is real life."

Qin Feng was hoping that people would no longer regard him as a powerful figure. He wanted to return to the original point, to become an ordinary person and returned to the embrace of life in a new role, and only puts his fierce side on the task to fight the terrorists. In Tianhe, he wanted to be a good common man.

"You? Back to life?"

Zhang Hui laughed and said, "That's not realistic. You've reached a certain height, and you want to go back? Is it possible? Standing at the top of the pyramid and appreciating the beauty of the scenery, were enviable things. Now in Tianhe, when people mention your name, they changed their face a bit. No one dares to provoke you. You are now in the peak period of fame, as long as it can be maintained, the fame and fortune that you want will come to you in a steady stream. Why do you choose the rapids to retreat at this time?"

Yes, Zhang Hui was telling the truth. He always told what he wanted to say. The first time he met Qin Feng was at the stall of Erlang Barbecue. At that time, Qin Feng and Sister Hua went to have supper. Zhang Hui wanted to talk to Sister Hua. Brother Meng intended to hire Xiao Jinhua to work in his nightclubs, but Xiao Jinhua directly refused to do so. On that occasion, Qin Feng showed a super combat effectiveness and beat up two men with very strong fighting power in Zhang Hui. That they cleaned up other people were both as relaxed as chopping up melons and vegetables. But on the Qin Feng, there was no chance for them to fight back. That moment, Zhang Hui expected, Qin Feng would become a great cause in the future.

After listening to Zhang Hui's evaluation, Qin Feng laughed and said, "It's not too cold on high places. Sometimes, it's exhausting to be in dispute all the time. I also want to live the ordinary people's life, but since I came to Tianhe, I have not been stable. A lot of times, I don't look for trouble, but things will find me. This is too much. Let's be honest."

Zhu Fei humped, "Yes, you even dare to beat the son of the police chief. You still want to live the life of ordinary people?

You're not welcome in our community."

Zhang Dali was embarrassed. He recognized Zhu Fei when he came. Jia Dapeng was really infatuated with this girl. Every day he didn't do anything, so he thought about how to catch up with her. At that time, Zhang Dali also advised him that there were plenty of good girls in the world, but the stubborn Jia Dapeng did not look back until he hit the wall, saying that there was no girl he could not catch up with for so many years. As a result, he got into the Qin Feng and was severely beaten. He almost risked his life.

As Jia Dapeng's "martial master", Zhang Dali's attitude toward this matter was more rational. As an expert, he could see at a glance that Qin Feng was by no means a common person, and is not simply as relaxed as having fought with him. This was definitely a figure with quite a solid background. Even if Jia Dapeng's father is Jia Quan, an absolute big figure in Tianhe, He was afraid it's true that Jia Quan is no match for Qin Feng.

Sure enough, after a series of things have verified the judgment of Zhang Dali. First Li Faxian kneeling to Qin Feng in public. After that, the Secretary of the municipal party committee personally cared for Qin Feng. These things, the people are in the clouds, but Zhang Dali was very clear.

"I hit him for you, didn't I?"

Qin Feng said with a smile, "It just happens that Captain Zhang is here. Since this matter is mentioned, we have to talk about it.

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Captain Chang, do you think I did the right thing?"

This kind of matter really was difficult for Zhang Dali, but since Qin Feng wanted to chat, he just talked.

"If I were you, I'd stand up for you, too. Let's talk about the matter as it is. Although I am a member of the Director Jia, I also have a sense of justice. In good conscience, Dapeng did not do well in this matter. This was not only a lesson to him, but also a spur on his way of growing up. After that, He has been very calm. People, when their home conditions are good, they are always easy to get high. Qin Feng hit him at the right time, which was a good teaching for him."

Zhang Dali said seriously.

In this way, the topic was mentioned. Zhang Dali also gradually understood the theme of Qin Feng, in fact, it was a self-redemption, self-analysis. They spoke freely in the "tea party."

"Well, that makes me feel a little better. Otherwise, I always feel ashamed to see Captain Zhang. I feel I let him neglect his duty, can't head up in front of Director Jia."

While saying, Qin Feng smiled to hold up the alcohol cup, "Come on. I hope everyone can do their best to their lives, to the people around, they have more understanding and support. No matter how, a day has to pass, the more wonderful the better."

"Come on, Cheers!"

