My Onee-chan-Sensei(Onee-San X Shota)

Chapter 25: Chapter 24: Those Couple of Hours, And The ‘Book’

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Since it looked like he wanted to play some more, I pick the keyboard off my lap and place it on his. 

He doesn't say anything and continues to play. 

I crawl away from him and sit in front of him. 

He moves all around the keyboard. It looks like he's playing random notes and making him look like he's good, but the thing is, he is good. All the notes he's playing are coming together and harmonizing. 

He looks like he's having so much fun.

"What song is that?" I ask curiously. 

"I made it up." 

"Right now?" 


"Woah~" I'm amazed. 

I close my eyes and continue to enjoy the music, until finally, he comes to a stop, ending it off with a chord- but not sure which one; it wasn't the C major chord from before.

I open my eyes and look at him, wanting to hear more. 



"The next song I'm going play, I worked hard to make it. Please listen." I nob, both curious and interested in what he made. 

He takes a chair and places it in front of me and takes out the legs of the keyboard so it could stand on its own. He sits on the seat and takes a deep breath. His expression changes and he closes his eyes as he lifts his hand. He opens it, and it felt like something got shot. Dang. That look. That's the most serious I've seen him. I grin.

His hands start pushing keys down. It starts slow, really slow. One low note and one high note. 

From there, his fingers danced across the keys, creating a soft melody. 

I think of a classroom- empty, and quiet and peaceful. It feels like I have all the time in the world. I feel free.

Not many notes are being played. And even with my eyes fully shut, I can imagine him playing all the notes: gracefully and gently.

Every note is being lightly pressed down as if he(the player) is a parent taking of his or her child.

The melody turns into a happy one. The tempo also changes. 

Now, I can imagine another person with me in that quiet classroom. We're talking. This reminds me of a time long, long ago. 

Probably from a couple of years ago. 

As the song continues, I finally see who the person sitting in front of me is. It's... Souma.

That's it!

It's that day. The day I and Souma first talked to each other.

I remember. 

It was just the two of us left in the classroom. I can't remember whether it was me or him that was sleeping- ah, never mind; It was him. Anyways, Souma was sleeping after school. As the person sitting behind him, I was left with no other choice but to wake him up. 

What's up with this song? I think, wondering how it can make me remember all these things. This doesn't make any sense. 

How can his playing create such a scene? I feel like I'm in that moment once again- like I'd gone back in time.

Is this music?

After that, Souma holds his hand out and I shake it. That was the moment we first became friends. It was from that moment onwards that we would become great friends. At the time, we didn't know anything about it. Now I do. It surprises me. 

The scenes change. It was to another peaceful moment. Once again, it's a memory of our time together after school. 

We decided to hang out that day. Hahaha, Mom got mad at you when you came home that day. You never did tell her anything. You just had the time of your life without thinking about how she must feel. My subconscious reminds me.

I laugh once again, this time for real. At the time, it felt like my life was about to end, but now it feels like a happy memory. How strange.

Ah, that time...

Now I can see the moment that one time it was raining. Ugh... That was embarrassing. We were both on our way home. And well... we got completely drenched.

To avoid the rain, we hid under some roof or something. There, he twisted his shirt and let the water out of his shirt. I did the same cause why not. 

He then... moves over to his pants 

"W-what are you doing?!" I exclaimed. Surely he's not planning on stripping in public.

"I'm just kidding. Plus, there's no one around." He said.

And, when I looked around, there was no one around. It was just the two of us.

I think that was when I first saw his 'true' self. Surprisingly, I didn't hate him or anything. Our friendship stayed about the same- if not increased.


This is amazing. This is magical. Real-life magic. I've forgotten most of these memories, or rather, forgotten bits of it- and yet, just by listening to these sounds, I'm remembering every bit- I'm remembering the bits I'd forgotten.

The wind blows and along with it, the seasons change. From spring to summer, then to autumn, winter... and finally back to spring- where we are right now.

Out of nowhere, all the nice and happy memories vanish and the sound comes dark, and sad- almost lonely. I flinch at the sudden change, my eyes still shut closed.

My chest is clenching. I gulp. What's going on?

The air is dark. Really dark. Pitch black. There is nothing to be seen. Everything is black. It's so dark, I can't even see myself: or anything for that matter. I can't feel anything.

He's playing two low notes, switching between one note to the other and back, at a rapid speed. It keeps getting faster and faster, darker and darker. My head's pounding. What is this? This isn't a part of my memory. 

The song stops all of a sudden with a deep chord.

I want to open my eyes and check on Souma- Is something wrong? But, I don't- and just watch to see what happens.

It starts up again and this time it's loud. It's loud and cheerful. Like before, it slowly goes faster and faster, louder and louder. The difference is this time, it's happier.

A light. There is a little bit of light. A crack. There's a crack in the never-ending black wall in front of me. Light is coming out of it. It's small, but I feel a bit of hope coming out of here. It's like it's trying to steal me away. I can't go. I have to stay here. This is the only place I belong.

