My Otherworld Gate

Chapter 16: Chapter 15 – Chiaka

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"My name is Fukuda Hiro. Everyone can just call me Hiro, no need for honorifics."

I write my name on the board.

"Fukuda is written as 'Blessed Rice Paddy' and Hiro is written as 'generous, tolerant', I'm not sure why my parents picked this way to write it though." Hiro can also be written as 'abundant' or 'prosperous' which would fit the surname much better.


I'm not sure what else I need to say in an introduction, everyone seems to be waiting for more though?

"I'll be in your care from now on."

I bow to the class and the Sakai-sensei. This should do it, I hope?

"Huh? Eh, please sit down on the empty next to Chiaka-san"

Even Sakai-sensei seems confused by my short introduction. Just because I suddenly learned the language doesn't mean I know the customs. If push comes to shove, I'll just blame the past bullying for my lack of social understanding.

I nod and look for the empty seat... There are two. Stupid teacher telling me someone's name when I don't know anyone here. Chiaka is a girl's name... both are girls, great. Sigh

Unlike the teacher, the students seem to notice my problem. Some of them have a wry smile on their faces or chuckle, while a few point at one of the girls. The girl in question has a stoic face, black hair with a bob cut. Looks like she is of the tall flat-chested beauty type. Well, she is not completely flat.

She is now nodding at me, looks like she also observing me. I'm not sure if she nodded to acknowledge her being Chiaka or because she was evaluating me. From her little facial expression change, it seemed like the latter.

I walk over and sit next to her while Sakai-sensei continues.

"Now, with that out of the way. This is our first day together after so long, so let's speak about our vacation day okay~?

I will start! So, after being bored alone at home I went to Nara because I heard of a new local beer brand. I basically had no other choice but to try it right? But when I...."

'Excellent teacher' was it? My hopes were in vain. I feel betrayed!

"Hiro, right? You can also call me Chiaka."

Yes, let’s just ignore our teacher, I don't really want to know about her alcoholism stories.

"Ah, yes. Pleased to meet you. I hope we can get along well since we are seat neighbors."

"Mm! Do you already have your textbooks already? If not, we can share my textbooks."

She pulls out a book and places it in the middle of the table and comes closer with her chair. For clarification: There are always 2 tables together, creating two-seaters.

"Ah, no I already received my textbooks."

I say as I pull out a book to show her. To answer my action, she quickly puts hers back in her bag...?

"Oh, that's great, I actually forgot mine at home. Please let me look at your textbooks together with you, okay?"

And there is no real change in her facial expression, actually, she looks really proud. At least that's how I would interpret her slight upward incline on her mouth.


As I say that she comes closer so our shoulders touch each other. This girl is really not holding back on her attacks, even if she doesn't pay any attention to making sense. Like, why are you puffing up your chest so proudly?!

"Hiro, Hiro, I tried learning to cook from my mother but it seems like I'm not really good at it. Would you say a girl like me is not attractive?"

If she didn't talk, I really would've thought she was the cold tall beauty type of girl but really is saying whatever she wants, doesn't she? No, I should expect this much, the usual novel protagonist wouldn't even notice this level of attack. I keep forgetting because I spent so much time alone since coming here. On the one hand, I want to play along on the other hand I have to admit that this speed is a bit much even for me!

"That's not it Chiaka, Since I'm pretty good at cooking I don't really care about that."

"Hooh, Hiro is a good cook. I see. Then since you are good at cooking, will you make me miso soup every morning, for the rest of our lives?" 'Will you make me miso soup every morning, for the rest of our lives?' Is a way to propose someone in Japanese.

It took me a second to get that one but isn't that...?

"Huh? Ah, that a good follow up, indeed."

"Thank you, I practiced for this moment."

She declared matter-of-factly.

"But Chiaka, normally shouldn't I be the one to ask you that?"

"Yesu, I will!" Said in English. This is what you say during a wedding before you kiss each other, right?


I'm sure my mouth is twitching right now, she REALLY doesn't hold back. Aaah, she is looking really proud again. Just what am I supposed to do with this girl...?

Some of the other students around us seem to have noticed our 'flirty' exchange, the boys are putting their palms on their faces and the girls turned to us to say something.

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"Hey, Chiaka, how about we have a word after class?"

Looks like this predator is going to be hunted. It was nice to have met you.

"I refuse!"

The proud idiot declares as she puts her head on my shoulder.

"I didn't ask you if you agree, just wait until our break."

O-oh the faces of the girls became really scary just now. Is our idiot heroine going to be fine on her own? Despite what I say I do find her fun to be around so far.


Just as I thought that, a rubber comes flying towards us. I easily catch it before it reaches Chiaka.

"Huh?! You caught my 'super fire extreme flying rubber killing shot'?!"

"Rather I'm impressed, that was right in between her eyes."

"Hahaha, thank you, I've been practicing for this!"

Didn't I already hear that from another idiot today?

"But Hiro-kun, you really have good reflexes, I should've guessed when I saw your body but still. And it's not only that but you're also a good cook? Maybe you should make me miso soup too!"

She was also listening?! Even though I heard rambling the whole time... She is incredible in a different way, isn't she?



The other students started throwing stuff on Sakai-sensei this time. That's the cycle of life.

"Please stooop, we need to continue with class!"

I silently cheer on our teacher as she keeps getting buried in the class's 'love'. Fight on, sensei!

"Say, Chiaka, just now I noticed something."

"Your love for me?"


Let's not engage in that for now.

I look down at her chair, you can't see it from because of her skirt and how she sits but from behind. I lean back and look at her seat from the gap in the chair on the back and sure enough, she is sitting on thick books...

"Fufufu, if Hiro wants to check out my body you can just ask me, I'll show you anytime."

I pull out one of the books.


"So, you didn't immediately react at Sakai-sensei words because you were busy putting books under you before I noticed?"

"Umu, good observation."

She is giving me a thumbs up. The more I talk to her the more I feel like I've lost.

"Just to look taller for a single lesson?"

"It did help me to secure you though?"


I sigh as I start massaging my forehead using my fingers.

"Fufu, you are smiling 'my dear' In English "


Homeroom continued in this carefree manner. This school really isn't too bad.



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