My Onee-chan-Sensei(Onee-San X Shota)

Chapter 5: Chapter 5: Onee-chan’s First Lesson

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I woke up, the roof above me was one I was not familiar waking up to. Ah, that's right, I slept in Onee-chan's room. This is her room. I suddenly remember.

I rub my eyes and stretch for a couple of seconds and then look to my side. Onee-chan wasn't there. It seemed she already left.

In the corner of my eyes I could see the clothes that I left yesterday on the side of her bed.

I pick it up and leave the room, closing her door behind me. 

It was practically impossible to sleep last night. Onee-chan being so close and then after what happened, sleeping was out of the question. 

I open my room's door and enter. I walk over to the closet and put my clothes away and close the door behind me. 

After washing my face in the washroom, I go downstairs. My destination, the kitchen.

I was greeted by the smell and sound of breakfast cooking. 

I enter the kitchen. 

"Ah, good morning, Haruka!" Mom greets, looking back at me from the kitchen. She was making breakfast. 

"You guys came back!" I smile at them, a little surprised. I didn't expect to see them already here.

"Don't tell me you already forgot about me." Dad says. I look at him. He was on the coach. "Yo, mornin', Haruka." He smiles at me.

"Mornin', Dad." I reply. "I haven't forgotten about you." I pause. "...Yet," I grin at him.

"What?!" He says, shocked by my last words.

"Good Morning, Haru." Onee-chan said, with her gentle voice, slightly smiling at me. She was sitting on one of the chairs from the kitchen table, reading a book while waiting for breakfast. In contrast to Dads loud voice just now, Onee-chan's voice was somewhat pleasing to my ears.

"Good morning." I smile at her.

I drank a cup of water and then pass by Onee-chan. It looked like she was having fun reading the book.

I rest my arms on the top of the chair.

"What are you reading?" I ask, curious.

"I'm reading, 'Sub-line' " She says, holding it up, showing it to me. "It's a book about two siblings creating books together while still being students. Its also about how they have to make sure they struggle to make time for both school and there stories and how they have to keep there 'job' a secret. I'm also doing for my book report at school," 

"Oh~ Sounds kinda interesting~"

"You can read it after I'm done if you want," She says.

"Sure!" I say, smiling at her.

I walk pass her and sit on the watching TV along with Dad, waiting for breakfast to be made.

After a couple of minutes it was made and Mom placed the dishes on the table.


We start eating.

"Ah, right, the two of you were sleeping together," Mother says. I flinched to her words. Does she know of the embarrassing things I've done with Onee-chan?! "Haruka, you looked so cute, sleeping with your Onee-chan like that~" She teases, her palm on her cheeks. "You slept so quietly and peacefully." My face turns red. Onee-chan didn't say anything. Though, I did hear a slight chuckle coming from her.

"Did you guys have fun at the inn?" Onee-chan asks, distracting them from there question from before. Thank you Onee-chan!! I thought to myself.

"Mhm!" Mom says. She turns Dad, smiling at him. Dad also smiles at her. "It was really fun!" She says, smiling.

"When did you guys come back?" I ask. It's only 9:00. 

"We came back at like 7:34(AM) or something," Dad, answers.

"Whoa, that's pretty early," I say, a little surprised.

"Ah, right. We brought back some cake. You and Ayaka can have it later." Dad says.

"Okay~!" I say, happily.

Breakfast ended and I went back up to my room. 

A little bit of time passed and I heard Onee-chan calling me. 

"Haru, come here~" She calls from her room.

I get off my bed and walk over to Onee-chan's room. 

I knock on the door.

"O-Onee-chan, I'm here," I say nervously. 

"Come in~" She says, from the other side of the door. I open the door, closing it shut behind me. I stand in front of the door, fidgeting with my fingers behind my back.

The reason I was nervous was because of the last two days. In the past two days, the same thing happened; Onee-chan calls me to her room and then something happens. Using that formula, something may happen today too. 

"Wh-what is it Onee-chan?"

"Today we're not doing anything unfor- ahem," She says, "Today, I'm gonna teach you some things. Today, I will be teaching you an important lesson. Make sure you listen, okay?"

"Yes!" I say, activating my serious mode. It seems today something important is gonna happen. It also seems I was wrong. My face turns a light red, embarrassed by the conclusion I jumped to.

Onee-chan sits on the bed while I was kneeling on the floor. It wasn't that she didn't want me on her bed or anything like that. She just thought it would be the best way to teach. Plus, honestly, I don't really mind being on the floor. 

