My Perfect Life

Chapter 1290: 1291

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"How's it going?" Shen Lang asked anxiously.

"Young master, the eighth level Lei GUI has left." Xiaorou's divine sense explored for a while and responded.

On hearing this, Shen Lang and Hua Ziling were relieved, and the danger was relieved temporarily.

"Xiaorou, are there any other friars or demon monks outside?" Shen Lang asked.

Xiaorou shook her head and said, "there are a lot of friars outside, but they are basically low-level friars. There are no friars above jiedan period."

"Well, let's go out now." Shen Lang's face is heavy.

"Now? Don't we wait for that Lei batian to go away before we act? " Her eyebrows wrinkled.

"No, I can't gamble. If that guy is suspicious and comes back, we'll be dead! It's better to run away now. Don't worry. The escape speed of the eighth level thunder turtle is relatively slow. I should be able to surpass Lei batian. Even if this guy comes back, I am confident to get rid of him. " Shen Lang gritted his teeth.

"Good." Flower purple Ling immediately ordered to nod, critical moment still let this man decide by himself.

I don't know how many times I've been lucky. Hua Ziling has a lot of trust in Shen Lang. She always had a feeling that as long as she followed the waves, she would not suffer.

I hope I feel right.

Under the command of Shen Lang, Xiao Rou continues to show her blood magic light, tearing a bigger hole in the space passage.

It's much easier to go out from the space channel than to come in. The space channel can be easily broken from the inside.

After tearing up a large enough space channel, xiaorou closes her eyes and takes a few breaths. Her spirit seems to be very tired.

"Xiaorou, what's the matter with you?" Shen Lang asked.

"Young master, xiaorou is a little sleepy again. The consumption of blood magic light is serious." Xiaorou said in a weak voice, trying to walk a few steps, but her body was not stable.

Shen Lang quickly helped her up and said, "don't force it. You can have a good rest."

Before, in order to break through the Jiuyang soul seizing array, little fox has spent a lot of blood magic light. Now just wake up not long, and frequent use of blood magic light, the spirit of some can't bear.

"Well." Xiaorou nodded slightly, then turned into a white light and got into the spirit beast bag on Shen Lang's waist.

"Well, let's go, too."

Shen Lang grabbed the green jade hand of huaziling and went directly into the space channel.


The two flew into the space tunnel.

Outside was the bottom of the lake where he had come before. Shen Lang tried his best to open his sword and shield and rushed out as fast as he could.

Half a minute later, they flew out of the lake.

Shen Lang uses nine changes of blood spirit to change into the shape of Lei Peng and fly directly over the crater.

At the moment, a large number of low-level friars gather in the crater of huodao. Although the omen has disappeared, these friars have not left.

After all, it's a rare thing that the omen comes. It may be a strange treasure coming into the world. Maybe they have a chance to get some benefits?

With this idea in mind, the monks around the crater are gathering more and more, full of people. There are friars from Fire Island, and there are also friars from outer island.

Over the crater, there is a large group of friars who built the foundation. The temperature inside the volcano is too high, and they have no ability to enter the lake. They can only point at the sky and look forward to a solution.

"Something seems to have come out!"

There was a cry of surprise from the crowd.

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Then, suddenly, a golden roc with a length of several hundred meters burst out of the volcano, and its breath was frightening. On the back of the golden Mirs sits a beautiful nun.

Seeing a large group of friars blocking the crater during the foundation period, Shen Lang suddenly said, "get out of here!"

The sound was like thunder, and the monks in the sky were scared out of their wits.

"It's Yexiu!"

"Run, everyone!"

For a moment, all the friars who built the foundation above the crater turned pale and flew away.

Seeing that the golden giant ROC could speak, the friars thought Shen Lang was a demon monk.

The whole crater turned into a mess in an instant, and a large number of low-level friars ran faster than mad dogs.

Golden Mirs directly into a golden light, flying away towards the distance, instantly disappeared in people's eyes.

The ridge in Shen Lang's body is exhausted from thunder and lightning. Now it's completely depending on the speed of Lei Peng form.

This escape speed is not bad, at least it is much faster than the ordinary friars of later jiedan.

Hua Ziling was not surprised by Shen Lang's various strange abilities, and asked directly, "Shen Lang, where are we going now?"

"It's not safe here. Go to Yuanhe sea area! It happens that I have something to do when I go to Yuanhe sea area. " Shen Lang said in a deep voice.

"Shen, you've brought me down again this time." Flower purple work properly curled to curl a mouth, seem to have some dissatisfaction."Don't worry, these troubles are easy to solve. In fact, I have a way to get to other continents. " Shen Lang grinned.

"To another continent? You're not kidding Flower purple Ling pretty face a Zheng, peep out disbelief facial expression.

"Well, I don't want to make such a joke."

Shen Lang tells Hua Ziling about the nine palaces God array and the star stone.

"Yuan It turns out that your original purpose of going to Penglai mountain was to get the star stone and repair the teleportation array? " Flower purple spirit asks in surprise.

"What do you think? Su Ruoxue is still in another continent. Anyway, I have to leave Tianhai, otherwise I can't find her. What's more, the Honghuang Lingbao is still on me now, and I can't stay in Tianhai any more. " Shen Lang said with a frown.

Flower purple work properly pretty face peeps out a glimmer of gloomy, silent, this man still wants to look for that woman after all.

Once Shen Lang left Tianhai, she and Shen Lang had no intersection. Flower purple Ling heart suddenly have a kind of tingling feeling, this kind of feeling let her very uncomfortable.

"I'll go with you." Flower purple spirit willow eyebrow a lift, can't help but say.

"Where to?" Shen Lang was stunned for a moment and asked.

"To another continent!" Huaziling turned her lips.

Shen Lang was speechless and said, "forget it, you'd better not follow me. I don't like to be followed

"Don't be so amorous. I didn't say I would follow you. When we get to other continents, we just go our separate ways. I'm just tired of staying in Tianhai. I want to go to other continents. " Hua Ziling snorted.

"This All right Shen Lang was not good enough to object, so he simply agreed.

Now in this case, with huaziling, it's more than a helper.

The two chatted for a while, and the waves flew at full speed in the direction of Yuanhe sea area.

With the flying speed of Shen Lang Lei Peng, it will take more than half a month to get to Yuanhe sea area from here.

In more than ten days, the original lightning in his body should be able to recover completely. Even when the time comes to encounter the old monster of the league, he should be able to escape with the help of Feilei Dunshu.

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