My Perfect Life

Chapter 3543: 3548

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The central square of wuzhuangguan is magnificent and beautiful, with a square of more than a thousand miles.

This place should be the Taoist center of Yuanzi in dizu town.

The most conspicuous is a towering ancient tree growing in the center of the square. The ancient tree is 100000 feet high, and the trunk near the root is 1000 meters wide, emitting a strong energy fluctuation!

The root of the ancient tree is bluish gray, but above the root it turns blood red. The leaves of the ancient trees are pale gold, two meters long. Hundreds of gourd like fruits are scattered on the branches, all half a meter long.

Looking closely, the gourd shaped fruit is not just a blood baby! The blood babies on the trees seemed to fall into a deep sleep and curled up one after another, so they looked like gourds.

Looking at it, almost all the fruits are stained with blood, which seems not very clean. There are only three gourd like fruits hanging on the branch at the top, which emit holy and gorgeous white light, which is quite different from other fruits stained with blood.

Shen Lang and yuluocha who rush into the square are attracted by the towering ancient tree in the center of the square at first sight.

There is no doubt that this ancient tree with amazing energy must be ginseng fruit tree!

After all, Wanshou mountain in the past was not a school, but a place for zhenyuanzi's Qingxiu. Ginseng fruit tree, as the most famous immortal tree in Wuzhuang temple, is planted in the center of the temple.

But what makes people feel strange is that this ginseng fruit tree is growing too "luxuriantly", which is completely different from the description in ancient books. The roots of the fruit tree are almost all over the square, and even break out from the crystal ground around the square.

Right in front of the square is a majestic purple gold palace, but it is covered by the blood wood from the roots of ginseng fruit trees. Outside the palace, there are two vivid statues of children, one in purple and the other in green. The two statues are extraordinary and come out of the dust.

In addition to the palace in front of the square, there are miscellaneous buildings around the square, such as altars and side halls, but they are all turned into ruins. On the southwest side of the square, there is a huge Dan furnace, in which there seems to be a flash of fire.

Shen Lang quickly glanced around the square. Before he had time to see more, several blood babies in the rear had already broken the air to chase him.

"Wu Wu Wu!"

After a few blood baby mouth issued a crazy harsh roar, and began to wake up the companion.

When Shen Lang and Yu Luocha heard the roar, their faces became extremely ugly.

The most worrying thing for them happened after all.

There was a violent shaking in the ginseng fruit tree, and the blood baby fruits on the tree woke up one after another. Two blood colored flames came out of two small eyes, and a fierce and violent shrill sound came out of the mouth.

It's not over yet. On the ground of the square, there are dozens of living blood babies! The living blood babies whose back is connected with the rhizome are smaller than the fruit of the blood babies on the tree, and they seem to be immature.

These immature blood babies also yelled at Shen Lang and Yu Luo Cha, showing great hostility.

"It's over!"

Shen Lang and Yu Luo Cha are shocked and pale, and their hearts are half cold.

It's really a doomsday scene. They can't deal with such a large number of blood babies in the square.

Both of them turned back, but it was too late.

The entrance of the square has been blocked by the chasing blood babies. After blocking shenlang and yuluocha, the blood babies even make faces at them, and then roll excitedly, as if laughing at them.

These blood babies, like children, still have a little intelligence.

There are wolves in front and tigers behind. Shen Lang and Yu Luocha have been forced to the end.

Looking at the panic of Shen Lang and Yu Luocha, the blood baby in the square also shows a mocking expression. It seems that they treat them as playthings, but they are not in a hurry to kill them.

The immature blood baby fleeing from the ground of the square licked his blood stained lips and approached shenlang and yuluocha step by step. His fierce eyes were like staring at the prey. He wanted to swallow them up.

"What to do?"

Shen Lang's heart was already shaking, and he asked to yuluocha.

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"If I knew what to do, would I stand here?"

The jade Luo Cha doesn't have good spirit of say, snow-white neck exudes a silk sweat bead, corroborate the tension in the heart.

"It's not that you insist on going deep into Wuzhuang temple. We haven't found out the threat in it at all!" Shen Lang complained.

Yuluocha snorted coldly: "it's none of my business. You want to follow me."

"Damn, are you really going to die here today?"

Shen Lang gnashes his teeth, and his heart is full of reluctance.

"Even if I die, I will die with you. I don't know what evil I have done in my previous life!"

Yuluocha's face is full of grief and indignation. He thinks that this kind of death method is better than suicide.

Shen Lang opened the holy devil's eye and looked around quickly. He was unwilling to say, "Damn, is there really no way to get out of trouble?"Just as Shen Lang was trying to think about the way to get out of trouble, yuluocha focused on the palace in front of the square. Anyway, it's dead now. It's better to fight a way to escape to the palace.

If you can hide in the palace, you will have a chance of life!

"Take your time, I'll go first!"

Yuluocha turned into a white light, trying to break through the siege and escape to the palace in front of the square.

Shen Lang Ming's intention of white jade Rocha, his eyes burst out, roared: "jade Rocha, are you crazy?"

There are too many blood babies in the square. It's absolutely a death seeking act to break through.

Sure enough, as Shen Lang expected, before yuluocha took a few steps, dozens of blood babies approaching her attacked one after another and spewed out a large amount of blood light.

In a flash, the blood light all over the sky rolled to yuluocha like a river and a sea.

"Real body of Luocha!"

Yuluocha broke his silver teeth, and his mouth gave out a loud voice, and his whole body was black.

In a large number of black awn bath, yuluocha overdraft vitality, blood essence into body length tens of thousands of feet, wearing black armor Luocha female martial god!

She tried to break through the siege with the defense of Luocha nvwushen.

The idea is beautiful, the reality is cruel.

Every blood baby in the square is as powerful as the later friars of Tianxian, and the female martial god of Luocha is instantly engulfed by endless blood light.

"Boom boom!"

In the deafening sound of blood light burst, Luocha nvwushen's body burst and was instantly hit back to its original shape.

Under the impact of the blood light, yuluocha's body was almost torn, and his whole body was blurred. His delicate body was knocked down on the wall on one side of the square.

Shen Lang also suffered a lot of blood light impact, and the Golden Jade clothes on his body surface broke completely after a few breath, and his whole body was torn out of countless bloodstains.

After a wave of attack, a large number of immature blood baby fruits rush towards yuluocha and Shen Langfei, and can't wait to eat their bodies and spirits.

"It's over!"

Shen Lang struggled to get up from the ground, and saw dozens of blood babies coming. Shen Lang's face was pale and his eyes were desperate.

At this critical moment, a mysterious voice suddenly came into Shen Lang's ear: "if you don't want to die Come to the southwest corner of the square as soon as possible... "

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