The crack becomes larger and larger, the wall slowly crumbling. 

Boom. Just like that, the wall shatters, making a sound resembling the shattering of glass. It's completely gone now. The wall that isolated me from the outside world- it's gone. 

An enormous bright light enveloped the darkroom. 

I didn't want to look a the light. I was perfectly ok in this darkness. It was peaceful and quiet. It was cold and lonely, but still, I'm surviving.

I don't want to go... I bring my knees up to my chest in an attempt to keep the light away from to, to create some darkness. I can't. They don't me here any longer.

The light eventually catches my attention and so I get off my- no, this doesn't feel like me. What's wrong with me? It feels like someone else. Like these memories and all these feelings are false. My soul must be trapped in this person's body.

Anyways, the bright glow catches this person's attention and he takes his head off his knees.

When I (Technically 'me' so 'I') lift my head, there is a person in front of me. I can't see his face. It's too bright. Everything else I can see though, strangely. It looks to be a man- no, he's too young for that- a boy.

This person... who is he? 

He holds his hand out towards with a smile.

"Lets go. You don't need to stay here any longer." He says. "Lets go... to the outside world... Souma."

My body reaches out to it without any warning. It's not me. It's 'him'(the body I'm in) that's reaching out. I can't control anything. 

Slowly, my will to stay vanishes. I want to leave. I want to see the outside world. I want to feel the wind, the sun. I wanna have fun.

The person whose face is covered by a bright light pulls me up, using my hand as a medium. I'm standing. 

He runs towards the light, pulling me along with him, laughing cheerfully. 

A smile spouts on 'my' face as I run with him. The melody becomes soft... but happy as well. Nothing like the dark sounds from before. 

I'm free. Slowly, we leave that dark- now-bright, room. 

An unknown liquid. Water. A drop of water. A tear? Something...


That's when I realize what it is. 

A teardrop. A singular teardrop runs down my cheeks. I don't know why. Emotions- emotions that aren't mine rage through my body. What is this? 

I feel at peace. A tranquil feeling covers my body. I feel so relaxed. What is this? 

Suddenly, the music becomes slow, each key producing a soft, almost quiet yet peaceful sound. I could feel it resonating with me, deeply, like a dull, electroshock is entering and flowing through my body. A warmth. 

This imaginary world then plays images of our time together. Many images in this big room, on a huge screen. The screen is the only light in the room. Everything else is just black. One by one, they come and leave.

I sit criss-cross as I turn my head up to look at the screen.

Another smile sprouts on my face as I see all these fun times one at a time. It makes me realize how long we've been friends. It's only been a couple of years- and to be honest, we don't see each other much outside of school and stuff, and yet, so many things have happened.

All in those couple of hours we are together at school(and a couple of hours after school we spend together sometimes). 

You are reading story My Onee-chan-Sensei(Onee-San X Shota) at

This is fun. It's like I'm watching some film featuring my life. You'd think it'd be uncomfortable and weird, but surprisingly it's not. It's kinda... cool.

A rather recent memory pops up. An event from about a week ago. Indeed, it's when we were eating lunch together- like usual. We decided to eat outside that day. Yes, that day. I narrow my eyes at the image. The day Souma-

"I'm moving"

Told me he was moving. Moving to some faraway place. All those years we spent together are gonna vanish just like that. 

I'd love to say it won't, but that's unrealistic. Many distant relationships are damaged because of... well, the distance. 

But that's what happens to couples. You and Souma are just friends. There is no proof that friends break apart just because of a little distance. My mind persuades me into thinking that nothing will change. Giving me hope... how evil he is. But, he's not lying.

The sound comes to a stop and along with it, the screen goes blank, now displaying a full white. No more images are shown.

He starts up again after a couple of seconds. The notes are loud and fast- very fast.

All those images pass by in flash. They come and go in an instant. I can only see them for a couple of seconds and the next one comes.

Even though they're so fast, my brain is somehow taking in all the images. I don't get it myself so don't ask. 

The images start from the beginning of our friendship and onwards. It goes by every moment we spend together. 

It moves even faster. I can only see them for like a second. 

Crack. I hear a crack. I hear more. The images... they're cracking. 

They get faster and faster, louder and louder, the sound echoing in my ears. 

More and more cracks. I want to hold on to them, I want to prevent them from breaking. I reach my hand out. It doesn't move. I can't grab it.

I can only watch as the images break apart. 

From small to big. Every image comes out having a bigger crack in it than the last.

It gets even faster... and then... it slows down on our happiest memory. The both of us are smiling, cheerfully. Without noticing, I smile while looking at this picture. I still remember that day. We were hanging out like usual and then- 



The image turns black and then lines sprout all over it and boom... it breaks apart, shattering into a million pieces. 

A book appears. 'The End' It says. Then it closes. 

Water. A teardrop trails down my cheeks again. But, this time, it continues- it doesn't stop at just one tear. It doesn't come out of just one eye. It comes out of both.

It doesn't stop. 

