My Onee-chan-Sensei(Onee-San X Shota)

Chapter 41: Chapter 39: A Rainy Day And The Shrine Maiden

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Well, I have no clue where we're going. As Onee-chan said, 'we're letting fate take us wherever it's taking us'.

We've been out for almost 30 minutes, I think. Don't get me wrong, I'm having fun, not having a destination is also quite interesting- fun even. It's makes you feel so free. You can go wherever you want.

"I heard it might rain today,"

"Really? Hmm, I guess today wasn't a great day to go out then," I say, looking up at the sky. As of right now, there are no signs of rain. The sky is blue and the clouds are white and the sun is as it usually is. Anyone seeing this would call this 'good weather'.

"Well," She turns her head, looking into my eyes. "We can always get wet together!" She raises her thumbs.

"Uh... yeah..." Um... Phrasing! "Where should we go now?"

"We'll let-"

"-Fate take us wherever it does, right?"


After a couple of minutes, we spot a park and sit down.

Onee-chan yawns and stretches her arms.

"Are you tired?"

"Not really, but, if I was, would you let me rest on your shoulder again?" She grins.

"Maybe," I shrug. It seems I'm slowly becoming immune to her teasing. In truth, I would love to have her rest on my shoulder again.

She puffs her cheeks and scoots a few centimeters closer to me. She 'pats' my head a couple times, though they weren't gentle like that usual ones. It was like she was hitting me this time. But instead of crying or all the other reaction to pain, I just laugh. I can't say why though. Maybe because I knew she was just joking around. 

She smiles tenderly and her 'hits' come to a stop. She then places her hand on the top of my head and gently pats it. I can feel  the warmth of her hand as she said. It makes me feel so warm and relaxed. I feel almost safe in a way. I wish this moment could go on for a little longer.

We spent another 10 minutes outside; 5 were spent with Onee-chan pampering me while the other 5 were spent wandering around the neighborhood. We were making our way back home when it happened- I felt a drop of unknown water drop onto my arm. There wasn't any roofs above us, so it wasn't some water leftover water from something. At first, we, and everyone else continued as before but as the seconds passed, from one drop it turned into hundreds- it started raining.

Just minutes ago, it was all bright and sunny and now, it's dark and gloomy. Maybe it was my fault for not checking the whether ahead of time.

It's on days like these that I feel more... lonely and sad, I guess. It's also on those days that I find myself wanting see Onee-chan more than usual. Luckily, I don't have to wait for her or even look for her. She's with me right now. She's right by my side.

As the rain gets heavier and heavier, me and Onee-chan run around in search for a roof to take cover under. We still have some distance before we make it home so we can't run all the way home. That'd be risky. We might be sick the next day. That would ruin a couple of days of this not-so-peaceful summer break(because of the ban) and burden our parents.

Speaking of, 'not-so-peaceful summer break', I wonder what this summer break would look like if there was no ban- if I was allowed to do as pleased, if I was allowed to have sex with Onee-chan, if I was allowed to jerk off. How often would we do it? How often would do it?(jerk off)

We run through the sidewalk unlike most of people currently outside. They all have umbrella's except for a select few. Those few don't seem to care about getting sick, at all surprisingly.

We use our hands to shield the rain from coming in contact with our heads. Lots of the rain is still hitting me, but at least it's saving me from most of it.

"Let's go, Haru!" Onee-chan yells from ahead of me.

"I'm coming!" I'm running my fastest. I can't run any faster...  My legs are too short. I don't have too much stamina left. I hope we find somewhere fast.

I continue the run, my energy draining quickly. But then I look at Onee-chan and suddenly, I regain that lost energy.

For the rest of the run- until we find a roof to hide under I watch Onee-chan's back as I run behind her, her body swaying from to side to side. 

I never knew she was so fast.

I smile under my heavy breathing.

Even though we've lived together for so long, even after spending all that together, I learned something new about you, Onee-chan.

Slowly, I lower my hands from my head and raise the speed of my run. I somehow catch up to Onee-chan in a matter of seconds. Running with my hands on my head sure sure lower my speed.

"What are you doing, Haru?! You're gonna get sick!"

"Let's go, let's go~!" I say, a smile starting to sprout at the corners of my mouth. This is starting to get fun. Maybe it's because I'm in the lead or maybe just because I beat Onee-chan in something other than cumming first. "Haha!" I pass her, enjoying this new experience; Running with Onee-chan and rain striking my head as I run. This is all new to me, but I can't help but find it fun.

We find a shrine and run past the gates and hide under the roof of one of the saisen places.

The moment we're under, the rain gets harder. 

"Hmm, It doesn't look like it'll end anytime soon..." Onee-chan says, looking up at the grey sky. She wipes water off her forehead before looking at me. She leans forward, her eyes at the same level with mine."When we get home, immediately take a shower, okay?"

"Ok, ok, I will..." I take a step back, making some distance.

She takes a step forward, closing the distance between us and then looks at me for a second before her hands reach down to my head.

"Onee-chan?" I look up at her. She just looks at me while holding my head for a couple seconds and then rubs her hands against my head, messing my hair. "O- Nee- chan?" She comes to a stop and in that second I look at her again, confused.

"I guess we'll be out for a little longer." She smiles, changing the subject.

I touch my head and it's dry. All the water from before is gone.

We wait under the shrine for the next couple minutes, and the rain stops. A crack of sun pierces through the grey clouds and slowly, the blue sky appears. It almost reminds me of the manga given to me by Souma. Fun fact, I'm almost done the first volume.

The sky reminds me of the battle scenes. Like in first one where the main character finds out about the 'other world'. The way the sky turned from complete darkness to a starry sky. I really liked the art for the starry sky.

