my one true love

Chapter 3: chapter 3

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I wake up to a knocking on my door, I get up and go to open it only to see an upset looking Hyung standing there. 


“What's up Hyung” I say in my morning voice noticing its still dark out. 


“Can I come in baby” he says.


“Of course” I say stepping to the side to let him in. 


He comes in and sits on the couch so I do the same, I want to know what's wrong but I want to wait till he's ready to tell me. 


We sit in silence for a few minutes. 


“I'm sorry to come and wake you up so late” he says before going quiet again. 


I nod as I look around noticing he has his backpack and another bag. 


“My roommate kicked me out baby” he says noticing me look at the bag. 


“Why would he do that” I say jumping up. 


“We had a fight” he says sighing. 


“He found out I was gay cause he caught me jerking off to your pictures you sent me, he went crazy saying I wasn't allowed to live there anymore that I'm disgusting and told me I had to leave that I could go get my things tomorrow while he's at work and he would be changing the lock code when he got home” Hyung said leaning forward and putting his face in his hands.


“Hyung” I say softly worried bout him.


He sat up straight.


“Don't worry baby I'm not upset about what he said about me its just now I have to find a new place and I'm stressed, honestly I'm more upset that I didn't get to finish jerking off” he says with a light chuckle.


I giggled a little at that. 


‘Would it be to soon to let him live with me’ I thought to myself. 


‘Fuck it I want him to be around all the time anyways’ I decided to offer. 


“Hyung?” I say starting to feel nervous he will reject me. 


“Mmm” he hummed. 


“Um would … would you like to live here with me?” I ask rushing the last part out.


He stiffened up at that and I looked away my eyes tearing up a bit waiting for the rejection. 


“Baby-” he started but I cut him off. 


“I'm sorry that was a stupid question I shouldn't have asked that I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable” I blurt out standing and walking toward the bathroom to lock myself in there till morning.


“Baby wait” he says rushing over as I started closing the door, the tears starting to fall. 


He stopped the door and pushed it open pulling me into his arms.


“Baby listen to me okay” I says stroking the back of my hair. 


“I just don't want to put you out plus how do we explain it to Jisung, id love to live with my baby boy” he adds kissing my head. 


“Please stay” I mumble into his chest. 


“Are you sure baby?” he says pulling away to look into my eyes.


I nodded and kiss his lips lightly, I want to be with him forever. 


“We can tell Jisung the truth, if he's willing to hate me after all this time that's his problem” I say looking down at my feet. 


“Are you sure baby?” he asks. 


I nod again grabbing his hand and dragging him to the bed, I stand in front of him and pull his shirt off before unbuttoning his jeans then pushing him on the bed before curling up next to him and turning off the lap. 


He wraps his arms around me pulling me closer to him and kissing me on my head, I snuggle up loving his scent. 


“Goodnight Hyung I love you” I whisper.


“Night baby boy I love you too” he says kissing my head again and stroking my arm with his thumb. 


‘Most annoying alarm ever’ I think to myself as I groan. 


I start to stretch when I feel movement behind me. 


‘Oh right Hyung’ 


I roll over to face him seeing him wince from the sound I reach over him to grab my phone to shut off the alarm as I do I feel him wrap his arms around me, I giggle shutting off my alarm before letting him pull me down.


I lay on his chest and he kisses my head hugging me close.


“Are you really sure you want to tell Jisung?” Hyung asked after a while. 


“Yes Hyung I am sure if he cant be my best friend after knowing the real me then he was never really my best friend” I state as I start to squirm as I start needing to pee.


“Hyung I need to pee” I say as he pulls me back down when I try to get up.


“Fine” he says letting me up.


After I pee I quickly wash up and do my make up before going out again, Hyung sits up resting on his arms watching me walk to the kitchen.


“God your so hot” he breaks the silence. 


I chuckle a bit.


“How many times are you gonna say that Hyung” I ask tilting my head to the side as I turn to look at him. 


“Till it stops being true.. So never” he says smirking back at me.


I turn back and start making coffee, after a few seconds I feel his arms wrap around my waist and he rests his chin on my shoulder.


“I'm gonna wash up baby” he mumbles before kissing me on the cheek and walking to get his bag and going to the bathroom. 


I bend over digging in the bottom of my dresser for pants when I feel a sharp slap on my ass making me yelp in surprise, I turn quickly to see a smirking Hyung. 


“Hyung” I whine. 


“What” he whines mocking me.


I pout turning grabbing a pair of jeans and walking past him to where I already laid out a shirt. 


He walks up behind me and hugs me from behind again kissing my neck lightly. 