Onee-chan brought out a blank notebook.

I sat there, complete clueless as to what was about to happen. 

"Before we start- Mom was right, Haru. You really were cute when you were sleeping." She teases, making my face turn red.

"Okay, lets start now. First lets start with 'pleasure' " She says, and as expected, I have no clue what she's talking about. MY face that was red now turned back to normal. I was back in my serious mode. "You know that feeling you got when I touched you or when you touched yourself?" She says, pointing at my 'thing'.

"Yeah..." I say, a little confused. I knew what she was talking about, but I thought she was gonna teach me something really important. Some thing like... I don't know... school related?

"That's called 'pleasure'." She says, "Its something you feel when your sensitives spots are touched, to put it simply," She continues. "There are different types of pleasures, such as, pleasure from eating, from having wealth or even from having materialistic things," She drew a picture of a game console, a bracelet, and a car. "But, the type we are talking about right now is called 'sexual pleasure' "

"I see..." So that feeling when Onee-chan touched me was 'Pleasure'.

"You understand?" 

"Mhm." I nod.

"Next is 'Masturbating' "

"Mas... Huh?" 

"Masturbating is when you pleasure yourself, to put it simply." She says, "When you went like this to yourself," She does the motions of stroking my private. Her hands went up and down in the air. "That's called masturbating." She continued. "For a boy." She says softly.

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"Then, when you put your fingers inside of you, was that the 'girl' version of masturbating?" I ask, remembering two days ago. My face was a slight red as I asked.

"That's right." She nods her head.

"Next, ejaculation. You asked me about it before, but I never did answer." She says. "Ejaculation is pretty much when boys reach 'climax'- or rather- 'limit' would be an easier way to understand. Anyways, it's pretty much when they reach there limit and discharge sperm or cum as some people call it, out of there privates. Semen is also another name for it. Cum is the white stuff that shoots out of your place, by the way."

"So that's what it was..." I was a little curious as to what she meant back then.

"Finally, the part when our bodies connected-" She says, "You do know what I'm talking about, right? You haven't forgotten about what happened yesterday... right?" She says, looking at me, curious and in a way, anxious or worried that I might have forgotten.

"No, I still remember." My face slightly turns red. It's not like I can forget even if I wanted to. I thought to myself. 

"Hehe~ I see..." She smiles brightly. I found myself staring at her smile. She noticed me staring at her. "A-ahem, anyways, when your private parts connect- its called 'sex' " I'm pretty sure I heard something about that before.

She continued her 'lesson' and told me a couple of other things, such as why my thing becomes big and stuff. She also drew a couple of pictures to illustrate what she meant.

Soon after, we heard a knock at the door.

"Ayaka," Mom knocks on the door.

"Come in~"

"Oh, Haruka, your in here too." She looks at me. "What were you guys doing?" She asks, curious. Her curiosity seemed to grow as she saw me on the floor.

"Nothing really, I just teaching Haru some things."

She saw Onee-chan holding the notebook. "I see." She probably thought she was telling me things related to school. I highly doubt she saw what the contents of the notebook were. "Ah, right, the cake. You can eat the cake that's in the fridge."

"Okay~" We both said. 

Mom left the room and so did we. We all went downstairs and entered the kitchen. Dad was watching TV while sitting on the coach. Mom sits next to him and also watches the TV.

I sit at the kitchen table while Onee-chan opens the fridge and takes the cake out. It was covered by the box of the cake. She brings it over to the table and opens it. There was a couple of slices left. I help Onee-chan and get the plates and forks. 

When I got back to my seat, Onee-chan smiles at me. 

I place down the forks on the side of the plates and Onee-chan places the cake on the plates. The cake was a vanilla one.

Onee-chan sits down and start eating. 

Just as I expected it tasted good.

After taking a couple of bites I look up at Onee-chan. She had a bit of cream on her cheek.

At that Moment, a memory of yesterday and the day before yesterday popped into my head. The memory was of when my cum went on her face.

The scene from yesterday played back in my head as I looked as her face. Like a DVD player on loop. Every second of that time she was giving me the blowjob.(something Onee-chan told me). The spoon leaves her mouth and she places the hair that was on her face, over her ears as she takes another piece of the cake in her mouth. It was like her head rocking back and forth when she was sucking my part. 

Ughhh~ What am I even thinking about?!

