My Perfect Life

Chapter 2320: 2321

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It's OK to empty the treasures in the treasure house. The main reason is that even the fragments of the secret map are stolen. The Scarab King is as miserable as eating excrement.

He was furious and rushed into the first floor of the hall. He yelled at the five elders in the hall: "you all come with me!"

As soon as the cry fell, the king of scarab rushed out of the palace.

The five elders saw that the insect king was furious. Look at me, I see you, confused. But they still followed the golden beetle king and flew out of the golden beetle palace.

The Scarab King released his divine sense and found that Shen Lang was no longer within the scope of his divine sense.

Shen Lang's demon butterfly transformation has the function of concealing breath, which is better than later monks. Unless the power of the spirit is far beyond the same level, it is extremely difficult to find Shen Lang through the exploration of divine consciousness.

But the Scarab King had other means to track the waves. He immediately took a piece of glittering and translucent color like a star from his arms. It was just a piece of the atlas of heaven's secrets!

When you put spirit power or demon power into the fragments of the atlas, you can sense the location of other fragments of the atlas nearby. As long as the fragments of the treasure house are on the treasure robber, he will not lose them.

The Scarab King quickly poured Demon power into the debris, quickly sensed the location of a nearby debris, and quickly chased the waves.


At this moment, Shen Lang has long been transformed into a white robed priest. He originally wanted to hide in the Scarab Zerg as a white robed priest and muddle through.

But this idea was quickly denied by him. It was extremely difficult for the Scarab to get in and out. If the king of scarab had a slightly higher IQ, he would definitely find out the monks who had recently been in and out of the scarab. At that time, he would be in a very dangerous situation.

Instead of playing some meaningless tricks, it's better to leave the scarab as soon as possible!

Shen Lang turned into a white robed priest. The Hunyuan cape on his shoulders and the Hunyuan boots on his feet were shining. The whole man turned into a streamer and flew towards the southeast border exit of the scarab.

Along the way, he deliberately restrained his breath to avoid being easily traced to the escape track.

There is only one entrance for the scarab, the place where the waves come.

About ten minutes later, Shen Lang arrived at the border and came to the border exit of the scarab.

There are two sentry towers at the border. The central part of the two sentry towers is the exit of the border, but the exit can only be opened by the token of the guard guarding the exit.

"I've seen the priest Bai Yuan!"

Several patrol demon repair saw the waves floating under the body, immediately bow to salute.

"Free gift, open the border exit quickly!" Shen Lang said hastily.

"Priest Bai Yuan, aren't you new to the tribe? Why are you leaving so soon? " The patrol demon repair leader asked curiously.

"I am ordered by the high priest to go out on an urgent mission! Stop talking nonsense here and open the border exit quickly Shen Lang looked eager and found a reason at random.

"Yes, yes

The patrol leader held his fist, but he didn't dare to offend the white robed priest. Then he ordered two guards and said, "open the border quickly and let the white yuan priest leave!"


The two guards answered immediately, just as they took out the gold and silver token.

"Pass the king's order, close the border exit, don't let a monk go!"

In the distance, there was a sudden roar from the horizon.

The roar is full of endless murderous spirit, just like the sound of thunder. The sound shakes tens of thousands of miles, and the ground is roaring and shaking, which is extremely harsh!

The fury of the extreme momentum gives people a kind of shudder on the spirit! All around, the demon Xiu of the Scarab Zerg tribe felt numb and trembled when they heard the roaring voice.

Just a roar contains such a terrible sense of prestige, the owner of the voice can only be the Scarab King!

Patrol demon repair all over a shock, a time all at a loss.

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"Good It's like the voice of the insect king. Priest Bai Yuan, please don't go out. Wait here for a moment The leader of patrol demon repair bows to Shen Lang respectfully.

"A bunch of idiots, Lord worm didn't mean me! Open the border quickly. I've missed my big event. I'll ask you about it! " Shen Lang roared.

The patrol leader said: "I'm sorry, I can't obey you! Just now, Lord worm has given an order to close the border exit and not allow a monk to leave the border. If priest Bai Yuan leaves the border at this time, he is also against the order of the insect king. He'd better wait here for a moment

"Damn it

Shen Lang broke his mouth. He couldn't put on any more. I'm afraid it's impossible for the patrol leader to open the border.

It can't go on like this! It's estimated that in less than half a minute, the Scarab King will come after him.

If you can't escape from the siege of the scarab, you will be a turtle in a jar when you get it.

SHEN Lang makes a quick decision and directly displays five colors of illusory light.


A large number of five color light beams, like a strong wind, radiated in all directions."Ah

A series of shrill screams came, and several patrol friars around the two towers were hit by five colors of magic light, and fell to the ground or fell from the sky.

Next to Shen Lang, the patrol leader of Lian Xu's later period also had a twisted face and was paralyzed to the ground. He uttered a howling cry.

Two guards at the entrance fainted directly.

Shen Lang's five color magic light made all the patrol friars around lose their fighting power.

With the fastest speed, he searches a guard's soul and obtains the method to open the border and the spell to activate the token.

The charm seems to be complicated, but the good thing is that Shen Lang can master it in an instant.

Demons are not good at magic by nature, which is actually the strength of the human friars. Coupled with Shen Lang's amazing savvy, it's easy to understand the mystery of breaking the forbidden spell.

It's a pity that the two friars had to work together to open the border, but Shen Lang acted alone, which could only weaken the power of prohibition, and could not let the prohibition create a gap.

In desperation, Shen Lang can only try to weaken the power of prohibition to see if the entrance to the border can be opened by external force.

He picked up a gold token and recited the spell.

"Buzz, buzz!"

Golden token suddenly released golden light, shining on the edge of the border.

The original golden border barrier was weakened and the light was dim.

Shen Lang immediately put away the token, turned over his hand to sacrifice Hunyuan gold sword, and hit an aurora chop towards the weakened border barrier!


Thousands of golden sword shadows hit the border barrier and made an earth shaking explosion.

The weakened border barrier was really cut by the aurora, which opened a thumb sized gap in space and twisted.

"There's a play!"

Shen Lang was very happy.

The healing speed of the space gap is slow. I have the hope to attack many times and open a large enough space gap.

Just when Shen Lang was ready to perform the aurora chop, the Scarab King and five elders finally arrived.

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