My Perfect Life

Chapter 2187: 2188

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The flower purple spirit also didn't hide to ye, and said all the things that happened after Shen Lang was in a coma.

A month ago, after huaziling rescued Shen Lang, she left by borrowing a bad teleportation.

Because it is a poor quality transmission symbol, so the transmission distance is not very far, only to a certain sea area to the west of the LeiFen islands.

Since Hua Ziling didn't reveal her identity when she rescued Shen Lang, she immediately took Shen Lang to Qianyu island and hid Shen Lang in her bedroom.

Huaziling had already given an order not to allow any friars to enter the palace, and banned them inside and outside the palace to isolate all the friars' spiritual exploration.

The most dangerous place is the safest place. Hua Ziling was sure that even if the Titan ape monk really came to kill Shen Lang, he would never guess that he would hide in his bedroom.

In this way, Shen Lang has been recuperating in his bedroom.

Huaziling also stays in the bedroom every day, always paying attention to the man's physical condition.

Shen Lang's body was seriously injured. His bones and collaterals were almost completely broken. His body was on the verge of collapse. He might die at any time.

If you were an ordinary friar, you would have collapsed long after you suffered such a serious injury. Hua Ziling is so anxious that she thinks Shen Lang is worried about her life, but she has no good treatment.

I don't dare to rush to give Shen Lang strong healing pills for fear that it will backfire.

For the first few days, Shen Lang was in a state of Qi like wandering. Shengyang and Qi protected his heart.

A few days later, the breath of the waves finally began to strengthen, until a week later, the internal injuries of the body began to recover, and the broken bones and collaterals gradually healed.

Huaziling saw that the waves were getting better and her heart was completely relaxed.

After more than a month, Shen Lang finally woke up.

"I see."

Shen Lang did not expect that he had been in a coma for a month. It was the first time since he entered the cultivation world that he had been in a coma for so long because of his injury.

"Huaziling, thank you for saving me and taking care of me for so long." Shen Lang said solemnly, with deep gratitude in his eyes.

Hua Ziling's delicate face flashed a little bit of shame. She looked embarrassed and turned her head: "don't be so amorous. I'm sorry to see you. That's why Let me tell you two good news. "

Changed a topic, flower purple spirit continues to say.

In the process of Shen Lang's coma, two major events occurred and spread all over the LeiFen islands.

The first thing is that all the elders of Titan ape clan have fallen, and thousands of elites in the apotheosis period have been killed!

It is said that the killer of the Titan ape clan elders and elites is not another alien race, but a broken leg combination of the Titan ape clan!

The disabled Titan ape was insane and seemed to be in a state of madness. Somehow, he killed his own people.

The second big thing was that the crazy giant ape was killing around the LeiFen islands. When he saw the human friars, he killed them. When he saw the demon friars, he caught them and devoured them.

At first, the disabled giant ape only lived in Leizhou island. In less than half a month, the whole Leizhou island was turned upside down by him, and a large number of monks died in the hands of the disabled giant ape.

After making a big fight on Leizhou Island, the disabled giant ape went to Wangyue Island, which is adjacent to Leizhou Island, and killed a lot. The monks of Wangyue Island fled to other islands one after another.

Now the disabled giant ape is still active on Wangyue island. I don't know when it will kill other islands.

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The sudden emergence of the disabled giant ape makes the whole LeiFen islands into a panic.

The main reason is that the disabled giant ape has amazing accomplishments in the middle of his life. All the monks who come up will be killed by him. Where he passes, there is no grass. No monk is his opponent.

"No way! Isn't the ancestor of the titanopithecus the cultivation in the early stage of the combination? How did he become the middle stage of the combination? " Shen Lang frowned.

"The rumor is true. I've photographed spirit birds on Qianyu island. I went to Wangyue island to inquire about the situation. The broken leg ancestor of Titan and great ape was really the cultivation in the middle of the combination. It seems that he broke through later." Hua Ziling explained.


Shen Lang's face was very ugly. I never dreamed that the old man had broken through the middle of the match!

The disabled giant ape in the early stage of mating is already a powerful existence. In the middle stage of mating, it is invincible. If it encounters each other, it will die.

"Shen, you can rest assured. The handicapped ape is now completely unconscious, and seems to do nothing but kill indiscriminately. Qianyu island is located in the south of the top ten islands, which is relatively remote. Unless you have bad luck, the disabled giant ape will not come here. "

"Even if we come to Qianyu Island, the patrol friars on the island will send out a message to tell me that we have enough time to escape."

Flower purple spirit not cold not light said, not a bit flustered.

Shen Lang breathed a sigh of relief. Now that the disabled giant ape has become mentally retarded, the threat is much smaller."The disabled giant ape is a hidden danger after all. If one day he recovers his mind, we will still worry about his life. This beast can't be left alone. I have a way Shen Lang is right.

"What can I do?" Flower purple spirit curiously asks a way.

Shen Lang tells Hua Ziling his idea.

After listening to Shen Lang's attention, Hua Ziling's beautiful eyes brightened, and then frowned: "the way is good, but those island owners may not respond to us."

"It doesn't matter. You can explore the wind first, and release personal information to those island owners in my name, so that they can come to Qianyu island to discuss the" ape killing plan "in ten days." The waves said in a deep voice.

"In ten days? You don't get hurt that fast, do you? " Hua Ziling was worried.

"It doesn't matter. You and I don't have to do much for this operation." Shen Lang shook his head.

Hua Ziling took a deep breath and said, "OK, you are the master of this matter. But these days, you'd better stay in your bedroom and take good care of yourself. Don't go anywhere. "

Shen Lang said with a smile: "huaziling, didn't you want to drive me away just now?"

Hua Ziling bit the silver teeth and hummed: "hum, I just want to go into the secret land of Tianlei to search for treasure. Now we have a cooperative relationship. We don't have to be so stiff."

"That's a good cooperation."

Shen Lang laughed and then said, "by the way, huaziling, please send someone to search for the whereabouts of some monks."

Shen Lang tells Hua Ziling the news about Liu Chuanzhi and Qingling. On that day, Shen Lang asked Liu Chuanzhi and two Datong to leave Jinlei palace with Qingling in their neckties. Now they don't know where they are.

Qingling is very important for the reconstruction of the teleport array. We must get her back.

"I see."

Hua Ziling is always arrogant and never listens to other people's instructions, but Shen Lang is an exception. After all, this man in her mind, or very reliable.

In fact, she just had a hard mouth, and she couldn't give up on the waves in her heart.

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