My Perfect Life

Chapter 1065: 1066

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Su Ruoxue's eyelashes trembled and her eyes firmly said, "of course."

"Believe me, so many big waves have come, and I'm sure I can pass it safely this time!" Shen Lang gritted his teeth.

Su Ruoxue's nose was sour, glanced at her head and said, "I'm still dragging you down. It's not what I want."

"But I..." Shen Lang was in a hurry.

"Needless to say, I have already made up my mind. Shen Lang, please help me Su Ruoxue blocked Shen Lang's mouth and looked at the man Yingying, as if she could cry at any time.

Shen Lang's heart sank to the bottom.

Although he has been passed on by Manshen, Shen Lang is not sure that he can protect Su Ruoxue.

Compared with the forest sea and Tianshan Mountains, the wild land is not at the same level at all.

The beast god palace is one of the seven savage sects. Even if you can escape this time, the other party will probably follow you next time.

Considering various factors, Shen Lang doesn't want a woman to live a life of escape with her all day, so he gives Su Ruoxue a choice.

There is also a big move order in your storage ring, which can activate the token and instantly let the token holder transmit to any area in this world.

But the power of the transfer order is extremely powerful! According to the records of emperor Xuandi Qianyuan, the order is a precious treasure handed down from ancient times. If you activate the order, the holder can send it to any place in this world and the mainland. It is possible to be hundreds of billions of miles apart!

That is to say, if Su Ruoxue uses the move order, it means that Shen Lang and the woman will be separated from each other, and they will be hard to meet.

It's extremely difficult to cross a continent. Even if we can find the ultra long distance transmission array, it also needs the strong cultivation of jiedan period and even Yuanying period.

If Shen Lang can't break through to this state, he will never meet Su Ruoxue again!

To Shen Lang's surprise, Su Ruoxue agreed directly without thinking about it.

Su Ruoxue is not afraid of death. Her relationship with Shen Lang has long been proved by life and death.

She knew that this man would rather suffer more danger and suffering, but also to protect his own safety.

The more so, the more sad Su Ruoxue was, and it was hard to let go. Before leaving Linhai Tianshan, she secretly vowed that she would not become a burden to men again.

But the reality still defeated her belief, Su Ruoxue knows very well that she is really a burden to men now!

Su Ruoxue is in a low mood and is in deep pain. She takes the initiative to ask for the transfer order to leave without any burden to the waves.

After all, Shen Lang can't say anything to refute, because there's no reason. Although he doesn't want to admit it, it's really dangerous for Su Ruoxue to follow him.

Shen Lang hates that he is not strong enough to protect women.

Man temple will be closed soon. Now is not the time for hesitation. He gritted his teeth, reached out with one hand, and took out a blue gray token.

The token is very simple, green gray, with dense symbols and marks on it. It's the order to move from Xuandi's stone chamber in leiming gorge before Shen Lang.

Su Ruoxue took the blue token from Shen Lang, and her eyes were red.

Shen Lang takes out the spirit beast bag at his waist, grabs the woman's hand, bites her fingertips, and draws a blood contract array on the spirit beast bag.

He transferred his blood seal to the woman, and the future owner of thunder beast became Su Ruoxue.

"Thunder light beast is the spirit beast of heaven and earth. If it can grow rapidly, it will definitely become your powerful help in the future." With that, Shen Lang gives Su Ruoxue the spirit beast bag.

Then, Shen Lang took out a big bag to hold things, packed a large number of bottles, bottles, pills, Tiancai, Dibao and other precious things, and handed them to Su Ruoxue.

"Shen, don't look down on me. Keep these things for yourself!" Su Ruoxue's tone trembled, and the tears in her beautiful eyes had already rolled down.

"No, Cher, you put all these things in my storage ring. Otherwise, I feel uneasy. " Shen Lang stares at Su Ruoxue with two eyes, and his tone is tough.

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Su Ruoxue wipes away her tears. Without affectation, she quickly ties the spirit beast bag to her waist, takes the big bag in Shen Lang's hand, and puts it into the storage ring.

"I'm sure you'll practice well in the future. But I don't want to be widowed. You don't want to die for me, Shen. Do you hear me Su Ruoxue clenched her powder fist, hammered Shen Lang's chest heavily, and tried not to cry. Her voice was choking and trembling.

"My life is so hard, and now I have been passed on by Manshen, how can I die? I'll come to you when I succeed in my cultivation, and I'll marry you by the way. " Shen Lang grinned, grabbed the woman's Pink fist and gave it a kiss.

Su Ruoxue blushed and broke into a smile: "OK, I'm waiting for that day. My girl is also the body of blood evil spirit. At that time, her cultivation may not be worse than you! "


The gate of man temple was about to close. They looked at each other for a while, hugged each other tightly and kissed each other.The woman's delicate face is full of tears, showing indescribable reluctance and pain, struggling for a moment, pushing away the man's body.


Before leaving, Su Ruoxue turned her mouth and showed a smile. But laughing is more worrying than crying.

It activates the order of big move in hand, and the token is green and prosperous. Layers of light curtain cover Su Ruoxue's whole body, and a large number of ancient and mysterious symbols appear in the light curtain.


Guanghua Yisheng, Su Ruoxue was sent out.


Shen Lang's heart was cramped, and he felt empty, as if he had been dug out.

Some things are very valuable only when they are lost.

Stupefied for a while, Shen Lang pounded his head hard and said, "no, it's not the time to stop!"

Take a deep breath, Shen Lang transforms his negative emotions into fighting spirit, and a stream of Golden Air gushes out of his body. The fighting spirit of Shengyang is immediately aroused by him.

Outside Jushen peak.

A group of ORC guards in the beast Palace are still searching for the trace of Shen Lang, but the gate of man palace is almost closed, and Shen Lang still doesn't seem to come out.

At the moment, it seems that there are no friars in the gate of Manshen palace.

"Elder, I didn't find the boy's whereabouts!" Several Orc guards are holding fist to the nirvana friars in the beast palace.

The five Nirvana monks look a little ugly. Shen Lang doesn't come out. Does it mean that the boy has been hanging in the man temple?

"Don't Panic, it seems that the temple has not been completely closed The voice of a Nirvana monk in a green robe was trembling.

It's good that Shen Lang didn't die. Once he died, the beast emperor was furious. I'm sure he won't take it out on them.

When the five Nirvana monks of the beast palace were staring at the gate of the man palace.

A young man in a white robe walked slowly out of Manshen palace. The young man's steps were heavy, with a touch of absolute and boiling killing intention on his face!

There was a strange golden air flow around the youth, which was a little mysterious.

"Elder, it's the boy!" An orc yelled.

"Ha ha, he's not dead!"

The five Nirvana monks were ecstatic and immediately flew to the gate of Manshen palace.

"Son of a bitch, you've killed Mr. Gu Yan and committed a terrible crime. If you don't want to be arrested, maybe the beast god palace can still keep your whole body!" A golden robed Nirvana monk sneered wildly and scornfully. He was about to catch Shen Lang.

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