My Perfect Life

Chapter 2217: 2218

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"Ha ha, what's the use of just two practitioners? Well, it's better than nothing. All right, let's go down. We need a good rest before the main battle. Don't bother me any more

The Lord of Huangtian City waved his sleeve robe and yelled with a drunken face. It seemed that he didn't pay attention to Shen Lang and Hua Ziling at all.

"Good All right Lu Yong was embarrassed. He thought the Lord of the city would reward him, but he didn't get a hair.

In fact, compared with their great commanders, the city masters of Huangtian city know more.

He knew how terrifying the forces of the demon repair army of the cattle demon clan were. In half an hour, people like Huang Tiancheng would be slaughtered by the other party's monk army!

Seeing that the Lord of the city has become like this, Lu Yong is also a little uneasy. It seems that this war is really more or less dangerous.

After leaving the city Lord's mansion, Shen Lang said to Lu Yong, "Lu Daoyou, I'm tired before the transmission. Can we arrange a quiet place for us to have a good rest so that we can cope with the future war?"

"It's a piece of cake. Let's have a good rest."

Lu Yong's face was a little stiff, but he arranged a secluded place for them.

Shen Lang and Hua Ziling live in a restaurant not far from the city master's mansion. The environment is much quieter.

After laying a layer of prohibition to isolate voice and divine sense exploration, the two began to discuss countermeasures.

"This is a detailed map of chuyun plain. We can think about the escape route."

Hua Ziling takes out a jade slip from the storage ring and throws it to Shen Lang.

Shen Lang looked at it and kept the map in his mind.

Chuyun plain seems to be ruled by the eight major ethnic groups, but there are also strong and weak groups in the eight major ethnic groups. The niumo and Julu ethnic groups at the bottom of the list together occupy only about one tenth of the territory of chuyun plain, and they are all sites with less resources.

There are many teleportation arrays in the two groups, but I don't know if those teleportation arrays were destroyed in the war.

After discussion, they chose a relatively safe escape route.

As human friars, they are too eye-catching. It is the best policy to leave the territory of niumo and Julu quickly, otherwise they may be affected by the fighting between the two groups.

After determining the escape route, Hua Ziling didn't think too much about it. She began to meditate and rest. Her leg injury has just healed, and it will take some time to stabilize.

Shen Lang is not idle. Now he has found two five color God flags. There are two other five color God flags in the ancient spirit world that can be located.

He immediately played the art of five flags resonance.

"Buzz, buzz!"

There is an apricot yellow flag shadow and a blue flag shadow on the back. The two five color God flags release a misty glow. The glow bursts out regularly and causes resonance.

Soon, Shen Lang saw two light spots in front of him. With two five color flags, shenlang can control the position and distance of light spot more accurately.

One light spot is in the northwest of the far pole, the other is in the northeast, very close!

"How can it be!" Shen Lang widened his eyes and showed an incredible expression.

The location of the light spot is very close to the Huangtian city. It seems that it's only two or three hundred million Li. It doesn't appear that it's out of the territory of the cattle demons!

"What's the matter?" The flower purple spirit sees the deep wave a startle a suddenly, can't help but open two eyes to inquire a way.

"It seems that there will be a change in our plan." Shen Lang said solemnly.


In half a day.


A huge earth shaking sound came, like a 10 magnitude earthquake, as if the whole Huangtian city was roaring and shaking.

The mask of Dazu Mi Ruyi wuxiangshen, who guards the whole Huangtian City, was finally broken by the demon repair army of the niumo clan outside. The Golden Buddha light barrier broke through numerous cracks and broke directly.


"It's over. The defensive array has been broken!"

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"What to do? The demon repair army of niumo clan will be killed soon!

Witnessing all this, the demons in the Huangtian city were ready to split their eyes. They were all terrified and completely in a mess.

After the collapse of the defense array, the monks around the huangtiancheng square can clearly see the demon repair army of the niumo clan gathered in the sky.

It's black and white!

The number of the niumo clan's army exceeds two million. People can't breathe because of the pressure of the army and the suffocating pressure of spirit!

Right in front of the army of the niumo clan, there are two demon Xiu, the commander of the army.

One is a strong man with the first golden horn, the other is a strong man with the first silver horn. His muscles are intertwined, standing like an iron tower, emitting a palpitating sense of prestige.

"Hum, after wasting so much energy, we finally broke the defensive array! The waste of the Julu clan can't do anything, but the defense array of the large demon city is quite strong! " The commander of the first golden ox horn said in a voice."It's not worth mentioning that the defense array of Julu clan was not laid by their own friars. Now that the defensive array has been broken, we'd better kill the city quickly and finish the goal as soon as possible. " The commander of Silver Ox horn said coldly.

"The whole army listen to the order, kill me!"!!! Don't let go of a Julu scum

The commander of the Golden Horn suddenly drank, and his voice was like thunder.


Millions of cattle demon troops began to release demon storm.

All kinds of colorful dense demon storms came down from the sky and attacked the Huangtian city in all directions.

"Dong Dong Dong!"

A series of dense explosions came and went, just like an atomic bomb.

Where the demon storm passed, the explosion was loud, large areas of buildings were destroyed, the land collapsed, and the fire filled the air.

In an instant, the buildings in many places of huangtiancheng were full of holes and flames.

Many of the city's demon repair unable to resist, in the scream, was strangled by the demon storm into a blood fog.

For a moment, the whole Huangtian City exploded, and countless monks screamed in horror.

"Watch out!"

"Stop these demonic storms!"

"Huangtiancheng demon training order, release demon storm to fight back!"

In Huangtian City, most of the high-level demons gathered in the center of the city square. Under the orders of several commanders of huangtiancheng garrison, the demons in the city began to release demonic storm in order to resist the attack of demonic storm falling in the sky.

"Dong Dong Dong!"

All over the sky, there was a continuous explosion and a strong wind.

Because of the heavy pressure on the momentum of the demon cultivation in Huangtian City, the morale of the army is unstable. It's just like a pack of scattered sand, and there is no rules for all kinds of attacks and defenses.

In a few breaths, tens of thousands of demon repair soldiers were killed in the demon storm released by the demon repair army of niumo clan, while the demon repair army of niumo clan was intact without any casualties.

"The great army of monks in huangtiancheng, follow me!"

A golden escape light rises from the city Lord's mansion, and the city Lord finally appears. He is followed by a hundred demon practitioners in the period of refining void and 50000 demon practitioners in the period of transforming God.

Shen Lang and Hua Ziling are also mixed in.

"Only when we go together can we survive!"

"Yes, follow the Lord!"


Seeing the Lord rush up, the demon practitioners in the Huangtian city also summoned up their courage and rose up one after another to keep up with the Lord.

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