“Okay okay I'm sorry but you have a nice ass its hard to resist smacking it” he grumbles at the last part.


I shake my head and bend to start putting on my jeans when I feel him push his crotch agents my ass.


“Hyung do you want to be late two days in a row” I say looking back at him.


“Okay okay ill behave I have all night to make to moan for me” he says smirking as he walks to his bag pulling out some clothes. 


‘Oh god am I gonna regret this’ I think shaking my head. 


We leave for school not long after that. 


As we get close to school I start getting nervous about telling Jisung about us, as I see them in the distance I reach over and take Hyung's hand in mine interlocking our fingers making him look at our hands then me. 


As we get close they turn and freeze looking at us, Hyung squeezes my hand as we stop in front of them. 


Jaeyong gives me a small smile and a thumbs up from behind Jisung.


Jisung just stares at us hardly even blinking, I start getting scared at this point.


“So what's this about” he asks pointing at our hands. 


“Well I lied” I say simply trying to sound un bothered. 


“Ill explain after we are done with classes but for now you just need to know we are dating” I say refusing to look him in the face.


“Okay” he said shrugging.


“Lets go to class” he says skipping ahead of us. 


“He seems fine” Hyung says kissing my hand. 


“Yeah” I sigh. 


We have a very normal day of classes, The only events of the day was Hyung kissing me on the cheek goodbye after our first class and again when meeting us outside after classes were done for the day.   


Once we got to the apartment Jaeyong ordered friend chicken, it seemed normal thankfully. 


“So can we talk now” Jisung asked. 


I nod slightly really scared now.


“Okay explain” he says motioning as if to say the floor in mine. 


“Well lets start simple I'm gay and always knew that” I say sighing lightly.


“How long have you known?” he asks staying calm. 


“Since first year of middle school when I met Hyung” I say fidgeting a little. 


“Next there was never a girl from middle school I was talking about Hyung” I say squirming a bit.


“Right” he nods shortly. 


“Lastly there was no girl here the night before last nor a guy.. I jerked off that night but the cause of the hickeys is sitting next to me and that happened yesterday morning when he gave me head and fucked me with a viberater causing us to be late” I say in one breath while looking down. 


“Okay tmi on that one” Jisung laughs out. 


“So why tell us now?” he asked. 


“Its my fault really” Hyung buts in. 


“Last night when I went home my roommate caught me jerking off to some pictures I asked Minjun to send were he was just out of the shower and he got all disgusted and kicked me out telling me I have till he gets off work in a few hours to get my stuff cause he's changing the lock code when he gets home and don't wanna see me ever again so I showed up here at 3 in the morning” he explained.


“So I asked him to live with me here” I add still looking down. 


“And I already knew Minjun was gay I figured it out in high school when he accidentally walked in on my sister changing and seemed disgusted but it wasn't confirmed till we met Taemin Hyung see his reaction when Hyung walked into the class, the slip up of saying he can imagine fucking him, that porn site on his laptop is gay, Hyung being the only person that left the school at that time and Hyung's face when he described the person from middle school it all told me one that it was a guy and two that it was Hyung so yesterday when you were taking a shit I confronted them and they admitted it. Another thing is when I made you go get pizza with me it was because I could tell Minjun wanted some time with Hyung alone” Jaeyong explained.


“Ill add something to this though since Minjun is willing to put himself out there so will I.. I'm bisexual” he blurted out. 


“Okay so let me get this straight Minjun is gay and has been in love with Taemin Hyung since first year middle school now they are dating and living together and my other best friend that I live with is into both men and woman?” he says asking for us to clarify. 


We all nod and Hyung lays his head on my shoulder. 


“Anything else?” he asks.


Jaeyong looks at me almost like he's looking for my opinion and I shrug. 


“That depends on how you feel about all of this” Jaeyong says softly. 


“Give me a few minutes to try and take it all in” Jisung says standing up starting to pace. 


“I'm gonna run to my old place and grab my things while you guys do this I feel like the three best friends need some time plus I'm running out of time” Hyung says stand up and heading for the door. 


I fallow behind him and wait as he puts on his shoes, once he stands up I bury my face in his chest as I hug him and he hugs me back kissing me on the forehead. 


“The codes your birthday” I say standing on my tip toes to peck his lips.


At that he chuckles and nods before leaving.


I walk back to the living room sitting back down on the floor as Jisung walks back to the couch, he sits down and looks back and forth between us. 


“Why did you guys hide this” he sighs. 


“I was scared you would hate me like Hyung's roommate did to Hyung” I mumble. 


“Same” Jaeyong agrees. 


