My Perfect Life

Chapter 1303: 1304

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The skinny old man came from the depth of the swamp before. The instinct of the waves is that he should find something in the depth of the swamp.

The waves flew low into the swamp.

After flying for hundreds of miles, xiaorou in the spirit beast bag suddenly reminded him: "be careful, young master. There is an invisible prohibition 100 meters ahead."

Shen Lang stopped at once. He scanned the surroundings and found that the scene in front of him was a little different. There was a faint ripple in the air, which was hard to find if he didn't look carefully.

This is supposed to be a magic array.

"Break it for me!" Shen Lang only pointed to the pure Yang Sword formula, and a large number of Qi swords were gathered in front of him, attacking straight ahead.

"Dong Dong Dong!"

Sure enough, the air sword flew into the air, as if it had hit something. It had a big explosion, and the white light was dazzling.

In the magic array, there is a huge reef on which stands a stone house. This is the place where Gongsun Yang practices.

Because Gongsun Yang's magic skill must continuously absorb the poisonous gas in the swamp, so he will regard it as a place for cultivation and can't leave at will.

However, after his body was destroyed, Gongsun Yang's previous efforts fell short.

The two black robed friars in the early days of jiedan were still outside the stone house, waiting for Gongsun yang to come back.

As a result, Gongsun Yang didn't wait for him to come. Outside, a position was shaking, and there was a violent explosion.

"What's the matter? Someone is attacking the ban? " Exclaimed a black robed friar with a scar on his face.

Another black robed friar jumped in his heart and panicked: "isn't Lao Zu going to catch the late friar of jiedan who stepped into the swamp? Is it because the old ancestor was defeated that the man came to the door... "

"No way! Laozu's cultivation strength is very few in Beiliang. Unless he is a monk in Yuanying period, how can he be the opponent of Laozu? " Monk scar said with a lonely face.

In the sound of their suspicions, the forbidden system suddenly gave out a "boom" and an earth shaking sound, and the magic array completely collapsed.

Shen Lang uses the pure Yang Sword formula to destroy the magic array's forbidden system outside, and the scene inside finally takes shape.

Outside the stone house, the two monks who were guarding the door in the early days of jiedan were shocked to see a young monk break through the magic array.

Shen Lang glanced at the two black robed friars and said, "are you also the friars of Wanyue mountain? What's the relationship with Gongsun Yang?"

"Who are you?" The two friars of jiedan period looked at the waves like enemies.

Without any nonsense, Shen Lang threw Cang Ming Ge and attacked a black robed monk.


As soon as cangming's green light rose, it directly penetrated the chest of a black robed friar, who was killed immediately, and Yuan Shen was taken away by Shen Lang with a soul swallowing bottle.

"Tao Daoyou, spare your life Another black robed monk with a scar on his face was terrified by the terrible power of Shen Lang, and he kowtowed to beg for mercy.

"Hum, I just want to ask some questions. If you don't want to die, you'd better answer them obediently." Shen Lang's face was overcast.

"Yes, yes Monk scar nodded like a chicken pecking rice.

Under pressure, Shen Lang learned some news.

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I didn't expect that Wanyue mountain, as Gongsun Yang said, is the largest sect of cultivating immortals in Beiliang. The current leader is a monk in the early Yuan Dynasty.

Shen Lang's brows are frowning, but he bumps into Keng dad again.

He destroyed Gongsun Yang's body, and now he has a complete feud with wanyueshan. After gongsunyang's Yuanying got out of the canyon, he would go to wanyueshan to report.

In fact, Shen Lang is not very worried about this.

Before, he was chased by Yuanhe sea area Zhengmo Alliance for a long time. Shen Lang is very good at avoiding pursuit. He just feels a little depressed.

After pondering for a while, Shen Lang decides not to think about these things first. Whether Wan Yueshan can find his own whereabouts or not is a matter of two minds.

Gongsun Yang is also worth mentioning.

Gongsun Yang is the supreme leader of Wanyue mountain. He was destroyed by his enemies in other regions in the early years. After he lost his body, he has been practicing the magic way. Although his strength is less than yuan dynasty, he is much more powerful than the ordinary late jiedan monks. He can be said to be a half Yuan Dynasty monk.

Knowing that Shen Lang really killed their supreme leader, monk scar was naturally frightened.

Shen Lang asked some questions again, such as the Xiuzhen forces in Beiliang. Scar man answered truthfully and gave Shen Lang a map of Beiliang by the way.

After that, Shen Lang killed scar man. After all, this man is a monk of wanyueshan. If you let him go, I can't guarantee that he won't go out to tell the truth.

Shen Lang is never soft hearted to the enemy. Even if he says not to kill him at first, it's a pit to him. After living in the world for so long, Shen Lang was very concerned about his own life and became quite alert.

"Young master, what are you going to do now?" Xiaorou asked.

"Get out of the swamp first." Shen Lang sighed. Now his internal organs have been injured to varying degrees. He needs to meditate and recover.The waves continued to pass in front of the swamp.

After traveling thousands of miles, the waves finally came out of the swamp, and I was relieved.

The exit of Huanyin Valley is thousands of miles ahead. Instead of rushing to leave, Shen Lang finds a barren mountain and stone wall and uses Chunyang sword to dig a simple and crude cave.

The cave is like a stone cave. Shen Lang didn't care so much. He meditated in the cave for a day and a night.

The next morning, Shen Lang's health was basically OK.

Out of the cave, he continued to walk towards the exit of the magic Yin valley.

Outside the magic Yin Valley, you can occasionally meet some hunting teams composed of friars in the foundation period. Seeing the amazing speed of the waves, no friars dared to stop the waves, and they all avoided it.

A few hours later, Shen Lang finally arrived at the exit and left the magic valley.

After breaking away from the range of the forbidden air array, the waves soared into the air and released their divine consciousness. At the same time, he took out a map recording the land of Beiliang from the storage ring and looked at it.

This cool land in the north is just a small border area of Yunjian mainland, with a radius of about millions of miles. The concentration of five elements aura is just right. There is no way to compare it with the holy land of cultivation like Yuanhe sea area.

"I don't know what happened to sister Hua and Du Daoyou. Young master, aren't you going to find them? " Xiaorou asked.

"There are not many experts in Beiliang. Huaziling has the ability to protect himself. I'll see you later. " Shen Lang said, not cold and not light, and didn't seem to worry about it.

Finally came to the new world, Shen Lang also had a new plan.

One thing is to find a way to break through the cultivation. When Xiuwei is in Yuan infant period, he can start to inquire about Su Ruoxue's news.

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