I open my eyes to find Souma looking at me with a wry smile. 

"How was it?" He asks gently, lifting his hands off the keys.

"It was..." I find it hard to describe it. It's strange. Very strange. The song had so many emotions: Joy, sadness, loneliness, and... something much darker- like hate... or... something. 

This whole time I’ve been stuck in the memories and... I hadn’t even thought too much about him playing it and stuff. He was playing it. He made the song. Souma did. Amazing. It’s hard to believe he’s the same age as me.

"It was good. I liked it," I mean, although I didn't think much about him playing it or whatever, I made sure to listen carefully. "It was fun to listen to," I smile as if reminiscing about a fond memory: though, that's not entirely wrong. That moment is now a memory. It is the past.

Because of that memory, I was able to see many other past memories. Some good, some bad.


"Souma..." He looks at me with a smile on his face. "What was that dark room? Who was that person?" I only now realize what I'm saying. How would he know? Does he? He does, right? What if he saw different things from me? Did he even see anything to begin with? Is it just me?

"Hmmm~ I don't know what you're talking about?" It seems he did see the same thing I did.

"Tell me~"

"...Hehe, too bad, it's a secret!" He grins, winking at me with his index finger on his lip.

"Ehhhhhh~" Oh, well. I guess I won't be able to get an explanation anytime soon.


Minutes passed by and we didn't talk anymore about the song and what I(we) saw.  We're now sitting against the side of his bed.

"How long did it take to finish the song?" I ask. The song was quite long. It's only natural it takes a long time to make.

"Hmm~ I made it like last week,"

"You finished it in a week?!" No way. I think I'm starting to understand girls like this kid. 

"Yeah, well... after we hung out, I kinda spent the whole night making it. I was in the groove so I just couldn't stop," 


"Anyways, those manga's." 

"Ah, right," 

He stands up and walks over to the still-open closet. 

"Did you want to me find out or something? Not even closing the closet," He looks back at me with a big smirk.

"Huh? No, I just forgot to do it." 

"Hahaha, you wanted to get in trouble that bad? You masochist." Yup, he just ignores me. Maso... what? 

I don't really get it, but I don't ask any further.

"Yes, yes, whatever."

He pulls a bag out of the closet. 

"Here." He says, placing the big bag in front of me. 

"W-what the..." I look at the contents and look up at him. He has a face saying, 'You'd better finish them all, heh.'. I think he wants me to fail the exam. He really loves to torture me. "How many volumes even are there?" I ask, panicked. How long will it even take to finish all this?

"Hmmm~ about 15? No, it was 20. It's quite popular." 20? It looks like 40! 

"Uh huh..." 

"Well, good luck! Reading them all that is," He raises his thumb up.

"T-thanks..." I don't to read them anymore. I look out the window. "I should get going. It's getting late."

"Hmm~ What happened to staying over?"

"I was just kidding."

I pack my things and leave the room, Souma following behind me.

After putting my shoes on, ready to leave, I look at him. 

"Thanks for tortu- I mean, helping me study, Souma." The 'torture' part was on purpose by the way.

"Yeah, yeah. You just can't give a compliment can you, Haruka." He smiles. "Well, whatever. Till the finals, I'll help you all you want. You're welcome to come over again if you want. For reasons other than studying  as well of course."

"Okay, I'll take you up on that."

After biding him goodbye, I walk my way back home, letting out a sigh.

I'll probably get an hour-long lecture the moment I walk through the door.

The streaks of orange strike through the white clouds, painting the blue sky with orange and a super light blue.

Yeah, that's right. It's evening.  

In one week, I have the exams, but, a little after the exams in summer. I should finish the manga's as soon as possible. Sigh, is this what it feels like to be an adult. So many things to do.

I think back on my time at his house. 

Darkroom. That strange room comes back to me. What is it? 

Is this a part of Souma's past? He never really did talk much about himself. And even when he did, it was all happy things. Is he hiding something? Is it something he can't tell me?

Well, it seems it's all in the past now. That person came and then there was light. Who was that person?

This is all making no sense!

I start humming the song as I walk down the rather familiar roads. Since it's been a while, it feels almost new, but I still remember the way. If I'd forgotten, then Mom and Dad would kill me- and well, Onee-chan too.

For some reason, the song is stuck in my head. I remember every part of it. 

I can still see the images; the classroom, the arcade, lunch outside- I can still hear his words at that time- and finally... the book closing. The End.

Something is ending- or has ended. Maybe it's how we can spend time so much. That'll be coming to an end. I feel something tug at my chest. What is this?

You can find story with these keywords: My Onee-chan-Sensei(Onee-San X Shota), Read My Onee-chan-Sensei(Onee-San X Shota), My Onee-chan-Sensei(Onee-San X Shota) novel, My Onee-chan-Sensei(Onee-San X Shota) book, My Onee-chan-Sensei(Onee-San X Shota) story, My Onee-chan-Sensei(Onee-San X Shota) full, My Onee-chan-Sensei(Onee-San X Shota) Latest Chapter

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