My Perfect Life

Chapter 2813: 2815

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"Mr. Shen, can you ask me what you are doing now? Little butterfly is a little curious. " Butterfly can't help saying.

"Not long ago, I was lucky enough to enter the late stage of Mahayana." Shen Lang calms down.

"Big Late Mahayana

Xiao die's shocked mouth couldn't be closed. LAN xian'er stood there and didn't recover for a long time.

I remember the last time they saw Shen Lang, Shen Lang was only in the late stage of their fitness. Now they become the top monks in the late stage of Mahayana. They don't practice so fast after taking hormones, do they?

Xiaodie's head was dizzy: "Mr. Shen, elder sister xian'er and I really want to hold your thigh in the future. Please accept me."

"Don't worry about it, I will guarantee the safety of you and Lianhua people," Shen Lang said

"Thank you, Mr. Shen."

LAN xian'er bit her thin lip lightly, and her tone was a little cramped.

At that time, Shen Lang's cultivation was the same as his own. It was only a few hundred years. The other side had already stood so high that LAN xian'er had a deep sense of inferiority.

In fact, she has always had a good feeling and admiration for Shen Lang, but their cultivation and status are far from each other now. LAN xian'er completely broke this last thought.

After a few words of chatting, Shen Lang continued to show his candlelight breath and led a group of Lianhua friars to the great ape tribe in chuyun plain.

After explaining the situation in the great ape palace, Shen Lang and Qing Cang, Qing Cang immediately welcomed the Lianhua people and gave some land to them for development, promising to make friends with them from generation to generation.

LAN xian'er and Xiao die did not expect that Lianhua would get such a good treatment. Only then did they realize Shen Lang's position in the giant ape tribe, and the two girls were very happy.

In the future, there will be waves, and Lianhua people will have no worries.

After settling in Lianhua, Shen Lang was a little relieved.

Shen Lang and Hua Ziling go to the southern end of the wasteland to explore the blood sea of corpses and the river Styx. They try to get into the South abyss to inform Yuyao and Yumian boy.


At the moment, the sea of corpses has been surrounded by fierce insects.

At the end of the sea of corpses, a young boy in a golden robe stands in front of the army of countless fierce insects.

Young children are childish, with blond hair and golden pupils. They have a pair of golden horns on their heads, which release a bright golden light, giving people a strong sense of deterrence.

"This is the river Styx in the upper spirit world?" The child pointed to the black river, which was full of turbid, evil and foul air. His brow wrinkled slightly.

"Lord Wujin, this is the river Styx. The Styx River and the land of the South abyss have been protected by the power of the law of the Styx goddess since ancient times. We and the Zerg will be blocked by the power of the law and will not be able to enter it. "

A demon monk, who was wearing a golden robe and had a terrible face, explained.

The golden robed demon Xiu has gray hair all over his body, and eight sharp black spider spears emerge from his back. It's not the Dragon spider clan leader who appeared not long ago!

And that young boy is the one who destroyed the wasteland, the insect repair hatched from the insect egg in tenglin swamp!

"Hum, I have smelled the stench of the law power of the goddess of Styx. If you hadn't been ordered by your master, you wouldn't have been willing to do this kind of hard work. Although the power of the law in Nanyuan is extremely weak, it can't be broken. "

The child smacked his mouth and was not happy.

Dragon spider clan head respectfully said: "Lord Wujin, dare to ask me what can I do for you?"

The child disdained and said, "just leave it to me to break the ban. Just watch the garbage. The last mission failed, and we lost the face of the holy world. During this period of time, you can listen to me. If you dare to make trouble again, you don't have to do it yourself. I will wipe you all out and take away all the immortals! "

"Yes! We'll be waiting for Lord Wujin and waiting for him at any time. "

The head of the Dragon spider clan was frightened and nodded.

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Before, the Dragon spiders tried to kidnap and hold Yun Feifei, the Kunpeng princess, to rebel against the Kunpeng. They didn't want to be disturbed by the sudden waves in the middle of the way, leading to the total annihilation of the Dragon spiders! The head of the Dragon spider clan was also seriously injured. He escaped from the battlefield reluctantly by breaking the boundary flag.

After this period of recuperation, plus taking a lot of healing pills, the Dragon spider clan leader's injury has basically completely recovered.

Last time, the Dragon spider clan lost half of its clan. The head of the Dragon spider clan was very upset and became more cautious. He chose to mix with the young boy and did not dare to act alone any more.

At this moment, the Dragon spider clan leader is followed by 200 dragon spider clan's Mahayana period demon cultivation, which is all the remaining friars of the Dragon spider clan.

"Well, you can protect the Dharma for me. I don't like to be disturbed by a clown who comes out of the blue at the time of casting

Children's eyes are cold and Yin.


The head of the Dragon spider clan bows to answer.

The young boy gave a cold hum, ignored the Dragon spider clan leader, glanced at the river Styx in front of him, pushed his palms forward, and said: "gilded sun!"As soon as the roar falls, the golden awn is striking in the young palm of the child's hand, and the endless golden awn rises to the sky, covering everything around him.

A golden sun slowly rises, condenses on the top of the child's head, releasing a huge sense of prestige.

The heat wave from the golden sun is beyond description!

It's not over yet. When a round of golden sun condenses out, the young children excite their spiritual power and call out another round of golden sun.

With the continuous casting of the young child, a total of nine rounds of golden sun were summoned by him, releasing the overwhelming heat wave, and the surrounding space was twisting and rotating.

"Nine days to burn the sky!"

The child continued to make a mysterious seal towards the nine golden sun. The nine golden sun immediately turned into a huge circular array, and continued to expand and spread, sweeping over the river Styx.

"Buzz, buzz, buzz!"

The magic power released by the young child really touched the power of the law of the land of Nanyuan. The whole Styx was shaking, the river was pouring backward, and the foul air was rushing to the sky.

The spatial energy in the Styx is producing great fluctuations.


All of a sudden, a dull sound pierces the eardrum. A large mysterious blood light suddenly emerges in the sky of Styx river. It collides with the golden array formed by nine rounds of hot sun. The terrible energy makes the surrounding space crumble and shake.

It's unbelievable that this child's magic power can really shake the power of the law left by the goddess of the Styx!

The head of the Dragon spider clan on one side was stunned. Lord Wujin was worthy of being the spirit insect of the Lord. He had such terrible ability.

Only with the ability to carry the power of the law, I'm afraid that no friar in the ancient spiritual world was the opponent of Lord Wujin except Zhang Daoling and the ancestors of the Zhenlong people.

"Boom boom!"

Just as the head of the Dragon spider clan was ready to watch a good play, the sound of riot suddenly came from the sea of corpses in the rear.


The head of the Dragon spider tribe was immediately alert and cried out.

I saw a golden storm coming rapidly from behind. Where the storm passed, all the fierce insects nearby were killed into blood fog.

"True spirit, golden winged Mirs!"

After seeing the magnificent golden Mirs in the golden storm, the Dragon spider clan leader was shocked.

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