My Perfect Life

Chapter 1345: 1346

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"Offended." With a smile, Shen Lang took away the golden flying sword and the sky blue sand.

Xuanyuan Hong was relieved at last, but he was still in a cold sweat.

He really can't dream that the strength of the other side is so high?

If Shen Lang was a monk in the middle of the Yuan Dynasty, Xuanyuan Hong would not have any doubt.

"Young master, your fighting power is far higher than that of the ordinary friars in the early Yuan Dynasty. If you show the Jiuli sword array, you will be able to kill the mid-term friars. " Xiaorou in the beast bag sends out a sound with a trace of joy.

"Just so. If you really encounter a mid-term monk, whether you can kill him or not is still a matter of two opinions, but self-protection is certainly no problem. " The corners of Shen Lang's mouth show a smile and send a voice back.

It was xuanyuanhong, a well-known friar at the peak of his early life, who was the first time to fight with the friars of Yuanying period.

It has been proved that Shen Lang's strength is much better than that of the ordinary friars in the early Yuanying period, and it should not be much worse than that of the friars in the middle Yuanying period.

Shen Lang is in a good mood and is quite satisfied with his current strength.

A group of Yuan infant friars in the sky were stunned. They thought it was just a performance of xuanyuanhong, but they didn't expect that xuanyuanhong would be beaten into a dog

Shen Lang's magical power was really unfathomable. The old monsters in Yuan Dynasty were so shocked that they had a strong fear of the new monk.

Jiang Hai and Lu Yuan are both dreaming. Until now, they can't believe that Shen Lang, a monk who has just had a baby for a few years, will be so strong.

It seems that their Tianquan sect has really attracted a monster of adverse heaven level!

Although xuanyuanhong lost miserably, he was very smart. Shen Lang's strength was so terrible that he couldn't fight against him.

He endured a moment of frustration and said with a big laugh: "let's laugh at your fellow Taoists. Shen Daoyou's supernatural power of Tianquan sect is really unfathomable. I feel inferior to him!"

After that, xuanyuanhong bowed to Shen Lang and said, "Shen Daoyou, I used to be rude and offended a lot. I hope you don't care about it."

Shen Lang said with a smile: "Xuanyuan Dao you are polite. Shen is not the kind of person with a small stomach. What's more, Shen has benefited a lot from this competition. I hope you can give me more advice in the future. "

"Give me directions? Shen Daoyou, stop joking! It's more or less like you're telling us to sit back and watch the world. " Xuanyuanhong is a little speechless.

A group of yuaninfantile old monsters, you look at me, I look at you, old face a little embarrassed.

Each of these Yuan Dynasty old monsters has lived for many years, and they are naturally deep-seated. When they were in the hall just now, they obviously slighted Shen Lang, and even said some superior words. It's hard to guarantee that they won't let each other bear grudges.

"Cough Shen Daoyou's strength is shocking. It's really an eye opener for us

"I admire Shen Daoyou for his talent and strength. If we can break through the later Yuanying period and even the Shenhua period in time, we may not have no hope!"

"Ha ha, there's Shen Daoyou in Tianquan sect. In time, he will become the first sect in Miaoshan."

All the friars in Yuan Dynasty praised one after another.

Jiang Hai and Lu Yuan couldn't close their mouths with laughter. They were very pleased and thought that they had found the treasure!

"Younger martial brother Shen, you're really cheating. We're so miserable!" Lu Yuan couldn't help coming forward and said with a smile to Shen Lang.

"Elder martial brother, I'm joking. It's my first time to fight with the friars of Yuanying period. I didn't know much about my strength before." Shen Lang said.

Jiang Hai also laughed: "younger martial brother, you don't have to be modest. As you just showed, it's not too much to say that you are the first friar of Miaomiao mountain."

Jiang Hai and Lu Yuan also think that they are not opponents of Shen Lang, and they have a little awe for him.

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He was flattered by the monks in Yuan Dynasty, but Shen Lang was still a little proud. Only strength is the most realistic thing in the world of cultivation.

"Brother Xuanyuan, it's almost time." Zhou Jun pinched his fingers and reminded xuanyuanhong.

Xuanyuanhong nodded slightly and said in a loud voice: "well, the farce just now is over. I believe you all have a new understanding of Shen Daoyou. Next, the sword meeting of Juque gate will begin immediately. Welcome to the ceremony. "


All the old monsters in Yuan's infancy answered one after another, and they were also very interested in it.

The so-called "sword meeting" naturally welcomed the fake Honghuang Lingbao "Pingshan sword" which was unsealed by the gate of Juque. The monks of Yuanying period also came here for this.

"Fellow Taoists, please follow me!"

With a smile, Xuanyuan Honglang led a group of Yuan infant friars to fly away from the back mountain and come to the square of Juque gate.

At the moment, the square of Juque gate is full of people. At this sword meeting, the Juque gate sent out many invitation cards, and a large number of Xiuxian sect sent people to watch the ceremony.

Wanlongshan, lingjiu palace and the Yuanying monks of Tianquan sect are sitting on the special seats at the top of the square.Shen Lang and other friars of Yuan Dynasty had already taken their seats and were worshipped by a large number of friars who came to watch the ceremony.

It's not suitable for such a formal occasion.

Lu Yuan was right next to Shen Lang's seat and said with a smile: "ha ha, younger martial brother, do you want to see the power of Pingshan sword? Wait for the sword meeting, Xuanyuan road friends will personally test the sword. "

"Oh? It's kind of interesting Shen Lang is interested.

Soon, the sword meeting officially began.

The process is more conventional, similar to the clan celebration.

In a twinkling of an eye, most of the time passed, and finally came to the most important part of the celebration.

"Welcome the sword!" The elder Zhou Jun gave a loud drink, which shocked thousands of miles.

Suddenly, to the West came a group of jiedan elders from the Juque gate. There were a hundred of them with great momentum.

One hundred jiedan elders are carrying a huge gray sword on their shoulders!

The sword is about 500 meters long, and its whole body is bluish gray. It's ancient and dull, and it's very rough. Only the Luan sparrow pattern carved on one end of the handle is more prominent!

This is Pingshan sword!

The Yuan Dynasty old monsters on the seats were surprised to see this scene.

"Is Pingshan sword so huge?" Looking at that hundred elder of jiedan period carrying a huge blue gray sword slowly coming, it was a surprise, which was totally different from what he imagined.

Lu Yuan explained: "younger martial brother, I don't know something about it. Some Honghuang Lingbao bodies are extremely huge. They can only be retracted and released freely after being stimulated by refining. Although this Pingshan sword is an imitation, it is also imitated according to the original. The refining process is very complicated. "

Shen Lang nodded slightly. It seemed that he knew little about Honghuang Lingbao. There was a big difference between Pingshan sword and Hunyuan pearl umbrella. If his guess is right, Pingshan sword should be a pure attacking Honghuang Lingbao, while Hunyuan pearl umbrella is a functional Honghuang Lingbao.

"Elder martial brother Lu, can the Xiuxian sect in Yunjian mainland have genuine Honghuang Lingbao?" Shen Lang asked curiously.

Lu Yuan shook his head and said, "how can it be! Honghuang Lingbao is too bad. There has never been a real Honghuang Lingbao in Yunjian mainland. There are several imitations of Lingbao. "

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