My Perfect Life

Chapter 1489: 1490

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Shen Lang decided to let go, so he was just as upright as before. He directly removed the prohibition in the house and opened the door.

It was the beautiful girl with white skirt and silver hair outside the door. She was still expressionless. She walked slowly into the room of the waves, bowed slightly, opened the door to the mountain and said, "little girl lefeier, this time I'm here to catch a Taoist friend and go back to Donglin palace."

Shen Lang's face was very gloomy. He forced his resentment and anger into his heart and gritted his teeth: "this fairy, since you are not from Donglin, I have nothing to do with you. Why did you hurt me twice?"

"I'm sorry, Taoist friend. I don't want to have a grudge with you. I'm entrusted by others. I have to be loyal to others." Leffel said calmly.

It seems that the possibility of shaking hands to make peace is zero, Shen Lang will no longer suppress the anger in his heart, and his killing intention is awe inspiring!

"I'm afraid it's not so easy for you to catch me! Before I start, I just want to know one thing. You can answer it or not. I asked myself, "why can you trace my whereabouts so accurately?" Shen Lang cried, gnashing his teeth.

"Since Daoyou wants to know, it doesn't matter if I tell you, and let Daoyou have nothing to worry about before being arrested." Sophie raised her eyebrows and said softly.

Then, Leffel tells Shen Lang the reason.

The reason why she was able to trace the position of Shen Lang was due to her strong ear power and the powerful gain of Qi Shang Qin, which made it difficult for ordinary yuan infant friars to imagine.

Leffel, who has been blind since childhood, is the 33rd "Miaoyin" in the top 100 constitutions.

Miaoyin body is extremely rare among the top 100 constitutions. Monks of this constitution are born with poor eyesight or blindness, but they have excellent hearing and can listen in all directions, and can substitute their eyes with their ears.

Leffel himself has a great talent for rhythm, and this wonderful sound style is like a tiger adding wings.

Therefore, lefel's listening and voice discrimination ability is beyond ordinary people, with the gain of qishang Qin and Qiqu Xianyin, and even the ability to "listen tens of thousands of miles".

And even in the downtown, the sound of the waves will still be detected by Leffel.

Even if Shen Lang intends to change his voice, he can't escape the ears of Leffel.

When Shen Lang learns that lefeier is following her whereabouts with amazing hearing, he can't help but show his incredible expression. He can't help but wonder if he has realized that this woman has found herself in such a way.

"I wonder if you are satisfied with this answer?" Sophie asked politely.

"Don't be hypocritical, fairy! I want to get back the revenge that killed my Taoist partner today! "

The nine Leize lightsabers turned into a large number of sword lights. The thunder was loud. Eighty one sword lights formed a lightning storm and swept away towards lefel.

He knew that Yao Qin in the blind girl's arms was terrible, so he made a preemptive move, hoping to catch lefeier off guard.

"I've never heard of such a powerful small sword array before. It seems that Taoist friends have made great achievements." Lefeier's Willow eyebrows wrinkled slightly, which seemed to show the powerful power of Jiuli sword array.

It's no wonder that Shen Lang can kill so many friars of Yuanying period in the East. With this sword array alone, ordinary friars of Yuanying period can't resist it.

Seeing the lightning storm formed by the Jiuli sword formation coming, lefeier dare not neglect it. She reaches out her snow-white right hand and grabs a white jade pendant hanging on her neck to inject spiritual power.

"Ice lotus in flourishing age, open!"

The white jade pendant suddenly released dazzling light, formed three ice lotus, released a lot of cold, the whole room was frozen instantly!

Three ice lotus condense in front of lefeier, rotate at high speed, and set off a blizzard, carrying the force of extreme cold.

This jade pendant is called "ice lotus of flourishing age", which is the magic weapon of lefeier's life and pure defense.

The original magic weapon of Yuan infant friars rarely has outstanding defensive power, generally tends to be aggressive. Basically, there is no pure defensive magic weapon refined by Yuan infantile monks, which is too chicken ribs.

Because the fighting method of the monks in Yuan Dynasty was about how to attack and how to win by surprise. The defense will only be passively attacked by the enemy. Once it is weak, it will be very dangerous.

Lefeier's attack method is different from that of other friars, and his own defense ability is poor, so he chose to refine a pure defense magic weapon, and he kept it warm for many years.


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A deafening roar was like a thunderbolt in the clear sky. The whole restaurant collapsed due to the violent explosion. Bricks and tiles fell, walls collapsed, and the solemn cold swept around.

After a blow, the restaurant that was still in good condition just now has been turned into ruins. The people in the restaurant were either killed or frozen.

The sudden big explosion made the monks who were walking nearby panic and fled around.

It's also hard to get close to the cold.

Shen Lang and lefeier are standing in mid air, and the amazing pressure of spirit bursts out from them.

"Yuan The friars of Yuan Dynasty

"Run, there are friars fighting in Yuanying period!"

The pedestrians were so scared that they ran away. The people in the neighborhood scattered in a mass.A few friars of jiedan period in the sky found the explosion. They saw that it was the friars of Yuanying period fighting, and they all avoided it.

In mid air, Shen Lang gasped for breath, and his face became a little ugly.

The strength of this blind woman can't be underestimated. She can block the attack of her own Jiuli sword array without any loss. It's estimated that the jade pendant she wears around her neck is also the top treasure.

Although lefeier blocked the blow, the flourishing ice lotus is only a pure defense magic weapon. The sword array of Shen Lang has not been broken. Eighty one sword light has trapped lefeier.

"The witch is dead!"

Shen Lang's eyes turned red and roared. He took the lead. How could he let go? He immediately urged 81 swords to start strangling Lefei in the array.

Lefeier's Liu Mei frowned slightly. She underestimated the power of Jiuli sword array.

Although trapped in the battle, this woman still urges Shengshi binglian to defend herself.

Three huge ice lilies wrapped lefel up.

"Ding Ding Ding!"

Dense sword light repeatedly hit the ice lotus, burst out a clear sound.

Shen Lang's face became a little ugly. The ice lotus was too hard. It was hard for sword light to do much damage to it for a while.

Lefeier in binglian has already brought up the qishang Qin in her arms. She holds the bottom of the Qin with her left hand and fondles the strings with her right hand and starts to play.

A melodious and soothing sound comes, which can penetrate everything and seems to have a kind of magic.

When Shen Lang heard the sound of the zither, he felt as if his spirit had been under some control. His anger and resentment gradually disappeared, and his heart became peaceful and peaceful, and his murderous spirit was rapidly fading away.

"Buzz, buzz!"

Jiuli sword array began to be unstable.


His face was like the color of the earth, and the music of lefel was weakening his fighting spirit.

If the fighting spirit disappears, one's fighting power will be weakened to a very low level. But the music of lefel is too strange, it seems that it can affect the spirit and make people's emotions out of control.

If there is no way to get rid of this negative emotion, I guess I will be controlled by the witch soon!

Shen Lang was sweating all over, and he was thinking about the way quickly!

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