My Perfect Life

Chapter 3011: 3016

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It's not that xuanxiao's real strength is poor. He used to be an immortal who could fight with the rebuilt Taiyi immortal.

The main reason is that xuanxiao's soul and body merge with Xuanying's body, which is a serious hindrance. Xuanying can only be regarded as an ordinary body. It has not been cultivated into an immortal body. It can't carry much power of xuanxiao's soul, so it can't exert much combat power.

Xuanxiao was poisoned by Chiyang's curse before. Until now, xuanxiao's body hasn't got rid of the curse.

"Feiye goddess, xuanxiao, thank you for saving me. But you save me and insult me are two different things. I will repay the kindness of saving my life and the humiliation in the future

Xuanxiao doesn't want to irritate the goddess of the Styx even though he is depressed. He has to put down this sentence. Xuanxiao's whole personality turns into a streamer and disappears in the sky.

At the thought of losing to Chiyang before, xuanxiao really feels very ashamed, and doesn't want to appear again in front of Shen Lang and others.

"Ah, master xuanxiao!"

Shen Lang wants to shout xuanxiao, but xuanxiao has left.

In fact, Shen Lang didn't look down at xuanxiao in his heart. Instead, he thanks xuanxiao for his help. Otherwise, the army of friars in the ten thousand demon League would no longer exist.

The delicate appearance of the goddess of the netherworld does not have a ripple, and it gives a faint light to the twelve blood lotus around her body.


Twelve blood lotus rose in the air, opened a blood color space vortex on the head of the goddess of Styx.

Without saying a word, the goddess of Styx flies directly into the vortex of blood color space, followed by Bai Lan.

Seeing this, Shen Lang picks up the Seven Saints' tidal chart and Chiyang's storage ring, and immediately sends a message to Su Ruoxue, xiaorou and Ouyang Changfeng. They enter into the vortex of bloody space and go to the reincarnation mountain of ghost world.


Today's reincarnation mountain is in a mess. The mountain collapses, the black water of reincarnation well goes against the current, a large number of dead gas erupts in the damaged reincarnation tunnel, and the kids walk in disorder.

The ghosts and dead air all over the sky, like the sea waves, rush out from the mountain. They are as vast as the sea. They make people shiver and cry.

Not long ago, kutuo monk, Gu Yue, Shenxiu, Shengjun on a snowy night, Yunhe Laozu and other friars led 50 million demon Alliance troops to the ghost world reincarnation mountain through the broken boundary channel made by Huang Feng's broken boundary flag.

Seeing the tragic situation of the collapse of reincarnation mountain, all the monks felt cold.

If only the mountain was collapsed a little, it might be saved. But reincarnation mountain has been destroyed in this way, in any case, they can not repair it.

The lonely moon sighed: "look at the present situation, if you want to restore the land of samsara, I'm afraid it's impossible."

On a snowy night, the emperor said calmly, "hum, with our strength, not to mention repairing reincarnation mountain, we may not even be able to stop the spread of death."

The elder of Yunhe shook his head and said, "it seems that the decline of the three realms is doomed. Let's try our best to leave the three realms and go to other interfaces in the star realm to find a place to live. I urge you to prepare for your ascent as soon as possible and leave this place doomed to decline! "

They didn't want to participate in the dispute for a long time. Unfortunately, they were shot while lying down, and they were still involved in the war.

Fortunately, Yunhe ancestor, as the top real spirit, has the ability to travel through the stars. If the crisis cannot be solved, he can still take the Kunpeng clan leader to leave the three realms.

Shen Xiu put his hands together and said in a deep voice: "Amitabha, I suggest you Taoist friends not to give up hope. Elder brother Shen Lang said earlier that he would ask the goddess of Styx to help. If the goddess can really come out of the tomb to help, the reincarnation mountain will be restored. "

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The ancestor of Yunhe frowned and said, "it's not easy to say that? It is said that the goddess of the Styx river has been sleeping in her tomb. She is a dead body. How can she help us

"What's more, there is a great army of holy world in Nanyuan. When several of Shen Lang's Taoist friends come to Nanyuan and invite the goddess of the Styx River, the death of the three worlds may have invaded the earth. "

Lonely month calm way: "cloud river way friend, don't be so pessimistic.". The purpose of our coming to reincarnation mountain is to stop the spread of death and buy time for Shen Lang. If you have any dissatisfaction or objection, you can leave first. "

As soon as the words came out, the old ancestor of Yunhe touched his nose and said nothing.

Although all the friars of the ten thousand demon alliance have great trust in Shen Lang's strength, the ancestor of Yunhe didn't take part in the fight with Chiyang. He has some worries in his heart and doesn't understand why Shen Lang is so trusted by the friars of the ten thousand demon alliance.

"My Buddha is merciful. I hope benefactor Shen can invite the goddess of Styx. Before that, no matter how you make your decision, I will do my best to seal the reincarnation mountain and control the continuous spread of death

Kutuo monk did not want to waste his time, so he immediately sacrificed the scattered lanterns.

"Buddha fire heart lamp, eighteen bronze men array!"

Kutuo monk put his hands together, and a large amount of blood appeared in his body and poured into the scattered flower lantern. The Buddha's fire heart lamp released the colorful light of Buddha, which covered everything.

In the dazzling light of the Buddha, a huge shadow of arhat soars to the sky and flies to the southeast, northwest and other corners of reincarnation mountain.As the kutuo monk continued to burn his own blood essence and spirit, the eighteen Lord Arhats gathered together and made different Dharma Seals one after another, opening up a space of Buddha light, covering the whole reincarnation mountain, suppressing the dead air from the reincarnation tunnel.

The Buddha light spreading over the reincarnation mountain really has the ability to suppress the dead air. The dead air surging out like a sea wave is greatly scattered and contracted after being illuminated by the Buddha light.

There is no more suitable array for suppressing death than the eighteen bronze man array in the three realms. Kutuo monk knew that this array would do great harm to himself, but he chose to sacrifice himself for the hope of the three realms.

"Kutuo Daoyou, you

Seeing that kutuo monk did not hesitate to burn his own spirit to cast out the eighteen bronze man array, the emperor's face suddenly changed on a snowy night.

Although the eighteen bronze men array is powerful, it needs kutuo monk's life as a price.

On a snowy night, the emperor wanted to dissuade him, but seeing the determined expression of kutuo monk, he sighed a little in his heart.

"Kutuo Taoist friend, since this is your long cherished wish, I will help you with all my strength!"

On a snowy night, the emperor's eyes closed slightly and drank softly: "snow covers the sky!"

In a flash, a fierce snowstorm swept across the sky, and a large area of cold awn formed a space of ice and snow, covering all around reincarnation mountain.

The extreme cold ice and snow space can not prevent the dead gas from erupting from the reincarnation tunnel, but can slow down the escape speed of the dead gas.


Shenxiu's heart is cut like a knife. He clenches his teeth and incarnates into the real body of Fu Hu Luo Han. The light of Buddha gushes out from his body and suppresses the death around reincarnation mountain.

"The Taoist friend Gao Yi is admired by Yun."

The ancestor of Yunhe was infected by kutuo monk's great virtue of sacrificing himself to others. He also tried his best to exert his space magic power to seal the source of death.

Seeing that kutuo monk didn't hesitate to burn his spirit to suppress the spirit of death, Gu Yue was awed and immediately ordered the army of 50 million monks of the ten thousand demon alliance to set up a large seal array to seal the whole reincarnation mountain to prevent the spread of the spirit of death.

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