“Well I don't, I could never” he grumbles. 


“Well are you ready for the last one about me” Jaeyong says looking at me. 


I nod at him as encouragement. 


“Why not I'm already brain fucked” Jisung chuckles.

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“I've had a crush on you since first year of high school” Jaeyong rushed out putting his head down. 


“Wait what” Jisung says jumping up.


“I'm sorry” Jaeyong said never looking up. 


“Bro I've literally jerked off in front of you” Jisung said sounding a little upset. 


“Well I hope that image was put to good use at least” he grumbles sitting back down.


I laugh at that comment then stop realizing this is a serious moment, I feel bad for Jaeyong honestly.


At that point I hear the key pad beeping as someone puts in the code and stand rushing to meet Hyung at the door. 


As we walk back in we freeze, Jisung has Jaeyong pinned to the back of the couch and is full out kissing him tongue and all.


He pulls away not long after that and I just stand there frozen and mouth agape. 


“What the fuck did I just see” I shout making Jisung laugh.


“I'm the same as Jaeyong” Jisung says as if its nothing. 


after that the chicken came and we all ate. 


“So I'm not sure I believe you guys though I mean yeah sure you act sweet and kiss the cheeks and hug but u haven't kissed once all day” Jisung says winking at me. 


“My baby tends to get to worked up when I kiss him” Hyung said smirking.


They are trying to make me kiss him to prove myself and its starting to work.


I turn to Hyung and grab him by the shirt pulling him down and kissing him, he immediately kisses back. 


Hyung was right I'm starting to get worked up deepening the kiss as he puts his hands on my hips, I should stop I know I should but I cant I want him. 


“Woah okay we get it” I faintly hear Jisung say. 


Hyung pushes me back making me whine. 


“Told you he gets to worked up” Hyung chuckles. 


“Not always” I say pouting and sitting on the floor. 


“Hyung have you ever slept with a guy?” Jisung asks making me wince and put my head down. 


“Yes but only because I planed on reconnecting with Minjun and from what my old friends told me I figured he wouldn't have so I wanted to know how to please him” Hyung stated matter of fact.


“Are you a top or bottom” Jisung asks. 

“I'm a top” Hyung says smirking as I blush. 


“Minjun have you ever slept with a guy” he says looking at me. 


I shake my head no.


“Hyung's the only person whos touched me and we haven't gone all the way yet” I add blushing even more.


“So I'm guessing you are a bottom” he asked. 


I nod almost positive I'm a bright red.


“Jaeyong?” Jisung asked.


“Bottom and yes two” Jaeyong says nonchalantly.


“I've slept with girls but never a guy but I don't think id like being a bottom so that works” Jisung says shrugging.


“So are you guys a thing” I ask changing the topic.


Jaeyong looked at Jisung with a longing look.


“Yes” Jisung said not phased at all. 


The rest of the night was just cuddling with our boyfriends and watching horror movies.


After the movie they decided to go home so I walked them to the door. 


“Be gentle on him Jisung” I say smirking at them as they walk out making Jaeyong give me the middle finger. 


I walk back into the living room pulling off my shirt as I do.


“Hyung I'm going to take a shower” I say hoping he would fallow me. 


I turn on the hot water and let it run down my body for a while before washing my body and hair, I'm kind of disappointed he didn't fallow me but that's okay I have a plan B. 


I lightly dry my hair leaving it damp and messy and wrapping my towel around my waist before walking out, he was jerking off to this when he got caught and never got to finish so it should work. 

I walk in to the room and he looks up at me eyes widening as he looks me over. 


“Well what do we have here sexy?” he asks walking over to me.


“I'm not used to grabbing clothes” I say walking to my dresser and bending to my underwear drawer. 


He follows grabbing before I could grab underwear, he pulls me back up and spins me around to face him. 


‘I win’ I think to myself.


He grabs my thighs lifting me up and carrying me to the bed, he places me on the bed before hovering over me. 


“Are you trying to get me worked up baby boy” he all but growls. 


I whimper, the sound alone making my dick twitch, I reach up wrapping my arms around his neck pulling him down.


“Baby are you sure you are ready for me” he says softly before pecking my nose.

“Hyung if you don't fuck me soon I am going to scream” I say trying to pull his shirt off. 


With that he gets up on his knees to pull his shirt off and when he does I notice that he's already rock hard, I reach toward it and start palming him over his jeans making him hiss and look down at me. 


I push him over onto the bed next to me and climb between his legs starting to unbutton his jeans and hastily pulling them off along with his boxers, I look at his dick in shock, he's big. 


