My Perfect Life

Chapter 1853: 1854

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Leiling is the name of this thunder beast.

"Uncle ape lie, there is absolutely no problem with my nephew's intelligence. We are less than half an area to search. Maybe we can find the entrance position in a few days."

The mouth says so, Lei Ling in the heart also very impatient.

Originally, the five ten level demon practitioners who entered the ice cave of Beihai acted together and led their own team.

When passing through the snow cave ridge, I happened to encounter a strong space storm, and the space turbulence separated the demons.

Jinyan peacock, snow ice ape, Leiguang beast, Amethyst giant tortoise four demons disappeared, while Qingshan giant ape fierce and Leiguang beast leiling, as well as more than a dozen nine level demons were blown to the east of the snow cave ridge by the space storm.

Ape Lieh wanted to go to the snow ice ape to fly for the first time, but leiling proposed that there was a transmission array leading to the treasure in the East ice desert, and urged ape Lieh to look for an entrance called desert labyrinth in the ice desert.

It turned out that Lei Ling had received a letter from an ancient monk in the deification period in the early years of Tianchen continent, which just recorded the experience of that monk in the deification period visiting the ice caves in the North Sea.

It is recorded in the letter that there is a palace called "desert labyrinth" in the ice and snow desert of Beihai ice cave, which contains a lot of treasures, and inside there is a transmission array that can lead to the lingcao garden of Beihai ice cave.

Lei Ling got the letter, which described things more briefly, without any hint. He only knew that the desert labyrinth was in the ice and snow desert, but he didn't know where it was in the ice and snow desert.

According to the notes, the entrance to the desert labyrinth is covered by a mysterious ancient prohibition. If you don't search carefully, you can't find it.

So after searching in the desert for so long, ape Lieh, leiling and other demon Xius have not found anything

they can only search little by little in the ice and snow desert, but after searching for more than ten days, they have not found a hair.

"Well, it's just a human Friar's letter. Who knows if it's true or false? Ben can't spend too much time here. If we don't find the entrance to the desert labyrinth, we will leave by ourselves. " The giant ape said impatiently.

He felt that Lei Ling was pitching himself. He wasted his time and missed the best time to find treasure.

Lei Ling looks ugly. He hasn't found it after looking for it for so long. Now he doubts the authenticity of the letter, so he has to grit his teeth and say, "Uncle ape, stop being angry. Let's look for another three days. You see, that's good. My nephew and you will act separately and search the rest of the area. "

Ape strong also strong beat spirit, shout a way: "do so.". Nephew Lei Ling, take more hands and be careful. There are a lot of ancient beasts in this strange desert. Don't capsize in the sewer. "

Ape strong although very dissatisfied with Lei Ling pit himself, but this boy after all is the son of Lei Guang beast patriarch, a little face or to give.

It is worth mentioning that the former Leiguang beast clan leader is the elder brother of ape lie, that is, the Leiguang beast that died in leiming gorge.

"Don't worry, uncle ape lie. The ancient animals here can't hurt my nephew. Instead, they're food from the door." Leiling is not humble and arrogant to say, in the heart is to hit a small abacus.

If he didn't find the desert labyrinth, he would certainly eat it alone. He would never give ape lie a cent.

Because there is a transmission array in the desert labyrinth leading to the final treasure place. As long as you find the desert labyrinth, it's almost like a one-stop service. If you're lucky, you can definitely find several chaotic creatures.

Of course, this is only an ideal situation.

Lei Ling now doubts the authenticity of the record in the letter.

Anyway, it's better to go for three days.

Soon, the two demons began to act separately.

Qingshan ape ape strong led eight demon repair to the north of the desert, Leiguang beast leiling took ten demon repair to the south of the desert.


On the other side, the waves are rushing to the middle of the desert.

On the way, he encountered three ancient beasts one after another. Fortunately, the three ancient beasts he encountered were not very powerful. They were probably comparable to the level of ordinary nine level demon cultivation.

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Shen Lang killed three ancient beasts, cut off their heads and dug out their brains and hearts.

The blood drenched brain and heart of the ancient beast were packed in cloth bags by Shen Lang and put into the storage ring.

Snowstorms and ice debris all over the ice and snow desert lead to serious obstruction of sight, and it is difficult to identify the direction. The heavy waves can only move in one direction, and it is easy to get lost if they change the direction midway.

And the strong snowstorm ahead, the passing speed of the waves is very slow.

He wanted to use quicksand to escape, but found that the gravel on the ground was so heavy that it was more difficult than walking through the thick ice. On the contrary, the speed of quicksand was not as fast as ordinary flying speed, so he gave up.

After a day and a night's hard work, I finally arrived at the central part of the ice desert.

"Young master, let xiaorou do the search. If there are traces of hidden prohibition, xiaorou's eyes will never escape. "As soon as the voice fell, xiaorou flew out of the spirit beast bag on Shen Lang's waist, and her beautiful eyes flashed a blood light, searching the gravel around her.

After breaking through the Ninth level, xiaorou gained a new ability. Her eyes could see the invisible prohibition. Even the invisible prohibition laid by the monks in the apotheosis period could not escape xiaorou's eyes.

The waves are moving around. Xiaorou observes carefully.

Finally, when we arrived at a snowy area, xiaorou's eyes flashed and she said, "stop, it's here!"

Shen Lang immediately stopped, released his divine consciousness, and looked around carefully. He didn't find anything unusual.

"Where is it? Why didn't I find any trace of prohibition? " Shen Lang frowned.

Xiaorou pointed to the gravel layer at the foot of the waves and said with admiration, "this blinding prohibition arrangement is very clever, and the exposed breath is so weak that even the monks in the spirit transforming period are hard to detect."

"I see."

As soon as Shen Lang's eyes brighten, he immediately moves away from the top of the gravel layer pointed by Xiao Rou and comes to Xiao Rou's side.

"You don't have to do it, let xiaorou break it!"

As soon as the voice fell, xiaorou's whole body was covered with a dazzling blood light. The blood light rushed to the sky and attacked the gravel layer.

"Buzz, buzz!"

A large area of blood light bumps into the gravel layer, and a strange scene appears.

I saw bursts of spiritual light gushing out above the gravel layer, and even resisted the blood magic light for a few seconds.

But it was just a few seconds. After all, the blood demon God light broke the spirit light and went straight to the bottom of the earth.

"Boom boom!"

Suddenly, the ground vibrated and a lot of gravel rolled like running water.

In the area attacked by the blood demon, a gap with a diameter of 100 meters was torn open, and a large amount of gravel rolled into the gap, just like a black hole.

Shen Lang and Xiao Rou are surprised. It seems that this is the place!

Just as they were about to enter the gap.


There was a loud noise.

A brown giant scorpion with a body length of 1000 meters suddenly burst out of the ground. The giant scorpion is crazy, waving the huge scarlet needle of the scorpion's tail, and fiercely cleaves towards Shen Lang and Xiao Rou!

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