My Otherworld Gate

Chapter 35: Chapter 34 – Yuriko

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"And do your best on Friday!"

"Yeah, yeah."

Leaving Sakai-sensei, I remember about the event on Friday. I definitely didn't forget about it until now.

A school-wide 'sports exchange' event. Kanzen High does that twice a year, though the date depends on the schedule of the P.E. class. All classes come together and have a competition. Isn't that just to let the P.E. class flex on the normal students? We are apparently also having the school-wide 'art exchange' event before the next vacation. That too is simply an event where the art class can show off their superior skills, or rather their specialized education...

I'm normally not very competitive, but should I beat everyone? Would that be too much? Even if I only barely beat them? I tested out different things in the past months, it doesn't seem like things would really get out of hand if I suddenly beat the specialized classes, as long as I don't overdo it. No, beating them is already overdoing it, but in relativity to the 'normal' of this world. Do I have any use of it when I win everything in this event?

Hmm, I could probably use it to improve my relationships with the girls...? Oh, I should invite Silvia to school, if I understood correctly people outside of the school are also allowed to come and watch. Then it should be fine to bring Silvia. I should show her around this world before that, though, it would be bad if something happens simply because it was her first time here. I told her plenty about this world, but seeing and hearing are different things, after all.

"Ah, umm, good morning, Hiro."

"Good morning, Yuriko."

"Are you okay? Sensei wasn't too harsh with you?"

"Ah, no, she was simply playing tough in front of the class for some reason. She was the same useless sensei again once we were alone, spewing random stories like always."

"Oh, I see, that's great. I was worried that you might have gotten in trouble there."

"No need to worry, as you can see, I'm fine. Though, were you waiting for me?"

"Umm, yeah, I thought it'd be boring for you if you went to the cafeteria on your own."

"Mm, thank you, Yuriko."

She is a nice girl. She was introduced to me by Chiaka, she is also part of our usual group we hang out with. Yua, Yuuto, Chiaka, Yuriko and me. Yuriko is also in the same class as Chiaka and me. While Chiaka has the smallest breasts in our class, Yuriko has the largest breasts in our class. Chiaka and Yuriko have known each other for a long time it seems, Chiaka often says that she was betrayed by Yuriko when she looks at Yuriko's breasts that is.

"Say, which clubs are you doing this week?"

"The Fishing Club. Also, I'm switching to doing only one club per week from now on."

"Really? Why?"

"I could only rush the clubs because I had time to prepare after school and during the weekends, but I have some private affairs to handle now, so that won't be possible anymore, or at least not in the same capacity as before."

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"Hmm, the other people who rushed clubs were never this diligent, they only spent a day and got a glimpse of the clubs at most. You're really putting everything into this."

"I simply don't think that doing it that way would be right..."

No, actually I only want the skills and someone who can teach me a bit about it, so I don't have to learn the hard parts myself too. Also, I can't think of too many things myself, so I probably would have finished my skill grind after only getting ten or so skills. I'm really just using this school as a walkthrough or guide.

"Everyone's been praising you. I'm only hearing good things about you. You're not the only guest at the clubs, but no one else prepares for the clubs, and no one else learns as fast as you. Everyone thinks that you're really amazing."

"Ah, no, it's really nothing like that..."

"No, I also think you're amazing, Hiro. It only took you a single day to make proper flower arrangements, most of our other guests still somehow mess up after their weeks' end. Remember, you can only stay up to a week as a guest in a club. Anyway, I'm sure once you're done, your tale is going to be another legend of the school."

We continue our way to the cafeteria as we lightly laugh at her words.

Standing out a little like this also isn't too bad.


*         *        *


After school ended, I promised the other to spend time with them tomorrow after school. Then I went back to the fantasy world to visit Silvia.

She is currently working, look at her, not even noticing me after I stopped using my [Assimilation] skill. What concentration.

I wonder what she is making. It's a potion, but I have no idea what it does, she is using lots of ingredients though. I wonder if it's possible to replicate potion effects with powders instead of fluids. That way, I could use a pill pressing machine to make them. That would be much nicer to consume than potions, in my opinion. I made some mint candies in a club using a manual pill pressing machine and some white mint-flavored powder. Buying a small personal use, one shouldn't cost much more than 400 thousand Yen, and I barely scratched the roughly 50 million Yen I made in the beginning.

That makes me remember, normal world money is not a problem, but I need to find a good source of income for the fantasy world. I can't always bulk sell monster drops. It doesn't have a good return for me, and the market price would instantly crash if I sold too much. If I had more people, I could trust I would open a shop, but I won't be able to supervise it as I am right now. That's why I need to think of something else for now...



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