My Perfect Life

Chapter 1482: 1483

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This tragic scene made all the friars on the scene tremble, and the air seemed to be solidified.


Four yuan infant old people took a cold breath and were shocked. They were really frightened by the terrible strength of the waves.

It's a dream that Yunjian people in the early Yuan Dynasty could instantly kill the most powerful silver haired old man among them, and even the four of them could not resist.

A large group of friars in jiedan period in the rear were also frightened, showing the expression of horror and disbelief. Isn't it that it's hard to tell the outcome of the fight between the monks of Yuan Dynasty in the same realm? Why is the strength of the young man in white so terrible!

After the collapse of the silver haired old man's body, Yuan Ying seems to be greatly frightened. He utters a strange cry of panic and then runs away.

Kill one person instantly, Shen Lang's mood is very happy.

Su Ruoxue suffered from this kind of accident, which changed Shen Lang's mentality greatly. In the past, although he was determined to kill, he would not easily provoke any friars.

Now Shen Lang's heart only has the obsession of revenge and killing. Only by killing these people can he calm his anger a little.

The giant ape smashed the Bingpo mountain in his hand directly towards the alliance sub hall.

The purple and gold hall below is also covered with a layer of forbidden system. Under the pressure of Bingpo mountain, it is like paper paste, which is instantly broken.

Huge Bingpo mountain, straight down the path.


An extremely heavy dull noise shook the earth.

The original magnificent Zijin hall was smashed and collapsed by Bingpo mountain, and the ground was cracked with numerous cracks. It was filled with cold and frozen for more than ten miles.

Some of the jiedan monks who stayed in the main hall, as well as the basic monks who guarded the gate, were all killed!

The heart of a group of friars near the East in the air was trembling. It's hard to imagine that the alliance sub Hall of lion mountain was so easily destroyed.

"The thief of Yunjian mainland, how dare you!"

Four old people in the early Yuanying period were shocked and angry when they saw that the great ape had destroyed the hall.

"Ha ha ha, none of you old people want to leave alive today! The rest of the miscellaneous fish and waste, to the master roll, or die! " Shen Lang laughs wildly.

The face of the great ape is full of fierce color, and the huge sense of oppression makes people afraid.

One of the four friars in Yuanying period, a gray haired old man with crutches, couldn't see it any more. He flew out and said, "be presumptuous, my Shizishan branch is a place where you are a wild man from Yunjian! Three Taoist friends, this little beast named Shen is just a monk in the early Yuanying period. It's not enough to be afraid. The four of us will surely be able to kill him together... "

Before the grey haired old man had finished his words, Shen Lang yelled "fuck you" and called out nine Leize lightsabers to urge the sword array to attack.


Eighty one sword light formed a lightning storm, which swept toward the gray haired old man with the momentum of overwhelming.

"Damn it

Seeing so many powerful sword lights coming like waves, the gray haired old man was so scared that he immediately sacrificed his life's magic weapon bone knife and tried to resist.

Shen Lang's eyes are cold, and his mouth shows a trace of contempt. The power of the Jiuli sword array is needless to say. It's ridiculous that the grey haired old man only wants to block this attack with a common bone knife magic weapon.


The other three yuan infant friars also saw the amazing power of these sword lights and offered magic weapons one after another to resist.

The sword light of Jiuli sword array is extremely sharp. If it's not the top defense ancient treasure, it can't resist the impact of sword light.

However, the power of Jiuli sword array was not as strong as that. With the hard strike of bone knife and the joint efforts of the other three Yuanying teammates, the grey haired old man really defended against the impact of sword light.

The grey haired old man's forehead was sweating, thinking that he was really scared to death. It's a strange sword trick. It's hard for the four of them to work together to resist it!

However, the grey haired old man suddenly realized the crisis.

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The light of the sword, which had just been defeated, did not break up, but turned into a golden light again, spinning around the grey haired old man at a high speed.

That is to say, unexpectedly, I was trapped by the 81 sword light!

"No!" The gray haired old man was shocked, and his face was frightened.

The other three yuan infantile monks seemed to underestimate the power of the sword array, and their support was slow. Only the grey haired old man was trapped in the Jiuli sword array.

Trapped in the Jiuli sword array, the end is basically to let Shen Lang butcher.

The gray haired old man's body was strangled into pieces by the sharp sword light after three or two bloody defenses.

Shen Lang seems to be able to kill another yuan infant monk.

The other three Yuanying's early elders were a little scared. This time, they finally got scared and were thinking about running away?

This man's strength is strange and strong. It's clear that he only has Yuan Ying's early cultivation, but his combat power is so amazing, as if he is unmatched!With the palm of the great ape's hand extended, Bingpo mountain floated back to Shen Lang's hands, and nine Leize lightsabers were whirling around him.

At the moment, the waves are as unstoppable as a god of war.

"How do you three old people want to die?" Shen Lang coldly glanced at the remaining three yuan infant elders, and a arrogant killing opportunity spread from him.

The three yuan infant elders were sweating and their faces looked like dirt. Shen Lang was so bold that they couldn't say a word of arrogance any more.

One of the short hair elders finally couldn't withstand the pressure, turned and ran, turned into a streamer and flew away towards the horizon.

"Run away!"

The remaining two old men also lost their will to fight. Like a lost dog, they fled madly from left to right.

Shen Lang's eyes narrowed as they fled in different directions.

"Hum, three trash, think you can run away?"

The giant ape raised Bingpo mountain in his hand. In order to make Bingpo mountain move freely, Shen Lang thought that he would shrink the ice crystal mountain to a height of about 100 meters.

In this way, the power of Bingpo mountain may be weakened, but it is not a problem to deal with a monk in the early Yuan Dynasty.

"Bingpo mountain, go!"

With all his strength, the great ape threw Bingpo mountain directly, just like throwing a stone, towards a fleeing Yuanying old man.


A piercing sound came, and Bingpo mountain was like a white meteorite across the sky.


The old man was unable to defend himself, and his body was directly hit by Bingpo mountain, which turned into a pool of blood fog, with no bones left.

On the other hand, the great ape urged the Jiuli sword formation in time, and 81 swords were hanging towards the short haired old man.

Although the old man with short hair was the first to escape, he was the weakest. His escape speed was not fast. He was gradually overtaken by Jianguang and his body was hanged to pieces.

Finally, the old man saw that Shen Lang killed the other two people. He was very happy. He thought he was lucky enough to get his life back. He quickly separated himself from Shen Lang.

However, he never thought that Shen Lang, who had killed them, directly used Feilei Dunshu to catch up with him and easily finished the killing.

In this way, five yuan infant friars of Lion Mountain Alliance division were all killed.

The rest of the eastern alliance's jiedan friars had been scared out of their wits and ran away.

After collecting the spoils, Shen Lang killed several jiedan friars at will and left lion mountain in a hurry.

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