I take him in my hand giving it a few strokes and he gasps, I couldn't resist any longer I got lower and took him in my mouth dying to know what he tasted like. 


He gave me a deep groan. 


“Baby you have to warn me” he huffed out as I started bobbing my head.


He gave a few more deep groans then grabbed my head and started fucking my mouth making me gag, I cane up for air and was immediately flipped on my back.


My towel torn off and flung on the floor and his mouth on my dick, I throw my head back letting out a long moan. 


He pulls off after a little bit reaching into my bottom drawer and I hear the cap of my lube I twitch at the sound and he chuckles. 


“Last chance to back out baby” I says tapping my leg telling me to lift them.


I left my legs showing my my hole to witch he groans softly before pushing a finger in, I moan pushing down on his finger. 


He starts thrusting his finger faster before adding a second finger and continuing thrusting them, I'm moaning like crazy as I reach down to stroke myself. 


After a while he pulls his fingers out grabbing the lube an putting some on his dick climbing up to be face to face with me he lifts my legs onto his shoulders bending down to kiss me as he pushes himself in. 


I moan at the feeling of him filling me up and stretching me.


“Baby your so good for me” he pants giving small thrusts trying to work his way in. 


“Hyung please just push in I can take it” I say moaning softly. 


He does as I asked and bottomed out making me moan loudly, after a few seconds he starts moving. 


“Hyung faster” I moan after a few minutes of that slow paste. 


He again does as I asked becoming faster and more rough, I start moaning like crazy and he leans down to give me a sloppy kiss as he groans.


“Baby you feel so good” he groans going harder. 


“Hyung” I moan loudly. 


“My good boy” he pants. 


I reach for his hand and bring it to my neck with out thinking.


the wraps his hand around my neck squeezing tightly. 


“That's my boy, take it like a good boy for me” he growled going even harder. 


“Hyung I'm gonna” I choke out as he's still squeezing my neck.


“Cum for me baby” he groans. 


His thrusts start getting sloppy and his hand gets tighter, I wrap my hand around my cock and start stroking trying my best to keep pace with Hyung.


After a few strokes I let out the loudest moan I ever made and cum all over my hand and stomach, Hyung lets go of my neck and starts getting sloppier. 


I reach up tweaking his nipples as I can tell he's getting close. 


“Hyung cum in me, I want you to fill me up” I beg. 


With that he cums pumping me full, he collapses on top of me kissing my shoulder as we try and catch our breath. 


After we caught our breath he pulls out and rolls to my side laying facing me. 


“Was it what you imagined baby?” he asked brushing my hair out of my face. 


“Better Hyung” I mumble starting to feel sleepy. 


“Good there's more where that came from” he said pulling me closer into his arms. 


“Hyung can we shower in the morning?” I ask as my eyes start getting heavy. 


“No baby lets go clean up now then we can cuddle and go to bed okay” he says softly while sitting up. 


He stands up before bending over to pick me up carrying me to the bathroom, he sits me on the counter as he turns the water on. 


After its set he comes back to me kissing my forehead and helping me stand, I'm not sore my legs are just wobbly. 


He walks with me under the water making sure I'm nice and wet before taking some soap and washing my body making sure to clean my ass good too, I take some soap to and start to wash him and he chuckles kissing me on the forehead.


“You surprised me you know” he said as he turned me to rinse off my chest. 


“What do you mean?” I ask quietly. 


“Wanting me to be rough and wanting me to choke you I thought you were a soft boy” he says bending to kiss my shoulder. 


I start to blush.


“Don't you remember when I described you Hyung?” I ask not wanting to explain.


He shuts the water off and grabs me a clean towel wrapping it around me before grabbing his own. 


“What about it” he grunts as he picks me up carrying me to the couch. 


He stands me in front of him drying me off before sitting me down, he stands and walks to the bathroom coming back with my hair dryer. 


He stands in front of me after plugging it in making me level with his amazing abs and starts drying my hair, once my hairs dry he dry's his own. He walks to the bed and changes the sheets before coming back and carrying me to the bed.


“About you being dominant and me basically saying it turns me on” I say as he lays me down finely continuing what we were talking about before. 


“I want you to be rough Hyung” I state to tired to feel shy.


“Is that so” he chuckles as he climbs in bed with me covering us up. 


I hum laying my head on his chest already half asleep. 


“Good cause Hyung like it like that too” he said softly as he rubbed my back. 


“Hyung?” I ask softly. 


“Yes baby boy?” he says kissing my head. 


“I love you” I say leaning up to peck him on the lips. 


“I love you too baby boy now get some sleep” he says stroking my back and lulling me to sleep.

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