I turn my gaze away from her and looked back at the cake.

After a little, I found myself looking back at her face, my face a little red. The white cream from the cake still rested against her right cheek as she kept eating. It didn't seem she noticed.

"Um, Onee-chan, you have some cream on your cheek," I say, touching my right cheek, telling her where and which cheek it was on.

"Huh? Really?" She says, surprised. It seemed she really didn't notice it.


"Then, can you take it off for me? I don't really know where it is, so I can't," She says with a slight smirk on her face.


"Mhm." She nods. 

I hesitate for a second and then finally lunged closer to her from my side of the table. I use my finger to scrap the cream off her cheeks. The cream was now on my index finger. What do I do with it? I thought. I guess I could lick it off. I bring my finger slowly closer to me but was stopped midway.

Onee-chan was grab my wrist. There wasn't much strength in the grip. Probably because she didn't want to hurt me or something. I was a little surprised. 

She pulls my hand closer to her and licks the cream on my finger off. She didn't stop there though. She took my finger into her mouth and starts sucking on it. It was almost as if she was licking my dick(another thing Onee-chan told me.). Her mouth was warm. The feel of her tongue as she licked and sucked on my finger felt kinda good. It felt was kinda weird, but at the same time felt nice.

She took it out of her mouth and continued licking it, her hands attached to my wrist, her eyes stared at my finger the whole time. Her eyes then made there way to my eyes.

My rod suddenly erected as I watched her.

"W-wait, Onee-chan..." I say softly, trying to make sure Mom and Dad, whom were on the coach; that wasn't even that far from us- could hear us. If I were to speak normally, they would most likely hear my voice- making whispering the only option. 

As I was trying to make sure they didn't notice anything, the sounds of her sucking on my finger became louder--- or at least seemed to have gotten louder. It was probably because I became more conscious of the sound that it became 'louder'. 

I constantly looked back at them while still looking at Onee-chan. The TV was on, the news was playing, the reporter was talking, Mom laid against Dads shoulder, Dads right arm wrapped around Moms shoulder. At any Moment, they could look back and see what Onee-chan was doing. What excuse could we come up with if they do see us? What kind of excuse can we make?

She finally stopped, her mouth retreated from my finger, along with the retreat a strand of saliva appeared. My finger was now drenched in her saliva. 

"Haruka, Ayaka, how is the cake?" Dad asks, turning his head towards, looking back at us, Mom does the same and looks towards our direction. 

I bring my hand back in a hasty manner, making sure they don't see my finger and in-tern, don't suspect anything.

"Its good." Onee-chan says, looking over at there direction. Dad turns to me.

"I-I like it." I say, also looking at them.

"I see. That's good." There was a slight smile as he said those words. He turns back to the TV. Mom does too after shooting us a smile.

I let out a sigh of relief, knowing they didn't find out about what just happened.

I turn my head back and look at Onee-chan. She smiles at me, her head rested on her palms. I look to the side, hiding my slight blush while slightly pouting.

After finishing the cake, we went back upstairs. 

I turn my console on and start playing' labyrinth conquer'. 'Shirogane' was online. I just call him 'Shiro' though.That was the username of my 'friend'. My username was 'KuroYuki'. He calls me 'Yuki'

'School starts tomorrow... The weekends go by so fast, don't you think?' He said. He was also A student just like me. We were also about the same age.

'Yeah. School days feel so long, while weekends feel so short.'

After all those events that took place, I kinda forgot about school. 

We continued talking and played a couple of matches together. Just like that, hours had passed and it was already nighttime. The bright sky from the morning now became dark.

We already had dinner and I was currently reviewing my homework and studying for the test. 

Time passed by and when I looked at the time it was time for bed. I place my pencil down and stretch my arms. I wrap up my things and put them away and finally, go to bed. I lay down on the bed and then place the blanket over my body. 

Dad looks so happy when he's with Mom, and Mom looks happy when she's with Dad... Is this love? I thought to myself, looking at the roof of my room.

You can find story with these keywords: My Onee-chan-Sensei(Onee-San X Shota), Read My Onee-chan-Sensei(Onee-San X Shota), My Onee-chan-Sensei(Onee-San X Shota) novel, My Onee-chan-Sensei(Onee-San X Shota) book, My Onee-chan-Sensei(Onee-San X Shota) story, My Onee-chan-Sensei(Onee-San X Shota) full, My Onee-chan-Sensei(Onee-San X Shota) Latest Chapter

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