My Perfect Life

Chapter 2499: 2500

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Guess it's a coincidence?

Yingfeng doesn't believe that a demon cultivation in the later stage of the combination can release that kind of attack. Maybe the prohibition has weak points.

In a word, the nun in black in the hall is the daughter of the head of the black demon clan.

It's a good achievement to catch her.


Seeing that the situation is gone, it's meaningless for heixuan to save his life here. He abandons the two mahayanas of the demon palace and flies to the hall of the black demon city, hoping to take heixueji to escape.

"Want to run? There is no door

Eagle wind a cold drink, right hand into a mountain like Golden Eagle claws, not polite split down.

The black devil with three heads and six arms, who was transformed from black Xuan, couldn't defend himself for a moment. He was split into several huge wounds, and his flesh and blood were flying.

Another Mahayana of the demon palace stopped heixuan, making him difficult to fly.

"No way."

Black Xuan's face became extremely ugly. It was hard to get rid of the two demons for a while.


After breaking the ban outside the hall, Shen Lang swaggered into the hall.


In the empty hall, only Hei Xueji was left. She was so scared that she shivered and gave a terrified shout.

Shen Lang glances at heixueji, a little surprised. He doesn't expect that there is such a beautiful nun in the demon clan.

Just now, I heard the Mahayana monk outside calling this nun "big miss". He thought it might be the daughter of the black demon patriarch.

"Die for Miss Ben!"

Hei Xueji was just a late fit friar. She was brave and fierce. She burst out a black fire column towards the waves.

Shen Lang didn't want to waste his time. He waved a dense sword light to block the attack of Hei Xueji.

At the same time, the light of Hunyuan boots at the foot of Shen Lang rises, and rushes to Hei Xueji with a lightning speed. He presses her to the ground and grabs the girl Xiu Xuebai's neck with one hand.

Before heixueji could react, she was restrained by the waves.

Her pretty face flushed and she had difficulty breathing! You How dare you touch Miss Ben? You know Ben Who is Miss Ben? If you dare to hurt me, my father will kill you Thousands of pieces

"Is it?"

Shen Lang shrugged his shoulders and said with a sneer, "I don't care who your father is. Tell me honestly, where is the real blood of the black dragon that the black devils got at the beginning? Otherwise, I'll strangle you now! "

"You How do you know that we black devils have black dragon blood? " The black snow Ji asks a way of greatly surprised pale.

"I ask you where the black dragon blood is. I won't repeat that for the third time!" Shen Lang's face was expressionless, and his strength increased by one point.

"I Say, I say! You Let go

Heixueji is a spoiled little girl after all. No friar dares to attack her like this. She doesn't want to die.

Shen Lang lightened her strength. Hei Xueji coughed a few times. She took out a jade vase from the storage ring and said hoarsely, "this This is the real blood of the black dragon. At the beginning, we black demons got more than 30 bottles of black dragon blood to improve our accomplishments. Now it's almost consumed. "

Shen Lang was so surprised that he snatched the jade vase in heixueji's hand and opened the cork.


A small group of paint black flame rises from the bottle mouth, contains the terrible power, the space is burned out a big hole.

"Exterminate the black flame of the world!"

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Shen Lang's eyes were clear, and he recognized this kind of black flame. It was really the magic power of the black dragon, which was to destroy the world and the black flame.

Never thought, so easy to get a bottle of black dragon blood.

In order to avoid being spied by the monks outside, Shen Lang quickly blocked the bottle and put in his storage ring.

Black dragon's real blood contains weak real dragon's blood, and its effect is not inferior to that of lower level real spirit.

For ordinary monks, as long as the attributes do not conflict, the real blood can be taken directly and refined, and the accomplishments can be greatly increased! Moreover, there is no hidden danger to the body, so it can be said that it is the best thing to improve cultivation.

"Only this bottle of black dragon real blood is not enough. Tell me where the other real blood is!" The waves continued to threaten.

"I I only have this bottle of black dragon blood, and a small amount of black dragon blood. My father gave it to some elders of the clan. " Heixueji said pitifully.

Listen to this girl's tone, it doesn't seem to be lying.

In fact, Shen Lang can perform soul searching, but after all, the nun is the daughter of the black demon clan leader. If she kills her, the black demon clan leader will not give up.

Shen Lang and Hei Xueji have no grudge. They don't think they need to kill her.

"The last question is, is there any place like treasure house in this hall, which is so well protected and forbidden Shen Lang pinches Hei Xueji's neck and asks."Yes And before the treasure house also stored a few bottles of black dragon blood! But just a few days ago, my father took all the treasures from the treasure house. " Heixueji answers carefully.

Shen Lang frowned. It seemed that it was not so easy to get more black dragon blood.

Only one bottle of black dragon's real blood is certainly not enough. It takes at least four or five bottles to make Shen Lang's blood immortal body devour black dragon's blood.

When Shen Lang thought so, there was a sudden change outside.


Originally, the war situation had been one-sided. Hundreds of monks of the demon clan led the army of more than 100000 demon monks, almost killing the monks of the black devil city.

The gap between the two sides is too big. The monks in the city almost died.

Less than 100 of the more than 300 fit friars of the dark demon clan died. The 50 fit friars who are still fighting hard are also scarred and almost dead.

Heixuan was also hanged by two Mahayana of the demon palace, and was seriously injured.

As the demon army is about to wipe out the demons, a black space vortex suddenly appears over the main hall of the main city.

A huge spirit boat is flying out of the vortex of space.

"No, it's the spirit boat of the dark devils!" Yingfeng, who is fighting, is surprised.

Black Xuan, who was covered with blood and flesh, saw the reinforcements coming, and cried out, "come and help me!"

There are four Mahayana monks standing at the bow of the spirit boat! The old man in black armor is the head of the black demon clan, Heiyu, and the later cultivation of Mahayana.

The green robed middle-aged man standing beside him is the great elder of the middle Mahayana of the dark demons.

"Four mahayanas!"

The friars and sanxiu on this side of the sky demon palace took a cold breath when they saw this scene.

In addition, an even more incredible scene appeared.

On the deck of the warship of the dark demons, there stood a ten thousand meter long humanoid monster!

These monsters are covered with black scales, covered with a layer of black mud and mucus, stinking, sharp mouthed tusks, and extremely ferocious.

"Far Ancient Troll

Yingfeng's eyes are wide open.

How is that possible? The reinforcements of the dark demons actually brought the ancient trolls. The ancient trolls were tyrannical. How could they obediently obey the orders of the monks?

This is not the point. The reinforcements of the dark demons are too exaggerated. Four Mahayana friars, including the patriarch, are on the scene. Now they are finished!

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