My Perfect Life

Chapter 2750: 2752

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Xizejing is a continent in the west of the ancient spirit world, with a vast territory, even larger than the great wilderness.

Xiuzhen is quite powerful here. Although it is not as powerful as Shura forest, it is no worse than middle earth.

Kunpeng and jiuying, the third and fourth of the top 100 ancient spiritual races, are both in Xize, but few people know about them.

It is worth mentioning that jiuying is an ancient beast and one of the top real spirits. It is bloodthirsty, brutal and powerful. Jiuying's demon cultivation is extremely xenophobic, and people don't like to go out, so jiuying is rarely known in other continents.

Jiuying nationality occupied nearly half of Xize territory to the west of Xize territory. The Kunpeng nationality area is relatively small, located in the east of Xize, near the Tianyun sea area.

In addition to these two major ethnic groups, there are nearly 10000 ethnic groups in xizejing, large and small, but most of them are attached to the jiuying ethnic group.

Kunpeng nationality is even more wonderful. All the information and records about Kunpeng nationality can only be seen in ancient books.

Because Kunpeng is a very hidden race, how hidden is it Almost every Kunpeng demon Xiu stayed in the clan land from birth to death and never went out!

Therefore, the ancient spirit world can hardly hear any rumors of Kunpeng monks, and there has never been any Kunpeng monks in the ancient spirit world.

It is said that Kunpeng people's land is hidden in the eastern part of Xize. The whole ethnic group is extremely closed, and even has no entrance. No friars can enter Kunpeng people!

When Shen Lang and Xiao Rou came to the east of Xize, they could not find one or two Kunpeng monks to lead the way. Few monks knew the specific location of Kunpeng nationality.

He asked several high-level monks who were on the way, but Shen Lang didn't find out why.

"It's strange that even the local friars in xizejing don't know where the Kunpeng nationality is?"

He was so depressed that he even doubted whether the Kunpeng nationality was a member of the ancient spirit world.

"Young master, the Kunpeng clan is really mysterious. Xiaorou has never heard of any rumors about the Kunpeng clan before in the Tianhu clan. Why don't we go to the local chamber of Commerce? There should be a lot of information over there. " Xiaorou suggested.


Shen Lang nodded slightly, immediately showed his red star pupil, observed around, and was ready to find a large chamber of Commerce to ask for information.

At the same time, Shen Lang, with his eye power of red star pupil, found that a treasure car suddenly flew to the horizon millions of miles away, which immediately attracted his attention.

The treasure car is like a gorgeous open-air attic, just like a stack of jade, which is inlaid with all kinds of crystal beads and jade, and the front of the car is carved with dragons and Phoenix.

In the treasure car, there are four Mahayana demons who drink and laugh. Below there are also several beautiful dancers, singing and dancing.

One of the leading demons was dressed in a golden robe, with a triangular head and a little white arc all over his body. Even after the transformation, his appearance was very unique. This demon has the highest cultivation of Mahayana!

The other three demons were dressed in silver robes and had two horns. They also had strange electric arc. The three demons all have powerful accomplishments in the later period of Mahayana.

"Lei Jing clan?"

Shen Lang was surprised. He could feel that the breath of the four demons was similar to that of Lei Jing, but it was much weaker than the real Lei Jing. He thought it was the demon Xiu of Lei Jing.

Isn't Lei Jing in BaiHuaZhou? Why did they come to Xize? And they are four demon practitioners with such high accomplishments.

Shen Lang was quite curious.

The southern part of Xize borders on BaiHuaZhou. Since the other side is a master of the leijing clan, maybe he knows something about the Kunpeng clan. Shen Lang decides to ask.


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With a soft drink, a blue storm suddenly shrouded the whole body.

As soon as the blue storm appeared, the surrounding space was torn and twisted violently.

Xianfengdun is the original magic power of ancient wind roaring beast. With this skill, shenlang can continuously "jump in space" for many times, greatly improving the speed of driving.

The heavy waves fly forward rapidly, and the blue storm covering the whole body tears up the space in front of the body and begins to jump in space.

Space jump is the same as continuous space blink, which can jump from one space to another in a very short time.

In less than ten seconds, the waves had appeared a million miles away, breaking through the space and suddenly came to the front of the treasure car.

The gold robed demon on the treasure cart was alert, and his sharp eyes stabbed at the sudden waves and said, "who is that?"

The other three silver robed demons also gathered their eyes on Shen Lang one after another. First they were surprised, then they looked contemptuous.

I thought there was a monk coming. It turned out that he was just the garbage of the middle period of Mahayana.

"I dare to disturb the four Taoist friends. Shen is passing by here. He wants to ask you for some information. " Shen Lang hugged his fist and said in a deep voice.

"How dare you stop our car? I don't know what to do! Boy, get out of here before we get angryOne of them, the silver robed demon Xiu, shook his hand and looked disdainful.

Shen Lang's face darkened in an instant. Are the friars of the Terran so unbearable in the eyes of these guys?

"You don't have to be so far away, do you? Shen just wants to get some information. If you are willing to provide information, Shen will definitely pay for it. " Shen Lang said in a deep voice.

"Pay, that's funny! We, the powerful members of the leijing clan, will want the reward of you as a human waste? "

"Boy, go back to your Terran, don't be shameful here!"

The three silver robed demons laughed, and their words were full of sarcasm and derogation.

Listening to the shrill laughter of the three silver robed demons, Shen Lang felt an unnamed anger in his heart and said with a smile: "ha ha, I wonder if you can recognize your ancestors."

"Nine changes of blood spirit!"

Shen Lang's eyes are like electricity. He immediately displays nine changes of bleeding spirit, and the ray of thunder spirit on his left arm rises sharply.

The violent white arc rises like a wave, and the heavy wave bathes in the white thunder and turns into a snow-white, triangular and five tailed thunder spirit with purple sky and white thunder!


Thunder essence roars up to the sky, and the whole body rushes out the purple clouds and white thunder like waves. The terrifying sense of awe is overwhelming, the sky is collapsing and the earth is broken, and people's blood is gushing out, and the breath is terrible!

"Old "Ancestor

The three silver robed demons on the treasure car who were laughing at the waves just now were startled when they repaired. The laughter stopped abruptly, and the wine glasses in their hands were shaken off, and their faces were in horror.

Even the head of the gold robed demon Xiu was shocked.

For a moment, the three silver robed demons thought that Shen Lang had been changed by his ancestors. The thunder spirit after Shen Lang's transformation could not disguise its huge deterrent power.

Shen Lang felt relieved and said with a sneer, "good, good grandchildren."

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