As soon as the atmosphere was mobilized, everyone touched each other's glasses. They drank up the Moutai alcohol in the small cup. The two girls brought by Zhang Hui were actually senior students of Tianhe College, one studying music, and the other studying art. They weren't so dirty as Qin Feng imagined. At first, both of them, like Jiang Xiaowen, danced at nightclubs to bring popularity and earn a little extra money. Later, when they met Zhang Hui, under his guidance, the two-set foot on a full-time escort road, earning several times as much as they had in the past. When they want to go back to campus again and want to be an ordinary student, and every day facing blackboards, doing homework, teachers, and classmates, it had gone forever. To make them throw away their jobs of monthly income of 20,000 to 30,000, and then go to a small restaurant and work in a KFC in order to earn that ten or twenty yuan an hour, standing back pain, but also often scolded by the boss, guests was impossible.

Men go up, water flows down.

In fact, their situations were the same as Qin Feng's. For Qin Feng, he could go freely up and down, look down on the masses at the top, and laugh at the bottom of life. But the two little ladies did not dare. They were cautious, for fear of losing the Zhang Hui, this backer. In Tianhe in order to live well, with their capital, they had to fight so.

Qin Feng laughed and said, "In fact, I may be a bit affectation when I do this. To put it this way, I just hope that we can open our hearts, return to the real life, put down those intrigues, and live well."

Qin Feng's words let the atmosphere of the scene appeared a little bit heavy. He was actually some self-righteous. With his point of view to see the problem, how many people in the world could do like what he said? He can go to heaven and earth wantonly. He had super backers, but he also had super personal ability. In addition to the present that he had not harvested love, what did he lack? There's nothing missing.

And other people can do this? It's none.

Like Zhang Hui, and even Zhou Liang, are far from the kind of indifference that they could be regardless of the situation. Money for them, was still a treasure. It was worth them hastening or even lost integrity and dignity.

There's n no way. To gain respect in this world, without earnning a certain amount of money was impossible.

Even if others did not need you, did not beg you, but if you were a billionaire, you would still instinctively be respected, be polite to. People were so realistic, bully the weak and fear the strong, but some people show it obviously, while some people just have it in their hearts.

Zhou Liang smiled and said, "Are you stimulated by something?

All of a sudden you have this feeling. Now in the whole Tianhe no one dared to mess with you. Although I am an alien, your reputation I still know very well. Now that it has come to this point, why not strike while the iron is hot and start some industry? There will be a lot of people to sell your face, money cannot drive away at that time. Don't forget, when the time comes, say to the brothers. We have to buy into the stock, involved."

Zhu Fei laughed ans said, "Qin Feng doesn't like money, but he like some person."

"Some person?"

Zhang Hui laughed and said, "Is it someone who is right in front of us?"

As he spoke, he reached out into the arms of his ladies. She had a great figure. She was a first-class model. She was also very sweet. She was almost like a girl from the south of the Yangtze River. She had super delicate skin. "Don't worry, I brought it to you tonight. We brothers share each of them. In addition to giving you a warm room, but she would also give you a warm bed."

The girl smiled shyly and said, "Brother Feng, I am yours.

I brought my own toiletries."


Hearing this, a circle of people broke into laughter, Zhu Fei was most abominable. She almost couldn't breathe.

Zhang Hui looked puzzled, "Is it that funny? My sister will not come out at will. I will lend it out except brothers."

Zhang Dali coughed softly, "I said, can you stop doing that here? Qin Feng last time for the sake of Zhu Fei, beat the police chief's son into the hospital. Who he likes, you can not see it?"

When Zhang Dali came, he was struggling. Zhu Fei should be with Qin Feng. Why was there a young entrepreneur sitting next to her? Messy, a little too messy.

"Don't talk nonsense."

Qin Feng was speechless for a while, "The people I like are here. All I called tonight are."

"No, no. It's better to be clear. Right in front of Zhu Fei, we two brothers need to understand."

Zhou Liang did not agree. His heart for Zhu Fei, maybe the world knew. It was determined to win, but Qin Feng's attitude was now ambiguous, so Zhou Liang was disturbed.

If Qin Feng made it clear that he would not be with Zhu Fei, then Zhou Liang's small mood would bloom like a tulip in full bloom in March.

If Qin Feng had a small mind, then Zhou Liang would not eat this meal tonight, rival in love?

No, no!

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