My OP Group Chat System

Chapter 8: Chapter 7: Explore the Violent Dungeon

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I made my way through the dark, eerie cave.

Around the corner, a slime suddenly jumped out at me. It was made of a sticky green liquid and seemed to be digesting some random scraps in its stomach. I jumped back and just barely dodged it. I quickly summoned my {Spiky Metal Bat} and swung at it. My bat smashed into the slime. However, all I did was spray some of its liquid into the wall. Before long, the slime regenerated back to its original size.

It jumped at me again and I twisted my body, swinging the bat into it again. The bat hit it again and splattered its green slimy body all over the wall. I watched as it stayed still for a few moments, however, not long after, it began gathering the liquid around it and regenerated its body again.

How on earth am I meant to kill this thing?

It just keeps regenerating.

I needed to think of a plan, in my inventory, I had nothing but flowers, my weapons and some recovery potions. I didn't have any way to kill this thing. It leapt towards me again, I quickly swung my bat again, smashing its gooey body into the ground. The floor was covered in a light green colour.

As expected, it once again began regenerating.

There's no way...

Change of plan, there was no point trying to kill it. I wasn't down here to kill monsters anyways, I was here to collect loot and level up. I began running in the opposite direction, hoping to lose it on the way. As I quickly ran through the cave, I picked up any objects I could find on the ground, there appeared to be a lot of different types of equipment.

[+1 Broken Iron Greaves (Def: 3)]

[+50 Experience]

Every few metres, I managed to see another random piece of armour on the ground.

[+1 Broken Steel Sword (Atk: 6)]

[+90 Experience]

I looked behind me to see if the slime was still chasing me, however, it looked as if I was all clear, there were no longer sounds of slithering coming from the other direction.

[You have a new message]


<Group Chat>

[Dungeon Professor]: those weapons on the ground are the loot that other people can't be bothered getting, there should also be equipment that isn't broken which is a lot more valuable which you might be able to find if you explore further in the cave

[Helper]: push on, you're close to levelling up your combat skill

[Helper]: don't forget you can use your {Quick Recover} ability


With some pieces of advice from the group chat, I walked further down the cave. I needed to think about how far in I wanted to go, I still needed to make my way back out eventually so I couldn't go too far. However, near the beginning, there isn't much good loot, it was likely that the good loot was quite far in.

I walked through the cold, damp cave as I looked around for any equipment. Another piece of armour caught my eye.

[+1 Damaged Steel Helmet (Def: 5)]

[+75 Experience]

Collecting loot around the dungeon was a much faster way of gaining experience in comparison to collecting flowers.

[+1 Broken Miner's Helmet (Def: 2) - Shines a permanent light in front (BROKEN)]

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[+100 Experience]

Just from collecting broken and damaged items, I had almost collected enough experience to level up again.

I checked my experience bar.





In just five minutes, I had already gained quite a large amount of experience. I continued searching through the dark cave until something amazing caught my eye. I quickly rushed towards it and picked it up off the ground.

Holy moly.

[+1 Geuden's Bow (Atk: 11)]

[+450 Experience]

Just from picking up a single bow, I had collected over half the amount of experience needed to level up. 

I was on a roll.

However, as I made my way around another corner, I was ambushed by a group of extremely large spiders. They were all around the size of a horse and had liquid dripping out of massive fangs at the front of their face. Fur covered their bodies from head to toe and they all stared at me with eight eyes.


I should've known.

There was no way I was going to be able to fight those monsters with my lacking strength. I couldn't even use the {Geuden's Bow} since I didn't have any arrows on me.

None of them rushed straight at me and instead, they all slowly crawled toward me. It was a terrifying feeling, their hairy legs made practically no noise as they crept along the ground. I tried to slowly back away before they decided to strike. My footsteps echoed through the almost-silent cave as I kept my eyes on the spiders.

Suddenly, they increased the speed that they were moving. I felt a shiver go down my spine as I wiped the sweat off of my brow. All of a sudden, they all dashed towards me. 


They weren't exactly fast but there was no way I was going to outrun them. With no other choice, I had to face them head-on. I summoned the {Broken Steel Sword} and threw it at the giant spiders. It flew through the air, slicing into the flesh of a hairy, terrifying spider.

It managed to slow one down but all the others were charging toward me at a rapid pace. I was forced to take out my {Spiky Steel Bat} and swing at the spiders. As they jumped towards me, I swung as hard as I could. I managed to smash a few, sending them crashing into the wall. However, one of the spiders managed to get its fangs on me and bit straight into my arm.


Blood leaked out of my arm like a leaky pipe. The spider backed off a little bit after it bit me and I raised my {Spiky Steel Bat} up. However, I suddenly felt as if my vision was being blurred.

Why... everything was getting shaky...

I tried to stay standing with all my strength but the spiders were encroaching upon me again. 

Fuck. How am I going to get myself out of this...

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