I stay under for a couple more seconds before I take a couple of steps forward, ready to go home.

"Wait, Haru." Onee-chan stops me. I turn to look at her, confused. "Let's pray first since we're already here."

"Okay," I walk back to her and she hands me a 10 yen coin. I throw the coin in the slot and we clap our hands twice before closing our eyes to make a wish.

What do I wish for? For Onee-chan to let me have sex her?

...No, nevermind. That's way too weird.

I open my eyes slightly and glance at Onee-chan out of corner of my eyes. Her eyes are closed and her palms are together and she's in deep thought. I close my eyes again and everything turns dark.

I hope-- please make our relationship remain good, forever and ever.

I open my eyes after finishing my wish and Onee-chan is staring at me. As our eyes meet, she turns away as if embarrassed. I look at her confused.

She turns back at me, but only her body is towards me, her head is to the side.

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"Well, shall we go?" She says without looking at me. Did something happen?


We get to the half-way point between the place we were at and the shrine gates when we're stopped by sudden voice.

"Wait!" We both turn to the feminine voice and spot a women with long black in a shrine maiden uniform running towards us. She comes a stop when she's in front of us and leans down to catch her breath. Her hair is tied by a single red string around her lower back.

One of her fists clenched as if there is something inside of it, while the other is free.

She takes whatever is in her left hand into her right. The unknown shrine maiden brings her hands forward, her palms open- "Please take these." 

"Charms?" We look at it for a second and take what's in her hands out of confusion.

She gets up from her slight bowing position and smiles at us as she looks at us, her hands in front of her in a modest and respectful manner.

She's also quite pretty.

Pretty and well mannered, huh.

Onee-chan looks down at me for a second and then pats my back, as if noticing what I'm doing: staring at her.  

I look at her and she's smiling that smile: the cold and terrifying one.


"Oh, how much are these?" Onee-chan goes into her pocket, but just as she's about to pull something out, the shrine maiden stops her.

"It's our gift to you two." She says, flailing with her hands. "We don't really get many people coming to the shrine other than on new years- especially now that it's summer. You two were the first ones in a long while."

"But we just came to shelter ourselves from the rain." Onee-chan tells her.

"When the head priest saw you two praying, he immediately told me to give these to you," She finishes, pointing at the purple colored charms. 

Onee-chan stares at it as if confused about something.

I look at the shrine maiden and then a sudden thought comes to me and I turn back to Onee-chan. I blink a couple of times before looking at both of them one by one.

"Is something wrong?" The shrine maiden asks, tilting her head to the side.

"Huh? Ah, no, sorry." I rub my hand against the back of my head and act normal.

Onee-chan looks at me, confused, and then the shrine maiden asks her something.

I watch as they talk, but don't care enough to listen to what is being said.

It really is interesting. Seeing these two together. Maybe that's the reason I can't focus on they're conversation. 

The shrine maiden has a similar aura to Onee-chan. If it wasn't for the fact that I've spent all my life with Onee-chan, I might have mistaken her Onee-chan or maybe thought they were sisters. But that's impossible. We have no other siblings. I'm her only brother, and she's my only sister. It's just us(and our parents).

They both give this mature women feeling. Now that I think about, I get that from mom as well.

The two of them finish they're conversation which I'm surprised they were even able to have in the first place. They just met, how can talk for more than a couple of minutes? And what could they even talk about?

The shrine maiden turns away from Onee-chan and walks towards me. When in front of me, she leans overs and pats my head as if I were some little kid.

"Come again, you will always be welcomed." She says with a gentle smile. One given to you a little kid. Does she see me as kid?


Her smile gets bigger and she ruffles my hair.

But, just then, Onee-chan steps in front of me with her hand out, stopping the pretty lady from continuing.

She stops and looks at Onee-chan's expression and grins. "Ara, what a possessive Onee-chan you are," -While looking her in the eye.

"Hm~ Whatever could you mean, this is just the norm for siblings. Though, I guess you wouldn't know, single child," Onee-chan spits back with a casual shrug.

"Oh~?" They glare at each other and I think I see sparks clashing.

I try saying something, but nothing leaves my mouth.

"Hmph, let's go, Haru!"

Onee-chan takes my hand and we walk towards the gate.

"Come again, Onee-chan! Ototo- Haru-kun~!" She says from behind us. I look over my shoulder and I see her waving while smiling. She really seems to want us to come back?

At the same moment she finishes, I feel Onee-chan's hand twitch and her grip gets stronger. It's like she's mad. Could it be she dislike the shrine maiden? Why? She seemed pretty kind.

Well, it's not like our family is really that religious or anything- we're just average- so we don't visit shrines much. This might have been my first time since new years. 

I really should have gone to ask for luck on test, then again, I already passed so there isn't any point in dwelling on it.

As we walk through the road, Onee-chan continues to hold my hand in a tight grip. 

That's how we get home; hand-in-hand.

When we enter, we catch dad and mom hugging.

They notice us and freeze- as if we caught them doing something questionable. 

"Ah..." They let out.

Now they make really seem like they were doing something 'bad'.


You can find story with these keywords: My Onee-chan-Sensei(Onee-San X Shota), Read My Onee-chan-Sensei(Onee-San X Shota), My Onee-chan-Sensei(Onee-San X Shota) novel, My Onee-chan-Sensei(Onee-San X Shota) book, My Onee-chan-Sensei(Onee-San X Shota) story, My Onee-chan-Sensei(Onee-San X Shota) full, My Onee-chan-Sensei(Onee-San X Shota) Latest Chapter

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