My Perfect Life

Chapter 2195: 2196

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When Shen Lang frowned, he could feel that the five elements in this space were very disordered and irritable, as if he had experienced an ancient war.

"There is a saying in the letter left by the fairy Cailing that even the friars in the early stage of the combination may not be able to retreat completely! Let's be careful. " Shen Lang said warily.

Hua Ziling frowned slightly: "how to be careful? We don't have a map. How can we avoid the threat in the secret place? "

Shen Lang had a plan in mind and said: "although there is no map, there is a route that is absolutely safe. In the letter of Cailing fairy, there is a safe route to the transmission array. As long as we go to the north end of this secret place first and go straight along the end, we can see the ultra long distance transmission array to the outside world. "

"After we determine the location of the transmission array, we can find out what we need in the secret place. It's more secure."

"All right."

Huaziling has no objection.

They flew north of the desert first.

In the secret place of Tianlei, even in the period of practicing emptiness, the friars will still feel the obvious pressure of space. Shen Lang and Hua Ziling can only fly in the air four or five kilometers above the ground at most. If they fly up again, they will feel the great pressure and their flight speed will drop sharply.

Moreover, the space in this secret land of thunder is extremely unstable, often accompanied by space storms and cracks, and the divine consciousness can hardly be released.

Lightning and thunder in the sky, there are nine sky thunder falling.

"Boom boom!"

The terrible golden thunder falls like a rainstorm, and its power is far beyond the comparison of ordinary thunder.

The heavy waves continue to urge the pure Yang sword shield to bless himself and huaziling to resist the falling jiuxiao sky thunder in the sky.

Although the general independent space may form some unnatural phenomena due to the collision of the five elements in the space, it is impossible to form the lightning of jiuxiao Tianlei.

Jiuxiao Tianlei belongs to a kind of natural punishment. It should be a kind of powerful external force that changes the environment in the secret place.

The secret place was not very big. About half an hour later, they reached the end of the northern desert.

The end is blocked by a layer of gray light wall, which contains a strong repulsive force. When any five elements attack hits the light wall, it will be repulsed by the light wall.

Shen Lang followed the route in the jade slips and flew straight ahead along the Guangbi, followed by huaziling.

As they fly, they release their divine consciousness and observe the environment around the secret place.

This Tianlei secret place seems to be an endless desert. There seems to be nothing but gravel.

After a short flight, Shen Lang's eyes suddenly saw a huge beast's skeleton in the gravel below, and his face changed.

"What's the matter?" One side of the flower purple spirit asked.

"There is a skeleton buried in the gravel. I'll go down and have a look first."

The waves immediately came down to escape the light, ready to see what happened.

Huaziling also keeps up with the waves.

Before they fell to the ground, the gravel on the lower side suddenly formed a vortex, in which a huge ancient beast with a strange shape, such as a stone turtle, flew out!

The tortoise seemed to be an ancient beast inhabiting in the desert. Its body was covered with purple hard lumps, just like layers of crystal stones, and there were a lot of electric arcs on its body surface.

"Be careful, it's Lei Yan tortoise. Its combat power is comparable to the ancient beast of lianxu peak level!" Flower purple spirit toward the side of the wave to remind a, immediately offered a nine palace fairy ring.


Lei Yan GUI seems to be very dissatisfied with the foreigners' intrusion into his own territory. He rises up like a mountain, opens his big mouth, and bites shenlang and huaziling.

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"Aurora chop!"

Shen Lang shows an aurora chop without hesitation.

A large number of sword lights poured down like waves, converged into a straight line and cut straight to Lei Yan turtle's mouth.

"Fire Phoenix strike!"

The nine purple gold rings in front of huazi spirit burst out the fire light like the sun, and combined into a fire phoenix shadow several kilometers long.

Two shocking attacks, at the same time to rush up Leiyan turtle.


The earth shaking roar sounded, thousands of white sword shadow and fire phoenix shadow directly killed Lei Yan turtle's mouth, head, and even the whole body into countless pieces of stone!

Two people work together to kill Lei Yan tortoise in an instant!

Whether it's Shen Lang or Hua Ziling, their combat power is higher than that of the ordinary friars at the peak of practicing emptiness. Lei Yan turtle can only be regarded as an appetizer.

The space in the center of the explosion was distorted. Violent wind swept around, and even let hundreds of miles around the scope of a sandstorm.

The heavy waves and huaziling shrouded in the sword and shield fall slowly.

Due to the sandstorm caused by the attack just now, a large amount of gravel below was blown away, and the skeleton of the giant beast, which originally only showed the tip of the iceberg, was finally fully revealed."This is Kylin

Shen Lang's eyes widened. In the gravel, there was a strange animal skeleton with a dragon head horse. Judging from its appearance, it should be the legendary Unicorn!

At present, the skeleton of this unicorn is extremely huge, like a huge mountain, and intact!

The skeleton is pale gold, and the surface is also bouncing with a trace of blood arc. Although the unicorn has been dead for many years, the smell is still chilling.

Shen Lang took two steps towards the skeleton of the unicorn. Unexpectedly, a thick and bloody arc suddenly gushed out of the skeleton and attacked him with lightning.

Shen Lang was awed in his heart and immediately opened his sword and shield to defend against the bloody arc.


A deafening roar rang out, and the thick blood colored arc at the mouth of the bowl made several cracks in Shen Lang's sword and shield.

The sword shield barely defends the bloody arc and is almost broken!

"No way. What kind of lightning is this? How powerful it is Shen Lang was startled and showed an incredible expression.

"Be careful, this is the seven evil blood thunder. Its destructive power ranks first in the congenital thunder! If the ordinary friars in the period of cultivating deficiency, I'm afraid they have been killed by the blood thunder! "

Flower purple Ling Dai Mei a wrinkly, hurriedly remind a way.

Shen Lang was shocked: "seven evil blood thunder? It is said that the original magic power of Lei Qilin is Qi Sha Xue Lei. In this way, the skeleton should be Lei Qilin. "

Qisha blood mine is very aggressive. As long as you get close to it, it will launch an undifferentiated attack.

It's no wonder that Lei Yan turtle just now inhabits in this place, which may be to absorb the lightning power in Lei Qilin's skeleton.

Only such a seven evil blood thunder can produce such great destructive power. It can be imagined how terrible Lei Qilin's strength is.

Shen Lang looks at Lei Qilin's skeleton in front of him and moves his mind.

The skeleton of the top Holy Level spirit beast is too valuable. Moreover, the skeleton of Lei Qilin contains a trace of the origin of Qi Sha blood thunder, which can be said to be the top material for refining magic weapon!

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